The Difference Between a Good Trainer and a Great Trainer


As I often get my inspiration from networking with other training professionals, I ran across a response to a question posted on LinkedIn. This question comes up for time to time, and it’s a good question: What is the difference between a good trainer and a great trainer? I found Avinash Naidu’s answer to be exactly what I was looking for so I rushed out and asked him if I could use his response.

Of course I didn’t fly all the way to Bangalore, India. I used e-mail, and he graciously gave me permission.

Avinash Naidu’s institution, Maarga Life Foundation, a premiere life skills institute in India, is transforming the lives of people by teaching them key skills that is helping them lead successful and happy lives. As you are reading this, he is out there solving emotional problems of people, mentoring, coaching and conducting training programs for corporations.

Avinash Naidu is impressive. He began the Maarga Life Foundation, one of India’s premier training organizations at age 24.

“There is very little to debate on while deciding between a good and a bad trainer (in the context of training). The problem arises when we have to choose between a good and a great trainer. Anybody who is passionate about training can deliver a good program, but only a selected few can combine passion, intelligence, commitment, and cutting-edge skills to deliver programs of lasting value.

“Here is a common misconception while judging the value of a training program. If the trainer is able to engage the attendees throughout the session, and is able to create a wow factor by the end of the program, he/she is usually considered to be a great trainer. But, nothing can be further from the truth. A training program’s real worth can only be judged based on the lasting value it is able to create. Almost all trainers, with a little effort, would be able to create that wow factor. Most companies fall into the trap of believing that an engaging program is a great program. I believe that if engagement is the most important criteria, then attendees are better off watching a meaningful two-hour movie than attending a day long training program! Great trainers have the ability to move beyond engagement levels to create programs of lasting value.

“Here is one way of delivering an outstanding program of lasting value. Firstly, even before starting the subject of discussion, powerful learning states have to be created by getting the attendees on to thinking, analyzing, learning and interpreting mode. This is absolutely necessary to move the attendees from a judgmental mode to an accepting mode. Secondly, the golden rule of communication has to be followed –that is, if you want to influence somebody, you already have to know what influences them.

“First few hours of the training program should be dedicated to understand more about the attendee’s interests, aspirations, beliefs and influencing factors. Once the basic rapport has been established, important ideas have to be conveyed and the attendees should be allowed to present their interpretations. This process has to be followed to convey all new ideas – build rapport, present the idea, accept the interpretations. Finally, the trainer should use this entire process to create strong, unforgettable mental images that the attendees can hold on to long after the training program has ended. The ability to artfully do this differentiates an ordinary trainer from an extraordinary one.”

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

If you would like more information on Avanish Naidu or his Foundation, click here.

As for Jack Shaw, his training blogs can be found on this site, and related blogs on other topics through his Actingsmarts website under What I Say. For a look at the human side of training from his Cave Man perspective, please check out his book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. Happy training.

Mentoring: Ripe for Training


Today mentors can and should provide expertise to protégés (males) or protégées (females)–essentially less experienced individuals to help them advance their careers, enhance their education, and build their networks. While mentoring is an important aspect to leadership training, it does not hold to a typical training environment or process; however, its tradition has existed even longer than traditional training.

Wikipedia always comes to the rescue when you need immediate clarification and not too much depth. It describes “mentoring” as a process that always involves communication and is relationship based, but its precise definition is elusive. There are two basic types of mentoring involving the training and development process that we are concerned with in this forum:

  1. the new-hire mentor. In this case, a more experienced person, not necessarily one of the people high up in the company heirarchy but high enough “sponsors” a new employee, giving them a polite tour of the corporate culture and then there is
  2. the high-potential mentorship. Usually, when we think of mentoring, we think of this kind–where especially selected employees are offered the opportunity to develop a relationship with a senior leader.
The new-hire mentor, as a mid-level employee, has nothing to lose and everything to gain if he treats his own mentee to real training, and guides him or her in the same way as the higher-level mentor; and his mentee would be a fool not to accept it.

Both fit Wikipedia’s general definition: “Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé).”

Even so, can you train mentors and mentees to maximize the benefit and miss the formality imposed by training?

I think it’s possible, but there has to be some structure–points that focus and provide opportunities for mentees to learn important points of interpersonal and public communication, problem-solving/leadership techniques, company technical expertise and time management.

The only difference here and regular training is that the mentor is the trainer. Once the mentor is aware of the need for this focus, most leaders/senior management understand the need for training, and some would even welcome some structure to a system that is still sorting itself out.

Let’s face it: a mentor with a plan–that’s training. The new-hire mentor, as a mid-level employee, has nothing to lose and everything to gain if he treats his own mentee to real training, and guides him or her in the same way as the higher-level mentor; and his mentee would be a fool not to accept it. In the case of a high-potential mentorship, the bigger problem may actually be the trainee, the protégé or protégée–better known as the mentee who feels entitled to special treatment.

In this situation, we simply can’t train for the mentee position; someone has to be anointed–which, by the way, is not intended to be a negative sense. By virtue of being in that prime position, we may have someone who will only take direction from his or her mentor. That is why it is the mentor that must “do” the training.

To be one of the “anointed ones,” someone has to be noticed–having those qualities perceived by the the company or its leaders as “the right stuff” to be a leader of the future. That being said, it is important to note that Tom Wolfe’s novel, The Right Stuff, about the early space program is not about those men who do, in fact, have “the right stuff” defined by what is needed to fly a rocket into space, but rather what is perceived by the public as “the right stuff.” We know now that the Mercury astronauts were not selected for their ability to fly jets, but rather their reputation, and physical ability to take the rigors of space. Monkeys and dogs did sit in the same place and perform the same functions.

Unlike Wolfe’s message, which was not one of promise or fulfillment, the mentor program of today–just like the mentor program of days long past–still strive to select the very best and make it work. No one will argue the importance of such a program to the retention of key personnel and corporate knowledge.

A mentor will sometimes see himself or herself in an employee and decide this person with their guidance and wisdom can one day run the company. To make the mentoring process work, there has to be a deliberate effort to mold and shape an individual. Shadowing alone is not enough. Training mentors to train their mentees may be one way. Mentors who take the job seriously stand to do great things for a company’s future and much for their own legacy.

