Tips To Get Your Document Read

Closeup hands passing document

Technical Writers do more than just write. They communicate relevant technical information to get jobs done; see previous posts on what a Technical Writer does (see Defining a Technical Writer). They create the documentation, but how do they present an effective and appealing document? In a previous post, we discussed how to create a Style Guide and the importance of them. The guide allows the writer to focus on writing the content, and less on the look and feel of the document. No matter which Style Guide is followed, there are certain popular generic rules that should be followed. You might say the items mentioned below, can be part of a Style Guide.

To increase the visual appeal of a document, we should adhere to certain rules the same way we do for grammar. If the document is too long, does not present any illustrations, and is strictly text, the user will have a problem just reading the first page. Readers will usually flip through the document to see how it is structured. If it has a lot of white space, images, and has varying styles and formats, then viewers will more likely read it. Apply some of the following tips:

  • Insert images; use plenty of graphics; snapshots, tables, and charts to aid in explanations.
  • Use pointers, callouts, or arrows pointing to each part of an active item.
  • Organize document with easy to find information; use plenty of pointers, references, tips, thumbnails, etc to guide the reader.
  • Make paragraphs short and succinct; use simple words and write for the audience.
  • Use icons indicating relevant-must know information; warnings, advice, rules, policies, etc.
  • Ensure plenty of white space.
  • Do not create lengthy documents; break it up into more than one.
  • Limit varying fonts and colors for pointing out information.
  • Use outlines, bullets, etc., for ease of readability.
  • Apply headers and footers.
  • Include Glossary, Table of Contents, Appendix, Index, Error section, Check List, or Reference sheet/card if applicable.
  • Include a Q&A section.
  • When instructing, create numerical step-by-step directions and include indented sub-levels if appropriate.
  • Change up the style from one section to another, e.g., from one column to two, or have text flow around images for a change.

Try to create a visually appealing document using some of the above ideas. If you have more suggestions or ideas on how to make documentation more appealing, please leave a comment.

Can You See Me Now? How to Speak When Your Audience Is Remote

Happy business woman talking on the phone

Smile to put more life into your voiceHow many meetings do you attend, or facilitate, in which you are speaking over the telephone or over the internet? I imagine quite a few. It can be a little unnerving, or it can be a highly engaging experience. Here are some tips to making the most of these virtual presentations:

Remember your voice trumps all else. Since the listeners can’t see you, all they have to go on are your voice and your slides (if you are using them.) If you don’t know how your voice sounds, now is the time to get a voice recorder and record and listen to yourself. I know it isn’t fun, but it is an eye opener.

How many “ums” and “ahs” do you hear? Is your voice monotone? Do you have good volume? How is the voice quality over your phone line or headset?

If you found any opportunities for improvement, work on then now. It will pay dividends for years. A great way to get better vocally is to periodically record yourself in a practice presentation, exaggerating each aspect of enunciation, inflection, rate of speech, etc. Think of putting color into your voice. This exercise can help you stretch your vocal range, especially if you listen back and hear the improvements for yourself.

Some other tips for humanizing the experience:

1. Don’t use a script unless absolutely necessary. Your audience will be able to hear that you are reading. Instead, use notes that are less a script.

2. Rehearse your content, as much or more than you would for a live presentation. Pay particular attention to the opening minutes, the transitions between topics, and the closing. Ask a small group or even one person to listen. Or record it and play it back.

3. Engage the audience in the first three minutes. If you wait until midway through your presentation, the audience is used to listening only, and won’t respond as well as they will in the first few minutes. Ask them to write on a white board, or introduce themselves if the class size is small enough. If you know them, do a quick “check-in” with each person.

4. Have a helper sit in. if you can have even one live body in the room, or even on the phone, you can talk to that person. Less of the blind feeling you can get when you don’t see an audience. And maybe that person could help you with audience questions, technology issues, etc.

5. Privatize the chat function so that only the presenter and helper can see the questions. Encourage people to ask anything they want, knowing that they will remain anonymous. This increases trust and reduces risk of saying something they might regret. You can respond to the comment or question without revealing who said it.

