Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get …
I recently led a drumming circle that was very rejuvenating. We enjoyed listening to and feeling the pulses, rhythms, and vibrations of the drums. Our drumming was in synch with each other and I could feel the power and pulse of the group beat. It was almost hypnotic at times. Then as one person changed …
Have you ever thought of starting your own business or becoming self-employed? Almost everyone has wanted to be his or her own boss at some point in a career. But what does it actually take to make a success of it? And is it really the route that you should take? If you’re seriously considering …
He is a financial manager, whose his job typically means supervising other salespeople and involves extensive use of presenting materials to people. He says, “As a manager or employer, I want people who are good at PowerPoints. It’s an essential skill. What do you think?” The above quote is from a colleague on Gov Loop. …
You could say this is part two to the eagle reflection I shared earlier called Flapping of Wings. A friend sent me a devotion today by Mary Southerland that was focused around eagles. The eagle this year continues to be an amazing teacher and guide in my life. I went on a special trip with …
You’ve wanted this position for quite a while and you’ve now been invited to interview for the role of your dreams. There’s just one catch you’re not going to be facing one interviewer, you’ll be facing four all at the same time! A coaching client contacted me recently asking for help. He just found out …
Dr. Seuss has been providing great advice to children for years. And while the above mentioned passage is great advice, it assumes that one realizes their own control in situations. It requires personal accountability. Personal accountability seems to be missing far too often in organizations today. Consider the number of conversations you have had with those in your organization about missed deadlines, failed projects, or performance misses. How often do those conversations result in a list of excuses?
I was asked once to review some automated programming services a state was offering. Funny thing, there was a statement that said, “If someone is available to answer your call, they will–if not call call later.” Good customer service? Someone thought so. I was appalled. This has to do with both customer service and training. …