Twitter is Best for Generating B2B Marketing

A phone with twitter login screen

Twitter B-2-BGuest Author: Donna Lee

If you’re wondering where to connect online with customers and prospects, and colleagues in the B2B sector, the smart money is on Twitter. According to Technorati, an astounding 85 percent of companies recognize Twitter as their social media platform for marketing. The appeal is easy to understand.

Not only is it a great place to reach out to new customers, but Twitter also offers crowdsourced advice instantly. If you’re looking for no-contract phone plans, a simple search will return real-time opinions and links to providers. While many used to lampoon the site as a place for the self-absorbed to announce their choice of breakfast foods to the world, the reality is that it’s a force to be reckoned with now, offering businesses entirely new ways to reach potential customers, conduct customer service and build their brand.


With over 554 million users registered across the globe as of April 2013, Twitter offers business access to a vast audience and free, open platform for sharing marketing messages. This arrangement essentially levels the business playing field. Now, even the smallest micro-business can enjoy the kind of reach once only available to corporate giants. The platform’s interactive nature means that rather than simply broadcasting a message to followers companies can develop relationships with them — a crucial advantage over old-school mass media approaches. Further, as Hubspot’s Mike Volpe points out, Twitter’s 140-character, micro-blogging format is the perfect platform for busy CEOs to contribute to the company’s “voice” without committing to writing long, labor intensive posts.

Customer Service

What’s really interesting about Twitter is that it not only allows companies to reach out to customers, but it also allows customers to start conversations with companies. In practical terms, that often means voicing customer requests. Make no mistake, these customers expect a response, and they expect it quickly — but this provides an ideal opportunity for building a public face. By solving customer service issues publicly on Twitter, a business can both save a current customer and impress future customers who may be watching.

If necessary, be ready to move the conversation off Twitter and into an email exchange or a phone call. Some problems are too complex to be solved in a flurry of 140-character posts, and doing the best you can for the customer trumps keeping the exchange public. More importantly, always provide exemplary customer support on Twitter. Treating a customer poorly in front of a Twitter audience armed with retweet buttons is a bad idea indeed.


Twitter also offers a serious platform for building your business’s brand. A big part of that, as already mentioned, is establishing your company’s voice in the minds of your followers. Additionally, any business on Twitter should give great consideration to their choice of Twitter handle, avatar, profile text, and profile images. Stephanie Haller reminds companies that followers will see their avatar images and Twitter handles in their stream each time the company posts, making these two elements extremely important from a branding perspective.

Author Bio:

Donna Lee reviews social media tools and apps for project management. A business graduate, she likes to write about utilizing social media to benefit businesses.

Tips For Your Training Manual

Illustration of people reading a user manual

How do you create your training manual? We have all used training manuals. Some to our dismay and some we wish to keep and refer back to. What makes a good training manual is the relevant information that is supplied and how it is presented. The Technical Writers/Communicators will be the individuals assigned to create this reference as they are the knowledge holders or subject experts. To begin:

Determine Your Audience

What do they need to know? What tasks are relevant to them? Some learners do not need to know every detail of a product. What are the main objectives of the manual and the training? For example, if it’s for:

  • Marketing or sales, – explain how the product works if it is new or how it now works if it has been revamped. Emphasize the selling points, ease of use, cost, quality, etc.
  • Customer service personnel – provide more detail in its functionality and relate prior issues and what questions to ask and whom to contact.
  • Developers – provide more technical detail and specialized units or modules.
  • Users of technical programs – focus on functionality and exercises.

Those are just a few of the many different types of training manuals that are written.

Determine The Design

How the manual is designed will be determined by what you are training the audience for. In deciding on the look of the manual, tables and visuals are always suggested as they present a clearer picture of the product and what it does. Tables also present a clean definition for each relevant item. It is also suggested to use two column formatting only in special cases to break up a flow for interest. Following the above examples, if it’s for:

  • Marketing or sales – use images followed by descriptions and apply bullets for ease of readability.
  • Customer service personnel – provide images followed by additional detail in table formats to explain functionality and issues and resolutions.
  • Developers – provide plenty of images, flowcharts, and tables for data locations and settings.
  • Users of technical programs – include screenshots with pointers and tables for steps, explanations, and definitions.