6. Put up pictures. You can post them on your wall, or on your desk or even on your computer. Make these the happiest-to-see-you faces you can. Or use pictures of your pets or loved ones so you can see them, if that helps you feel more connected.

7. Stand up. This allows you to breathe more deeply, puts more energy in your voice.

8. Open your mouth wider. Enunciate carefully. This can keep you from rushing, and make you more easily understood.

9. Smile. Yes, we can hear that in your voice.

10. Keep the group small. In this way you can personalize the call, so people don’t just drift in and out of attention. There is nothing like hearing your name called with a question attached. Your audience will stay more focused if you might call on them.

Speaking with a remote audience is more and more part of our presentation repertoire. You can hide in the dark, or you can choose to shine.

I would love to hear from you. How do you sparkle when you speak with remote audiences? And how do you engage your audience in remote presentations?

Get Press! (Part Two of Two)

Cropped man reading a paper

Ten Ways to Make Headlines

Although there’s no way that one simple formula could work for everyone, getting great PR is not out of reach, even with a tight budget and no training. We’re talking about basic ways to support a great story. There are ten things you should know, according to Entrepreneur Magazine. Last time we covered #1-5, and today’s post: 6-10.

6. “Follow up on Correspondence”

Once you’ve sent that press release or story pitch, be sure to follow up appropriately and timely. Look at it from their perspective. They have tight deadlines and a bazillion emails. It’s just a fact of life that they can’t read everything right away. So help them out and direct their attention to your submission. Call or email – and give them the boost they may need to pay attention to your great story.

7. “Don’t Carpet-Bomb Reporters”

In other words, the shotgun approach doesn’t work. Instead of sending your message to dozens of reporters (editors, bloggers), choose the 5-6 that are most influential and most likely to be interested in your niche. Chances are that you will be better able to follow up with these few – and make an impact.

8. “Keep Your Promises”

If you make claims, such as “revolutionary new…”, “breaking news …”, “exclusive story…” – it’s vitally important that you deliver as promised. If you’re capturing their interest with puffery, you’ll lose their trust (and likely never regain it). So be real. One time-tested motto: “Under-promise and over-deliver”.

9. “Stress Relationship-Building”

It’s important to establish the same type of healthy relationship with your press contacts as you establish with your coworkers. Think long term. If a story you pitch doesn’t make it, ask what they DO want. If a story they run about you has some inaccuracies, stay calm and don’t make it a ‘lose’ for them. Don’t burn bridges.

10. “Establish a Winning Track Record”

You are the representative of your company. If your press contacts like you, they will probably also like your company. Be considerate, and professional in all your dealings with them – always. They’re under pressure, so your kindness WILL make a difference.

Tell us about a great local story you read recently. Why was it so interesting?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book has a name change! The Net-Powered Entrepreneur – A Step-by-Step Guide will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @

Style Guide Tips

Young man seated in an office smiling

There are quite a lot of questions about how a document should be designed. If the document projects an appealing appearance and motivates the user to want to read it, then the document has been properly designed. But how do we do this? A lot of these questions can be answered within a Style Guide. It will outline familiar or commonly used styles and formats that users have previously agreed upon. The amount of content presented in a Style Guide will depend on what is required for each document to be created.

  • Try to denote only the important ‘must have’ items within the Style Guide.
  • If it becomes too lengthy, break it up into sections and include a Table of Contents. It might even be more logical to break it up into more than one document. For example, if the:
    • Style Guide is for Developers, you might create two different guides. Create a Style Guide for a document that details the format to use when requesting, compiling, and logging database changes and another Style Guide showing what style to use for coding documentation.
    • Style Guide is for HR, you might need to create several, such as a guide for a document explaining how to complete certain forms, another guide for a document that explains procedures to follow, and another guide that explains the style to use when writing about company policies.
    • Keep it organized; break up the guide by sections or subject matter.

What and how many Style Guides you create depends on the document type, project type, etc.