Mentoring in Europe has existed since at least Ancient Greek times. It’s really only since the 1970s that mentorism has spread in the United States, mainly in leadership training contexts. It has been described as “an innovation in American management.” If done well, the mentoring process will indeed serve the individual by providing the necessary exposure to the reality, the best training an employee can have, i.e., the experiential training needed to do the job.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

For a look at the human side of training from my Cave Man perspective, please check out my book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. Happy training.

Learner-Centered Training Part 4

If you have been following the series on Learner-Centered Training, you have already read about the first two steps in creating this environment. The third step is the practice phase. This is a crtical step in the training as it is where learning transfer takes place. It is also critical in this phase to remove the roadblocks to successful transfer and application. Below are a few examles:
  • No immediate need to apply the learning on the job.
  • No support system to reinforce the learning.
  • Lack of cultural support for the new learning.
  • Lack of reward for applying new learning.
  • Lack of consequences for failing to apply new learning.
Only 5% of classroom learning is retained without reinforcement and coaching  There a number of ways that you can take to esnure successful transfer or integration of the learning. It is important to reinforce the learning during and after the training session.
Building Integration that Removes Barriers During the Session

  • Job Related Simulations
  • Problem-Solving cases using real business issues
  • Evaluation of learning-tests, quizzes, demonstrations, etc.
  • Have participants create detailed action plans of how they can use the learning on the job
  • Have learners create job aides for their new learning
  • Schedule follow-up conversations or coaching sessions to review transfer on the job.
After the Session

  • Set up group follow-up sessions with learners to share their experiences implementing the learning (can be done remotely if needed)
  • Partner learners with a mentor
  • Use tip of week reminders that can be delivered in any media format
  • Start a blog or wiki following the training for learners to post best practices and success stories
  • Involve and train managers and leaders to support the learning
  • Reward managers who support training and participants who demonstrate the skills and knowledge
  • Use metrics and evaluations to determine results

What other ideas do you have? What can you share?


For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz.




Tips and Tricks of an Effective Trainer

We, at the Free Management Library like to share other views as well and use Guest Bloggers. Gena Taylor of Maestro eLearning is the guest blogger for Training and Development. She interviewed Becca Hammer, the Director of Training at Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and JS Online.

Gena’s interview with Becca explores the difficulties of being a trainer and how to overcome them, along with tips and advice to make your training more effective and even more engaging.

Q. What inspired you to become a professional trainer?

I started my career in advertising sales at a small daily newspaper. I then went to sell advertising at The Kansas City Star where I sold to both small mom and pop businesses and eventually some of our largest healthcare customers. I have a deep appreciation for how businesses at every level approach the market and the promotion of their businesses.

In 1997 I became a volunteer for Junior Achievement. I took on the notoriously wiggly classrooms of first, second and third graders. What I discovered was that after every JA session I facilitated was that I felt exhilarated and ready to tackle the day. Teaching was fun! This was something I really liked.

In doing an annual career assessment, you know, that “where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years?” question; I took a long look at how much longer the selling of advertising was going to continue to satisfy my desire to grow. The pieces started coming together. I am a self admitted know-it-all and always want to know more and liked being the person co-workers would turn to with questions. Couple that with a passion for sales and a genuine interest in helping people understand concepts, and viola! – a trainer was born.

Since my start as a trainer doing on-boarding and New Hire training I have developed and trained sales people on consultative selling, online advertising, what makes advertising work, how to set budgets, how to measure results, countless product training sessions and much more. My position as a trainer has also lead to stints reporting to HR where I developed programs to teach: ethics training (why, yes, yes it can be fun), Basic Business Acumen, ongoing coaching and development, difficult conversations, annual reviews that make sense and almost anything else that needed to be trained on.

Becoming a trainer has been completely the right decision for me. I believe that very few people are doing what they do best and love. I am one of the lucky few that springs out of bed every day that I know I get to be involved in training!

Q. How do you make your training materials exciting and engaging for your audience?

Before I begin developing the training, I really try to understand what we need to happen as a result of the training and WHY that isn’t currently happening. When I can engage an audience right off the bat with their issues, demonstrate that I understand their pain and why it causes such a problem, I can usually get buy-in and they are more likely to stay with me.

As I describe the issue at hand I like to develop analogies. Often times, a training attendee is too close to the situation to see the bigger picture and why what they are doing isn’t working so if I can tell them a story that helps them see their issue through a different lens, it helps them see the problem for what it is.

For a team struggling with identifying a customer’s need in the consultative selling process, the analogy might sound like this:

“Imagine you go to your doctor’s office and when the doctor comes in and asks you how you are you tell her that you have a headache she says, “Aspirin, you need aspirin.”

And you say, “Well ok, but do you think that will work, it’s a throbbing pain.”
And the doctor replies, “Aspirin. Definitely aspirin.”

Well, you are reluctant but she is the expert and went to medical school and she should know what she’s talking about so you agree to take some aspirin hoping it would fix your problem.

She cheerfully tells you to have a nice day as she heads out of the room satisfied in knowing that she has cured another patient as you finally ask, “Should I try to take the knife out of my head myself?”

Then I ask the team, “how many times have you prescribed ‘aspirin’ to your customer who really needed surgery?” Everyone laughs and then we go into the value of asking questions and how you become the “Sales Doctor.”

The visual to go along with this story are rapid-fire single image slides of patient, doctor, aspirin, patient, doctor, aspirin, question marks, patient with knife. It’s effective.

I will vary the impact of visuals so that sometimes the images go in rapid fire succession, then alternate with numbered lists or information pieces so that it never becomes a typical PowerPoint slideshow.

Q. Do you have certain tricks you use to make your audience more interactive?

I believe that having an audience that participates helps in retention of the material, so I work hard to make sure they are participating. There are several things I do to keep them engaged and active, including standards like breaking them up into groups to do small discussions. I like to get them out of their chairs and moving by posting big flip chart pages around the room and have them do a “gallery walk” where they can comment or vote on the items on the page. I then have one of the participants co-facilitate the comments to the rest of the group. Even if that is just reading the comments then we discuss the importance or value of the issue. It lets the audience know that at any time they may be called on to “help.”

