10 Quick Tips for Better Messages in Your Next Presentation

a young man presenting to a group of people

19088092Sadly, if your presentation is like most, your audience will remember very little of what you say. This is especially true if it is fact-filled, detailed and linear. You will be more successful if you think about creating and delivering a high-level message, and using facts and detail only to support your message. After all, it is the message itself you want them to remember, right?

Here are some tips to ensure clarity and focus in your next presentation.

  1. Be sure you are clear about what your message really is. Don’t get hung up on the details until you have looked at and clarified the big “so what?” of your presentation.
  2. Your message should provide context and overview, making it easy to listeners to follow your presentation.
  3. Don’t have a series of messages. Just one compelling message simply stated, easily understood & remembered.
  4. Condense your message to one sentence, targeted to the time, place and people in front of you. Talk their language, and focus on their concerns about this issue.
  5. Use this powerful targeted message to begin and end your presentation with impact.
  6. Get to the point in one minute or less. If you have a clear message, start with it, and add backfill as you go.
  7. Use 3 short statements or questions to pique audience interest, then quickly tie them to your message. Presentation launched!
  8. To increase retention and understanding of your presentation, tie all content to your message.
  9. Don’t memorize your entire presentation, but rehearse until you are fully fluent and confident in stating your opening and message.
  10. Use your message for a clear, compelling ending. We tend to remember what we hear last, so leave a positive impression.

Here is great news: once you are crystal clear with your intended message, the presentation almost writes itself. Try it today.

Documentation Update Tips

the word update written on a red background

How do you communicate updates for your technical documents? With fast growing companies, especially global companies, and frequent technical innovations, how do you let others know, for example, an application, product, manufacturing, business, etc. document has been updated? How do we document the revisions? To be sure that there is an effective process to indicate and notify users, here are some suggestions to lessen a chaotic impact for document changes:

  • Pre-warn users of impending changes and indicate a launch date for a new document. With today’s social media and mobile devices, this should be an easy accomplishment. Within an organization, if there is an intranet, or a social message system, announcements can be easily communicated quickly.
  • Make sure that revision numbers appear on the front of a document.
  • Issue an email with the attached document, with the subject line indicating an update to a document, followed by what was changed. If there have been relevant or more than a few updates, then a meeting and or training session must be held.
  • Create a new front cover for the document, so that users can easily distinguish the new updated document from the older one.
  • Create a cover page that indicates where changes were made, include page numbers to direct users to the appropriate page. This is especially useful for global companies where translation and retranslation is important. This not only makes it easier for a translator but for the reader as well.
  • Create thumb prints for the documents on revised pages and bold or italicize the updates to make amended items stand out.
  • Create new revised figure, images, tables, etc., to show new or modified items. Highlight pointers to make it easier for the reader to understand and view the updates. This is especially useful for updated products, applications, business flows, data, etc.
  • Email all users of impending changes when templates have been updated. Be sure to state why they have been modified. Also, indicate the date when the new templates will begin to be used. For example, there might be a new company logo that is to be used for better marketing and the company would want all associated events to begin on the same day.
  • Bold or italicize modified text where context sensitive helps or web online help issues are involved. If there are any follow-ups, the reader should be allowed/able to contact someone to question the modification. (For example, this could be a built-in feature within an application, or a customer service added feature to a product.)

In the end, be sure to create a process to ensure that when documentation updates occur, all associated documents and all those involved will be notified, that established procedures are followed so that no one is left out of the loop, and that everything will run smoothly and without chaos.

If you have any other ideas as to how to communicate updates, please leave a comment. Thank you.





15 Quick Tips for Delivering Slides and Visual Aids

a man delivering a presentation with slides

Slide shows getting boring? Next time you get ready to deliver a presentation using slides, review this list and commit to delivering your slides with impact.


  1. Decide if a slideshow is really needed. If it adds value to the audience, use it. If you are using it as a crutch, skip it.
  2. Don’t just tell. For every slide or major point, find a way to enliven it with an illustration, example, image or story.
  3. Everything you say does not have to be on your slide. Everything on your slide doesn’t need to be said.
  4. Interpret slides; don’t read them line by line. Tell a story, provide context, have a conversation about the content.
  5. Be radical: present without slides. Or use just 1 or 2. If this is too radical in your organization, prepare slides but don’t use them unless you need to.
  6. Use something besides a slide; consider flip charting a spontaneous discussion, use a handout for an informal talk, pass around a prop, or do a demonstration.
  7. Too many slides but don’t want to delete them? Instead “hide” them. They won’t show up in slide show but are there if you need them.
  8. Use a remote slide advancer so you have something in your hand, and so you don’t have to be glued to the lectern.
  9. Use the remote slide advancer to start your slideshow smoothly.
  10. Get your own slide advancer, so you can make it look smooth and easy.
  11. Look at your laptop instead of the screen, so you don’t have to turn your back to audience. If you must point to the screen, keep your shoulders and torso facing forward.
  12. Use special functions for impact: in slideshow view, press B for a black screen, press B again to return to slides.
  13. At the end of your presentation, don’t click to black. Have a final slide with your contact information, a call to action, or your title slide repeated.
  14. Want to move from one part of your presentation to another? In slide show, type the number of the slide you want and enter. Voila!
  15. Track your time by using a remote slide advancer with a timer in it. Or use your smart phone or iPad timer to count down the time remaining.