Customizing the look and feel of a training manual will make it easier for the learner to follow.

Determine The Content

Content centers on the target audience. For example: if it’s for

  • Marketing or sales – include sections compiled of background and purpose, how it was designed, the demonstration process, a complete view of the product with pointers indicating relevant parts of the item, a reference sheet (quick guide), etc.
  • Customer service personnel – include sections compiled of functionality, descriptions, definitions, appendix, previous problems and solutions, reference sheets, etc.
  • Developers – include sections compiled of objective, requirements, specifications, data, functionality, programs, software, diagrams of how it should look, mappings, etc.
  • Users of technical programs – include sections compiled of the business process, ‘How to…’ perform a task, relevant images (figures, tables, screenshots), exercises, glossary, etc.

Ensuring the content is written well and pertinent to learners will instill within them confidence to perform a good job.

Add in suggestions from a previous post, ‘Tips To Get Your Document Read’ to produce an instructive and useful training manual.

Please leave a comment if you have other tips when creating a training manual.

How to Creatively Market Your Brand (Without Annoying the Consumer)

Branding and Marketing Text on a White Surface

Guest Author: Joyce Smith

In today’s saturated market, it’s becoming harder and harder to make your company stand out. Brands have become virtually indistinguishable from each other.

That’s why it’s so important to advertise outside the box. You have to think of innovative ways of reaching your target audience without inundating the consumer. Ads in traditional media like TV and print just don’t cut it any more.

Core Principles

To truly establish or expand your brand, your company needs to focus on these core principles:

  • More community engagement
  • Incorporating branding into daily logistics
  • Creating brand ambassadors

If you would like to be established as an industry leader, follow these simple steps to cement your company’s public image and gain a competitive edge.


If you’re trying to make a lasting impression on a potential client, give that person a branded item that he or she won’t immediately throw away. Or recruit staff to become your “brand ambassadors” by wearing or using the swag in the community.

Affordable, fun ideas for potential company swag are hats, wristbands, temporary tattoos or cell phone cases. If you have the budget, you could also manufacture an extensive line of branded apparel (company swim trunks, anyone?).

Whatever swag you choose should be something your brand ambassador can use or wear and distribute to others. Avoid obnoxious branding and opt for a subtle logo instead. People are more inclined to ask questions if isn’t already spelt out for them.

Community Sponsorship

Building a public image is more than just throwing up a website and a few paid ads and commercials. It’s about molding the public’s perception of your business and what it represents.

Little league sports teams. Charity runs or walks. Fundraising concerts. If your company sponsors any of the above, you’re guaranteed to boost your public image. And all those involved – the baseball players, run organizers, etc. – become your brand ambassadors by sporting your logo.

With whatever cause you attach your company’s name to, encourage your staff to volunteer in record numbers. A team show of support will cement your reputation as a company who cares.

Branded Shipping

Like many business logistics, outsourcing your transportation needs has made shipping product a lot more convenient and manageable. Most fleet management companies will pick up the supply, warehouse it and make sure it’s delivered according to your schedule.

Trucking companies can also benefit your business in a way that most people wouldn’t think about – creative branding. Fleet companies adopt their clients’ branding while they ship their product from point A to point B. They plaster their trucks with your logos, and outfit their drivers in colors that match your branding.

Branded transportation (be it trucks, hot air balloons or trains) is like mobile billboard advertising – difficult to quantify, but guaranteed to be seen by many.

Guerilla Advertising

Guerilla advertising is a strategy that uses unconventional methods (flash mobs, street art, interactive demonstrations, etc.) to promote a brand. It can be highly effective and even newsworthy, but it has to be done right.

In homage to street artists like Banksy, you can use guerilla advertising to infiltrate city streets, public parks, zoos, aquariums, etc. The backdrop of your street “ad” should be relevant to your business in order to truly make a statement.

Your ad should include limited contact information, like your company’s name and website. A little mystery will help to intrigue passer-bys, who are essentially your target consumer audience.

If you implement the above tactics, you’re guaranteed to build a name for your company. Or, if your brand’s already entrenched in the consumer psyche, than you’ll generate buzz that will elevate you far above the competition.

