Samples of Learner’s Results As Means to Verify Learning

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    Samples of Learner’s Results As Means to Verify Learning

    (This page is referenced from Basic Framework for Training and Development Plan.)

    There are numerous means by which a learner can show evidence of learning — many means other than the traditional passing of tests in a course. The following list provides examples of results, or outputs, that can be produced by a learner during learning activities as means of verification of learning. These results can be examined by a subject matter expert to evaluate the extent of learning (new areas of knowledge and skills) accomplished by the learner. The list may prove useful particularly when designing self-directed training and development plans. Keep in mind that the following list is but a small sample of means of verification of learning. (The list is reproduced from a list provided by The Union Institute.)

    • annotated bibliographies
    • audio recordings
    • case study analyses
    • certificates of achievement verifying accomplishment of learning
    • commendations from employers for high-quality (thus, strong expertise in) work
    • computer software package
    • conducting Socratic dialogues, including preparation notes, participants’ evaluations, etc.
    • conducting workshops, including preparation notes, participants’ evaluations, etc.
    • course handouts
    • dialoguing with fellow workers, including preparation notes, participants’ evaluations, etc.
    • formal written papers
    • gallery exhibitions of one’s work
    • journal entries
    • literature reviews
    • notebooks validated by subject matter experts
    • notes prepared for seminars
    • performance in the creative arts
    • photography
    • poems
    • preparing testing protocols
    • presentations
    • questionnaires or interview guides
    • receiving professional certification
    • recording of a lecture presented by the learner
    • series of peer-based discussions, including preparation notes, participants’ evaluations, etc.
    • sculptures
    • teaching a course, including preparation notes, participants’ evaluations, etc.
    • training manuals
    • transcribed learning from other institutions of higher learning
    • video productions
    • works of art
    • written and oral examination by subject matter experts
    • written notes from museum visits
    • and on and on and on and on …

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