To help you begin, try to:

  • Go back and track down previous documents and see how they were written and see what format was used the most. Also, note down inconsistencies.
  • Create a chart to help you stay organized; use headers indicating various types of documentation versus the formatting and style used. Use this chart to give you an overview of what currently exists. Use it to also see where you can make the existing documentation more organized and efficient.
  • Have a meeting with managers, project leaders, developers, users and those that will be using the Style Guides. Inform them of the Style Guides you will be creating and present examples.
    • Communicate to them that each document created should have their own Style Guide.
    • If you already have a draft of each type of guide, have them examine each one and then give a quick synopsis and see if they approve or disapprove of them.
    • Show them the chart you created, point out the inconsistencies, and indicate how you came to the decisions you arrived at for creating better documentation.
    • Explain how a Style Guide would allow a writer to focus on the topic and would save time and energy, as the writer does not have to think about how to format or style a document.
    • You might face some opposition. They may want to keep some of the old formats and disagree with you. Listen to them, find out what they want and give them what they want. If you can, include what is desired, but indicate this as an exception.

This meeting is where you lay out all questions, uncertainties and reservations onto the table. This is the time to get all your answers. Also, if you have a pressing issue, ask it now. After the meeting, forward all attendees updated Style Guides to see if they meet with their approval.

Do not be discouraged. What will be in the company Style Guides will depend on the company and its culture.

If you have used Style Guides or created them, and would like to share some ideas for them, please leave a comment

Become an UM Fighter! How to Get Rid of Filler Words

Young man holding a tablet while presenting

Recently I worked with a wonderful group of professionals, each wanting to be a better speaker. Some wanted to feel more comfortable, to turn nervous anxiety into power. Some wanted to be able to speak more fluently, releasing themselves from relying on notes and slides. And some wanted to break bad habits; notably, the habit of using filler words. Ah, that is a tough one.

Why do we use filler words? And what can we do to reduce them from our speaking?

Cause 1: We use these fillers to fill the tiny gaps when we are thinking of what we want to say next. Our minds race so fast when we are speaking (and we speak much slower than we think) that there is often a disconnect. We forget where we were, or what our point was, because we are thinking so fast we are off to the next thought.

Solution: Try to keep your focus with what you are saying. Try to not think ahead so much. When you notice your mind racing ahead to the next thought, or what is on the next slide, gently bring it back to the present and the words you are saying in the moment.

Cause 2: We distract ourselves with perfectionism and criticism. When we make a mistake, we dwell on it. We beat ourselves up. We hear each and every little filler. And we distract ourselves with these thoughts, so we end up with…wait for it…more fillers. Dang!

Solution: Forgive and forget—right away! You may notice the mistake, but let that thought pass by. Keep your focus right where it belongs, on your content.

Cause 3: We are often thinking of the words we want to say, or the words we had planned to say, rather than the thought itself. It is frustrating when you can’t think of that perfect word you wanted to say, but your audience doesn’t know what you planned, only what they hear. Most times, a close-enough word is just as good as the perfect word.

Solution: Think of your message, not your words. Tell stories, use dialog, think in images rather than words. Shut off the internal word-finder and let the words flow. Use close-enough words. Don’t memorize a script. If you do get stuck looking for a word, allow a pause instead of filling it up. The gap is most likely not all that noticeable to the audience.

Cause 4: We very often use fillers before answering a question. While we are teeing up the answer we often use a prolonged “ummm” sound to indicate we are getting ready to answer. Other people will say “that’s a good question” to fill this gap.

Solution: Use a Neutral Bridge instead of the filler. Neutral Bridges include phrases like “the question in about” or “I understand your concern about X.” By using a Neutral Bridge you paraphrase the question, buy yourself time to think, and allow the audience to hear the question in your words.

Cause 5: We get distracted by technology. I remember the first webinar I ever gave. I was so distracted by the technology and by not seeing my audience that I almost froze. Well, I did freeze for a moment.

Solution: Have someone else with you to deal with technology issues as they arise. Practice a lot before this type of presentation, so that the technology becomes more familiar. Consider having a co-presenter until you get the hang of it. Also consider inviting people to sit in live on your session, so you have a real audience. (Or put some pictures of your audience near your computer, and talk to them.)

