Developing Training Activities and Materials

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Developing Training Activities and Materials

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

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Preparation for Developing Your Training Activities and Materials

The design phase and the development phase of systematic training planning often overlap. During the design phase or development phase, the various training activities must be selected, for example, to be instructor-led, computer-based, Web-based, self-directed, interactive or multi-media.

The development phase of systematic training often includes selecting the most appropriate media and materials, for example, developing audio-visuals, graphics, manuals, preparing any needed facilities, and piloting course content to ensure it is understandable.

Often the design and development phases are highly integrated. The design of the training is often piloted, or initially tested, during the development phase to ensure the content is understandable and applicable to the learners.

Key Considerations to Develop Your Activities and Materials

What is the Immediacy to Achieve the New Learning?

The more immediate the need to achieve the learning, the more important that the activities and materials be understandable and readily accessible to the learners. In these situations, it often is warranted to use an expert who can promptly design, develop and deliver the training plan, activities and materials.

Also, it’s very useful if the activities and materials can be based on activities already underway in the workplace so that learners do not have to take time away from work, but rather can promptly affect their work even as they participate in the learning program.

What Are the Learners’ Preferences and Learning Styles?

One of the biggest mistakes in designing training plans is to choose activities and materials that do not match the preferences and styles of the learners. Probably the most common example is putting adults through extended hours of lecture. Those activities usually lull adults into a stupor, rather than sustaining sufficient interest and engagement to accomplish sustained learning among the adults.

One of the best ways to discern the most appropriate styles of activities is to have learners undertake a learning styles inventory or at least to consider the various styles that seem common to the types of learners who will be in the training program.

How Much Time Can Learners Realistically Apply to the Learning Activities?

This has become one of the most important considerations when designing and developing training plans. Workplaces seem increasingly busy as people try to do more with less. It’s often very difficult for them to take time away from the office. The more the training activities can accommodate the busy schedules of learners, the better — and the more likely that learners will actually attend the training sessions. It’s often better to design frequent and short trainings sessions than fewer, extended sessions.

Can the Learners Readily Access the Activities and Materials? Do They Build On Current Work Activities?

One of the biggest advantages of compute- and Web-based activities is that learners can access them from anywhere, which greatly decreases the cost of training and development activities. Thus, the rapid expansion of technology-based activities in trainings. (See Online Learning.) One of the best ways to ensure that training activities are highly accessible is to build them into the activities already underway in the workplace.

How Much Money is Available to Obtain and Develop the Resources?

It’s common that curriculum designers develop wonderful training programs that seem guaranteed to achieve the goals of the program, but after further review, are clearly so expensive that the program is prohibitive or not realistic. Therefore, it’s important, even before the initial needs assessments are done, to get some sense of the availability of funding to obtain and develop resources. Technology-based and on-the-job-based activities often are much less expensive than hiring subject matter experts. However, those experts are especially useful if the training is to convey highly specialized or technical content.

Will the Activities Achieve the Learning Objectives?

Now we get to the most important consideration. Even if the activities are well-suited to the learners, readily accessible and well-funded, will they together really achieve the overall goals of the training program? Here again is where it’s useful to consult an expert or to reference best practices or competencies in the particular areas being trained.

How Will the Activities and Materials Be Field-Tested?

It’s very important to explain the activities to a few of the learners and to have them examine the materials. They are best suited to judge if the activities and materials are truly understandable and suited to the needs and styles of the learners. Listen to their advice, and modify the activities and materials

Critical Consideration — Selecting a Trainer

Perhaps the most important ingredient of any training program is the trainer (unless the program is entirely self-directed). Today’s learners are very sensitive to how well a trainer engages them by being enthusiastic about the material, cultivating interaction among the learners, and really listening to — and respecting — them.

Is the Potential Trainer Well-Suited to the Nature of the Learners?

The most important consideration when selecting a trainer is if they are well suited to the training design required to meet the learning goals. For example, if learners prefer computer-based instruction, they’ll benefit from a trainer who understands online training technologies. If learners prefers ongoing coaching, they’ll benefit from a trainer who is readily accessible to the employee for ongoing advice and guidance. If learners struggle with communication skills, they’ll benefit from a trainer who can integrate remedial communications strategies with other training methods.

Collaborate With Other Departments or Groups Doing Similar Training?

Consider whether other supervisors or companies have employees who need similar training. If so, one might combine your needs and funding to get a trainer to conduct in-house training.

Use Former Employees as Trainers?

Consider using an ex-employee who has the skills needed by the learner. Of course, this option depends on whether the ex-employee left the organization under good terms and remains in good standing with the organization.

Use Subject-Matter Experts as Trainers

There’s a wise saying that “Telling ain’t training.” Just because someone has strong knowledge of the subject matter does not mean that he or she will be a good trainer. If you are considering hiring a consultant to conduct the training then consider issuing a Request for Proposal which asks potential trainers for the following information.

  • A written proposal for how they would carry out training, evaluation methods, cost, etc.
  • The goals preferred from the training, when to have training and what evaluation results should occur
  • Request that trainers remain available for follow-up consultation if desired
  • Ask the trainer what methods they use to ensure their consultation projects are successful with clients
  • Ask for at least three references
  • Consider having the employee briefly meet with the consultant to discuss training needs and establish a rapport

See the extensive advice and the sample forms for a request for proposals, a proposal from consultants and a consultation plan.

