Getting feedback on a facilitation process is an important part of ongoing learning, development and application for facilitators. However, people are often reluctant to give critical feedback. And, sometimes, when feedback is given, it isn't clear whether the feedback is the view of one individual or the entire team. The rated feedback process is a vehicle to help ensure you get quality comments and that you understand the amount of support for those comments.
Professional Development/
Leadership Skills
Did you know that nearly half of all new leaders fail in the first 18 months? That’s according to the Center for Creative Leadership. Many of them were surprised to discover that what got them there — from working nonstop to sweating the small stuff — isn’t enough to keep them there. The Problem: Nine …
Many of my executive coaching clients operate in an environment that is fast paced with multiple priorities. The work is demanding and performance expectations are high. This “3 Minute Action Learning Time Out” helps them take a few moments to slow down and focus on what they learned from a situation. As a result, they …
Who hasn’t been guilty of overbooking themselves between their personal and professional lives? But often instead of a feeling of elation for making everything “work,” we feel stressed out and burnt out. Peter Bergman, in his Harvard Business Review blog, shares seven practices to help you say a strategic “no” in order to create space …
Generating ideas and gathering facts are probably the most common functions performed by groups in facilitated sessions. In many sessions, the generating of ideas is crucial to arriving at creative solutions to the issue the team is tackling. We commonly use Brainstorming as the technique for generating ideas.
“There is nothing so practical as a good theory” Kurt Lewin This post is my fourth in a series on what I call Leadership Story Work, which is a way leaders and others can dramatically increase their effectiveness and authenticity through working with their deep personal stories. In this post I will summarize core ideas …
“I know I should delegate but: “I can do it faster…He won’t be able to get it done on time…she’s bound to make some mistakes.” These are things I’ve been hearing frequently from overworked, stressed out managers. I jokingly mentioned, in a recent presentation, if there was something in the air that’s causing this outbreak …