Author Bio:

Joyce Smith has over 10 years of work experience in PR and marketing. She’s a part time yoga instructor and full time Leafs fan. Joyce also does consulting for Canada Cartage Systems, a leading trucking company in Canada.

Prepare for a Great Presentation Part 2: Organizing your Content

A group of clapping to a businesswoman after presenting

next stepsThe day of your big presentation is fast approaching. You have been amassing plenty of facts, thoughts, photos, charts and graphs, enough to fill a large file. Now the big question is how do you organize it?

One great way to proceed is to start from a big-picture viewpoint. What is the point of this presentation? What does the audience need to hear? What do you want them to remember, think, feel or do? Write this down. Yes, really. You might have a sense that you know the answer, but until you capture it in words, you can’t be sure you really have it. If you would like, try saying it out loud. Once you have it, write it down, quickly, before you forget what you said.

Here are versions of a theme or message you might use to begin a presentation.

Version One: “Today’s topic is blogging.”

Version Two: “By creating and contributing regularly to a blog, you will be able to connect with your customers in real time, provide them incentives to purchase, and establish yourself as a responsive partner.”

Which one did you like better? If you are interested in blogging in the first place, the first version told you that you were in the right room, but not much more. The second one gave you reasons to listen, and clearly spelled out some of the benefits you might enjoy from starting a blog.

How could you make it better? If you know your audience well, you can make your message more specific. If you don’t know them as well, or if there is a mix of attendees, you might need to make your message broader. But don’t forget to always give reasons to listen, and benefits of doing the action you are recommending.

Version Three (Broader): “Blogging is an easy, simple way to connect with more people and share your knowledge.”

Version Four (Narrower): “As brand-new bloggers, today you will learn how to avoid some of the pitfalls new bloggers often fall into and how set yourself up for success.”

We could go on all day creating different versions of the message, but you know your audience and your material best, so create the message that fits the situation and compels your specific audience to want to hear more. Starting with your message will definitely inform your organization.

So now on to organizing all the supporting data you have been collecting. The next step is likely to be narrowing it down. Take a look at your content and see how each piece of information supports the message you have created. If it does not, put it aside; it isn’t needed for this presentation. Save it for another day, perhaps, but don’t squeeze it in just because it is “nice to know.”

Step two will be sorting through all the data that remains, and organizing it into chunks or buckets of information. Which of these methods appeal to you?

Mind map. I like to draw a “picture” of my presentation in the form of a modified mind map. I use an oversized sheet of paper and in the middle write out my theme or message. I then start to branch out from the middle, thinking about the important topics rather than individual facts. (If I am creating a training program or interactive presentation, I also write what learning methods will be used for each topic. You might think about what stories or examples you would use for each section.)

Story board. To create a story board, create a series of boxes that look like a comic book or comic strip. You can use oversized sheets of paper or flip chart paper if you like, or draw it on a large whiteboard. Start your story with your message. End it with your message. Now, think about how you are going to get your audience from where they are starting to where you want them to be at the end of your presentation. You might even select headings such as, “the current state of blogging, benefits of blogging, steps to setting up your blog, and what you might expect as a new blogger.” Once you have your headings, fill in your facts and date under each heading. Voila! You are not only organized, you are also moving your audience logically from Point A to Point B, a key component of storytelling.

Sticky notes. Many speakers put each fact on a sticky note, and then arrange the notes on a wall or whiteboard. With this method, you can easily move things around until you get them into the right category. You might be able to see that you have too much information in some areas and not enough in others. Or that you have way too much data and will have to streamline even further. This method also allows you to visualize the whole presentation, and play with it over a few days or longer, if you can leave your notes on a wall to keep referring to.

3×5 card sort. A more hands-on variation is to write the information on a number of 3×5 cards. You can move them around on a table until the main chunks are sorted out and you like the sequence. This could be a good method if you are creating the presentation with others, as they can each add to the stack of 3×5 cards. And again, you can easily discard cards that aren’t going to be used.