Resort to Self-directed Learning?

If a suitable outside consultant or training program cannot be found, consider self-directed learning. Self-directed is accomplished primarily by the learner who leads or takes a strong role in determining learning goals, how they will be accomplished and how learning will be verified. Self-directed learning can be used where employees are highly motivated and self-reliant. Learning can be verified with a variety of means, e.g.,

  1. Written reports describing what learning activities have occurred and what results were produced
  2. Observation of the employee by a supervisor or other skilled expert equipped to assess progress of the employee
  3. A portfolio or collection of results showing the employees’ improvement over time
  4. A presentation from the employee that includes description of learning activities and a display of results, etc.

Many Possible Types of Training Activities

There seems an increasing amount of different activities that can be considered when customizing activities to the goals of a training program and to the nature and needs of the learners. Consider Various Ideas for Learning Activities.

Additional Resources to Develop Your Training Activities and Materials

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Designing Training Plans and Learning Objectives

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Designing Training Plans and Learning Objectives

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

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Preparation for Designing Your Training Plan

The purpose of the design phase is to identify the learning objectives that together will achieve the overall goals identified during the needs assessment phase of systematic training design. You will also identify the learning activities (or methods) you’ll need to conduct to achieve your learning objectives and overall training goals.

Design Your Learning Objectives

Learning objectives specify the new knowledge, skills and abilities that a learner should accomplish from undertaking a learning experience, such as a course, webinar, self-study or group activity. Achievement of all of the learning objectives should result in accomplishing all of the overall training goals of the training and development experience(s).

Understand the Alignment, Dimensions and Terms in Learning Objectives

The following table depicts how learning objectives are associated with the training goals (identified during the needs assessment phase), learning methods/activities, evidence of learning and evaluation activities.

Training Goal

Overall results or capabilities you hope to attain by implementing your training plan, e.g.,

  1. pass supervisor qualification test

Learning Objectives

what you will be able to do as a result of the learning activities in this plan, e.g.,

  1. exhibit required skills in problem solving and decision making
  2. exhibit required skills in delegation

Learning Methods / Activities

what you will do in order to achieve the learning objectives, e.g.,

  1. complete a course in basic supervision
  2. address a major problem that includes making major decisions
  3. delegate to a certain employee for one month
  4. etc.

Documentation / Evidence of Learning

evidence produced during your learning activities — these are results that someone can see, hear, feel, read, smell, e.g.,

  1. course grade
  2. your written evaluation of your problem solving and decision making approaches
  3. etc.


assessment and judgment on quality of evidence in order to conclude whether you achieved the learning objectives or not

Examples to Convey Nature of Well-Written Learning Objectives

To help learners understand how to design learning objectives, the following examples are offered to convey the nature of learning objectives. The examples are not meant to be offered as examples to be adopted word-for-word as learning objectives. Trainers and/or learners should design their own learning objectives to meet their overall training goals and to match their preferred strategies for learning. The topic of the learning objective is included in bolding and italics. Learning objectives are numbered directly below.

Topic: Communication

1. explain four basic principles of communication (verbal and non-verbal) and active, empathetic listening.
2. outline four barriers and bridges to communication
3. list at least four ways communication skills which encourage staff involvement will help crate a positive work environment.

Topic: Mentoring

1. explain basic job duties and standards from job description to staff
2. outline at least five specific learning goals with staff by comparing performance with job duties
3. develop a yearly plan with staff to accomplish learning needs, supervision plan and rewards

Topic: Effective coaching

1. state at least three job expectations for staff that focusing on meeting resident’s needs
2. plan five strategies to give frequent verbal and non- verbal encouragement and rewards
3. identify specific performance concerns with staff asking for possible solutions and decide together  methods of measuring successful outcomes

Topic : Cultural Diversity

1. plan workable strategies for incorporating new staff into the work team
2. select their own means to exhibit an appreciation of how values and perceptions affect communication
3. make available for staff a series of learning opportunities for increased world knowledge and cultural information

Topic: Time Management

1. list job expectations of staff
2. provide tools to use in prioritizing tasks of resident care
3. create with staff a tentative schedule for cares based on these facts

Topic: Conflict resolution

1. explain at least five basic principles of empathetic communication to handle conflict
2. develop policy that gives current front-line leaders the permission and expectation to work with other staff on conflict resolution
3. develop policy for progressive discipline and explain how this works to current front line leaders

Topic: Stress Management

1. list and recognize major symptoms and behaviors related to too much stress
2. outline three to five stress management strategies
3. list quick strategies staff can use during work shift as well as at home to reduce stress level
4. educate staff about basic guidelines to build support work teams

Topic: Communication skills/Cultural Approaches

1. teach each other and staff about different cultural approaches and living styles
2. identify three steps to foster a climate where differences in cultures are reviewed as positive and additive
3. learn at least three methods of problem solving when cultural differences and practices interfere with necessary resident care.

