Tips For Wireframes

Wireframe layout of a website

Wireframes allow developers, designers, trainers, managers, marketers, etc. to communicate and transfer knowledge to different types of audiences through the use of diagrams, images, models illustrations, or drawings. They exist in the form of screen shot, diagramming, and modeling applications. A few of these features are already included within existing applications. These suites of tools provide the ability to translate concepts into functional requirements, prototypes, and eventually real models or products. Another important capability is the facility to present easily understandable views of processes and procedures.

They are extremely useful in helping to avoid misinterpretations of deliverables in a global market by providing:

  • a view of, e.g., user interfaces, procedures, and schemas (for interactions, work flows, and relationships),
  • the ability for early design decision making , and
  • a means for translating complex ideas into simpler concepts or thoughts .

Many of these tools are accessible on the web for free. Here are some tips for choosing a wireframe:

  • Make sure that the application does what you need it to do and functions in a way that is easiest for you to use. For example, can it easily help to develop use cases, testing scenarios, flow diagrams, site maps, functional specifications, charts, processes, prototypes, etc.?
  • Can it create a view of the information architecture and aid in organizing data into categories, visual frameworks, and models?
  • Does it fit within your system platforms (web-based or desk-top application)?
  • Can saves be performed in various formats and are they shareable?
  • Check out the options. Is it suitable for you – can it help with online static content as well as dynamic content?
  • Check out ease of use. Does it provide, e.g., ease of navigation, drag and drop, preformatted styles and templates for flow charts, org charts, and diagrams.
  • Is it interactive; can it create a simulation or can comments be added? Does it allow for online learning, presentations, storyboards, and mockups to explore a wide variety of design options using different formats?
  • Are objects reusable?
  • Is it flexible enough for use on mobile devices?
  • The most expensive may not be the best application. Check out licensing agreements and costs before purchasing. Make sure you have the correct number of licenses for the number of machines or platforms that is needed for the present and the future.

In the end, when deciding on a wireframe tool, think of the above questions as well as:

  • Can it help to provide information and knowledge to help meet business goals?
  • Can it aid in training and marketing for understanding the product?
  • Can it help in presenting departmental, software, or functional processes?
  • Can it help to meet the company goals and provide the desired outcome?

Wireframes aid the technical writer in creating a structured framework for communication. It is the skeleton of a product or process and is a great aid to get technical writers through the first stages of development. You might say it’s an outline and provides a background from which to begin building.

Please leave a comment if you have used or find that wireframes are indeed useful.

Z is for the Presentation Zone

Youn woman and man presenting in an office to their colleagues

What does zone have to do with presentations skills? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist and author of Flow and Finding Flow, says that when we are in a state of flow, we are completely immersed in our task and at peak performance. We feel sufficiently challenged but confident in our skills or ability to do the task.

Being in the presentation zone is similar. It is a state of focused awareness with a distinctive lack of self-consciousness. I first heard this described by a colleague who told me when she was training a class she just opened her mouth and content started coming out. She said she “didn’t know where it was coming from.” Of course it was coming from a deep well of experience and knowledge, and because she was “in the zone,” the content was able to pour out unhindered by self-consciousness or inhibition.

When this happens to you, you will notice you are completely in the moment. It is almost as though you are one with your audience. You are totally aware of what you are doing and saying, and you are aware of your audience and how they are responding and reacting. Your words tend to flow smoothly, your face and voice are expressive, and you move and gesture instinctively and easily. It feels good, and if you have the underlying skills and knowledge, you may well be at peak performance.

How do you get into the zone?

Deepen your subject knowledge. Don’t have it? Become an expert. Research, dig deeper, and discuss it with experts. Read even more. Think about related content. Talk about it at every opportunity. Now, narrow down your presentation. Create a clear, concise message about your content. Tie every fact, story and detail to that message. Don’t add anything more. The reason for the deep knowledge is to build your confidence and credibility, and so you can answer questions that come up.

Ace your rehearsal. Rehearse early and often, and not only in your head. Every time you look at your slides, start talking through them out loud. Speak your entire presentation out loud at your desk or in your car, record and listen to it. Get a pilot audience to listen to it. Talk about it over lunch with colleagues.