Outline. If I am “writing” the presentation on the computer or my tablet, I might use an outline format. This is very convenient when you want to draft a presentation at a coffee shop, on the train, or on your patio. Just be aware that outlining isn’t quite as “whole brain” as some of the other methods discussed above, because it relies so heavily on sequencing rather than free-form thinking. That said, one advantage of outlining this way is that you can dump your outline onto PowerPoint and have more or less an instant slide show. I would recommend this method only if you are very familiar with your content and need to create your presentation rapidly.

Organizing your presentation doesn’t have to be a drag, but be sure to allow yourself enough time to do it well. Experiment with different methods. Think about how your audience likes to have information presented, and go from there.

Please let me know which methods you have tried and how they have worked for you. Are there others you would recommend? And all best wishes organizing your next presentations.

Author Gail Zack Anderson, founder of Applause, Inc. is a Twin Cities-based consultant who provides coaching and workshops for effective presentations, facilitation skills for trainers and subject matter experts, and positive communication skills for everyone. She can be reached at

Web site:


twitter: @ApplauseInc

Keys To Handling Change

The word change written on a dies

How do you handle change? Changes are not predictable. What happens when changes occur on a project and you have just been notified at the last minute that documents have to be revised, revamped, and need to be transformed to have a different format?

Panic sets in. What happened to the change request process? Why weren’t you notified that changes might be coming? This scenario can occur:

  • when a project manager and\or a client demands changes at the last minute,
  • when updates and requirements were misinterpreted, or
  • when other changes occur such as when product parts have suddenly been discontinued.

This can easily happen within an organization or global organization’s environment.

Project Plan

To ensure that the proper documents will be written, updated, or revamped, give yourself plenty of extra time within your initial project plan. If stakeholders do not agree to the expanded time frame, explain to them about the what-ifs. What

  • if the client demands a change,
  • if the budget was estimated incorrectly and a resource has to be eliminated, or
  • if the whole scope has to change because of unforeseen circumstances.

Your schedule has to account for these situations.


If there is a history of late changes within projects, assign backup technical writers, and just to be on the safe side, assign more than one to assist in emergencies. Make sure each writer is well versed and acquainted with the particular project topic and more importantly, that the writers also work well together. Staffing conflicts are not needed in situations where tight deadlines have to be made.

Back Up

Take a step back, especially if you are the only technical writer. You can ask what happened to being kept in the loop of change requests, but no matter what the reason behind this new agenda, you now have to move on and make all the revisions and create new documents, formats, and/or images to get the project completed on schedule.

  • Get a complete list of prioritized changes.
  • Then find out what format updates are required. Do it in that order. This way, at least you know what revisions have to be written, what text and data have to be replaced or amended.
  • Simultaneously, focus on having the correct images redone or replaced. Formatting can be the final step.

Getting The New Data

Revisit your subject matter experts, developers, stakeholders, etc. to ensure that all the new information you have been given is correct and accurate. If they also have to adjust their plans as well, make sure that they keep you in the loop and provide you with all the information you need as the project moves on.

Post Morten

Here is where you discuss the ups and downs of the project. What went well and what went wrong and how to make it better the next time around. Do not dismiss these end of project meetings. They are relevant and help in making the next project run more smoothly.

A quality document has to communicate effectively to the target audience. If quality documents are to be produced, allow for flux and flexibility within every project.

How have you been able to handle sudden changes? Please leave a comment and share your experiences with us.

Prepare for a Great Presentation Part 1: Gathering Data

Coworkers gathering data for a presentation

start hereA client told me recently how he begins preparing for a future presentation. “When I know I am going to give a presentation in the future,” he says, “I place a yellow pad on my desk, right where I see it every day. Whenever I have an idea, or come across a piece of information that relates, I jot it down there. By the time I am ready to put my presentation together, everything I need is already there.”

Good tip, yes? What is so great about this method is its simplicity, and its visibility. Once you made a conscious decision to start gathering information on a given topic, you will likely come across many ideas that relate. Making it easy to capture them is key.

A variation of this method is making some kind of mind map. I often take an oversized sheet of paper and draw my map so I can begin to see the whole presentation at a glance. The oversized paper gives me plenty of space to sketch, doodle, and write. I can see how much time to devote to each section of the presentation before any final decisions about content are made.