Topic: Job expectation/Coordination including authority and responsibility

1. learn three approaches to problem solving which includes identification of the underlying problem
2. make staff assignments based on input from staff
3. evaluate approaches and make corrections based on outcomes

Topic: Team work/Positive work environment/Positive Rewards

1. identify characteristics of an effective team
2. describe four skills leaders can use to foster commitment and collaboration
3. develop at least five guidelines to treating staff with respect and helping staff learn from each other

Topic: Goal Setting/Performance Reviews

1. develop guidelines to set specific goals with staff and help them plan to meet these goals
2. develop policy that encourages staff to seek education goals through career ladders
3. develop guidelines for effective observation and feedback toward goal achievement (by staff)

Topic: Constructive Criticism/Consequences

1. establish clear standards of behavior, and that recognize and reward staff when they meet the standards
2. list ways to approach staff whose performance is a concern (with a win-win frame of mind)
3. describe how learning empathetic communication will help front line leaders handle conflict/constructive communication and help plan for solution

Analyze Your Learning Objectives for Relevance, Alignment, Sequence and Testability

1. What Sequence Should the Objectives Be Achieved?

Usually, learning builds on learning. It may be useful to learn certain areas of knowledge and skills before learning new areas.

2. Will the Objectives Achieve the Overall Training Goal(s)?

Now you’re read to write down your learning objectives in the Framework to Design Your Training Plan.

3. What Are the Best Learning Activities to Achieve the Objectives?

Do the methods match the learners’ particular learning styles, for example, reading, doing or listening? Do the methods stretch their styles, too? Are the methods readily accessible? Do the methods take advantage of real-life learning opportunities, for example, use on-the-job training opportunities, real-life problems that occur at work, use projects and programs at work? Note that learning activities do always match learning objectives on a one-for-one basis. You might benefit from the following links, Some Typical Ways of Learning, Some New Ways of Learning in the Workplace and Learning Style Inventory.)

4. Do the Activities Include Ongoing Reflections About Learning?

The learners will benefit from regularly taking time to stand back and inquire about what is going on in the training, what are they learning and what, if anything, should be changed. Skills in reflection are critical for ongoing learning in life and work. Consider using a private learning journal. Now you’re read to write down the learning activities in the Framework to Design Your Training Plan.

5. What Results, or Evidence of Learning, Will Be Produced?

For ideas about what results to design into your plan, see Samples of Learner’s Results as Means to Verify Learning. Now you’re ready to write down your evidence of learning in the Framework to Design Your Training Plan.

6. Who Will Verify That Each of the Learning Objectives Was Reached?

Ideally, the learning is evaluated by someone who has strong expertise in the areas of knowledge and skills required to achieve the training goals. Now you’re ready to write down your evaluator in the Framework to Design Your Training Plan.

7. What Costs Will Be Associated With Developing and Implementing Your Plan?

Think about facilities, technologies, personnel, special expertise, etc. You may want to update the “Budget” section in the Framework to Design Your Training Plan.

8. How Will Learners’ Manage Time and Stress During the Learning?

Professional development inherently includes the need for self-development, as well. Therefore, you might consider information in the sections:
Stress Management | Time Management | Work-Life Balance | Self-Confidence | Emotional Intelligence | Maintaining a Positive Attitude

Designing Training Rooms (Classrooms)

Additional Information About Designing Training Plans

Various Ideas for Ways to Learn

The following list of methods is really a mix of modes, types and learning aids from which the learner might draw many ideas for learning.

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Evaluating Training and Results (ROI of Training)

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Evaluating Training and Results (ROI of Training)

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

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Preparation for Evaluating Training Activities and Results

The last phase of the ADDIE model of instructional design, or systematic training, is evaluation. However, the evaluation really should have started even during the previous phase — the implementation phase — because the evaluation is of both the activities of the trainer as they are being implemented and of the results of the training as it nears an end or is finished. Evaluation includes getting ongoing feedback, e.g., from the learner, trainer and learner’s supervisor, to improve the quality of the training and identify if the learner achieved the goals of the training.

Perspective on Evaluating Training

Evaluation is often looked at from four different levels (the “Kirkpatrick levels”) listed below. Note that the farther down the list, the more valid the evaluation.

  1. Reaction – What does the learner feel about the training?
  2. Learning – What facts, knowledge, etc., did the learner gain?
  3. Behaviors – What skills did the learner develop, that is, what new information is the learner using on the job?
  4. Results or effectiveness – What results occurred, that is, did the learner apply the new skills to the necessary tasks in the organization and, if so, what results were achieved?

Although level 4, evaluating results and effectiveness, is the most desired result from training, it’s usually the most difficult to accomplish. Evaluating effectiveness often involves the use of key performance measures — measures you can see, e.g., faster and more reliable output from the machine after the operator has been trained, higher ratings on employees’ job satisfaction questionnaires from the trained supervisor, etc. This is where following sound principles of performance management is of great benefit.

Suggestions for Evaluating Training

Typically, evaluators look for validity, accuracy and reliability in their evaluations. However, these goals may require more time, people and money than the organization has. Evaluators are also looking for evaluation approaches that are practical and relevant.

Training and development activities can be evaluated before, during and after the activities. Consider the following very basic suggestions:

Before the Implementation Phase

  • Will the selected training and development methods really result in the employee’s learning the knowledge and skills needed to perform the task or carry out the role? Have other employee’s used the methods and been successful?
  • Consider applying the methods to a highly skilled employee. Ask the employee of their impressions of the methods.
  • Do the methods conform to the employee’s preferences and learning styles? Have the employee briefly review the methods, e.g., documentation, overheads, etc. Does the employee experience any difficulties understanding the methods?