Humor helps too. If there is a learner who has not commented at all and seems to be detached from the group, I will stop and call on them as if they had raised their hand to comment. When they say, “oh nothing, I didn’t have anything to say,” I will say something like, “You made eye contact. Every trainer knows that they only time that people make eye contact with them is if they want to say something. Did I read that wrong?” It lightens the mood and indicates to the people that I am plugged into them.

If I can’t get anyone to say anything, I have become an expert at playing the silence card. After what seems like an unbelievably long uncomfortable silence (maybe 1-15 seconds) I will say, “perhaps you misunderstood, this is the part where YOU get to talk.” Then I repeat the question, and wait. I have told quiet groups, “I’m here for the duration, the more you talk, the faster we get done.” They always start talking after that!

When hosting online training it is very difficult to know if your audience is engaged, so I try to put little interactive quizzes peppered throughout the session. They can be a quick review of the material we just covered, opinion polls, guessing games, just anything that breaks up the material and keeps attendees attention.

Q. How has training changed from the past to present? Where do you think it will go in the future?

When I first started as a sales rep, training was typically classroom, off-the-shelf, non-customized material that could be used by any one. Sales training emphasized gimmicks and techniques to get people to buy your product with you and display your product as the main “winner,” as if sales were a win-lose proposition. Training was also thought of as a “have-to” by attendees that was meant to “fix” them. It was assumed that one 2-hour training session would cure what ailed an employee and they would make improvements as a result of a training session alone.

Happily, at many organizations, training has lost a lot of those characteristics. Training is much more customizable than it previously was; more so if you have a staff trainer who can also build training. There is also an understanding that sales training has to come out as a win-win if you want to have any hope of continuing the relationship and make future sales.

It has taken countless hours and untold wasted dollars, but organizations that get it right have learned that training is just the start. They realize that training, without specific desired outcomes and consistent follow up, is just a waste of time and money. Companies have learned that to have successful execution of strategic plans that training and coaching employees and then training them some more is a key element to success.

Two of the most important changes in training over the past 10 to 15 years have been the way training is delivered and the expectation of training by employees. With technological advances, training can be done in-person, over the web or in a pod-cast. It can be done when it works for the employee and not when the trainer schedules it. Groups in the same building or across the globe can all participate simultaneously and interactively.

Thanks to nearly two generations who have never been without computers and constant access to learning opportunities, training has become something strongly desired by many employees instead of something seen as a waste of time or requirement. We consistently see in employee engagement surveys that employees demand access to training and development. Interviewees consistently ask what the on-boarding and continuing training programs look like at our company. It’s a good time to be in the training business!

Q. Do you have any tips your would offer other trainers?

Attend as much training as you can, not only to constantly learn new things, but so that you can see how others are effectively (or maybe-not-so effectively) getting the message out. This especially applies to online training. It seems as if there are many classroom facilitators who have been thrown into online training and have not adjusted their delivery to suit the needs of an online audience.

Challenge yourself to try new things in your training. Just today I was reminded of the saying, “Sometimes when you think you are in a groove you are really in a rut.” Are you still communicating that new hire training material effectively after delivering it sixty-five times the exact same way? What small changes can you add that make the material more relevant, more engaging or more helpful so that the participants understand it better?

The most powerful way I have found to improve is to videotape myself doing training. There is just nothing under the sun that can communicate what you can change faster or more effectively than seeing it on video. Once you get past how mortifying it is to see yourself fidgeting with the pen, dancing, swaying or standing like a statue the quicker you can get on to being the rock star trainer you know you are.

Q. What kind of literature inspires you?

Since I love learning about sales and presentations I like to follow Jeffery Gitomer to make me smarter in not only how to sell but how to very effectively market and present a business, I like to watch videos on TED to watch how people of influence spread their message. There are a couple of training groups on LinkedIn that I find to be very worthwhile. When it comes to community groups that you find on LinkedIn, I prefer discussions that are moderated so the content stays timely and on topic and doesn’t stray to self-promotion.

I subscribe to any industry e-newsletter that I can that I think can help me be more knowledgeable about training, advertising and sales. I can’t always read every one of them in depth but I dedicate time each day to learning more about what I do.

Maestro eLearning is a customer service company in the business of creating custom online training courses. They’re collaborating with industry professionals to deliver more value in their series “Trainer Talks.” If you would like to participate in an interview, contact [email protected].

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

If you would like an opportunity to guest blog on training and development topics, contact me through the email on my website or my profile on LinkedIn. For a look at the human side of training from my Cave Man perspective, please check out my book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. Happy training.

Selecting the Right Trainer


One would think that of all the training needs facing an organization, selecting a trainer would be the simplest, a matter of hiring the right person for the job. While selecting the right trainer is not as simple as it seems, the task can be made easier if you think about what your company or organization needs in the way of training and explore the best delivery methods for your employees.

Jeff Turner begins his article, Choosing the Right Corporate Training, this way:

“According to a Gallup Poll, 80 percent of employees said the availability of company-sponsored training programs was a factor in deciding whether to accept a new job or stick with a current one. And yet the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the average number of hours of formal training per employee per year is only 10.7.

More companies are starting to realize that it’s smart to invest in training, but faced with so many choices, how can an organization make sure it’s getting the most out of its educational investment?”

There are experts at evaluating what a company or organization needs in the way of training, and can recommend a training plan.

And, he’s right. Organizations have a lot of research to do in deciding how to spend their training dollars and getting the most for their investments. However, while his article focuses on the many options a company has regarding training, I’m going to focus more specifically on selecting the right trainer.

The right trainer can lead your entire effort if that is what your organizational training assessment tells you need, or that trainer can be a short-term solution for your training needs. Still you have to decide what your company needs. Help for hire is available from many companies specializing in working with companies on training solutions.

