Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get …
This post is part 2 of Crystal Davis’ guest blog based on her dissertation on Servant Leadership in a spiritual organization. Ms. Davis is passionately engaged in Servant Leadership and selfless service to the nonprofit and public sectors having served both large and small organizations throughout her career and her consulting business. **************** I decided …
So many messages this holiday season are around the importance of believing. I’m reminded of the classic movie The Polar Express in which one of the little boy’s messages to learn and embrace is to believe. Just this past evening I watched a Hallmark movie called The Wishing Well. It had a similar theme for …
Crystal Davis read my blog posts last year and emailed me inquiring about other resources related to Spirituality at work. She’s doing her dissertation on Servant Leadership. I’ve enjoyed exchanging ideas with her over the past year. I invited Crystal to share some of her dissertation topic for our blog posts this month. Here is …
How many of you in college or graduate school had a course, or even a workshop, on managing your career? I bet not many because too many young professionals and emerging leaders come to me for coaching with all kinds of career and leadership concerns. Career Intelligence #1 gave 20 real world practical ideas about …
In this season of peace, love, family, and a little madness, I have a list of holiday wishes for you. May all your projects close on time and on budget.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday I had an interesting discussion with a mortgage lender and an economist about the 2008 banking industry collapse. Part of the discussion was around culpability and responsibility. In another conversation that week with a management consultant friend, we shared our frustration that institutions and systems are hard to change as organizational …
I was once told that the first six months in an organization are the most important. Do you agree? What advice would you give someone entering a new organization? Absolutely true! the first 6 months in a new job is your opportunity to learn, to be seen, to make a name for yourself and build …