These are a few of the most common reasons you will hear fillers in your speaking. Will you ever get rid of every um and ah? Probably not. But if you can reduce the frequency and duration of the fillers, your message will be able to get through more successfully, and you will sound that much more polished. Good luck!

What have you done to reduce the fillers in your speaking?

Get Press! (Part One of Two)

Young lady taking notes on a press release

Ten Ways to Make Headlines

It’s a world of skimmers out there – with way more content than eyeballs. Yes, the competition for readers’ attention is fierce. (But we’re fiercer, aren’t we?)

To score that precious publicity hit, there are ten things you should know, according to Entrepreneur Magazine. No expensive PR agency needed. Follow these insights to boost the odds that your press release will capture the interest of the local paper or influential blogger. Today we cover #1-5, and next post: 6-10.

1. “Get Your Story Straight”

The perfect story for an editor or blogger is one that’s UNIQUE. Right? No one wants to read about things they already know. Get attention by choosing a topic that focuses on your company’s unique competitive advantage. Otherwise known as unique selling proposition. Weave that into a newsworthy story, and include interesting stories, people or places that a reader can identify with.

2. “Perfect Your Pitch”

Take that story you just wrote and condense it down to a 30 second pitch. When you write a press release or call a reporter to pitch your story, you have to capture their attention in two sentences. Maybe less. So keep your pitch short and sweet.

3. “Tailor For Each Outlet”

Basically, this means, “One size DOES NOT fit all.” You wouldn’t pitch the same story to a column editor for HR personnel and individual job seekers. They’re just not interested in the same thing. So make sure to customize your story for it’s audience. Then customize the pitch.

4. “Prepare Assets in Advance”

When you can bring your story to life with screenshots, photos, links to videos and the like, prepare and deliver those along with the story. Your pitch has much more depth and texture – and you make the editor’s (or blogger’s) job easier – they won’t have to find that themselves.

5. “Issue Press Releases and Media Advisories”

These are simple summaries that offer breaking news and expert interviewees. Find a free template online. If you send it digitally to more than one media person, drop their email addresses in the Bcc and send it TO yourself. That way the receiver doesn’t know who and how many you’re pitching to.

Have YOU been featured in a story you pitched? Tell us about it.


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book has a name change! The Net-Powered Entrepreneur – A Step-by-Step Guide will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @

Do We Need A Style Guide?

Business woman happily working with a laptop

When putting together a document, where do you begin? What formatting or style do you use to present and communicate your information in a document? This question and others can be answered within the Style Guide. A Style Guide contains a set of rules that a writer uses to maintain consistency for grammar, format, and or content material. There are several Style guide designs. There is usually a generic guide that gives a summary of what styles and formats to use for particular types of manuals and then there is a more specific guide with greater detail, i.e., for:

  • Medical and Science Writers when submitting regulatory documentation or research,
  • Developers when submitting requests for database changes and documenting code,
  • Engineers who require Functional Specifications and Technical Specifications,
  • Testers who require QA specifications,
  • Users who require User guides and Reference sheets documenting processes and definitions,
  • HR Personnel when writing procedural instructions or educational material, or
  • Manufacturers when creating design specifications, etc.

These were just a few examples. Following a written set of guidelines ensures that the document is consistent, uniform, and allows the writer to focus on the writing of the material. You can call it a blueprint or template to follow. It will help the writer design the finished product and it will also make it easier for the reader, because they’ll know beforehand where certain information is located within a document because of the consistent style.

The Style guide will also:

  • Detail grammar and industry terminology.
  • Denote how certain text would be displayed within, e.g., Medical specifications or descriptions, or database definitions.
  • Indicate how to display numbers, or how to present abbreviations, i.e., should they be presented with initial caps or are some initial caps and some lower case?
  • How to format other objects such as check boxes or bullets or drop down lists.
  • Show where objects are defined. Should, e.g., definitions be placed in the back of the document, before the glossary or within the Appendix? How should tables be formatted and laid out? Should a background color be applied to the table or should only the heading have a background color?
  • Note what typeface, font, and size should be used. Will a newspaper or column style be applied and should text always be left justified?
  • Indicate the type of graphics embedded; are only jpeg files permitted or are any types of graphic files permitted?