During Implementation of Training

  • Ask the employee how they’re doing. Do they understand what’s being said?
  • Periodically conduct a short test, e.g., have the employee explain the main points of what was just described to him, e.g., in the lecture.
  • Is the employee enthusiastically taking part in the activities? Is he or she coming late and leaving early. It’s surprising how often learners will leave a course or workshop and immediately complain that it was a complete waste of their time. Ask the employee to rate the activities from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating. If the employee gives a rating of anything less than 5, have the employee describe what could be done to get a 5.

After Completion of the Training

  • Give him or her a test before and after the training and development, and compare the results?
  • Interview him or her before and after, and compare results?
  • Watch him or her perform the task or conduct the role?
  • Assign an expert evaluator from inside or outside the organization to evaluate the learner’s knowledge and skills?

One Approach to Calculate Return On Investment (ROI)

(This section was written by Leigh Dudley. The section mentions HRD — activities of human resource development — but the guidelines are as applicable to training and development.)

The calculation of ROI in [training and development] or HRD begins with the basic model, where sequential steps simplify a potentially complicated process. The ROI process model provides a systematic approach to ROI calculations.

The step-by-step approach keeps the process manageable so that users can tackle one issue at a time. The model also emphasizes that this is a logical process that flows from one step to another. ROI calculation to another provides consistency, understanding, and credibility. Each step of the model is briefly described below.

Collecting Post-Program Data

Data collection is central to the ROI process and is the starting point of the ROI process. Although the ROI analysis is (or should be) planned early in the training and development cycle, the actual ROI calculation begins with data collection. (Additional information on planning for the ROI analysis is presented later under “Essential Planning Steps).

The HRD staff should collect both hard data (representing output, quality, cost, and time) and soft data (including work habits, work climate, and attitudes). Collect Level 4 data using a variety of the methods as follows:

  • Follow-up Questionnaires – Administer follow-up questionnaires to uncover specific applications of training. Participants provide responses to a variety of types of open-ended and forced response questions.
  • Use questionnaires to capture both Level 3 and Level 4 data. The example below shows a series of level 4 impact questions contained in a follow-up questionnaire for evaluating an automotive manufacturer’s sales training program in Europe, with appropriate responses. HRD practitioners can use the data in an ROI analysis
  • Program Assignments – Program assignments are useful for simple, short-term projects. Participants complete the assignment on the job, using the skills or knowledge learned in the program. Report completed assignments as evaluation information, which often contains Level 3/Level 4 data. Convert Level 4 data to monetary values and compare the data to cost to develop the ROI
  • Action Plans – Developed in training and development programs, action plans on the job should be implemented after the program is completed. A follow-up of the plans provides evaluation information. Level 3/Level 4 data are collected with action plans, and the HRD staff can develop the ROI from the Level 4 data.
  • Performance Contracts – Developed prior to conducting the program and when the participant, the participant’s supervisor, and the instructor all agree on planned specific out-comes from the training, performance contracts outline how the program will be implemented. Performance contracts usually collect both Level 3/and Level 4 data and are designed and analyzed in the same way as action plans.
  • Performance Monitoring – As the most beneficial method to collect Level 4 data, performance monitoring is useful when HRD personnel examine various business performance records and operational data for improvement.

The important challenge in this step is to select the data collection method or methods that are appropriate for both the setting and the specific program and the time and budget constraints.

Isolating the Effects of Training

Isolating the effects of training is an often overlooked issue in evaluations. In this step of the ROI process, explore specific techniques to determine the amount of output performance directly related to the program. This step is essential because many factors influence performance data after training. The specific techniques of this step will pinpoint the amount of improvement directly related to the program, increasing the accuracy and credibility of the ROI calculation. Collectively, the following techniques provide a comprehensive set of tools to tackle the important and critical issue of isolating the effects of training.

  • Control Group – use a control group arrangement to isolate training impact. With this technique, one group receives training while another similar, group does not receive training. The difference in the performance of the two groups is attributed to the training program. When properly set up and implemented, control group arrangement is the most effective way to isolate the effects of training.
  • Impact Estimates – When the previous approach is not feasible, estimating the impact of training on the output variables is another approach and can be accomplished on the following 4 levels.
  • Participants – estimate the amount of improvement related to training. In this approach, provide participants with the total amount of improvement, on a pre- and post-program basis, and ask them to indicate the percent of the improvement that is actually related to the training program.
  • Supervisors – of participants estimate the impact of training on the output variables. Present supervisors with the total amount of improvement, and ask them to indicate the percent related to training.
  • Senior Managers – estimate the impact of training by providing an estimate or adjustment to reflect the portion of the improvement related to the training program. While perhaps inaccurate, having senior management involved in this process develops ownership of the value and buy-in process.
  • Experts –estimate the impact of training on the performance variable. Because these estimates are based on previous experience, experts must be familiar with the type of training and the specific situation.

Customers sometimes provide input on the extent to which training has influenced their decision to use a product or service. Although this approach has limited applications, it can be quite useful in customer service and sales training.

Converting Data to Monetary Values

A number of techniques are available to convert data to monetary values; the selection depends on the type of data and the situation.