There are experts at evaluating what a company or organization needs in the way of training, and can recommend a training plan. They have specialized in those assessment aspects of training, but you should look at them for experience with similar companies before hiring, and check out their track record of success.

Does your company already have a training director or coordinator–someone tasked with monitoring the training needs of the organization? Or, do you want someone who can come in, and after a proper grounding on what your company or corporation does, analyze your situation and tell you what you need? Or, are you subject-matter specific? How to do a specific job better?

Trainers, like companies, come in all sizes and manner of expertise. From one-time training on specific or general skills to providing all the training in various formats your company needs.

Does the training have to be in-house or could you provide options for employees to take training at a local college and reimburse them for the cost?

Would your company benefit from hiring someone full-time rather than contract the work or position–the advantage being the full-time employee is vested in the company’s success? That is not to say, a training company or trainer for hire is not going to do a good job, but both hires will be specific to what is in the contract. A full-time employee may lack certain expertise (no one knows everything) and have to contract some training or analysis out, but can also be depended on to do whatever else is required without necessarily a change of contract.

Does the training have to be in-house or could you provide options for employees to take training at a local college and reimburse them for the cost? Is it a one-time training for every employee? Is it ongoing training that will change periodically? Does the training require subject-matter expertise specific to the company or a particular field, say engineering? These factors influence who you choose.

One option useful for companies that deal in specific or technical knowledge but do not have the in-house ability to pass on that knowledge effectively to new employees is to bring in an expert communicator or facilitator to work with a subject-matter expert in training employees. See my previous article, Training Sessions and Seminars: Who Should Do the Most Talking.

Other articles I have written in this series focus on the value of the trainer as a communicator in relation to subject-matter experts as well as aspects of communicating effectively and motivating employees, which is not necessarily the job of a subject-matter expert.

A smaller firm, perhaps a break-away from a larger company may have the expertise but not the established record yet is anxious to do a good job and for less money in order to earn its place.

My article, What Would a Caveman DO – How We Know What We Do About Training, focuses on the value of bringing in a trainer from outside your organization that has new ideas or a different perspective. Everything a caveman learned came from outside sources and that was the traditional way to learn from others in prehistoric times, but today bringing in someone from outside or going outside for training is considered non-traditional. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages; the outsider has the advantage of a fresh perspective but the disadvantage of not knowing the corporate culture in your organization.

So, the question becomes is your organization looking for an infusion of new ideas, a strengthening of the company pulse, motivating or providing employees with more working knowledge. Maybe it’s all of the above and more.

My recommendation is look at your organization first and decide what you want, then widen your net–especially if you don’t have an established training group in your organization–to see what is offered outside in that area; if a single trainer or training group may work for you, look at several. Bring them in for a meeting to see how they would function for your organization and ask how they will measure results. Essentially, you want to know how you will be able to see for yourself if they have accomplished the job as promised. Most importantly look at their track record and ask for references.

Finally, while money is always a factor, here it must be weighed against potential results. An established firm may have a track record worth admiring; it will also cost more. A smaller firm, perhaps a break-away from a larger company may have the expertise but not the established record yet is anxious to do a good job and for less money in order to earn its place. As for individual trainers, the same goes. A celebrity trainer who has name recognition and will certainly be a proven communicator will cost more than an equally good trainer/communicator without the celebrity status.

Prestige costs, but efficiency, flexibility and desire to succeed don’t have to. Good hunting.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

For more insight on training, communication topics, including effective presenting and public speaking, check out my website. For a look at the human side of training from my Cave Man perspective, please check out my book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. Happy training.

Designing Training for Creative Minds


We want to change people’s minds, influence their attitudes, and pass on some new ideas.

Is it even possible to train someone to be more creative? Are we talking about minds in general. Or, vision? We are all creative in our own way. Generally if you look at programs that seek to train leaders, they focus on creativity because that results in vision. A truly creative vision can be a moneymaker for profit or nonprofit organizations. That leadership vision we are always looking for to take our company far into the 21st century.

We hire leadership from outside the company because they have a fresh eye; maybe they just have gaps that allow them fill in them with new or even unique information.

Most of us make creative decisions everyday and don’t realize it. Every time we are willing to risk the conflict by exposing our new ideas, willing to keep at developing these new ideas until we get a good feeling, and we indulge our hidden creative urges to experiment just for fun. We draw, we sing, we act. In business, when we take unrelated experiences and re-apply them in other ways or circumstances that make them unique, we are being creative.

How do you train to bring those creative results? That’s going to be our main focus, but we need to know first how to “spark” creativity before we figure out ways to train people to do it.

BNET’s Laura Vanderkam puts forth a good summary in her article, Four Ways to Spark Your Creativity, base on research on Julie Burstein’s book, Spark: How Creativity Works.

Vanderkam, quoting Burstein, says:

“Indulge your creative spirit.”

Embrace creativity’s “R&D” phase. “Creative people hold themselves open to the world around them,” Burstein says. “Many of the artists in Spark tell of an unexpected experience that had profound impact on their work.” Filmmaker Mira Nair decided to become an actress and later a director after seeing a performance of folk theater on a soccer field in her hometown in India. Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt created the signature sound of the light saber from recordings he made of his television set in his living room. “Spending time observing and listening before getting to work is crucial to creativity in any field, not just in the arts,” Burstein says. “Being open to the new and the unexpected, as well as paying new attention to the familiar, is the R&D phase of creativity, and is something we all can do!”

Don’t shy from conflict. “As all of us know who work with teams, conflict can be painful and can sometimes threaten to derail our work,” says Burstein. “This is true in art, too.” In Spark, playwright Tony Kushner describes the struggles he and the team behind the musical Caroline or Change went through to finish one of the key songs in the show. This actually involved seventeen different versions and a huge group meltdown. But ultimately, Kushner told Studio 360 that the struggle to write it was as great a source of pride as the song itself. “In creative work, perhaps in all work, it’s essential to look at the conflicts as an opportunity for growth, a place where change must happen – which leads to new work,” says Burstein.