Many other groupings or items have to be described as well, such as the Table of contents, the Appendix and headers and footers and paragraph breaks.

Most Style Guides contain references to sample material, standard conventions, a glossary, etc. So I guess the answer to the question ‘Do we need a Style Guide’ is ‘Yes’.

Note: As reminder, as with all documents, include a section for the review cycle and sign off sheets. This will ensure that everyone approves of the particular Style Guide. See some tips in the next post.

How to Use Humor in Your Next Presentation

Young businessman laughing during presentation

Is there anything worse than a joke that bombs? Or a punch line that misses? Or humor that the speaker gets, but the audience doesn’t? Whew! The rewards are great, but the stakes are high when it comes to using humor successfully in presentations.

We have already looked at why to use humor, and when to use humor in your presentations, now let’s take a look at how you can use humor successfully.

What not to do:

  • Don’t force it. If you try too hard, or work too hard at putting humor into your presentation, you may appear frivolous or desperate. Humor is always best when it seems spontaneous.
  • Don’t tell jokes. In almost every joke, there is a butt of the joke. No one wants to be the butt of the joke, and many people find it uncomfortable to be in the situation of laughing when there is a chance that someone is going to look bad. Think of all the “dumb blond” jokes. Even if you happen to be blond, there is always a victim in those jokes. (How do the other blonds in the room feel about it?)
  • Don’t laugh at anyone. Funny things happen all around us. But I always worry that if I tell a story about how dumb that other driver was, someone is going to be offended. My worst nightmare: you were the other driver and I just told a story at your expense. Not funny!
  • Don’t use any humor you wouldn’t tell your grandmother. If it contains innuendo or language that wouldn’t be appropriate in church, think twice. Better yet, just don’t go there. This is a business presentation, not a comedy club.
  • Don’t build it up too much. “Oh, I have the funniest joke – you are going to love this one…” is to me a set-up for disaster. Much better to slip it in unannounced and unanticipated. That is part of the fun of humor.
  • Don’t laugh at your own joke. OK, maybe you can smile, but don’t crack yourself up. Especially if you audience isn’t finding it all that funny anyway. Keep the presentation moving, and if the audience gets a chuckle, pause and let the moment unfold naturally.

What to do:

  • Find the natural humor. Funny things do happen. Words get twisted in funny ways. Unexpected outcomes make us laugh. As long as you aren’t laughing at anyone or any group, these natural expressions of surprise and humor are more likely to work.
  • Soft pedal the humor. Don’t force it, but let it float to your audience. If they find it humorous, great. If they don’t, you have already moved on. You’re not waiting for the big laugh; you are happy with a chuckle or a smile.
  • Find your own humor style. Your humor style might be that of a natural storyteller, or that of a physically humorous person (think Lucille Ball and her faces or Robin Williams with his whole-body humor) or a witty word-twister. You might find that unexpected gem of humor no one else can see. Or maybe you have just the right words to make people laugh and relax in a tense situation. You might even be the person who brings the best cartoons to share. Look for your own natural, comfortable style, and try it out in appropriate ways.
  • Laugh together. The best laughter is when we all “get it” and we share a laugh together. No one gets hurt. No one works too hard at it. This kind of humor bonds us, and is priceless. Have a light attitude, be open to humor, and be sure no one gets hurt. Laughter happens.

How do you use humor in presentations? Does it have a place in your organization? In your presentations? How do you make sure it is appropriate and adds value in business presentations?

What Are Ready Reference Sheets?

Young lady organizing documents on a shelf

To make it easier for some users to remember and/or to have access to pertinent information quickly, Ready Reference Sheets are created. Ready Reference Sheets are a useful collection of convenient and relevant information on a sheet of paper, a single page of a document, or on a card. They can contain anything from a brief overview of a program, a brief description of various functions, to just quick ways to accomplish a task. There is a gamut of uses for them.