  • Convert output data to profit contribution or cost savings. With this technique, output increases are converted to monetary value based on their unit contribution to profit or the unit of cost reduction. These values are readily available in most organizations and are seen as generally accepted standard values.
  • Calculate the cost of quality, and covert quality improvements directly to cost savings. This standard value is available in many organizations for the most common quality measures (such as rejects, rework, and scrap).
  • Use the participants’ wages and employee benefits as the value for time in programs where employee time is saved. Because a variety of programs focus on improving the time required to complete projects, processes, or daily activities, the value of time becomes an important and necessary issue. The use of total compensation per hour provides a conservative estimate for the
    value of time.
  • Use historical costs when they are available for a specific variable. In this case, use organizational cost data to establish the specific value of an improvement.
  • Use internal and external experts, when available, to estimate a value for an improvement. In this situation, the credibility of the estimate hinges on the expertise and reputation of the individual.
  • Use external databases, when available, to estimate the value or cost of data items. Research, government, and industry databases can provide important for these values. The difficulty lies in finding a specific database related to the situation.
  • Ask participants to estimate the value of the data item. For this approach to be effective, participants must understand the process and be capable of providing a value for the improvement.
  • Require supervisors and managers to provide estimates when they are willing and capable of assigning values to the improvement. This approach is especially useful when participants are not fully capable of providing this input or in situations where supervisors or managers need to confirm or adjust the participant’s estimate.

Converting data to monetary value is very important in the ROI model and is absolutely necessary to determine the monetary benefits from a training program. The process is challenging, particularly with the conversion of soft data, but can be methodically accomplished using one or more of the above techniques.

Tabulating Program Costs

The other part of the equation in a cost/benefit analysis is the cost of the program. Tabulating the costs involves monitoring or developing all of the related costs of the program targeted for the ROI calculation. Include the following items among the cost components.

  • Cost to design and develop the program, possibly prorated over the expected life of the program
  • Cost of all program materials provided to each participant
  • Cost for the instructor/facilitator, including preparation time as well as delivery time.
  • Cost of the facilities for the training program.
  • Cost of travel, lodging and meals for the participants, if applicable.
  • Salaries, plus employee benefits of the training function, allocated in some convenient way.

In addition, specific cost related to the needs assessment and evaluation should be included, if appropriate. The conservative approach is to include all of these costs so that the total is fully loaded.

Calculating the ROI

Calculate the ROI using the program benefits and costs. The BCR is the program benefits divided by costs:

  • BCR = program benefits / program costs
  • (Sometimes this ratio is stated as a cost/benefit ratio, although the formula is the same as BCR).

The net benefits are the program benefits minus the costs:

  • Net benefits = program benefits – program costs

The ROI uses the net benefits divided by programs costs:

  • ROI (%) = net benefits / program costs x 100

Use the same basic formula in evaluating other investments where the ROI is traditionally reported as earnings divided by investment. The ROI from some training programs is high. For example, in sales training, supervisory training, and managerial training, the ROI can be quite large, frequently over 100 percent, while ROI value for technical and operator training may be lower.

Additional Resources to Guide Evaluation of Your Training

Evaluating Online Learning

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Tips and Tools for Trainers and Teachers

Young man holding a training section

Tips and Tools for Trainers and Teachers

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

This topic is part of the overall topic of Training and Development (Learning and Development) in the Library.

Sections of This Topic Include

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Training and Teaching

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Tools for Training and Teaching. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

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Additional Perspectives on Tips and Tools for Trainers and Teachers

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For the Category of Training and Development:

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

How To Start a Training Business

Group of people paying attention in a business conference

How To Start a Training Business

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

This topic assumes that you already have some expertise in training and are thinking about starting a business to be a professional trainer. The guidelines in this topic are focused on helping you to start a new organization, expand a current organization, or start a new service. If you do not yet have expertise in training, you should review much of the contents of the topic Training and Development, and then certainly practice training in a variety of venues, including with evaluation from other trainers and participants in your trainings.

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Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Starting a Training Business

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Starting a Training Business. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Are You Really an Entrepreneur?

Starting a New Organization?

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Learning and Development for Popular Education and Social Change

Young female speaker having a training section

Learning and Development for Popular Education and Social Change

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Popular and folk education supports social change for social justice by enhancing people’s consciousness about their roles, helping them cultivate vision for change and helping them identify strategies to accomplish change. Two of the leading innovators are Paulo Freire (who is responsible for the literacy training of probably more people than anyone else in the world) and Myles Horton (who started the Highlander Folk School, attended by Rosa Parks and supported by Martin Luther King, Andrew Young, etc.)

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Role of Management in Learning and Development

Role of Management in Learning and Development

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

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Start With Effective Employee Orientation

The new employee orientation is the first time that employees get an impression of the quality of the organization and the nature of the relationship that he or she will have with his or her supervisor. (Research has shown the one of the biggest reasons that employees quick their jobs is because of poor relationships with their supervisors.) As a supervisor, you can make a very positive impression during the orientation, including about how you value the employee’s training and development. An orientation session is, after all, a training and development session. See Orienting New Employees.

Understand Common Myths About Employee Training and Development

The following are rather common myths, or misunderstandings, among new supervisors, particularly if they don’t understand the basics of good training and development.

Myth: Employees already have the knowledge and skills to do their jobs – that’s why they were hired.