Get moving. “Too often, when faced with an intractable problem, we just keep hammering at it,” Burstein says. “But many of the artists in Spark emphasize the need to let go of the problem for a while and do something that refreshes their imagination, in order to approach a problem with new insights.” You can run, walk, go outdoors, take a shower. All increase the likelihood you’ll get unstuck.

Indulge your “amateur spirit.” Part of creativity is learning to approach problems with a fresh eye. You can replenish yourself by seeking out challenges in other aspects of life. “I feel tremendously fortunate to have found a profession where I’m expected to learn something new all the time,” Burstein says. “But I find if I focus entirely on words, my imagination can run dry, so I feed my creativity by doing something entirely different – I make pots. I’ve studied ceramics for many years, but took a long break while my kids were small. Last year, as I was writing Spark, I took a class again. It’s fantastic to have physical work which requires a very different kind of attention from writing. And such a pleasure to be able to sit down at my computer with a cup of tea in a mug that I’ve made!”

How do you put yourself in a creative state of mind?

It seems that place is important. As in state of mind, so place meaning, where I feel free to experiment, apply the old in a new way, take risks without possible ridicule.

It seems that place is important. As in state of mind, so place meaning, where I feel free to experiment, apply the old in a new way, take risks without possible ridicule. Sounds a bit like brainstorming but without others present. We can do that–a retreat with quiet time, quiet spaces, or a place we can play our favorite music, dance around the room if need be; whatever it takes to bring us to a state of pure freedom of thought.

Do we treat introverts or extroverts differently? Is any one going to be more receptive to feeling the urge to create. Maybe the introvert needs the time alone for energy, while the extrovert needs people and stimili to energize. It makes sense since these characteristics also, in part, define introversion and extroversion. Not so much inward and outward going, but rather the place where they find their best. And we want their best.

Most problem-solving courses use a variety of techniques to allow for the variety of individual differences that make up the pool of trainees. Problem-solving offers the chance to look at different ways we process information. I referred in my last article to a psychology professor who suggested problem-solving was a matter of letting information roll around in our mind one way or another through concentration, meditation, or even prayer, allowing the brain’s creative function move it around in a creative way.

Training exercises…like meditation, work to let the ideas form unique juxtapositions that, in turn, may offer a creative solution or spark new ideas totally.

Think of dreaming as information, situations, various stimili entering your mind at a time when you are not trying to control it–your unconscious and subconscious mind reconstructs the inputs from your life and turns it into something else, something perhaps even brand new. Maybe it’s a nightmare, maybe insight or maybe a solution. That’s why any training exercise, someone can take with them and repeat it, like meditation, works to let the ideas form unique juxtapositions that, in turn, may offer a creative solution or spark new ideas totally.

Vision building is a way of looking at the status quo and finding a unique way of building upon it. So, the retreats may have hit on something there. How about opening up the retreat environment to give and encourage the participants to be most comfortable and free. Provide training in relaxation and meditation techniques to help free their mind of other pervasive thoughts. Providing meetings and informal gatherings to spur on those who thrive and derive energy in that environment.

I like what Burstein says here about her friend,Tibor Kalman, the graphic designer and multifarious auteur, who seems to have a remarkable insight into creativity.

“You don’t want to do too many projects of a similar type,” he told me. “I did two of a number of things. The first one, you fuck it up in an interesting way. The second one, you get it right. And then you’re out of there. I have sought to move into as many other fields as possible, anything that could be a step away from ‘graphic design,’ just to keep from getting bored. As long as I don’t completely know how to do something, I can do it well. And as soon as I have [completely] learned how to do something, I will do it less well, because what I do will become more obvious.”

Less is more. Filling all the gaps with information leaves us full of where we are now with little room for questions. We hire leadership from outside the company because they have a fresh eye; maybe they just have gaps that allow them fill in them with new or even unique information.

This gave me an idea for training. What about exercises look at twisting a standard, modifying a rule to be less rigid or even more rigid. Rigid enough to become a company standard, a company tradition. “We only accept the best raw material no matter the cost.” It is rigid. Could it contribute to a vision? An exercise taking one statement like that and having a leader trainee turn that into a leadership vision, company mission statement, company slogan might make a good exercise.

Now it’s your turn to provide some samples of good creativity exercises. I need to meditate some more on the subject.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

For a look at the human side of training from my Cave Man perspective, please check out my best-selling book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. Happy training.

Learner-Centered Training Part 3


After the proper learner preparation has taken place and connections have been built with the learners, the facilitator(s)’ role is to deliver the information. It is important to remember in learner-centered training that delivery should be about the learner and their learning of the material. When preparing for this phase, many facilitators, trainers or presenters spend the majority of their time on delivery of content (the presentation of material) within their control ignoring that the leaner is the most important component of this preparation. In many cases, the training is occurring to provide knowledge, skills and abilities that will help the learner achieve the company objectives. The ultimate goal of the training is most likely is to initiate a change in behavior. Since the learner is the only who can control the behavior change, focusing the delivery on the learner is essential is achieving this goal.

Learner-Centered Delivery Using Creative Presentation

Traditional PresentationVerses

Creative Presentation



Facilitator Focused


Not Learning

Creative PresentationInteractive

Activity after every 10-15 minutes of facilitator talking

Requires Movement and Participation of Everyone

Learner Centered



Three Types of Creative Presentation

Facilitator PresentsPresentations that increase curiosity, jump-start learning, and engage the learning. Facilitator and Learner Presentation allows learners to create during the facilitation. Learner Presentations and Discovery Exercises allow learners to be introduced to the topic without formal facilitation.
Some Examples from the Experts 

These examples can be found in the SharonBowman books and in the The Accelerated learning Handbook by Dave Meier