Prepare for questions. Jot down every question you think you might be asked. Do you know the answers to each one? If not, do some more research for the answers. Have your pilot audience ask you questions, tough ones. Practice your answers. Make cue cards and drill yourself. Keep at it until you are confident you could answer just about any question that comes up.

Walk away. Clear your mind a while. If you start feeling anxious, take a break do something pleasurable and relaxing. Take a walk. Go out for lunch. Play with your children. Listen to music. If you are not fully prepared, you will be refreshed and more ready to tackle preparation. If you are fully prepared, try to stay in a relaxed state, knowing you will be better off with a clear mind.

Take care of your physical self. Eat well. Sleep well. Allow enough time to arrive at your presentation location without stress. Set up your presentation and check your equipment. Meet and greet your audience as they arrive. Focus on them, not on your presentation.

Keep your focus on the audience, not yourself. Remind yourself it is all about them, that you are in service to the audience, there to help them with the content you are going to share. Focus on the idea, the action or the change you are advocating and why it is good and important.

Take your time. Walk to the front with confidence. Look at the audience a moment. Smile. Now begin.

Forgive mistakes. If you make a mistake, let it go immediately. Put it out of your mind by focusing on the next slide or the next point you will be making. If you carry it with you, even a tiny mistake can impact the rest of your presentation, and maybe the next one.

If you have ever been in the zone during your presentation, you know how great it feels. Prepare, rehearse, and ready yourself with the goal of getting and staying in the zone. You will be at your best, your most audience-focused and most confident. What could be better?

Author Gail Zack Anderson, founder of Applause, Inc. is a Twin Cities-based consultant who provides coaching and workshops for effective presentations, facilitation skills for trainers and subject matter experts, and positive communication skills for everyone. She can be reached at [email protected].

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twitter: @ApplauseInc

User Stories and Documentation

Documentation of users story

I was reading about Agile and Scrum methodologies for project management when I came upon the term ‘User Story’. As an introduction, Agile is a methodology used for software development projects. It provides more control than just stepping through the analysis, design developing, testing, and implementing stages of a project as a whole. The Agile methodology breaks down each stage into subsets so that there is more communication, collaboration, feedback and discussion as each stage is completed. The Scrum methodology (a subset of Agile) is where each piece of a project is worked on as individual tasks for more accuracy and control.

A User Story (a further subset of the above methodologies) is a single sentence that describes a particular task that needs to be done. This need will define a particular project. As an example, suppose a manager is having trouble finding certain information on an employee. The manager may write the following sentence: ‘as a manager, I would like to find employees with have not taken any sick days so that they can be given an award.’ That sentence or User Story is then brain-stormed to understand what the manager is requesting and to discuss details as to how to accomplish the task. All subsequent ideas and solutions are noted and prioritized. The brain-storming sessions will also discuss items such as requirements, functionality, time, cost, tools, resources, due date, testing, etc., but not all in one meeting; each item is done separately and documented.

A User Story is not a Requirements Specification. The Requirements Specification is much more detailed and is basically an agreement which ensures that the client and the project managers are all on the same page. As a whole, it describes the project and outlines the client’s requirements and expectations up front.

In comparison, a User Story is brief and describes what the user wants in one sentence. If a User Story is long or needs to be broken down further (e.g., as a manager, I would like to find employees who have not taken any sick nor personal days so that they can be given an award), then it is known as an ‘epic’. The ‘epic’ will then be broken down into simpler sentences for clarity (e.g. as a manager, I would like to find employees who have not taken any sick days so that …. And as a manager, I would like to find employees who have not taken any personal days so that …). In other words, a ‘to do list’ is created. This list is known as a ‘product backlog’ and will be prioritized and managed by a product/project manager or technical writer. During various stages of the development, more User Stories (‘to do lists’) will be created either by the user, developer, or manager.

Are User Stories useful? Some say yes as it drives or communicates what a client wants and sets the stage for accomplishing individual tasks to complete a project, but others say that without the Requirements, Functional, or Technical Specifications, it is difficult to see how the finished product can be completed. No matter which methodologies are applied or what form of documentation is created, the written material should be able to explain in a concise and clear manner what was requested, how to accomplish it, and be focused on getting what the customer needs and that is what is important.