Unless employee’s jobs involve their doing the same things all the time, employees will need to be trained to learn new knowledge and skills. It’s hard to accept that any job will stay the same all the time with today’s increasing competition and the increasing demands of their customers. Besides, because someone was hired doesn’t mean they have the best knowledge and skills to do the best job for the company.

Myth: Our employee’s jobs are so specialized that no one else knows them better
than us, so no one else can teach them to us.

Every job is unique. The job is being carried out in one company in one location at one time with unique people. Because a job is unique does not mean that the company should never seek help elsewhere. Unless an employee is performing a highly routine task on a highly customized machine, the trainer or consultant doesn’t have to know exactly what a job entails and all about who is carrying out the job. The point of training and development is to work with learners to develop new knowledge and skills. Highly  effective training includes teaching the learner how to learn, including how to come up with new ideas and approaches. Besides, organizations usually have a lot more in common with other organizations then employees realize.

Myth: If employees need new knowledge or skills, they’ll know about it faster than anyone else. They’ll know better than anyone else where to get the learning they need.

Busy employees are usually the last people to know what they don’t know — what they need to learn. Few organizations afford employees the time and guidance to reflect on what they’re doing, to learn new ideas and establish new approaches. Employees are experts at doing their jobs the way that they do their jobs. If they’re doing their jobs inefficiently, they’re experts at doing their jobs inefficiently.

Myth: If employees attended a course, then they learned what the organization needed.

Courses are not quick fixes. After years of classroom education, most of us automatically think of learning as going to a course. We go down the list of courses in the training catalog, pick the title that seems closest to what we’re doing and we sign up for the course. Many supervisors work the same way. If their employees are struggling (often for numerous reasons), they’ll pick what sounds like the best course from the list and off the employees go to that course. Many times, supervisors leave it up to the employees to get the most out of the course and then to come back “fixed” — after all, “they’re professionals.”

After an employee comes back from a course, all one can really say for sure is that they came back from a course. However, there are several basic things a supervisor and employee can do to ensure the right form of training is selected and that the training provides results in the workplace. (These suggestions are included throughout this topic in the library.) Besides, taking a course is only one of the many ways in which employees can learn.

Myth: (The following myth seems to be on the rise) There’s no use sending employees to a course. They’ll just come back with a book to store on their shelf.

The perception that training is a waste of time is tragic. The reasons for this myth are many. Some employees don’t make the effort to learn, to actually apply new materials and information in order to learn. Many people don’t have the ability or desire to reference materials from course materials long after a course is over. Some trainers oversell their courses, promising huge outcomes but not delivering on their promises. After many years, sitting in classrooms, listening to experts and taking notes, many of us think that merely going in and out of a classroom means learning. Many of us are not conditioned to really think about what we need to learn, how will we learn it and how will we know that we’ve learned it.

What Supervisors Can Do to Support Their Employees in Training and Development

Include Learners in Training and Development Planning

The learner will get the most out of the plan is he or she feels strong ownership in the plan. Ownership comes from taking part in developing the plan. Also, professional development rarely includes only gaining knowledge and skills about a job role. Professional development often includes self-development, as well, e.g., admitting one’s limits and capabilities. Learners are often the best experts at realizing their own needs for self-development. Therefore, learners should be involved in as much as possible in developing the plan.

If Available, Have Human Resources Representative Play Major Role

A trained human resources professional can be a major benefit in employee development. The representative usually has a good understanding of the dynamics of training and development. The representative often has strong working knowledge of the relevant policies and procedures related to training and development. In addition, the representative can an be an impartial confidant for the learner.

Provide Ongoing Feedback and Support

Even if things seem to be going fine, be sure to stop in and visit the learner on a regular basis. Some learners may not feel comfortable asking for help. Supervisors should provide any feedback, that is, timely and useful information for the learner. Provide ongoing affirmation and support.

When Assessing Results of Employee’s Learning, Maximize Feedback About Performance

Consider getting feedback from the learner’s peers and subordinates about the learner’s needs and progress to meet those needs. A 360-degree performance review is a powerful practice when carried out with clarity and discretion. When first carried out, it may be wise to get the help of an outside professional.

Budget Necessary Funds for Resources Learner Will Need

Funds may be required, e.g., for course tuition and materials, self-study materials, videos, training fees, labor to attend courses, etc.

Supervisor and Learner Should Set Aside Regular Times for Meetings

Scheduling meetings beforehand makes it much more likely that regular, ongoing feedback will occur between the supervisor and learner.

