Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still …
[Editor’s note: Many thanks to frequent contributor Tony Jaques for allowing us to use this article, originally published in his Issue}Outcomes newsletter. Tony often covers news out of Australia and the surrounding regions which lets us take a look at great crisis management case studies we may not have seen otherwise.] Crisis or disaster? IT …
If you want to learn a skill you look to an expert. In this case we’ll look at the emergency response preparedness and action outline created by the World Food Programme. Though it’s created to meet a very specific goal – making certain people are fed – the structure serves as a good base for …
Knowing how communication works, and what’s best right now, is essential to quality crisis communications. Let this infographic from Atlassian take you on a trip through the ages right up through today as they look at how communication has changed through with time and technology: Infographic produced by Atlassian
The Incident Command System (ICS) was first developed in the 70’s to help organize the process of communications during federal disaster response efforts. Of course the system today looks little like it did when it was first made, and the ICS is now part of the larger National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS). Although the …
Don’t take unnecessary damage due to flaws in customer service Whether you’re looking at customer service from the perspective of a business owner, customer, or crisis management consultant, it’s clear that providing quality service is important. Especially in a time where it’s just as easy – and often easier – to order something from home …
You know crises are coming. You know crises are coming. Yet it’s so hard to get moving when it comes to preparedness. It’s certainly human nature, but anyone who’s been burned once by not being ready to face a sticky situation will tell you they wish they’d been prepared. If you’re not ready you’re not …
Artificial intelligence is being designed to assist with everything from making breakfast to driving our cars. In other words, the technology is flexible, and that’s exactly what makes it so attractive to researchers who are working to develop ways to apply AI to assist in emergency situations. In what is likely to be an interesting …