Y is for YES and the power of YOU

A young man with good presentation presenting in an office

When we struggle with performance of any kind, we often hear negative thoughts. I can’t do this…I am not good at this…I don’t like this…When we change our thoughts from NO to YES, we often experience profound shifts in thinking, feeling and performing. This is true of golf, fitness performance, and no doubt many other endeavors. Let’s take a look at how YES might relate to building presentation and communication strengths.

First and foremost, change your negative self talk to positive self talk. I experienced firsthand the power of yes while running sprints on a treadmill with my fitness coach and team mates. I am not much of a runner, so this was a huge challenge. Just as I started thinking NO WAY and I CAN’T our coach suggested saying YES and YES I CAN DO THIS. When I tried it I felt stronger and could keep running longer. It didn’t even matter if I said it in my head or out loud. I felt stronger. It was still hard, but not nearly as hard as it had been. If you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts about your presentation or your own speaking skills, try saying YES. Instead of I don’t like this, or I don’t feel prepared, think, I CAN DO THIS. I AM GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME.

Instead of yes, but…say yes, and… Maybe you just heard an idea or suggestion. Did you automatically say, yes, but…? You just negated the idea. Instead of saying yes, but… try saying yes and…then adding your suggestions to what the other person said. Example: We could hold the next staff meeting offsite. Response: yes, but that would cost too much. Positive response: yes, and if we can work it into our budget we should look into that. This is not easy to do. And when you do it, you will see how it keeps exchanges more positive. Try it if you are a trainer responding to comments from learners, or if you are a presenter who gets challenging questions.

Say what you WILL not what you WON’T. Often we hear people say, I am not going to take too much of your time, I am not going to take any questions today, or I am not going to go into the reasons behind this decision. Any time you hear what the speaker is not going to do, you begin to focus squarely on the negative or missing information. Instead, try saying what you are going to do. Today I WILL keep this brief, I WILL provide only a statement, or I WILL be focusing on our action plan. See what happens when you change the focus to the positive instead of the negative.

Say YES to a thank you. What do you say after someone thanks you? Many of us say “no problem.” I hear this everywhere I go, and each time I hear it I think, really? Are you sure it wasn’t a problem? Because it sounds like maybe it was a problem. Instead, try a sincere “you’re welcome.” Or go one better. My son Shawn has a beautiful response. He says, “My pleasure.” And he says it sincerely every time. It is another way of saying YES instead of NO.

My challenge to you is to begin looking for more ways to turn negative communication to positive, moving you from no to yes.

The power of YOU

When we focus on presentation skills, we often focus on what is wrong. We speak too fast, we say UM too much, we aren’t articulate enough. Maybe you have thought along those same lines, focusing on where your deficiencies lie. Guess what? Focusing on weaknesses doesn’t make you stronger. It just makes you more uncomfortable and self-conscious. A vicious cycle.

When you gave your very first presentation, your boss probably said, “go out there and just be yourself and you will do fine.” It didn’t seem like it at the time, but he or she was exactly right. We just didn’t know at the time how to be ourselves under the spotlight. Yes, we need to build skills and get better. We need to understand our strengths as well as we know our weaknesses. But you have it all within you to create and deliver fabulous presentations and deliver them as only you can. Only you can be you, with your knowledge, your skills and your strengths. I urge you to keep reminding yourself of this truth. You are most likely much better already than you realize. You are just right the way you are.

Author Gail Zack Anderson, founder of Applause, Inc. is a Twin Cities-based consultant who provides coaching and workshops for effective presentations, facilitation skills for trainers and subject matter experts , and positive communication skills for everyone. She can be reached at [email protected] or 651-340-3008.

Managing Documents

Two young men reviewing documents

How do you manage your documents to provide consistent and accurate communication? Depending on your organization, how do you control documents in your Technical Communications or Technical Writing Department if some groups or branches have different procedures for writing, gathering data, maintaining, verifying, or even for getting feedback? This can occur in an organization that is involved with a lot of different products. Think of a manufacturer which sells various electronics or other goods all over the world. Each division has to have their own set of priorities, procedures, guidelines, manuals, etc. What do you have to take into consideration in order to handle all the documentation that has to occur for each area?