If you prefer a slightly more high-tech version of the yellow pad, try another thing I like to do. Use a notes program on your computer, smart phone, and tablet, storing them in the cloud. This way, if you inspiration strikes on your commute, or at the gym, you can add it to your electronic note pad, and find it there when you arrive at the office and log in. (Personally, I find these notes a little tidier than my hand-written notes, but that is another story.)

Another colleague gathers her notes on OneNote, organized by task or project. Some people love Evernote, where they can clip and add photos, graphics, and clippings found anywhere online. Some people are starting to use Flipboard or PInterest in similar ways. Just be sure to select the appropriate level of privacy before compiling all your notes on these sites.

If you are a tactile learner, you might even use a simple file folder, in which you can stash hand-written notes, clippings, or other printed material. Some speakers keep notebooks or folders with stories, metaphors, and quotes they could add to a presentation — a folder would be a great place to keep them handy.

No matter which method you choose, planning ahead for your presentation and beginning to collect ideas and data makes a lot of sense. Choose one or more of these and give it a try. Anything is probably better than avoiding the matter until the last minute and then scrambling for ideas.

What do you do to gather ideas for your presentations? One of these, a combination, or something else altogether? I would love to hear what works for you.

Author Gail Zack Anderson, founder of Applause, Inc. is a Twin Cities-based consultant who provides coaching and workshops for effective presentations, facilitation skills for trainers and subject matter experts, and positive communication skills for everyone. She can be reached at

Web site:


twitter: @ApplauseInc


How to Write Your Business Blog Posts So They Are SEO Friendly

Tiles saying SEO

Guest Author: Eric Stauffer

If you’re looking to increase your company’s web traffic and improve your SEO campaign, there’s one sure-fire way to do it: create a blog. A business blog can give you a great outlet not just to provide pertinent and helpful information for your customers, but to also afford you additional opportunities to use your keywords, increase links and gain exposure for your website.

But creating business blog posts that are both readable and SEO-friendly isn’t always the easiest task. Need some help? Follow these quick tips.

  1. Look for longtail keywords. Longtail keywords are going to be your most effective and lead-generating type of keyword. They are highly specific phrases that are usually three words or more in length. “Black V-neck T-shirt,” for example, is a longtail keyword. When a customer searches for this term, they already know exactly what they are looking for; they’re simply looking for the source. By using these keywords, you’re ensuring your traffic is as qualified as possible.
  2. Use your keywords in your title, URL, headings and subheadings. Each of these areas is weighted heavily by search engines. When you place your keywords in these areas, it’s more likely to affect (and improve) your SEO rankings. Additionally, it’s much easier to work long or awkward keywords into headings and titles than it is to integrate them into sentences or paragraphs, where they could muddle your overall flow and confuse readers.
  3. Always add tags. Most blogging platforms, like WordPress, Tumblr and Blogger, allow you to add categorical tags to your posts. These signal to search engines (and readers) what sort of information your blog post contains, so they can be prioritized in search results. Take advantage of these tags by working in any applicable keywords. This will not only improve your SEO, but will bring in more qualified readers and customers.
  4. Get linking. When possible link important keywords or phrases to other blog posts or pages on your site. These will increase the number of links for your site, and it will enhance exposure for your keywords as well. Both of these can be a great boon to SEO rankings.
  5. Use images to your advantage. Name your images using your keywords and phrases, and make sure to include an SEO-friendly alt tag with each one. When possible, add a caption that includes your keywords as well. These actions won’t just increase your on-page SEO, but they’ll also help your images get displayed in Google Image Search (and other image searches) that can lead potential customers to your site.
  6. Find a keyword balance. Try to focus on just one or two keywords per post. Aim to work each keyword in once every 100 words or so. This will ensure you get the keyword in enough for search engines to pick up on it, but not so much that you overload your text with keywords, and end up confusing your readers.
  7. Add a meta description. If your blogging platform allows for it, always include an optimized meta description with each post you create. The description should be around 150 to 160 words and include each of the keywords you use in your post.
  8. Cross promote where you can. If you have a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or other social media account, always cross promote your blog posts there. Include a link, along with a teaser that both uses your keywords and entices people to check out your content. This not only increases the number of links to your blog, but it also exposes your brand to new potential customers and readers. Plus, search engines give a lot of weight to social media sites, so it could greatly improve your SEO rankings, too.