Slides don’t have to slow you down and bore your audience to tears. Use this tip sheet to take a fresh look at how to deliver with impact.


How Do You Know How Much To Communicate?

two young business people in a meeting

Let us say you are familiar with your audience. Even though you know them, when it comes to writing or presenting, how do you know how much to say and in what manner? This is particularly difficult when you have to use technical terms and there is a new system or product. Sometimes you do not want to be too basic when it comes to explanations or definitions. But how does the audience feel about this?

  • Make it interesting enough for them to stay focused.
  • Make sure that your words are aimed at the audience and not into thin air.
  • Make sure they are understanding you and that the document or the presentation is meaningful and valuable.

How do you know how much knowledge to share within a document or presentation? Probably, the best approach is to start with basics by answering these questions:

  • Why and how did this item come about?
  • What was the problem that had to be solved?
  • Who thought of it?
  • Who was approached at a meeting?
  • Who agreed to it?
  • Was there any updates to it or restructuring?
  • Who finally agreed?
  • How was it built?
  • Who was involved in producing it?
  • How long did it take to create?
  • How detailed did the developers need to get?

Depending on who the receivers of this new information are and the individuals affected, deciding how to communicate the information and in what form also has to be done. Forms meaning by print, slides, workflows seminars, etc.

Once the above questions are answered, knowledgeable experts on the new system, product, techniques, etc. will have to be noted and/or presented so that the audience will know whom to go to for answers when there are questions or problems. Within a document, list the relevant people above. Within a presentation, have them there and have them introduce themselves and state their roles.

Make believe you are in the audience – how would you respond to the document, or presentation that has been created? – Think about:

  • What else would you or the audience like to know?
  • What questions might be asked.
  • How would you like to view this new document or presentation?

Put yourself in the audience’s shoe or mind. Do you really like what you have just created, or are you just happy that the task is completed?

Always review the finished task. Review it at least 3 times to see if it is what you like and what the audience would like. Will they learn from it, will they be happy with it? If it is not basic enough for the audience then how can they learn from it? If they don’t like the look of it, will they continue to open another page?

Always look at your completed work from the audience’s viewpoint.

Can you answer this question? ‘How do you know when you’ve got all your ducks in a row?’

Please leave a comment. Thank you.



10 Super-Quick Tips to Design Better Slides

a group of business people creating slides for a presentation

Next time you open PowerPoint to create a slide deck for a meeting or presentation, remember these super-quick tips to ensure better-looking, better-functioning slides that add visual value to your talk.

  1. Highlight key words by bolding, not by underlining.corner
  2. Avoid Random Caps, ALL CAPS, and inconsistencies in capitalization.
  3. Stamp out ugly “bumper sticker” boxes. Soften the edges, eliminate lines around them, and consider using a build so they appear only when you click.
  4. Use SmartArt to quickly create graphical elements.
  5. Use plenty of photos, as long as they add value. Show people and places the audience will enjoy seeing.
  6. Take and use your own photos and video clips in your slides. No worry about royalties or copyright.
  7. Walk to the back of the room to see how your slides actually appear to the audience. Edit as needed.
  8. Streamline visuals: put less on each slide, delete surplus bullets, punctuation, words & boxes around things.
  9. Don’t use the same headline on each slide; instead let the headlines tell your story, show movement within the presentation.
  10. Generally avoid dark backgrounds and stale templates unless corporate mandates. A clean white background looks fresh.

Take a fresh look at your slides today; do they pass the “great to look at” test? If not, take 5 minutes to polish them. Your audience will thank you!

Communicating Change

a sign with the words time for change written with led light

How do you communicate change to others? It can be done verbally or through writing. For lead technical writers, immediate changes require the creation of new or updated requirements and meetings to present changes and new documents. Prior to the meetings, the lead technical writers have to question and determine where, when, and why changes occurred.

Change involves a lot of research. For technical writers to communicate change, they will have to:

  • learn about any use case revisions and
  • gather any new information from developers, product managers, stakeholders, etc.

Once all the facts are compiled, the next step is to:

  • find all the documents that will be affected and revise and disseminate them, as well as
  • communicate all changes verbally to others via training or open sessions.

