Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in …
My experiences has led me to conclude that “consensus” is a widely misunderstood concept. Many people believe that for them to be in consensus with a decision, they have to believe that the decision is the best decision. With this definition, therefore, they believe debate must continue until they convince the others or the others convince them. But, what does consensus really mean? How a group defines consensus is critical to being able to facilitate the group toward decisions.
The wrong path. Alex was explaining some startling figures to the head of a global division with $7 billion in sales. Craig was thirty eight but had already been in this job for several years. Alex’s team had built the figures from many global data bases and cross-checked them exhaustively. They showed that the division’s …
“I know I should delegate but: “I can do it faster…He won’t be able to get it done on time…she’s bound to make some mistakes.” These are things I’ve been hearing frequently from overworked, stressed out managers. I jokingly mentioned, in a recent presentation, if there was something in the air that’s causing this outbreak …
I’ve said many times: I’ve learned more from my failures than from my successes…and I’ve made some whoppers. Goof-ups, missteps, slip-ups and embarrassments are no reason to ring one’s hands and hang one’s head. In fact, our mistakes can be the most powerful teachers we have. The lessons we learn often stick with us for …
Even if you love your work, you can get overwhelmed if it gets out of control. Many of my executive coaching clients set boundaries to help them be more effective in their professional and personal lives. Boundaries are the lines we draw that help define our roles and interactions. Here are some tips for setting …
Here are three common dysfunction types I've seen in the meeting room. (Haven't we all?) Let's look at these specific dysfunctions and simple actions you can take to address them.
Most of us procrastinate at least occasionally and some of us do it consistently and problematically. So procrastination may be human but it’s not very rewarding in the long run for our leadership, business or career success. So why do we procrastinate? According to The Procrastination Equation: How To Stop Putting Things Off and Start …