Here are some things to think about and questions to ask before deciding on how to manage documents, from choosing a CMS (Content Management Tool) to developing your own methodology:

  • Will it be able to manage master documents that will be reused in other documents?
  • Will it be able to manage reviews, approvals, automatic notifications, version control, sharing, project plans (for meeting timelines), various image-type files, and meeting compliance?
  • Will it be able to help you organize documents and provide easy accessibility to all documents (old and new)?
  • Can updates to a segment of a document be carried through to other associated documents?
  • Can alerts be set up to aid in communicating security issues, tracking updates, releases, or even new documents?
  • If your organization is global, will all the documentation be done in the US or will some be written overseas? Is translation software available or will the local team manage their own documents? And if so, how are change or update notifications handled?
  • Do you want to create an internal or web-based (an intranet) directory for each organization or product division and have it broken down into sub directories?
  • Do you need a database-type tool or repository where files are indexed for faster retrieval?
  • Do you need to set up a hierarchy or a content structure where the main product is on top and similar products below it with a documentation breakdown for each segment of the products? Each segment being anything from requirements, specifications, training, processes, procedures, marketing, etc.
  • Do you need to work with mappings of documents or where documents link to associated documents?
  • Finally, how much can you afford and what do you expect on your return on investment?

Set up a plan as to what you want the CMS tool to do for you and decide if it is the right fit for the organization. Also, is the tool you need user friendly enough, helpful, and will you be able to train others on it? No matter which tool you eventually decide on (either purchased, developed, or open source), make sure you have at least a uniform style guide for each division to use for consistency and clarity in writing, formatting and styling. This is especially relevant for global companies. Make sure your organization has the right tool or necessary processes set up to be able to answer ‘yes’ to the above questions.

If you have any suggestions or other ideas, please leave a comment.

X is for neXt steps toward eXcellence

Fingers going to the next step in a step stairs

How far have you come on this journey? Are you “there” yet? Sometimes it is hard to see our progress, especially when we are making small changes, changing habits and fine-tuning our existing skills. Maybe it would be helpful for you to go back and see where you were when you started. Were you really uncomfortable, stressed out or nervous about presenting? Now how do you feel? Hopefully those negative feelings have abated as you have learned skills and thought processes that are more productive.

How are your delivery skills? At first you might not have been aware of your delivery habits. You were “unconsciously unaware” of speaking too fast, or clearing your throat, or saying “um” too many times. Once you became aware of these things, you may have been “consciously unaware,” meaning you began to notice what you were doing but possibly didn’t know how to change it. You still kept speaking too fast, but you were aware of it. As you kept working on it, you might have been able to substitute the new behavior (talking more slowly) with “conscious awareness.” That is, you had to deliberately think about it in order to make the change, but you could do it. Here comes the good part; with practice you may have become “unconsciously aware” of speaking more slowly. At this point, you have built mastery over this skill and you rarely have to deliberately focus on it.

Now what? I encourage you to celebrate the awareness you have experienced, the choices you have made, and the new habits you have built. You have a lot to be pleased about. But, as with so many things in life, you are not really finished. There is always more to learn, more to strive for. Take another look at your delivery skills; what is the next habit you could begin to work on? It might be a strength you want to hone even further; maybe you love to tell stories or use humor, so why not focus on mastering those areas? It could also be working on a weakness; maybe you have a few grammar issues, and it will be worth it for you to build in that area. It might be more difficult and may never be your strength, but some weaknesses need to be corrected so they don’t become stumbling blocks.

Once you have examined your delivery skills, focus a bit on your content. Have you begun crafting and stating clear Targeted Messages? Have you made your content clear and crisp? Do your openings capture and engage your audience? Do your closings drive home your message, or create a call to action? If not, this would be a great time to reexamine structure. Great structure supports you just like a basic recipe supports you in the kitchen. Yes, you can adapt and improvise, but it helps to start with a solid foundation.

While you are at it, take a look at your slides. Are they dull, crowded, and difficult to follow? Or have you added graphics and photos and taken out bullets? Are you asking your slides to be a send-along document, or have you reconciled yourself to the fact that you probably need both a document and a separate slide deck? If your slides aren’t all they could be, and if you end up reading them more than you would like, there is a clear signal to focus some attention there.