Ready Reference Sheets can contain a list of items or functions that a program can perform, or a list of necessary instructions to accomplice a task. Each sheet can contain:

  • a chart of function keys and their purpose,
  • a quick set of instructions to perform a particular task,
  • a list of required definitions or reserved names,
  • a list of codes/embedded commands necessary to initiate a process, or
  • a list of functions that shouldn’t be used for a program.

For the developers, it can list:

  • the type of packages, procedures, and functions that can be used,
  • unacceptable codes/references,
  • codes used for certain projects,
  • where certain project codes should be backed up and stored,
  • system backup requirements,
  • authorizations, or
  • trouble-shooting tasks.

There is an abundance of examples:

  • For reports, the reference sheet can list the commands to initiate a report, what errors might indicate, whom to notify, and how to correct certain problems.
  • For a department, it might be a listing of available programs, their usage, gaining access, and even an index of cross-reference sheets.
  • For a communications package, the quick reference card may contain step-by-step instructions for performing a quick installation.
  • For customer service, the reference sheet might contain scenarios that are encountered and how to respond or where to refer the customer to next.
  • For a quick style guide reference, the sheet can contain universal formatting styles, information required for each document, storage information, accessibility, and privileges.

The creation of Ready Reference Sheets depends on the need, demand, and usefulness for them. No matter what a Reference Sheet is created for, be sure it’s pertinent to the users. Ready Reference sheets are generally one page in length front and back and in some cases 2 pages (front and back) but really no more than 2 sheets of paper. If using cards, limit information as much as possible per card.

If you have used Ready Reference Sheets or cards for presenting information, and would like to share some ideas for them, please leave a comment.

Humor Has it: When Should you Use Humor?

People Laughing While in a Meeting

In a recent post we talked about humor. In some organizations, humor and presentations don’t go together. It is seen as too risky. In others, it is practically required. Today let’s talk about when to use humor, so we can make better choices about taking the humor risk, and hopefully enjoy the benefits.

  • When you are last on the schedule. If you are the last presentation of the day, or the one right before lunch, a lack of humor or energy is deadly. Get people to stand up. Have them introduce one another. Put a cartoon on your slides. Twist your words. Don’t push too hard, but allow humor to happen instead of the same-old-same-old delivery. It won’t take that much to show your audience that you “get it.”
  • When your content is dry or boring. I don’t think any content really needs to be dry or boring, but some content has a bad rap for being difficult. This is when humor can shine. Can you use a humorous anecdote that illustrates the complexity (or the simplicity) of the content? A little story that demonstrates people’s reactions to it? Laugh at your acronyms? If you can get even a little chuckle, you can demonstrate that you can tackle this topic with grace and humor.
  • When you need to build rapport, fast. Let’s say you are addressing your new team. Or pitching your service in front of a potential new client. Not a good place for a stand-up routine, but if you can say something funny, you will get a better reaction that spouting facts or lecturing for hours.
  • When your audience is uptight or unhappy. OK, I didn’t say it would be easy, but if you can pull this one off you’ll look like a genius. I have always found that if I ignore the feelings of the audience, they will dig in deeper. Once I can acknowledge and accept their resistance, much of it dissipates. I have presented to people who have just lost their jobs, once literally during my workshop. We made a little joke about everyone disappearing one by one like an Agatha Christie mystery. Sometimes it is called gallows humor, but it beats crying.
  • When you make a mistake. When you say the wrong thing, or the computer dies at your hands and you want to run screaming from the room, your first reaction may not be humor. But a flip comment here may be just the ticket to save you. “OK, that worked really well.” Everyone in the audience has felt awkward and uncomfortable at one time or another. If you can handle that with finesse, they will really be cheering for you.

One of the reasons I always prefer to interact with audiences rather than lecture is that someone is bound to say something funny, and we can all relax. And once your audience relaxes, they are far more likely to accept your message.

Of course, there is a wrong way and a right way to be funny. If you try too hard or say the wrong thing, it not only won’t be funny, but you could offend or antagonize your audience. Next time, some humor do’s and don’ts.

In what situations have you tried using humor in a presentation? How did it work? What advice do you have for others wishing to build their skills to successfully use humor in presentations?