  1. Use visual props when you present.
  2. When teaching a process or procedure, build it on the wall or table (depending on the size of the group). Make sure it is visible to everyone. Have the group tear it done and re-build it as a teach- back.
  3. Use stories or fables.
  4. Wear a costume or create a character to illustrate the point.
  5. Use a sandwich board to dress yourself up as a product or process or piece of equipment. Present the information in the first person.
  6. Use memory triggers such as rhymes or acronyms. (You can have the group repeat them for reinforcement.)
  7. Use analogies and metaphors.
  8. Use the talk show host character and interview a subject matter expert.
  9. Assign learners a different process or part of the topic and use them throughout the presentation to illustrate their role.
  10. Have everyone choose a learning partner. Let them know that they will be creating a 10 question quiz on the topic and have them quiz their partner at the end.
  11. Have everyone put their name on an index card then drop it in a container. Next have each of them draw a name from the box. That will be their secret pal. Explain that they will have to take notes for their pal. At the end have them review and give the notes to their assigned pal.
  12. Periodically stop presenting and have learners discuss how they can use what they just heard.
  13. Give each participant a BINGO card with words, terms or processes that will be covered. If a learner reaches BINGO have them stand up and award a small prize.
  14. Give learners a set of questions that will need to be answered at the end. Have them take notes during the presentation, then answer the questions (can be done in a team if a group presentation)
  15. Give each learner a card with a question that they will need to ask the presenter. Use a press conference theme to get the questions answered.
  16. Give learners handouts with pictures or charts with missing information. Have them fill in the information as your present.
  17. Give each learner a large card with a term written on one side and the definition on the other. When you discuss the term in the presentation, have the learner stand up and read the definition to the group.

For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz.


A Recipe for Training and Coaching Success

A Recipe for Training and Coaching Success

Based on a comment by Barbara Kite, an acting and public speaking coach (and a respected colleague), I am encouraged to write an article on the importance of practice. She has been very influential in how I look at acting, coaching, and, of course, training. Her views, like mine, come from a link between acting and life’s experiences. We have some different experiences, but I always listen to what she has to say.

Those who practice their craft and are motivated to succeed will find a way.

It’s almost a no-brainer to anyone with sense that practice in anything we do is invaluable. Most of us would acknowledge that practice by itself is not as simple as it seems. Naturally, when it comes to training, it should not be overlooked or assumed it will happen on the job. Let’s give the subject of practice some perspective, and with that, something to think about.

Kite mentioned in her comment to my previous post, The Best Performance Enhancer…

“It’s not the training I’m currently concerned about, it’s how quickly we try to train people without following up with refreshers and reminders.”

I think we have to take individual differences into account when we give anyone career instruction. I stress motivation. Even the less talented can get work if they are persistent and work hard. Highly talented individuals can sit back after one good job and wonder why the offers aren’t coming their way. Those who practice their craft and are motivated to succeed will find a way. Practice doesn’t have to be exactly the same every time, but can incorporate new elements.

“I just worked with clients I had trained over six months ago. They had made progress by using some of what they had learned (or remembered) but also had let slip some of the basics they had learned, and were asking the same questions they had when first we met. Had they not been paying attention? Or did some things slip? Or was there too much information?”

I’m sure this sounds familiar. She goes on to say:

“I know my acting students need to hear the same phrase over and over and over again before it sinks in. We are in a hurry to learn and expect it to be easy and we’re not willing to put the time needed for those muscles to form to be really able to use them. I ask new clients (public speaking and actors) how long would you give yourself to be a concert pianist or a tennis champ? It’s the same thing. Practice, practice, practice.”

And, she is absolutely right, which is one reason I advocate continuous learning. Refreshers are good, too, but I would want them to build on the review of past information our people should know and be using. Often I find they aren’t. Because they don’t want to ask for the training, they try to do a “work-around.” In some things, there is no “work around.” Then we have to train all over again.

Because they don’t want to ask for the training, they try to do a “work-around.” In some things, there is no “work around.” Then we have to train all over again.

Continuous learning uses practice as its base. It is a necessary element of teaching or coaching Karate or most martial arts, for example, with the belt system. Each class is a review or refresher, practice, and includes something new. This is essential professional development from the ground up; it only makes sense to build on what we learn from the lowest to the highest employee.

All students and trainees, not just acting or Karate students, need to internalize what is they are learning to make that learning stick, and repetition helps that certainly. We, as trainers and coaches, need to find what methods learning works for them.

I know when I was developing as an actor on stage, I had stage fright. After “practice,” not so much stage fright. The first time I used a microphone, it was the same thing. After awhile, no problem. Then the video camera… It was uncomfortable at first but I was prepared; I had learned to know it would be there and it was easier to go from there. It was only because of repetition through practice that I internalized and learned the what I needed to in order to succeed at my job.

Managers/Leaders and Workers, like Directors and Actors, are comfortable with their work based on their respective backgrounds, training and education, and work experience. I just finished a series of Acting Smarts articles for STAGE Magazine on auditioning from both the perspective of the director and the actor. My acting training and experience affects my directing preferences just as my “other” work experiences in customer service and training directly affects how I manage and lead my people. I have to admit that all my experiences, directly or indirectly affect anything I do. “I Y’am What I Y’am,” remember. I would expect a manager who has personally worked the job sees the team based on his or her experiences and supervises them based on his preferences doing that same job now.

Trainers and coaches should be incorporating practice as a part of their training and coaching, and motivating employees and clients to use these skills on the job (practice again).

Individual preferences and learning differences do matter. And teaching philosophy, in this case.

I come from a social psychology background as well and my mentor, Dr. Willis H. McCann, the chairman of my university’s psychology department then, had a philosophy of doing what works (for attaining good mental health). He compared problem-solving to praying, meditating, cogitating, sleeping on it–all ways that work in solving problems. He was one of those great broadly-thinking men with a PhD in Psychology, a Doctor of Divinity, and a Juris Doctorate who never made you feel he had all the answers; however, he did see many connections.

How we process, how we think and how we learn is reinforced with “practice, practice, practice.” We even practice the ways we problem solve. In this case, the art of problem-solving was individualized but it did the same thing: what works. I think that applies to most things; there are always good ideas, but they are never the only ideas and people latch on to what makes them comfortable–and what works for them. Consider we all do that and apply it–with practice.

The art of problem-solving works well here to describe individual differences. Praying, meditation or just sleeping on a subject does the same thing; it allows an idea to roll around in your mind without expectations, without manipulation until a subconscious answer comes to mind. Think about any problem-solving course of training that uses on of these methods. They all allow for a concentration on a verbal or nonverbal, auditory or inaudible statement of thoughts. Doing what works and practicing it, so the experts say, will improve problem-solving. Practice, practice, practice.