Eric Stauffer is a professional blogger and small business advocate. His organization,, helps business owners navigate the murky waters of the payment processing industry and teaches them how to get a fair deal.

Reviewing Your Document

Business woman going through a document

Question – Is reviewing your document clear and concise? – How do you know? Has it been written for your target audience? Most importantly, is all the information correct? We can write and write, but when do we stop and how much is enough? Here are some checks to ensure that you’ve written and checked all aspects of the document you’re delivering so that it is ready for your audience.

Plan it out

For specific documents, make sure that the most important items have been included. Prepare a list of must haves for each document you are preparing. Here are some simple examples:

    • For requirements documents, did you insert the project scope and essential items outlined and prioritized?
    • For user guides, did you review each step, provide enough images,, and did it meet stakeholder’s needs?
    • For specifications, did you provide all necessary data and figures/images and ensure that all pointers refer to the correct items?
    • For test plans, did you include location of objects and every scenario to be tested?
    • For marketing, was there enough data and information for sales engagement and revenue generation?
    • For RFPs did you include all the correct figures and terms?

From your research, you will know what has to be included in your work. Use the examples above and customize and create your own personal list of checks for each document Once each item on your list has been checked off and validated, then move on to the next steps below for reviewing the document further.

Check for Clarity

Make sure that you have included every description and explanation that is necessary. Did you use your simplest words to be as precise as possible without ambiguity? That is, make sure you have included all the right steps and diagrams and that all instructions, explanations, and relationships are in the right order thereby validating your content. Double check and make sure you have an answer for every possible question.

Check the Flow of Words

Once you have included all the key factors in your document, you have to make sure that it is readable. Take a break and then read the material as if it’s the first time you are reading and seeing it. Make sure there’s a natural flow or rhythm in the words as you read. Reading as if you are speaking is a good indication of whether or not the sentences are readable and clear.

Do Your Editing

  • For spelling, the best method I use for checking is to read the text backwards.
  • For grammar, check sentence structures.
  • For repeating words, use your thesaurus to use another phrase

End Goal

Meeting the end goal is no easy matter. Making sure you understand and can present the end objective easily and in an organized fashion is the prime intention of a document. Communication is key in technical writing. Did you get the information across to the target audience? If so, then with the above points checked off, your document is complete.

Leave a comment to share your knowledge on how you know your document is complete and ready to be delivered.

3 Tips for Marketing within Small Online Communities

A tab displaying online marketing on the screen

Guest Author: Megan Webb-Morgan

A study from Social Media Explorer found that 90% of the trackable online discussions around banking occurred in online forums, and those online communities ranked first or second in all business sectors. Small online communities represent a significant opportunity for reaching out to new customers.

In a recent article, SEO guru Nick Stamoulis suggests, “While larger social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn might have millions of members and therefore a much farther potential reach, small and hyper-specialized social communities instantly connect you with exactly your target audience.”

Tactics for marketing to industry peers, partners, and customers within small online communities are vastly different from traditional online marketing. You can’t post advertisements and expect that to suffice – you need to become a valuable member of the community.

Just as social media marketing is centered around follower engagement, marketing within small online communities is centered around thoughtful discussion, valuable input, and relationship building.

Engage in Discussions

No matter what business sector or niche they are dedicated to, message boards, forums, chat rooms, and mailing lists are all centered around one activity: discussion. A member starts a new forum thread by posting a link, question, article, image, or other content and inviting discussion on the topic. The discussion generated is far more valuable than the original content. This is in direct contrast with many social engagement strategies, which focus on shares and don’t take into account the discussions that go on beneath the fold.

Any contribution you make to a message board needs to keep this fact in mind. Posts that are clearly marketing-oriented and don’t add value to the discussion will quickly be deleted, and your account will soon gain a reputation as a spammer (if it isn’t outright deleted as well). Before you can engage in any marketing, you need to establish yourself as a valuable, contributing member of the community.

• Post answers to members’ questions. The answer should not be, “My business/product/service.”
• Ask questions that could help your business or your customers.
• Comment on interesting posts and topics.

Keep your tone professional and informative. The key is to brand yourself as an authority in your industry whose word can be trusted.

