Information About The Free Management Library

Free Management Library (sm) Developed and Provided by Authenticity Consulting, LLC

The Library remains one of the most popular business sites on the Internet — many of the Library’s topics consistently rank in the top ten results from Google searches.

Carter McNamara, of Authenticity Consulting, LLC, originated the concept of the Library, and then designed and developed the Library. The Library began in 1995 and has since continued to be updated and maintained by Authenticity.

Authenticity owns the design and process in which the Library operates. Carter wrote many of the articles in the Library topics and also the introductory comments in many of the topics, as well. Those articles are marked as “Written by Carter McNamara…”.

Authenticity does not own all of the articles in the Library — many articles are included as links to other websites containing articles written by other authors.

Authenticity’s personnel and associates have strong expertise and skills in many aspects of personnel, professional and organizational development, as evidenced in the design and operation of the Library.

Here is an interview with Carter McNamara that describes the reasons for the Library and its early development.

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