Development is continuous learning and building on skills, and hopefully hone these skills and use the new knowledge in practical application on the job.

So I still agree. Practice is important. I think that is why training directors and coaches need to always be thinking of new ways and next steps. They should be incorporating practice as a part of their training and coaching, and motivating employees and clients to use these skills on the job (practice again). I encourage development over training. Development is continuous learning and building on skills, and hopefully honing these skills and using the new knowledge in practical application on the job. Call it practice, if you will.

I think we have to take individual differences into account when we give anyone career instruction. I stress motivation as well. Even the less talented can get work if they are persistent and work hard. Highly talented individuals can sit back after one good job and wonder why the offers aren’t coming their way, while those who practice their craft, sometimes regardless of talent, and are motivated professionals who succeed.

In the simplest sense, Practice is what will make a training program work. We all know the simplest solutions are too good to be true. Practice works, but taking into account other variables, can maximize results. It solidifies the base for continuous learning, it builds confidence as it becomes a part of the learning that is internalized, and the more comfortable we become the more willing we are to add to that we have learned.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

As always these are only my thoughts–and Barbara Kite’s, so be sure to check out her website for her thoughts and philosophy on training and coaching. Also, pondering the question of balancing theory with practice is Gary Pollice, Professor of Practice, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in his article titled Training versus Education. For more of my views, questions, offers of employment, contracts…, contact me via email or phone, which is available on my homepage.

By all means, please feel free to add your comments and insight here on this page. That’s what we’re here for.

For a look at the human side of training from my Cave Man perspective, please check out my book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. Happy training.

Six Critical Steps to Training High-Quality Customer Service…


…and that’s the easy part.

Serving customers is what we all do. We know that. It’s just that sometimes our employees don’t seem to care about anything but their own little comfortable box they made for themselves. Now, the truth is that they may care; they just don’t know what to do to make it easy.

Providing high-quality customer service should be at the top of our business concerns. Money is important, but without the customers… Customers are fickle. There are more of them than us. We need them. What we don’t need are employees sabotaging our business because they don’t want to be bothered, can’t admit they or the company may have made a mistake, apologize, and get on with it. As hard as it is to admit, we have to admit selling the product or service is not always the aim at the moment; however, it is our priority–even if that moment is down the road. The best way to do that is not lose a potential customer.

If you “oh, well” anyone, you don’t work for me. Our customers come to us for more than just our service or products; they come because they trust us.

There are some myths about customer service that need addressing. I’ve been doing this for years, and one thing that irritates me the most are those people who think customer service is providing only what the company can provide (product or service) and if we can’t provide it–oh well. If you “oh, well” anyone, you don’t work for me.

Our customers come to us for more than just our service or products; they come because they trust us. For some reason they felt comfortable in the beginning. If we start by telling them why we can’t do something or make excuses, they’ll find someone else to trust with their business. Tell them what we can do and help them find someone else who can do what we can’t. We call that go the extra mile. It may not help us directly, but it makes them like us and trust us even more.

We need high-quality customer service people who will go “the extra mile?” Where do we get them? Most are already in the job or in the house. We train them, of course, to trust us, then they can earn the customers trust.

Think of companies known for great customer service and think of your experience in dealing with them. Remember what a pleasure that was? How easy it was for you to say, “no problem,” once your received a direct response? Now think of the people you may have dealt with who made an excuse (you dismissed them); if they did whatever they could with a smile–or even called someone else to find out if they knew of another solution, or just gave you a very honest answer–the result would have been better, wouldn’t it? In the military, I received questions to which the only answer could be: “I can’t tell you that. It’s classified.” Sometimes that’s enough, but sometimes I had to tell them the reasons why it might be classified, and that satisfied them totally and even make them feel a little special knowing the truth. Even though I didn’t answer their original question, I was honest with them.

We all understand why we can’t do certain jobs, and usually it has to do with what it costs us. Nobody expects us to work for nothing, and most will accept that answer. We may lose a customer because they can’t afford us, but we have gained the goodwill he may pass on to someone else who can.

Telling someone immediately you can deliver at another time is better than getting back with them only when you can deliver.

Too many companies automate too much of the people interface. Sure, it saves money, but it loses money in customers who want the personal touch. Good customer service isn’t always getting what you want. It’s getting an answer, an immediate response when you ask for it. Telling someone immediately you can deliver at another time is better than getting back with them only when you can deliver. Same delivery date, different frame of reference; the customer needed the information earlier and now it may be too late. That ever happen to you?

In order to look at training effective customer service reps, and I’m not talking sales people, we look the people who already assigned those customer service positions. Are they empathetic, good listeners, empowered to make some decisions regarding service, good communicators on many levels, a good friend (confidant), an educator, and are they thick-skinned?

Often we put people in customer service that we can’t place anywhere else. Not a good idea. In fact, your better people should be in customer service, keeping your customers happy.

“This job is only answering the phone. Sheila really knows the product, but she doesn’t close the sale.”

Although these are the people most in need of immediate training, everyone in the company needs to know the importance of customer service and how to deal with customers face-to-face and on the phone. Why? Because everyone represents the company to anyone who asks them what they do for a living. That’s a pretty common question sometimes asked by potential customers. Some members of the company will be natural customer service representatives (officially or unofficially) because of their personality and communication abilities; some members will reluctantly fall into place and try to do the job by script or rote unfortunately. Unless the latter batch is able to humanize what they do, they’ll hurt you more than help you. Having impressive people working customer service is critical to your company’s reputation and success.

The most important rule for good customer service: don’t force something on somebody he or she doesn’t want.
Some customers measure information and feel a situation, and if it feels right they’re sold. Actually, they are rarely sold; the harder the sale, the less likely they are to buy.

Finally, the most important rule for good customer service: don’t force something on somebody he or she doesn’t want. Some customers measure information and feel a situation, and if it feels right they’re sold. Actually, they are rarely sold; the harder the sale, the less likely they are to buy. When they do though, they will be your biggest fan and let the world know about. This is opposed to the logical, number-working customer who walks away feeling he got the deal based on his merits, not your company’s. You’ll be lucky if he mentions you except to brag on his ability to take advantage of you.