Post Valuable Content

Similar to your online marketing strategy, any content you post should be of value to the people looking at it. However, when participating in online communities, it isn’t enough to post a link to your business and ask members to visit. Such threads will be ignored, derided, or deleted. Remember that the only way members will react positively to your presence on the board – and go on to visit your business – is if you provide value.

• Post links to news articles, blog posts, or whitepapers about your business sector that could be valuable to others. Establish your knowledge and professionalism before you start touting the merits of your business.
• Many boards use a member rating system to assess each individual’s social stock. The more you post, the higher your stock rises. Some boards even enable members to rate the quality of each other’s posts.

Build Relationships

Small online communities are just that – communities. Communities are formed by relationships. You wouldn’t throw your sales pitch at everyone in your hometown town – whether in your office, at the gas pump, or in line at the grocery store – because people would soon start crossing the street to avoid you. Instead, you need to build relationships with members of your community that, once again, provide value to all parties involved.

• Building relationships on forums is comprised not only of public discussions, but also via private messaging. Members use the board’s direct message function to expand discussions into other areas, offer and ask for advice, and seek opinions of respected members.

Once you have established your presence on a forum, proven yourself to be a valuable member of the community, and built relationships with the board’s power players, marketing opportunities will arise: from referrals, to offers of partnerships or affiliate marketing, to appropriate occasions for self-promotion.

Guest Author Bio:

Megan Webb-Morgan is a business blogger for a variety of business blogs worldwide. She works for Resource Nation, a leader in the B2B lead generation industry.

Paper Training for Better Presentations

A woman presenting while holding a tablet

Portrait of a pitbull puppyA few weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with a terrific, bright group of administrators in a law firm. Most of them don’t deliver presentations often, but they are instrumental in helping create them for others in the firm, and they wanted to be better at both creating and delivering presentations.

As we worked together that day, we talked about speaking with authority and confidence, creating strategic messages, and then, we began a discussion about creating slide decks. Rather than turning to their computers, I asked them to draw a picture of what their slides would look like. They got to work, and in just a few minutes they were ready. They did a show-and-tell presentation, speaking directly from their drawings, rather than from slides. The result? They absolutely floored me with their creativity and with their energetic, committed delivery.

What I learned that day is that when we create first on paper, we intuitively move away from boring bullet points, naturally envisioning more visual slides. And that we can tell our stories with much more conviction when we don’t rely so much on the slides. It worked incredibly well for this group of admins, and I bet it would work for you.

That said, and with thanks to this amazing group of women, here are some reminders to help you create and deliver more effectively with slides.

1. Create content first. Who is your audience? Why are you speaking with them? What do you want them to do or think? Use your answers to create a theme or key message for your talk. One that sets the context, talks about them, and shows benefits to them if they do or think what you want them to. This is the foundation of your presentation. Do this first, before you even think about data, facts or slides.

2. Storyboard for better visuals. Think of a blank comic strip; as you fill in the blank boxes your story emerges. It doesn’t matter if you can draw or not. Each box moves the story forward in some way. There is connection and flow between the boxes. Probably you also have a beginning and ending in mind. All elements of great storytelling, and better presentations.

Use a large sheet of flip chart paper or a white board to create your storyboard. Or use separate sheets of paper, and move them around until you get them in the best sequence. You could even print out a sheet of blank squares like a comic strip, then start filling them in. Use key words, drawings, stick figures, simple graphs. If you can, explain it to someone else, and see how the flow works.

3. Create slides last. Only when you have the theme and the storyline will you begin to create the slides you imagined. Keep them just as simple and uncluttered as your originals. Remember a title slide and a closing slide. Rehearse once or twice with the slides, and you should be good to go.

As a result of this method, you will probably have fewer slides, fewer word slides, more graphical thinking, best of all; the slides will likely show a natural progression that will create momentum when you deliver your talk. All this makes your presentation more interesting and compelling.

So paper first can be a useful technique. Try it. Let me know how it works for you.

Author Gail Zack Anderson, founder of Applause, Inc. is a Twin Cities-based consultant who provides coaching and workshops for effective presentations, facilitation skills for trainers and subject matter experts, and positive communication skills for everyone. She can be reached at

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