Human Resources

There’s a lot that goes into job hunting these days. It can often feel overwhelming – among other things, you’ll need a pristine resume that showcases your skills and accomplishments, a cover letter that describes your interest in a specific position, and an updated LinkedIn profile. If that wasn’t enough, you’ll need to think about …
Executive resume writing businesses pride themselves on ensuring maximum customer satisfaction. A well written resume should increase the volume of interested calls from hiring managers. This equates to more interviews and ultimately improves the possibility of landing desired roles.  Most businesses provide more than one service. They’ll have specialist writer(s) who will create an engaging …

More in Human Resources

You get a resignation notice from a top performing manager. You weren't prepared. You have been talking about succession planning, but other priorities got in the way. Now you have the notice. So what do you? This is an important role and will be key to the future success of the company. Knowing the spot can't go vacant, you take a look at the team and offer the position to the top performer. The top performer tells you he's not ready. You know that he will be fine. You tell him that, hand him a set of keys and get busy on those other priorities.
A few months later as I was looking in the mirror, I realized that my skin seemed better that day. In fact, it was almost clear. And even as I stood there with the evidence right in front of me, I wasn't connecting the dots. I wasn't making a connection. As I reached for my make-up, it hit me. I never stopped using the make-up I had used for the past twelve years. I had changed everything else I put on my face, but I was still using the same make-up. What if it was the make-up that was causing my condition? I hadn't even considered it since the product I was using was specifically designed for my condition. But here it was, the evidence right in front of me. I realized that in the previous two days, I hadn't worn any make-up. And now my face was clear (well, almost clear).
Human Resource professionals are often given the task to create performance management systems. One would expect these systems should focus on the individual and organizational performance needed to achieve the organization's targets and goals. However, it seems that often times these systems are counter-productive and result in anything but higher levels of achievement consistently and across all areas of the organization.
From time to time most teams experience a falling out among team members. If not quickly resolved this can have a significant impact not just on the people in dispute but also on their colleagues. Here are a few thoughts to help your team to deal with the discord:
Continual learning is essential for survival in the workplace-instruction in the form of training is not. For workers who are already able to do what is expected of them, but are not performing to expectations, training is not the answer." Robert F Mager as quoted in the ASTD Handbook for Workplace Learning Professionals p. 173
I was approached recently to train medical staff how to give patients and family members bad news. I asked why this consortium of trainers thought I was a good choice for this. The answer: because I was an actor. I knew how to be someone else. Did I leave my body and my feelings behind? …
Tom in The Glass Menagerie wants to know how the magician or anyone can “find a way out of coffin that is nailed shut without removing one nail,” or you could say how to find “a way up the slippery slope.” Work and work relationships can do more harm than good. This is one such …