Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get …
November is the 11th month and we just passed 11-11. I thought I’d play a bit with the numbers to begin this blog. The number One represents new beginnings. Double 1’s for 11 represent pillars or gateways. The number eleven represents Higher Consciousness or Master Teacher Mind. In this week of 11-11 we have a …
The definition of a Swan Song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song in the moment just before death, having been silent (or alternatively, not so musical) during most of their lifetime. …
You want your work to be more meaningful. You long for work that serves a higher purpose. You feel a disconnection between what you do for a career and your calling, your life purpose. If these describe you, you are not alone. From 20-somethings to Baby-boomers, more people are waking up from their slumber and …
Life keeps throwing us curve balls. Project Complications. Family Illness. Traffic Jams. Scheduling Conflicts. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. As you run from one commitment to another, trying not to let things fall through the cracks, worry and doubts creep in. The monkey mind chatter screams loudly in your head. ‘Will I be …
To Thy Own Self Be True While this phrase may be well know, living authentically- knowing and connecting your Inner and Outer Self- seems less common. I’ve had two job coaching clients in the last week talk about their struggle with their company norm to “Fake it ‘Til you Make It”. We talked through ways …
Website Demo. People who do voiceovers–hereafter known as VO–come from a variety of places, wherever good voices are found. Think about how many products you use everyday that has a voice attached to it, for example, a customer service automated voice on the telephone, the voice on your Global Positioning System (GPS), and all the …
Website Demo Realistic expectations. Is it the same for finding the right business coach as it is for any other kind of coach? Only if you want one that will work. I just came from the world of a voice over (VO) coaching professional group on LinkedIn. The social network for professionals seem to give …