Finally, how are you doing with Q&A? Do you prepare yourself so that you have a pretty good idea of which questions will come up, and do you have answers prepared? It might be a good time to start rehearsing the Q&A with someone who knows the tough questions that might arise. Have you learned to rephrase the question, using a Neutral Bridge to restate each question before answering? If not, you might find practicing this skill and turning it into a habit will make your Q&A sound more polished and professional. Have you learned to use body language to keep moving from one person to the next, and to move on to the next question? Or do you sometimes get “stuck” with one persistent questioner? Here is another opportunity to explore a few small changes that make a huge impact.

And how are you getting feedback? This could be the perfect time to start video recording your rehearsals, or your actual presentations. It is so easy to record yourself—maybe you could even use your smart phone. I know it may not be so easy to watch. But if you do, you will begin to notice the changes you have made, the strengths you have, and what really works for you. You will see weaknesses and stumbles, but you will know where to put your focus so you can continue the journey to excellence in presentations.

Testing On Mobile Devices

Man working on laptop while testing on mobile device

Part of a Technical Writers job is to create test plans and to communicate it to the Quality Assurance Team. The Technical Writer will be responsible for the standard test plan (see previous posts) for user acceptance testing to be performed, maintenance of an organized list of open issues, verification of resolved issues, and continuous communication with all stakeholders. Many Technical Writers can gather information and create test plans from working and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, managers, clients, etc. But with the popularity and reliance of mobile devices being a huge part of our industry now, how do we create independent test plans for applications loaded onto them? What should be in these quality check blueprints?

Similar to application testing on a laptop or personal computer, the test plan will involve equipment, functionality, user acceptance testing, interface, data entry, validity, and regression testing. But this is not enough. The standard testing is not just the application any longer. It will also involve content (such as size, language, security), DRM (Digital Rights Management), data risks, the device location, mobile carriers, special features (i.e., screen orientation – rotational ability, voice activation, screen navigation, etc.), audio, the cloud, social media access, simultaneous application behavior, and as usual, various scenarios.


  • Will it be able to coexist with other applications?
  • Will it work without interference or interruption if, e.g., a message or a call is received?
  • Will it work within any device and with any system version?
  • Will it work with any mobile carrier?


  • Will it work on touch-screen devices?
  • Will it provide user friendly functionality, e.g., scanning images?
  • Will it provide eye-pleasing displays, movement, and presentations?
  • Will it provide quick keys, menus?
  • Will it provide accurate swiping capabilities?
  • Will it be able to function via wireless technologies, i.e., Bluetooth, WiFi, etc.?
  • Will it function even when coexisting with the maximum uploading and downloading of various applications?
  • Will it be able to upload or download material and objects, i.e., revised content or images files?
  • Will it be able to download all or any entertainment items via the application links if needed, i.e., e book material, games, movies, etc. without conflict?


  • What are the effects of haste in jumping from one module or application to another?
  • What are the results of service disruption?
  • What are the outcomes of moving incompatible objects from one module to another?
  • What are the effects on battery power usage?
  • What are the effects of program errors on other applications?

Testing mobile device applications is quite challenging as you are not working off of a network nor have access to any normal desktop features such as viewing via a large screen, nor be able to manipulate any hardware or software. You are solely dependent on your mobile carrier (i.e., cell phone carrier) and your mobile device.

Testing therefore can be difficult. I do not have any experience in using specific testing tools to help as I have only tested my practical needs in determining whether or not a mobile device application works for me or not. But if you are familiar with some mobile application testing tools, please leave a comment.

Communicating Policies and Procedures

Business people going through policies and procedures

Definition – Policies and Procedures involve ensuring control over processes, giving directions, setting standards and following them. In other words, maintaining compliance or preserving requirements. The Policies are a set of rules or guidelines that are decided upon by higher-ups. The Procedures are the steps or processes involved in completing a task. Policies and Procedures:

  • are a growing necessity in Companies as they aid in ensuring accuracy, consistency, upholding standards, and
  • usually answer questions of who, what, and how.