To make the job easier, technical writers should always keep abreast of new and upcoming changes and likewise, forewarn any affected users that processes may be changing. No one likes to hear about a change and then have to suddenly switch gears. What if you were working as a customer assistant responder and knew of one way to perform a task and then was immediately told that a feature was altered or deleted. How would you respond to users calling to complain? Letting others know ahead of time of forthcoming changes would prepare them to adapt more easily. If the customer assistant was notified of impending changes, then they too could have pre-warned others of upcoming changes. This would cause less of a shock and the customer assistant and users would have planned ahead for it.

Depending on the environment, changes can occur quite often. Changes affect schedules and delivery times. But to ease the burden of communicating sudden changes, the following processes should exist:

  • Meetings should be continuously held to keep others up-to-date such as for the cases mentioned above. The technical writers should be aware of and attend all meetings and have a set of prepared questions to get their questions answered in order to get their job done.
  • Standards of good communication should exist. Managers need to make sure good communication takes place between all team members. Miscommunication leads to confusion, uncertainty, and unpredictable outcomes. (Note: with today’s social media applications and devices, miscommunication should not be an issue as statements or announcements can be quickly verified.)
  • Processes for change management should exist that describe what steps have to be taken, who should attend meetings, what has to be evaluated, when, etc. As part of that process, which users, departments, etc. to notify should also be included after the change has been approved and documented. Note: technical writers should investigate and make sure that they are on the list of any relevant meetings to ensure that they are not lost or forgotten within the change management process.

How have you communicated changes within a development life cycle or within any organization? Please leave a comment. Thank you.

Face it; Your Face is Showing: How to Manage Your Facial Expression When You Speak

Business woman planning and strategizing

19161831There was Mary, with a goofy smile on her face, telling her audience about a serious situation they were going to be facing. They had a hard time buying it.

There stood Frank, welcoming new customer to a plant tour, with a sour, grim facial expression. They didn’t feel the vibe.

Do facial expressions matter? Of course, so today let’s see how to make sure your face reflects appropriately your message.

Try these:

  1. Go neutral first. Make sure your face is relaxed and neutral. It should be neutral but pleasant. No frowns, no tension, no licking your lips. Check a mirror. This is your go-to facial expression.
  2. Smile! Practice in front of a mirror. Relax tension from your face. Soften your eyes. Now smile with your eyes as well as your mouth.
  3. Serious face. Practice looking serious and concerned without frowning or scowling. Think of a serious but not horrendous situation and reflect that on your face.
  4. Get feedback. Ask someone you trust to evaluate your face as you speak informally. What habits do you have that you may not be aware of? How expressive is your face when you are speaking naturally?
  5. Now see yourself. Video record your next rehearsal before an important presentation or meeting. As you review it, pay attention to your face. Is it expressive? Appropriate to your message?
  6. Bring it. Be aware as you speak of what your face is reflecting, and change it up as needed to match and reflect the meaning of what you are saying.

Next time you present or speak in a meeting you should be more aware of the impression you are making facially and be able to use a fuller range of facial expressions.

Technical Writing Communication Etiquette – (Part 2)

a man talking to a woman while she listen to him

How to communicate to others. The previous content presented ‘How not to communicate as a Technical Writer’. This segment involves a list of ‘How to communicate as a Technical Writer’.

Technical Writers do not have an easy job. They translate and communicate relevant information into easy to understand information to their audience. To communicate well to any audience, the Technical Writer should:

  • Always communicate understandably to the audience. Whether it’s communicating by speaking or writing, the relevant content should always be communicated at the audience’s level. The writer should be able to differentiate between writing for upper management and users.
  • Always take time to review all the details before communicating. A Technical Writer is a detailed individual who wants to be sure that everything that is conveyed is correct and vital.
  • Always be learning and never say something is not interesting. Learning and hence being able to communicate the knowledge is at the forefront of a Technical Writer’s job.
  • Always collaborate, communicate, and build trust. Build up your knowledge groups and team members. Make sure that individuals, team members, or groups are comfortable with you so that relevant knowledge is always shared.
  • Always be as sensitive to the tone in your writing as you would in your voice.
  • Always pay attention and listen to others. Especially listen to your SMEs. Your SME’s know what is happening (how, when, where, what, etc.).
  • Always be patient and listen before speaking. Not giving individuals enough time to speak and to finish their thoughts and sentences is not good etiquette. Interrupting people while they are speaking causes some to just stop speaking and sharing as they feel you must know it all, or they might have wanted to say something different. You are not a mind reader.
  • Always watch the user, the speaker, the person you are communicating with. Watch their faces, mannerisms, etc. Faces might say one thing, but their words say something else. For example, when asked if the handouts or any written material was beneficial, an individual may not like to hurt anyone’s feelings so they might say the material is good, when it isn’t. Watch and see their facial expressions and mannerisms as they turn the pages.
  • Always listen to the tone of your voice when speaking. Keep it open, friendly and undemanding.