How Supervisors Can Help Employees Learn in the Workplace

The supervisor’s attitude and knowledge about learning has a tremendous impact on the development of employees (thus, the major reason the Free Management Library was developed). Thomas D. Fisher, in Self-Directedness in the Workplace: A Re-Examination, cites numerous suggestions (from Lowry) in order to better enable self-directed learning in the workplace. Some of those suggestions are listed below, and are wonderful ways for supervisors and learners to turn the workplace into a classroom (pp. 4-5):

  1. Help the learner identify the starting point for a learning project and discern relevant [ways!] of examination and reporting.
  2. Encourage adult learners to view knowledge and truth as contextual … and that they can act on their world individually or collectively to transform it
  3. Create a partnership with the learner by negotiating a learning contract for goals, strategies and evaluation criteria
  4. Be a manager of the learning experience rather than an information provider
  5. Teach inquiry skills, decision making, personal development, and self-evaluation of work
  6. Help learners develop positive attitudes and feelings of independence relative to learning
  7. Recognize learners’ personality types and learning styles
  8. Use techniques such as field experience and problem solving that take advantage of adults’ rich experience base
  9. Encourage critical thinking skills by incorporating … such activities as seminars
  10. Create an atmosphere of openness and trust to promote better performance
  11. Behave ethically, which includes not recommending a self-directed learning approach if it is not congruent with the learner’s needs
  12. Obtain the necessary tools to assess learner’s current performance and to evaluate their expected performance
  13. Provide opportunities for self-directed learners to reflect on what they’re learning
  14. Promote learning networks, study circles, and learning exchanges, self-managed teams of self-directed learners)
  15. Provide staff training on self-directed learning and broaden the opportunities for its implementation

Fisher adds that “Self-directed learning is more than a form of education. It is a component in human development” (p. 7).

How Leaders and Managers Can Help Train Other Leaders and Managers

State-of-the-art training and development programs often includes roles for leaders and managers to train other leaders and managers. After all, all of them ultimately are responsible for implementing that new learning. No matter how skilled a trainer is, he or she can never know the culture and needs of an organization as much as its leaders and managers.

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Role of Learners in Training and Development

Focus learners at a training

Role of Learners in Training and Development

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Learning is Ultimately the Learner’s Responsibility

Regardless of the situation, learning is ultimately the individual’s responsibility. Learning will not succeed unless the individual feels a strong sense of ownership and responsibility in the process itself. The best forms of learning involve the complete individual, including his or her approach to personal organization and wellness.

To Learn, You Must Be Willing to Grow, to Experience

Learning often involves new skills, developing new behaviors. After many years of classroom education, it’s easy for us to take a course where all we must do is attend each meeting, take notes and pass tests — and call this learning. One can complete a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), but unless they’re willing to actually apply new information, they’ll most likely end up with an office full of unreferenced textbooks and a head full of data, but little knowledge and wisdom. For the learning process to succeed, the individual must be willing to take risks. Stick you neck out, including by telling the instructor when you’re confused or disappointed in the course. Don’t wait until the course is over when nothing can be done about it.

Growth Involves the Entire Learner

If learning is to be more than collecting new information, then we must involve ourselves completely in our learning experiences. Unfortunately, too many development programs still operate from the assumption that the learner can somehow separate personal development from professional development. So we end up getting a great deal of information about finance and sales, but little help with stress and time management. Then, after schooling, when we enter the hectic world of management, we struggle to keep perspective and we’re plagued with self doubts. True learning involves looking at every aspect of our lives, not just what’s in our heads. So include courses, e.g., in Stress Management and Emotional Intelligence, in your training and development plans.

Growth Requires Seeking Ongoing Feedback

Many of us don’t know what we need to learn — we don’t know what we don’t know. Therefore, feedback from others is critical to understanding ourselves and our jobs. Feedback is useful in more ways than telling us what we don’t know. Feedback also deepens and enriches what we do know. Research indicates that adults learn new information and methods best when they:

  • a) actually apply the information and methods, and
  • b) exchange feedback around those experiences.

However, we’re often reluctant to seek advice and impressions from others, particularly fellow workers. We’re sometimes reluctant to share feedback with others, as well. The Giving and Receiving Feedback might be useful to you.

The courage to overcome our reluctance and fears is often the first step toward achieving true meaning in our lives and our jobs.

Growth Involves Realistic Expectations

There is a vast amount of management literature today, much of it asserting the need for substantial and continued change. We’re expected to achieve total quality and total integrity. We’re encouraged to transform ourselves and our organizations. Courses and workshops promise a wide range of outcomes and useful skills. It’s easy in today’s hectic and frustrating world to want a course or workshop to take care of all of our problems. True development is a process, more than an outcome. Many of us want to measure our growth along the way by setting objectives to accomplish. We must ensure these objectives are realistic — or we’re faced with despair and cynicism about our work and learning.

Trust Your Instincts to Learn

Learning doesn’t come only from other people telling you what you need to know and how you need to learn it! The highly motivated, self-directed learner can make a “classroom of life”. Everything becomes an experience from which to learn. You can design your own learning experiences! Think about what you want to learn, how you might learn it and how you’ll know if you’ve learned it. You can get a great deal from this Free Management Library. For example, take a half hour a week to review materials in the library. You’ll get a strong (free) sense about management. Glance at topics in the Personal Development topic, including, for example:

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Learning Management Systems

Young man learning through a video call

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

A learning management system (LMS) is a software or web-based application for online training and e-learning programs. Typically, the systems cover administration, implementation, and assessment of student learning and program effectiveness.

Various Perspectives on Learning Management Systems

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Corporate Universities

Lady reading in a library

Corporate Universities

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Are Corporate Universities the Answer?

© Copyright Jack Shaw

In any discussion of educating or training our young, we must talk about both education and training. We want our managers, and certainly our CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CTOs, and quite a few others to have impressive degrees and from impressive institutions of higher learning. The levels have changed over the years. A long time ago, a college-educated man was rare, and he could rise to the top of the corporate ladder. It mattered what school. Then it was ratcheted up a notch so the higher-ups had masters degrees, then MBAs, and then later they had to be from the prestigious business colleges a well–with the MBA.

