Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still …
Crises don’t wait for your organization to be established for 20 years. All young companies experience growing pains, and sometimes they face a potentially game-changing moment early on, one that could stall or stop the trajectory towards success. In this post, Jon Harmon – Bernstein Crisis Management team member, and founder of Jon F. Harmon …
More and more often while working with clients we see examples of how extremely polarized audiences have become today. While gauging public reaction to your crisis communications is a recommendation any expert will give you, fewer mention the fact that you may see completely different responses to the same messaging depending on which public is …
[The following is an excerpt from a guest contribution by Silicon Valley-based writer Leslie Kelsay, who explains why crisis communications pros need to take a stand in regards to attorneys over-lawyering messaging when a simple explanation is best.] We get it: Corporate counsel’s job is to protect the organization from risk. But crisis communicators often …
[While this guest post from tech expert Josh Wardini isn’t exactly about crisis management, cyber security risks stopping you in your tracks will quickly lead to a crisis situation!] Cyber security is a crucial practice in today’s top companies. It is essentially the practice of protecting a network, a single or a series of devices …
This guest post from leadership coach, facilitator, trainer, and author Mike McKenna takes a look at a strategy that will help you save projects before they ever encounter their first hurdle out there in the real world. Mike and his company, TEAM Solutions, are innovators in teaching leaders how to improve their response, especially in …
Building a solid base for communication in crisis Crisis communications plans can’t be the same regardless of situation, but there are some common principles that are involved in just about every situation. Make sure you build a solid foundation on top of these proven principles and you’ll find your communications are much more on-target and …
What do you think? Is this strategy smart, or overly risky? Whether you want them to or not, someone who has been a public representative of your company for many years carries that association with them even after they retire. That means whatever they decide to do with their personal life…well, it’s going to impact …