Companies are paying more attention to compliance due to concerned awareness of risk management, security, confidentiality, etc. From protocols and regulation material to process breakdowns, companies are now having more Technical Writers create Policies and Procedures documents.

Industry Usage – You need Policies and Procedures for laws, guidance, audits, performance improvement, training, sales and marketing, instructional designers, medical writers, etc.

Below is a sample list of areas in organizations using Policies and Procedures:

  • Healthcare – in elderly care (for appointments, lab procedures, admission/release process, equipment usage, emergency care, insurance, etc.)
  • Business – in insurance (for processing claims, liabilities, appraisals, reinsurance, etc.)
  • HR – in orientation of new hires (for employee handbooks, training, etc.)
  • Education – in learning (for equipment handling, libraries, labs, instruction material, etc.)
  • Manufacturing – in production (for safety procedures, setting routines, monitoring schedules, quality checks, etc.)
  • Technology – in applications (for setting development standards, designing new software, authenticating privileged users, testing systems, data management, etc.)

As shown above, Policies and Procedures help eliminate confusion by reducing questions and errors, clarify instructions, and maintain smooth operations by keeping stakeholders all on the same page.

Writing Creating Policies and Procedures is not an easy task. It involves a lot of research and verification. Begin by creating an outline for yourself as to who needs to be interviewed and observed and what needs to be researched. For Policies and Procedures to work, keep it up-to-date. In the end, they have to be for the target audience and be user-friendly. Follow many of the rules mentioned in previous posts to make your document understandable and clear. Most importantly make sure the higher-ups support the creation of Policies and Procedures. Also, interview the right resources, such as your SME (Subject Matter Expert).

Questions to ask:

  • what (does the policy or procedure do, what is expected, acceptable, and what is not.),
  • why (is it done this way, does it have a history, etc.),
  • where (is this policy or procedure performed, under what circumstances, etc.),
  • when (does this policy or procedure occur, etc.),
  • how (is this policy or procedure prepared, completed, etc.), and
  • who (is responsible for ensuring the success of the Policies and Procedures, who is affected or is involved, etc.).

Organization – Organize the Policies and Procedures so that they are all located in one central database or location and is easily accessible to the right personnel. Categorize them for easier access. Create a process to maintain communication on all levels so that you can track changes and apply updates accordingly.

If you have thoughts to add, please leave a comment.

W is for Words and Wording

Preparing for a presenting

W is for Words

When we speak our thoughts must be translated and spoken in words, and this is the challenge. What if I forget my words? This worry puts tremendous pressure on us to think about the words, rather than the message or the meaning of the words. When we focus too much on wording, we lose our spontaneity, our passion. The words come out awkward and monotone. We have odd pacing, too fast or too slow. We read our slides instead of speaking from them. It just doesn’t sound natural. But if we don’t rehearse we also come off wrong. Unsure. Poorly phrased. Too many fillers. Too many odd pauses while we think of the right words.

What to do?

In the planning stage: Be really clear about your main message or theme. What are you trying to accomplish in this meeting or presentation? Put this much in clear, concise words. Write it down so you don’t forget. This is the foundation of your talk, and it often creates the beginning and ending of your talk, so keep the focus on this message, rather than the exact words. It’s OK to say it a little bit differently, just as long as you keep the message consistent.

In the rehearsal stage: It’s fine to memorize your opening lines and closing lines (see above about your message or theme.) But don’t even try to script or memorize your entire talk, unless it is for the media or a very formal situation where what you say must be word-perfect. Each time you rehearse, look for different words to say as you describe what is on each slide. If you tell a story or anecdote, tell it slightly differently each time. Rehearse bits of your presentation to different people so you become more and more comfortable telling it. Don’t worry about being perfect, just focus on getting the ideas across each time.

In the delivery stage: As you deliver your presentation, it is easy to start thinking ahead to the next thing you are going to say, or what is on the next slide. You can also begin to read the audience and begin thinking about how they are or aren’t reacting to your presentation. As your thoughts begin to drift, you lose focus on what you are saying. The “ums” creep in, and your words become more elusive. The trick is to understand your mind works faster than your mouth, and that you do best when you avoid distraction. Try to stay focused on your current content and the here and now. If you have planned and rehearsed, your words will flow smoothly.

