Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still …
While some crises come out of the blue, and every crisis management effort involves some form of in-the-moment adaptation the vast majority can at least be predicted in terms of category. For example, every organization should have plans in place for a category of events titled “natural disaster”. You don’t know exactly what that disaster …
There mere thought of being interviewed by the media leaves most people sweating. And frankly, it should. The vast majority of people, including those who are currently assigned to be their company’s spokesperson, are simply not ready to talk to the press in a crisis situation. One of the most common pitfalls we see is …
[Editor’s note: This post features a guest contribution from freelance writer Beth Kotz. A big thank you to Beth, and if anyone else out there has a post they think may be a fit for our blog please get in touch at!] Small businesses don’t have time for setbacks. The best way to protect …
Banks are still working to rebuild their reputations following the financial crisis and, luckily for them, the phony-accounts scandal that erupted at one of the nation’s most prominent retail banks did not drag down the broader industry. While Wells Fargo’s image is in tatters — and will likely remain so for some time — what …
“Fake news” isn’t going away. The distribution of false information, whether it’s by accident or with purpose, is only going to become more common as the focus on every slice of controversy grows. While we already have serious issues resulting from plain-text tweets or basic news stories, what happens when tools like computer generated imagery …
When a crisis hits, whether it impacts your organization directly or is something important to your stakeholders, many rush to be a part of the conversation on social media. While this is often well-intentioned, it can also be tremendously dangerous for your brand. Unless it’s done right, being involved in the discussion about a crisis …
The internet is busy. Very very busy. Millions of interactions per hour — and that’s only counting the most popular of sites. Online interactions move so fast it can be hard to visualize…unless perhaps you put together a moving infographic that displays what’s happening on a variety of sites by hours, days, or months. What’s …