  1. Educate and train employees on the types of customers, including internal and external.
  2. Make them see the importance of giving customers what they need (within your ability) and provide referrals if you can’t deliver what they need. There’s no shame–only gain.
  3. Understand the barriers to effective customer service like some of those explained above. Don’t forget to include the internal barriers such as personality, thin-skinned, no interest in helping someone else, not willingness to leave the comfort zone.
  4. Create standards and stick by them. Good idea to have the employees decide what the standards should be since they know how they want to be treated. They also know what kind of customer they are.
  5. Refer when you can’t deliver but don’t pass the buck. Passing the buck is passing the customer to another person who is probably better at customer service than you are. Keep control if you can, always telling the customer to come back to you and you will continue to help if you can or find someone who can. Sounds a little repetitive, but you set yourself up as the one who can ultimately deliver.
  6. Teach listening skills and dealing with difficult people. Listening first, then repeating what you think the customer wants to do. As for dealing with difficult people, that almost goes back to understanding the customer and the barriers to good customer service. Customers may not be good communicators or decide to take out frustration out on the employee. Handling that deftly can make a friend and customer out of an irate individual; most times they just want to be heard. Learning how to deal with difficult people is major lesson in itself because it may involve diffusing anger or dealing with certain personality types.

The last bullet is perhaps the most important of lessons to be learned in customer service training. Remember, customer service is for everyone. Although you may not want to mix managers and workers in the same class (because they will be dealing at different levels), it is a must-do training for employees at all levels–whether they have direct contact with others in their jobs. Colleagues are customers, too, and just as important as ones off the street.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

For a look at the human side of training from my Cave Man perspective, please check out my book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development.

Learner-Centered Training Part 2


The first step in creating workplace training and learning events is preparation. This may seem obvious, but this step is specific to learner preparation not facilitator preparation. Learner preparation requires the facilitator to take planned steps that will help the learning build connections with the topic, with their goals for the learning, with the other participants and with the learning outcomes. This stage of the training should occur even before the day training starts if possible. If not possible, it should occur from the very first moment.

The Benefits of Effective Learner Preparation

  • Peaks interest in learning
  • Removes barriers to learning
  • Gives learners a positive emotional connection to the subject
  • Removes negative mental state to learning
  • Allows learners to connect with other learners

Learners need to know the purpose of the training and what meaning it has for them.
Effective Learner Preparation Helps the Learner identify their own benefits of the learning or training and helps answer the following questions:

  • What will I be able to do?
  • How will this help me do my job?

Facilitator Steps to Create Effective Learner Preparation

DO Avoid Doing
Make positive statements about the learning

  • You are going to enjoy this topic.
  • You are in for a treat today!
  • The information you learn today can help doing your job easier.
Making negative statements about the learning or session.

  • Wow. We have a lot to get through today and not a lot of time!
  • This topic is challenging. I hope you can learn it. If not, you will struggle going forward.
  • You have to remember all the steps I cover today.
Create a positive learning environment

  • Use music
  • Use colorful charts with key points, pictures and images that support the key points, toys, displays and other colorful peripherals
  • Instructor costumes
  • Create a traditional classroom set up without color.
  • Have broken equipment, chairs or tables.
  • Have environment that is cold or warm
  • Have an environment that is dirty
  • Not being prepared when the first participant arrives
Creating a negative environment:

  • Create a traditional classroom set up without color.
  • Have broken equipment, chairs or tables.
  • Have environment that is cold or warm
  • Have an environment that is dirty
  • Not being prepared when the first participant arrives
Start as soon as you can

  • Mail or send them a learner prep kit to includes things such as:
  • Picture or verbal agenda
  • A brief email or letter
  • Suggested pre-work
    • Websites
    • Books
    • Articles
    • Videos
    • Audio clips
    • Questionnaire
    • A list of information to gather and bring
  • Have participants build connections with other learners as soon as possible. This can even start electronically by setting up a blog or wiki. Use topic related content to develop introductions and connections.

  • Not communicating with them until they arrive. (whenever possible)
  • Start by introducing yourself and then reading them all the rules and objectives for the day.
  • Prepare the learner by giving them copies of a PowerPoint Presentation as their only handout.
  • Have participants introduce themselves by going around the room and giving their name, rank and serial number.
  • Not having participants interact.
Examples of Activities to use to build connections:

  • Provide learners with post it notes and have them write one of the following:
    • What they want to learn about the topic.
    • The most important learning objective (Provide them with the list)
    • One or two things that they already know about the topic.
  • Once complete, have the learner place the post it note on a prepared wall chart.
  • Use the same items from the above list, but have learners share with someone in the room. You can use table groups or have the learners mingle around the room taking two or three turns sharing.
  • Hold an open house prior to the learning session so participants can get to know each other. If possible have them decorate the room.
  • Have learners create a list of questions prior to the session. Have them find participants from previous trainings to provide the answers.
  • Call learners ahead of time to welcome them and see what questions they may have.
  • Send participants email communications prior to the event with positive suggestions. Include learning objectives.
  • Send the learner positive quotations about the topic and have them create a colorful banner or poster to that can be brought to the session to decorate the walls.
  • Have topic related issues posted somewhere in the room with a solution. Have participants stand on a created line (tape, yarn, etc) with strongly agree with solution at one end and strongly disagree at the other. Once everyone is in line, debrief the activity by asking reasons for their choice.
  • Have the group write their own reservations on an index card. Have them mingle around the room and find a partner. Have them exchange cards with their partner then have them coach each other making suggestions on how the barrier can be removed.
  • Have learners write their fears and/or reservations about the topic on cards. Have them share the cards with their group as they drop them into a casket or suspend them from the ceiling.
  • Have participants work in teams. Have them list (or provide a list) of barriers one might have about learning the topic. Have them come up with three ways to overcome the barrier.

What other ideas do you have? What can you share?


For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz.