How to Write a Memo

A memo

How to Write a Memo

Contributed by Deane Gradous, Twin Cities consultant

General Guidelines

A memo, or memorandum, is a written correspondence often used in a business setting. In that setting, it is often written on the organization’s letterhead, which is a document that includes the organization’s official logo and color scheme. However, with the dramatic increase in use of email, memos seems increasingly to be written in email. In that situation, care must be taken to control its distribution and maintenance because memos usually have an official status, for example, to be interpreted as an official communication from upper management.

See the following articles for various perspectives on memos.

Sample Memo


Medical Products, Inc.
Interoffice Memo





Mindy Grapefruit

Joe Endive

January 30, 1996

Request to purchase coffee maker

copies to:

George Grape

Jon Orange

Mike Celery

Jean Radish

Mindy, at our department meeting last week, I agreed to research the purchase of a coffee maker for the department. The research has yielded a clear preference, and I am ready to make the purchase.

Potential uses for the coffee maker include service for
– Group meetings
– Guests
– Coffee lovers

Consumer Reports recommended three specific coffee makers. The models and prices are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Coffee maker options

Type Size Manufacturer
and model #
Drip 12 cups Brown K345-6 $39.95
Percolator 12 cups Toastmaker 89123 $24.00
Instant-reserve 15 cups Benn H001-A2 $89.50

A survey of the department yielded an overwhelming preference for the instant-reserve type of coffee maker. The people in our department feel that the need for speed and ease of use outweighs the issue of cost.

Please initial the attached requisition for the instant-reserve coffee maker, written to Slade’s Hardware against our budget #50. Coffee can be purchased out of petty cash. I will stop on the way home from work to purchase the coffee maker and a couple of varieties of coffee–including the French roast you like so much.

We will all enjoy a cup or two of coffee at the morning staff meeting.

“Folks count on our quality”

Also consider
Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar 

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How to Write Meeting Minutes

A secretary taking the minutes of a business meeting

How to Write Meeting Minutes

Sections of this Topic Include:

What to Document In Your Board Meeting Minutes

Sample Minutes

Additional Perspectives

Also consider

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Library’s Communications Blog

What to Document In Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are documented descriptions of the key activities and decisions made during a meeting. Minutes might be considered legal documents by the courts, for example, meetings among members of a Board of Directors. Many people would assert that if it is not in the minutes, it did not happen.

There is a broad range of approaches and formality in writing minutes, depending on the importance of the meeting and its affects on stakeholders. For example, a spontaneous gathering of people intended to discuss and make a decision that would affect only them, might scribble meeting minutes that mentions their name, when they met and what they decided. In contrast, the meeting minutes of a Board of Directors would be much more comprehensive, orderly and specific.

A formal format would typically include the name of the organization, date and time of meeting, who called it to order, who attended (and if there is a quorum, in the case of a Board of Directors), all motions made, any conflicts of interest or abstentions from voting, when the meeting ended and who developed the minutes.

Usually, a designated person drafts the minutes during meetings (for example, a Board Secretary in the case of Boards of Directors), but this can be done by anyone else in the meeting who is willing, as long as other members agree that the person is charged to write the minutes. Soon after the meeting, the drafted minutes should distributed to participants for their review and approval, for example, before the next meeting. The unapproved minutes should be marked “draft,” until approved. In the next meeting, any changes should be amended to the minutes and a new version, still marked “draft,” should be submitted until the Board approves the minutes. Approved minutes should be retained in a manual and shared with all Board members.

The following sample represents the typical format and content of a Board meeting minutes report. This sample should be customized to the particular culture and purpose of the organization

Sample Minutes

Sample of Board Meeting Minutes
Name of Organization
(Board Meeting Minutes: Month Day, Year)
(time and location)

Board Members:
Present: Bhata Bhatacharia, Jon White Bear, Douglas Carver, Elizabeth Drucker, Pat Kyumoto, Jack Porter, Mary Rifkin and Leslie Zevon
Absent: Melissa Johnson
Quorum present? Yes

Others Present:
Exec. Director: Sheila Swanson
Other: Susan Johns, Consulting Accountant

· Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker
· (Last month’s) meeting minutes were amended and approved

· Chief Executive’s Report:
– Recommends that if we not able to find a new facility by the end of this month, the organization should stay where in the current location over the winter. After brief discussion, Board agreed.
– Staff member, Jackson Browne, and Swanson attended the National Practitioner’s Network meeting in Atlanta last month and gave a brief extemporaneous presentation. Both are invited back next year to give a longer presentation about our organization. After brief discussion, Board congratulated Swanson and asked her to pass on their congratulations to Browne as well.
– Drucker asserts that our organization must ensure its name is associated with whatever materials are distributed at that practitioner’s meeting next year. The organization should generate revenues where possible from the materials, too.
– Swanson mentioned that staff member, Sheila Anderson’s husband is ill and in the hospital. MOTION to send a gift to Anderson’s husband, expressing the organization’s sympathy and support; seconded and passed.

· Finance Committee report provided by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker:
– Drucker explained that consultant, Susan Johns, reviewed the organization’s bookkeeping procedures and found them to be satisfactory, in preparation for the upcoming yearly financial audit. Funds recommends that our company ensure the auditor provides a management letter along with the audit financial report.

· – Drucker reviewed highlights, trends and issues from the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. Issues include that high accounts receivables require Finance Committee attention to policies and procedures to ensure our organization receives more payments on time. After brief discussion of the issues and suggestions about how to ensure receiving payments on time, MOTION to accept financial statements; seconded and passed.

· Board Development Committee’s report provided by Chair, Douglas Carver:
– Carver reminded the Board of the scheduled retreat coming up in three months, and provided a drafted retreat schedule for board review. MOTION to accept the retreat agenda; seconded and passed.
– Carver presented members with a draft of the reworded By-laws paragraph that would allow members to conduct actions over electronic mail. Carver suggested review and a resolution to change the By-laws accordingly. Kyumoto suggested that Swanson first seek legal counsel to verify if the proposed change is consistent with state statute. Swanson agreed to accept this action and notify members of the outcome in the next Board meeting.

· Other business:
– Porter noted that he was working with staff member, Jacob Smith, to help develop an information management systems plan, and that two weeks ago he (Porter) had mailed members three resumes from consultants to help with the plan. In the mailing, Porter asked members for their opinions to help select a consultant. Porter asked members for their opinions. (NOTE: Zevon noted that she was also a computer consultant and was concerned about conflict of interest in her Board role regarding this selection, and asked to be ABSTAINED from this selection. Members agreed.) The majority of members agreed on Lease-or-Buy Consultants. MOTION to use Lease-or-Buy Consultants; seconded and passed.

– Swanson announced that she had recently hired a new secretary, Karla Writewell.

· Assessment of the Meeting:
– Kyumoto noted that the past three meetings have run over the intended two-hour time slot by half an hour. He asked members to be more mindful and focused during discussions, and suggested that the Board Development Chair take an action to identify solutions to this issue. Chair, Carver, agreed.

· Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
· Minutes submitted by Secretary, Bhata Bhatacharia

Additional Perspectives

For the Category of Communications (Business Writing):

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

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Business Writing Workshop

Business writing workshop memo pinned on a board

Business Writing Workshop

Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Writing: General techniques for good writing

Writing: Formatting your writing for ease of readability

Writing: Models/samples of writing for your reference

Writing: Miscellaneous

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Library’s Communications Blog

For the Category of Communications (Business Writing):

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

How to Improve Your Writing: Guidelines and Resources

Know the rules that helps to improve your writing

How to Improve Your Writing: Guidelines and Resources

Sections of This Topic Include

Building Blocks of Composition

Writing Process

Types and Styles of Writing

Numerous Types of Correspondence

Style Guides, Including Citations

Common Grammar and English Mistakes

Assess Your Writing Skills

Writing Skills

Reference Materials

Also consider

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How Well Do You Write Now?

Before you read the above topics about writing, you might get an impression of how well you write now. Take this online test. Just click on “Start Test”.

Writing Test

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Library’s Communications Blog

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Writing a Procedure that the Reader Can Follow

Step-by-step guide concept

Writing a Procedure that the Reader Can Follow

Contributed by Deane Gradous, Twin Cities consultant


A written procedure is a step-by-step guide to direct the reader through a task.


Read this procedure all the way through before you begin to write.


Step 1. Provide a purpose statement (why this procedure).
Step 2. Provide an overview of the procedure.
Step 3. Identify prerequisite knowledge and skills, if any.
Step 4. Highlight any safety issues and other precautions.
Step 5. Add a list of equipment, supplies, or parts needed for the procedure.


Step 6. Define a logical sequence of steps and substeps, neither too large nor too small.
a. Use the imperative voice for clarity and economy of words.
b. Write to the level of the reader’s ability or a little below.
Define unfamiliar terms.
Step 7. Include hints and helps.
Step 8. Add illustrations, analogies, models, anything that will aid understanding of the process and the end product.

Follow up:

Step 9. Pilot test your procedure.
Is it understandable, effective, complete? Does it result inefficient and effective performance?
Step 10. Inform the reader of the performance standard to be applied when the procedure is a practiced skill.

Also see How to Write Procedures
What is an SOP?

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

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How to Write Newsletters

Someone looking at a newsletter

How to Write Newsletters

Sections of This Topic Include

Newsletters That Work
Various Perspectives on Writing Newsletters

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Library’s Communications Blog

Newsletters That Work

© Copyright Lisa Chapman

How to Create Newsletters That Capture Attention.

Your email newsletter is an extension of your company’s brand and personality. It’s an opportunity to offer value and keep your customers engaged. Yet so many times, companies don’t even get to first base – their email newsletter never gets opened!

This list incorporates the most important components of a successful email newsletter, with a few examples of how to use them. I’ve chosen to apply them to The Last Best Women – a nonprofit organization that offers microfinance to impoverished women in third world countries – but they apply to for-profit businesses just as well:

  1. Compelling Subject Line: The very MOST important thing for ANY newsletter is a Compelling Subject Line – something that captures your readers’ attention and intrigues them to open it. You’re competing against dozens of other non-essential emails every day. Most people don’t have time to open every email they receive. So yours must pop out. Here is an example of a compelling subject line: “How YOU can help change a life with just one email”. Then in the inside, on the first page at the top, repeat that with the answer: “Please pass this email on to six grateful women you know who might want to learn how microfinance changes the lives of impoverished women.”
  2. Call to Action: Every newsletter should have a Call to Action – above the fold, so to speak – at the top of the computer screen. If you do #1 above, that is your Call to Action. Another Call to Action might be: “Please read more about how microfinance gave Rosalinda Flores renewed hope for her family and financial earning power she never dreamed possible.” Next to this is a link to an article that tells the story about this real woman and her real microfinance success. Another great Call to Action could be a specific Tweet you ask them to send. Or a Facebook Post.
  3. Tell Stories: Reader interest at least TRIPLES when you tell a real story. Every business has great customer stories. If you haven’t collected them, just ask them! It also makes for a great Facebook or LinkedIn post. Use real names and pictures. Keep it rather short.
  4. Testimonials/Quotes: Almost nothing is as powerful as a quote or very short testimonial. Top of fold, first page, with picture, preferably.
  5. Pictures: Every newsletter should have pictures. The Executive Directors’ picture personalizes her message. Pictures of volunteers help them feel more connected to the organization. Pictures of the recipient of the organizations’ services give readers the feeling that they are in touch with what this organization does.
  6. Mission/Vision: The first page, top of fold, is the best place for the Mission/Vision. It’s enormously important to remind and reaffirm everyone of the organization’s good work.
  7. Facebook Like Button: FB, Twitter, other Social Networks – make it easy for readers to add them. Links placed first page, top of fold.
  8. Headings and Subheads: Readers today are scanners. If they see a large block of text, they’ll likely skip it. In order to get and keep their attention, use short, meaningful headings and subheads in larger, bolder fonts. Break up text into 2-4 sentences between each heading.
  9. Use a Chart to Track Something: If you give Readers something interesting to track, they’ll have another reason to open the next email. It could be the number of microfinance recipients worldwide, or the growth of your own organization, or a timeline to your first funding.
  10. Use a Tagline, or Explain the Organization’s Name: At first glance, your Reader should get the meaning of the newsletter in under TWO SECONDS. So add a tagline under the name, or dedicate some space to explain what “The Last Best Women” means. In the next two seconds, your newsletter should convey why the Reader should care. Many of the tips above help achieve that – especially compelling headings and subheads, and captions under pictures.
  11. Ask Readers for Input: Social Networking (including newsletters) is all about “engaging” your readers. Ask them for links to other microfinance organizations. Ask them what these organizations do right – or where they miss the boat. Engage your readers with questions – and post them on FB.
  12. Use a Conversational Tone: Social Media is casual and authentic. Accessible feeling. You are appealing to human emotion in your newsletter – with rich resources of human need, stories, pictures, mission, and successes (even if they’re others’ successes – you can talk about organizational role models for building your organization.)
  13. Use Strategic Keywords: Choose 2-3 important keywords. Place them in headings and subheads, and in the first 200 words of the text. They should be used 3% – meaning, of every 100 words, use each keyword 3 times. When you attach this newsletter to your website, it will be crawled by search engines and found because of this planned use of keywords. Tip: If you didn’t know about LBW, but were sitting at Google’s search bar and LBW was the perfect result you’re hoping to find, what would you type in the search bar? Those are your strategic keywords.

These ‘tips’ actually work! They make your newsletter captivating, and help you stand out from a very crowded crowd. Newsletters are definitely an art. Your style will evolve as your organization evolves.

Various Perspectives on Writing Newsletters

How to Create an Email Newsletter People Actually Read

How to make an employee newsletter your CEO’s best friend
How to Write a Newsletter That Gets Read

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Sales Letters that Work Like a Charm

A salesman crafting a sales letter on their laptop

Letters that Work Like a Charm

to Sell Your Idea, Service, or Product

Contributed by Deane Gradous, Twin Cities consultant

Four approaches to the sales letter

1. Intrigue or entertain. Grab the reader’s attention and ensure that your reader gets the points about your idea, service, or product while having a good time reading your letter. The theory is that fun, surprise, or drama will open the reader’s mind to what you have to say.

2. Support or assure. Assure the reader that you are always here. When the reader has a need that relates to what you have to offer, you want the reader to associate the need with you, a dependable person who can satisfy it. Regular mailings will add to your image of dependability.

3. Propose or deal. Make a strong offer the reader. Soften a hard-sell image by including a gift or offering a free trial or coupon. Your goal is to get the reader to act now. The motivational sequence is as follows:

· Get the reader’s attention

· Demonstrate a need or a problem

· Visualize the future with the need satisfied or the program solved.

· Offer the means to satisfy the need or solve the problem.

· Ask the reader to act.

4. Touch or pat. Tell the reader in a friendly and personal way that you are thinking of him or her. Your letter is part of a continuing conversation. Your goal is not so much to make an immediate sale but to remind the reader of the importance of your continuing relationship. Send “keep in touch” letters often, especially when you can link your
communication to an occasion or an event of special significance.

Always address a single reader

Whether you are selling an idea, a service, or a product always write to one reader; never a crowd. Use the second person singular–“you”–to converse one-to-one with a single, unique person. Not “Hey all you people out
there with computer problems.” Sometimes, use the reader’s name in direct address–“Mark, take a look at this …”

Thinking of your reader in the singular helps you gauge how much to emphasize your points without appearing pushy. Addressing a crowd calls for raising your voice to a shout. Compare the tone of the following two sentences: 1. “If any of you are still having problems following these simple instructions, please feel free to call me and I’ll explain them” and 2. “Please let me know if you find any of these instructions confusing.”

Addressing a single reader also helps you avoid taking a defensive tone. Compare the following two sentences:
1. “Some of you are not giving me your full cooperation” and 2. “I need your support.”

Tips for writing sales letters

Be conversational. Write in a personal, friendly tone.

Emphasize the reader’s needs. Take the time to analyze your reader’s interests, needs, and biases.

Keep it simple. Limit your appeal to a few important points.

Be credible. Demonstrate your experience, knowledge, and expertise

Be specific. In concrete terms, describe the details of your idea, service, or product. The reader has to be able to “see” himself or yourself engaged with your idea, service, or product. If price is a concern, state the price and emphasize the value received.

Be concise. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and sharply focused.

Ask for action. Be clear and explicit about what you want your reader to do.

Be accessible. Make it easy for your reader to respond to your idea, ask for your service, or purchase your product.

Close. Tone is important to achieving a cordial close. Compare the following two closing sentences: 1. “Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me” and 2. “If you have any questions, please call me.” The first grants permission. The second extends an invitation.

Be correct. Let the writing rest a while before you review it through the reader’s eyes. Edit and proofread it carefully. Protect and maintain your professional image by being absolutely certain your letter contains no errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

Do a test run. Pilot test the letter. Ask someone to stand in for a reader, or ask a small sample of the population of prospective buyers to read your letter, and give you feedback.

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Library’s Communications Blog

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Building Blocks of Writing: Vocabulary, Spelling and Grammar

Notepad, laptop, pen, and a cup of coffee on a desk

Building Blocks of Writing: Vocabulary, Spelling and Grammar

Sections of This Topic Include

NOTE: Be sure to first notice: How to Improve Your Writing

Also consider

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Library’s Communications Blog


Vocabulary is the collection of words conveyed by a person or in writing in order to communicate with the reader or listener. The more words that you understand in your personal vocabulary, the more effectively you will comprehend what the speak or writer is intending to convey. The term “vocabulary” is sometimes used interchangeably with the term “lexicon”.

Also consider


By the time we have finished grade school, we know what spelling is, although we might not be able to define it. Wikipedia defines spelling as the “…interpretation of speech sound into writing”. You can’t proceed with improving your writing unless you start by knowing how to spell.


Grammar specifies the rules for how to correctly construct a sentence. It covers subjects such as how to use commas, apostrophes and punctuation, as well subject-verb matching, run-on sentences and using the correct tense.


Guidelines and Tips


Online Assistants

For the Category of Communications (Business Writing):

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

How to Write Brochures

Person drafting out the content of the brochures

How to Write Brochures

Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Various Perspectives on Writing Brochures

Tips to writing a good handout
Twelve Tips for Writing Better Marketing Brochures
How to Write a Brochure

Also see
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Also See The Library’s Blogs Related To Writing Brochures

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Writing Brochures. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Library’s Communications Blog

For the Category of Communications (Business Writing):

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Use Your New Typographic Capabilities

Person typing on a laptop

Use Your New Typographic Capabilities

Contributed by Deane Gradous, Twin Cities consultant

You may have learned to type on a mechanical typewriter. At that time, typists emphasized words by capitalizing or underlining them, which was all the capabilities they had. Today’s business writer has nearly all the capabilities of a professional typesetter at his or her fingertips. This article contains strategies for using the typographic capabilities in Microsoft Word and other word processing programs.


Boldfaced type is commonly used in headings, such as Word’s Level 1 heading, which was used as the title style for this article, and Word’s Level 2 subheading, which was used to introduce this segment. In general text, boldface is not used for emphasis because boldfaced words stand out like facial blemishes. As an alternative, some business writers use italics for emphasis. It would be even better if they limited their use of italics and relied on sentence structure to make their emphases clear.


Italics can be used to show that a word is to be read as a word, for example “The word system is much misused in business writing.” Foreign words that have not been absorbed into English are italicized.
The titles of complete works–books, newspapers, poems, songs–are italicized. Titles of parts of works–articles, chapters–are enclosed in quotation marks.

Small caps

Use small caps for A.M. and P.M.
Modern practice recommends using small caps for acronyms that are pronounced as words, for example
RAM memory. Initialisms, which are pronounced letter by letter, are typed in full caps, for example CPU. When you follow this rule, readers will know how to pronounce what you write.


The hyphen (-), the en dash ((the en dash is slightly longer than the hyphen), and the em dash (sometimes represented by two hyphens: —) are important and useful horizontal characters. The hyphen, in addition to being used to break a word at the end of a line, is used to connect two words that modify another, for example “Come to a 3-day meeting.” The en dash is longer than a hyphen and shorter than an em dash. It is used to connect two numbers, for example “Circle October 3 (en dash) 5 on your calendar.”

The em dash, the longest of the three characters, is used to indicate a break in the structure of a sentence, for example “We could allow 20 minutes for–oh, let’s not bother with that issue at the meeting.”

The hyphen, which is easily accessed via the keyboard, should not be substituted for the en dash and the em dash.

To find the two longer dashes, open the Insert menu, select Symbol, and locate them on the character map for normal text. Select the desired dash and insert it into
your text. Note the absence of blank spaces before and after these three characters.

Special characters

To shorten the process of adding em dashes and other special characters to your text, learn their ASCII code numbers. To insert a special character into your text, hold down the Alt key and type 0 and its code number on the number pad. When you let go of the Alt key, the special character is inserted in your text at the cursor.

For example, to insert an em dash, hold down Alt and type
0151 on the number pad. Lift your finger from the Alt key and voila!


Double-spacing between paragraphs often uses too much page space, especially when you are trying to keep your text to a single page. At your direction, the computer will add extra points of space above each paragraph. To set a paragraph style with additional line space above it, as I have done with all the paragraphs in this article, open the Format menu and select Style. In the Style windows, select in order normal style, modify, format, paragraph and type 3 pt in spacing before. Close and apply.


Punching the tab key to indent the first line of every paragraph by five full spaces was great for typewriters and for lines of text six inches long. In columnar text, the first lines of paragraphs are usually indented by a space the equivalent of an M. To match the paragraph style in this article, use a first-line indent of 0.15 inches.

Make this adjustment in the Format menu. Select Paragraph and set the first-line indent under Special.

Lists may be indented the same amount.

  • The default indent for bulleted lists in Word is 0.50
    inches–too large an indent for columnar text. Set it at 0.15
  • To ease the typing of indented lists, create a new paragraph
    style. Set the left margin indent about 0.15 inches, and indicate a hanging indent about the same amount. Name the new style bullet.
  • Word’s default setting for the distance between the
    bullet and text is 0.25–again, too large. To reset this distance, search under the Format menu for Bullets and Numbering, select Modify, and set the distance at 0.15 inches.


The title of this article is centered and set in large, bold-faced type–22-point Arial [Lucida Sans in the online version].
It could be even larger, but I chose to keep the title on a single line. By convention, the whole title or just the important words in the title are capitalized, but this convention is often ignored in favor of the more easily read sentence capitalization style. Research has shown that readers find all caps very difficult to read. Capitalized words have no ups and downs to help the reader discern the differences among the letters.


Subheads (headings) are used to indicate the hierarchy of text. Let the style and size of type say “This is a head; pay special attention because it indicates the relative importance of the text that follows.”

Traditionally, headings were capitalized like titles; that is, the initial letter of each word was capitalized, except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions of five or fewer letters. Today’s business writers increasingly choose to use sentence capitalization for headings; that is, they capitalize only the initial word and any proper nouns. Headings may be followed by quotation marks, question marks, and exclamation points, but not by periods, colons, or semi-colons.

The text within the heading and the level of each heading form a well-organized content outline. The writer decides how many levels of headings to use. The savvy reader skims the headings to understand how the text is organized. The highest level in the hierarchy of headings indicates to the reader that a major section will follow. The next lower level indicates subsections.

All headings of the same level are constructed in parallel form. For example, the headings in this article are nouns with a descriptor as needed.


Some hard-won typewriting practices are no longer acceptable in today’s computer-formatted text. You may have a well-entrenched habit of adding two spaces between sentences. You may even think your text looks better that way. Not so. Adding the extra spaces makes your reader’s job harder.

You can use the search-and-replace feature in the Edit menu to change all instances of two spaces to one space. Before applying the spellcheck function and printing your work, search for two spaces [ ] and replace with one space [ ]. This search-and-replace step is especially important when using the Times font, which tends to hide extra spaces on the screen but shows them clearly on hard copy.

Smart quotes

If your program’s default preferences setting specifies straight quotation marks, it’s time to change to “smart quotes.” To learn how to make this change, search for smart quotes in the Help menu.

Don’t use smart (curly) quotes when you need straight quotation marks, as in foot (‘) and inch (“) marks. To add these straight marks, go to the Insert menu and select Symbol. Find the desired marks on the character map and insert them in your text.


Commonly used fractions, in which the numerator and denominator are smaller than the normal text, can be found in the Insert menu under Symbol, for example ¾. For hints on using superscripts and subscripts to build unusual fractions, for example 3/35, search the word-processing manual or the help file.

Font style

For highly readable paragraph text, use Times in its 10- to 12-point size, 12-point if your readers wear bifocals or have resisted getting bifocals past the point of needing them. The text of this article is 10-point Times. [Lucida Fax “small” in online version]

For highly visible headings, use Arial in its 14- to 16-point
size and boldface the text. See the default settings for heading styles in Word.

Fancy type

Resist using a variety of fancy fonts. Blocks of text in Algerian, Braggadocio, or other fancy fonts may be nearly unreadable. But blocks of text in Times will
not tire your reader. Make your words exciting and meaningful through skillful writing, not by using tricks and gimmicks. Grayed boxes and outlined or shadowed type, when used indiscriminately, shout Amateur! or UNPROFESSIONAL!

In summary, with these word-processing strategies you will enhance the presentation of your ideas and ease your writing chores. Explorations into the word-processing manual or help file will yield other useful techniques.

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