The chief complaint: our institutions of higher learning were simply not putting out the graduates capable of going into a company and being ready to go to work. Hence, the development of the means of which to take those new employees and train them in the company or industry-specific areas.

That’s not to say those requirements weren’t needed as the world became a more complicated place. As business became more worldly, it took a sophistication requiring well-educated individuals who could operate in the broader context; however, business is still “nuts and bolt”s so it had to develop requirements separate from those at other levels where education wasn’t enough to get you in the door; you needed special skills besides–and experience. As everyone focused on getting the education to get the degrees that opened doors, someone had to say, “who’s going to do the work.” Who is going to be the backbone of the company.” Mr. Ivy League School? Mr. Premiere Business Institution? Mr. Prestigious Law School? And, to attack that glass ceiling, the ladies had to do the same and more.

Still, discussions in the community are centered around how to attract qualified workers to do the work-work. Can’t find them here, some companies go overseas, where workers are cheaper and are willing to learn your business and will pay for the opportunity. Oops! You go where you can find qualified workers or you don’t grow or succeed. Workers overseas don’t often have the options of the right schools to get them in the door. Next best thing: corporate universities. Can we develop our home-grown workers? We’d like to. For the right price.

No one was saying forget higher education and concentrate on the practical, but it would have made the job of finding workers easier if someone could walk in off the street and immediately go to work. Granted there are some sharp individuals who can do that, but only in very remote instances.

Of course, if they could all walk off the campus and go to work, where would we trainers be?

Make it specific to the company’s needs and ta-da!–a corporate university. Apparently they work. Look around any industrial area and you’ll find institutions of higher training, better known as Corporate Universities.

So, now that we have education and are willing to take only a certain level of a job because we have that education, what now?

David Baucus and Melissa Baucus authored a piece, titled The Changing Shape of Corporate Universities. The gist of the article is how the e-learning and corporate universities we know today grew out of the technological innovation that came several years back. They say that there is no doubt that the e-learning industry–a part of that technological innovation–contributed to the growth of corporate universities. Both authors have the education to tell us this authoritatively. Check their website and bios to be sure.

“Early in the evolution of the industry, corporate universities represented a reasonable deployment of learning technologies. They enabled companies to deliver the right content to target markets (e.g., employees, partners, and customers) and to reduce training costs by substituting technology for labor.”

Many years ago before the article above was written and when I was teaching at a small proprietary college in Virginia, I remember sitting on a committee looking at the direct education and placement of students in the workplace. The committee was made up of educators, trainers, business, corporate and community leaders all looking at what education could do in the world of work. The little guys can’t afford to create a corporate university. No longer were we talking about the value of general education, but how we could mold future workers, managers, and leaders of the business and corporate world. Education alone wasn’t the answer.

No longer were we talking about the value of general education, but how we could mold future workers, managers, and leaders of the business and corporate world. Education alone wasn’t the answer.

The chief complaint: our institutions of higher learning were simply not putting out the graduates capable of going into a company and being ready to go to work. Hence, the development of the means of which to take those new employees and train them in the company or industry-specific areas.

Bring in the trainers and the technology. Make it specific to the company’s needs and ta-da!–a corporate university. Of course, it’s not that simple, but apparently they work. Look around any industrial area and you’ll find institutions of higher training, better known as Corporate Universities. McDonald’s Hamburger
University, Motorola University, Boeing University, TD Bank University, Pfizer University, Trump Institute–to name a few. Some are well-established, and some are new to the scene. Look around your own neighborhood. Pretty much any large corporation will have one. In 1997, there were around 400 in existence in the U.S.; today that number in the thousands changes daily, and they are also worldwide. Like it or not, they will soon eclipse regular institutions of higher learning in number.

Technological innovation wasn’t responsible for it alone. We grew up and we grew wide. We became international. We can communicate and operate around the world without leaving out desks. It’s a good thing we can concentrate what we know about the company in one place; however, we should probably do it with an eye toward broadening our awareness of other companies and what they do and how they differ. Mergers are commonplace. Companies don’t just change names; they change focus; they expand.

Training programs should expand or at least be expandable. (Trainers everywhere are rejoicing, and not just those who work for a corporate university.) There are joint university and corporate university projects in all areas of the business and corporate world. There are corporate universities within traditional universities. There are universities that exist only online. Not the correspondence schools or diploma mills of the past, but the basic idea of long distance learning–only bigger, and hopefully improved. As the educators mulled over the problems of putting graduates directly in the workplace, I suspect they weren’t sitting on their hands either; this is bigger than business alone. It’s our economy, our very lives at stake. Our GNP and the stability of our currency in the world economy. We are dominoes in this affecting economies internationally. If those dots are eyes, they need to be wide open.

Just my thoughts on corporate universities and the world. Broad topic. What are your thoughts? For more of my hopefully not-so-crazy thoughts, check out my website. I have more to say on training, on communication, on performance, and even on theatre arts, but I can only be in one place at one time.

Various Perspectives on Corporate Universities

It seems an increasing number of companies are forming their own “corporate training universities”, often in collaboration with nearby traditional academic universities. The following links will get you to the largest collections of online information.

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