The above were just a few highlighted important rules for Technical Writers to follow when communicating. The one rule that all Technical Writers share and abide by is that they always communicate clearly, concisely, and accurately. That is the most important rule.

Do you have any ‘Must do’s’ to add to this topic? If so, please leave a comment. Thank you.

Humor in Presentations: Do’s and Don’ts

business women laughing during a presentation


Should you or shouldn’t you? There is nothing like sharing a good laugh during a serious presentation. And nothing worse than humor that backfires. No wonder so many people shy away from humor altogether. Yet…you want to give it a try. OK, then, here are some guidelines to help you decide when and how to insert humor during your next meeting or presentation.

1. Don’t try too hard. The more you push humor on your audience, the less funny it is. Watch for humor that happens naturally.
2. Don’t open with a joke; jokes are difficult to tell, easy to mess up, and often offend someone. Rather than a joke, find the humor in the moment or in a story.
3. Do find your special brand of humor. You might be good at word play, physical humor, or a clever remark.
4. Do test it out on others. Tell the story over lunch, or try it at a team meeting. If no one finds it funny, let it go.
5. Don’t laugh at your own stories. Watch comedians and entertainers; they most often watch the audience and refrain from laughing at the own jokes. Or if they do, it’s a chuckle only.
6. Do keep it short. Time is money—don’t spend it on what can be perceived as a waste of time. Make it short and pertinent or skip it.
7. Don’t go for the cheap shot. If there is a chance you will hurt someone’s feelings or speak in an inappropriate way, just let it go. Why chance it?
8. Do be cautious with sarcasm. If this is your preferred humor style—and you know who you are—be sure you know your audience really well, since sarcasm can easily be misunderstood.
9. Do try safer humor; cartoons, word play, spontaneous humor, dry humor, a funny quote. See how your audience reacts to these attempts before you go all-out.
10. Do take yourself lightly but no put downs. It’s a fine line to walk. If you can do it, take yourself lightly. Just don’t go too far with self-depreciating humor or your audience may not be able to take you seriously enough.

Bottom line: tread lightly, experiment with safer humor attempts, and yes, give it a try if you think your audience can handle it!

Technical Writing Communication Etiquette – (Part 1)

women shaking hands after a meeting

How not to communicate to others. The following are some pretty important rules about how Technical Writers should and should not communicate. Part 1 will be about how Technical Writers should not communicate and Part 2 will be about how they should communicate.

Writers who cannot communicate in a professional manner will not get to connect well with others nor gather the information they need. For Technical Writers (TW) to function well within any organizations environment, they must be approachable and receptive. Here are a few tips on how not to communicate to others.

  • Do not be the 3 A’s (assertive, aggressive, annoying). Do not let others perceive you as being over confident. This is especially true if you have not double checked your resources and data before communicating information. A TW is always diplomatic and only states the facts. Prior to any encounters, a TW should always analyze and ensure that all information communicated is accurate and valid.
  • Do not answer a question before thinking. This rule in essence applies to all individuals, but for a Technical Writer, who is supposed to be objective and factual, any miss-quotes can be taken as that individual to not be reliable nor responsible.
  • Do not use just any words to communicate. Make it appropriate and useful., clear, and concise.
  • Do not jump to conclusions – as always, listen and then think about what will be said and/or written. In other words, do not react with emotion. A TW always thinks about why and what will be communicated to others.
  • Do not assume that communication problems are due to someone else’s errors. It is possible that the error came from your end and not someone else’s, e.g., inserting the wrong dates or information on a project plan or document. A Technical Writer should always be open to any criticism or evaluation.
  • Do not rely completely on your gut feelings when communicating decisions. Double check everything first and then rely on your gut feelings to make a decision. This way you will know that the decision will also be based on valid and reliable information.
  • Do not rely completely on past experiences when you are going to collaborate with others on a new project. Environments often change within the technical arena. Attend all meetings so that you are kept up-to-date on all changes and more importantly, on new knowledge that allows you to be able to interact with others more understandably. In other words, remain technically versed.
  • Do not be dishonest when communicating what you know. No one knows everything. Similarly with instructors, if an answer is not known, simply state that you will try to get the answer or information. Technical Writers have a sense of curiosity so research and find out the correct answer.
  • Do not lose focus in communication via writing or speaking. Create your outline and make it suitable for you. Next change it up so that it is suitable for your target audience. Technical Writers communicate clearly, concisely, and accurately.

The above were just a few highlighted important ‘Do not’s’.

Do you have any ‘Do not’s’ to add to this topic? If so, please leave a comment. Thank you.