In the review stage: Time to get some feedback. How did you do? Were you articulate, or did you stumble and grasp for words? Because you experience your presentation from the inside and you know where you were searching for words, it is difficult to assess your own performance. You might wish to record bits or all of your talk, and listen back. It may well be more fluent than you thought. Or there might be certain points where you did struggle. Would more rehearsal help? Or were you looking too hard for the “best” words, when similar words would have been fine? Another approach would be to ask for a second opinion from a coach or trusted colleague. They can help you determine whether you have any issues with grammar, word choice, or vocabulary. Now you know what to work on for next time.

W is for Wording

If you want to speak with authority and gain the credibility of your listeners, check to be sure these weak wording habits are not a part of your everyday speaking.

Vague words: “soon, later, early, almost.” Example: “The report is almost done, and I will get it to you soon.” If you find you have this habit, begin to weed these out of your speech. If you catch yourself, restate.

Qualifier words: “kind of, sort of, hopefully, maybe, just, just a little.” Example: “If I could just have a little of your time, I will hopefully clarify my position.” These words minimize the importance of what you are saying. Watch for these and lose them. Or use them sparingly.

Fillers and non-words: “um, uh, ah, well, so, like, you know, and-um.” Example: “It’s like, you know, um, the meeting is going to be cancelled, so…” It is difficult to weed out all fillers, but watch out for too many and become more at ease with a pause instead of a filler. Also avoid thinking ahead or distracting yourself.

Lazy language: phrases like “pick your brain” are just plain ugly. For trainers, the phrase “I want you to” is terribly common but a little bossy. For service workers and all of us “no problem” is not a very elegant reply when someone thanks you. Better choices: “ask your advice,” “would you please…” and “my pleasure.” These are just as easy to say and convey a positive and professional tone.

A great way to check your wording habits is to review your voice mail messages periodically before sending them.

As speakers, trainers and leaders, effective communication relies to a large degree on the spoken word. Starting today, take stock of your words, word choice, vocabulary and fluency.

Designing For Your Audience

Young man using a design to communicate with audience

How much is too much? How do we know how to present a technical document?- Whether it is written for projects, systems, communication, procedures, applications, prototypes, education, training, user guide, specifications, or updates, etc., how do we know how to design the material for the target audience? There may already be a style guide, but what if you think it is outdated and the guide needs to be revamped and needs a fresher approach? You can use the following few ideas as suggestions, when involving the design of certain documents.

Many people have examined or looked into how to design material for easier comprehension. Sample tests have been run to understand how a user perceives what they see in images, figures, pictures, symbols, charts, diagrams, etc. You have to be able to describe – how, why, what, when, where, and results. I think the best approach is to use practical examples. If you are writing about complicated tasks, break them down.

There is nothing wrong with having diagrams or flow charts with sub-diagrams or sub-flow charts. There are a lot of existing diagrams and templates online where a main diagram is presented as the upper image, followed by two other sub-diagrams located below it.

Think of a hierarchy or a triangle. All of this can be presented on one page. You can have a frame of information located above two other frames of data. This presentation makes it more interesting and appealing to the reader. Not only that, it will present a more understandable representation of what you are trying to describe, especially when working with anything technical.

People like to see variety in order to remember certain aspects of a diagram. If you can, make it simple and fun. Sometimes, for complicated descriptions, you need a sizable diagram to explain a model. For these situations, I think it is appealing if you break up a page filled with diagrams followed by a page of bullet-ed text. But you have to be sure that they are on facing pages or else you might lose the flow of the explanation.

And sometimes, for briefing meetings, you can just draw a simple diagram by hand. As an example, when creating a presentation for a marketing meeting where the attendees need to know only the major concept of a product, you can just include simple drawn out models and views of the new product.

Technical Writers are involved in many areas of a business (as writers, designers, trainers, analysts, etc.), so they need to know and understand the mind of the audience and be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and create a document accordingly. This way, the document is a valuable asset and won’t just be thrown into the corner. As another example, for procedural or use-case designs, make sure the instructions display what to do next. Use arrows, shapes, or any kind of configuration to make the image stick in the readers mind.

If you have other ideas about designing or including designs for explanations, please leave a comment.