Market Pricing — What Price Should You Charge?

Hand holding a signage on a yellow background

Market Pricing — What Price Should You Charge?

Sections of This Topic Include

What is a Pricing Analysis?
Pricing Strategies
Additional Perspectives on Determining What Price You Should

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Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Market Pricing

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that have posts related to Market Pricing. Scan down the blog’s page to see
various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar
of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.
The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Library’s Marketing Blog
Library’s Public
and Media Relations Blog

What is a Pricing Analysis?

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Marketing should include pricing analysis to decide how much to charge customers
for a product or service and how that charge should be done, for example, as
a fixed fee, sliding-fee scale, discounts or monthly payments.

Several major factors influence the pricing for a product or service. Strategic
goals greatly influence pricing. For example, if the business really wants to
get into a new market, then it might charge lower than usual prices in order
to generate more customers who buy the service. The business might consider
changing pricing if the demand for its products are very high or low. Competitor
pricing also has a great effect. If competitors are charging much less, then
the business might do well to lower prices. Similarly, if the competitor is
charging much more, then the business might consider increasing its own prices.

In this pricing analysis, consider: Is your business recouping your costs (time,
money, materials, etc.) to provide it? Is it affordable to customers? What about
volume or other forms of discounts? What should be the new prices, if any? How
do you know?

Pricing Strategies

© Copyright Rolfe Larson

Figuring out how to price your products or services is often very challenging,
especially for a new venture. Yet you need a pricing strategy for your business
plan, to determine your break-even point and profitability, and of course to
launch your business. Here are some tips on how to make that decision:

Ultimately, the right price is usually the highest price customers will find
attractive — that is to say, that they will find meets or exceeds their
value expectations for the product or service you’re offering to them.
That’s much easier said than done, so let’s start with some steps
for getting there.

First, Determine Your Unit Costs

Generally this should be relatively easy. What will it cost you to purchase,
produce and sell your products? You may not know the precise figure, but you
should have a pretty good idea by the time you write your business plan. Generally
speaking, that represents your price floor; sell below that and you lose money.
Next, determine how customers value your products

This is where market research is needed. The good news is that customers will
tell you how much they’ll pay — if you can find the right way to
ask. You can’t just ask them directly, for tons of research show that
what they say and what they’ll do are two completely different realities.
But what you can do is find out what they pay for more or less comparable things,
and how they value various attributes of your product or service, particularly
those different from your competitors. Be sure to study the pricing strategies
of your competitors. Not necessarily to imitate but to recognize that your customers
will be comparing what you offer (product, price, service) with what they offer.

Here are several of the most common pricing strategies:

Penetration Pricing

This is the low-cost approach, where you initially offer a price lower than
your competitor’s for the purpose of attracting price-sensitive customers
quickly. The downside of course is that you squeeze your profits; indeed in
many cases new ventures choose to price below cost to bring in those early customers.
The logic is that over time you become more efficient and can take advantage
of bulk purchasing of raw materials, such that you begin to achieve profitability
at that low price. The other downside is that your competitors might just match
your price.

Premium Pricing

This kind of pricing is coupled with providing superior benefits or service
compared to your competitors, to justify that higher price. Sometimes a premium
price will be charged for some products to attract customers who want that premium
quality, with other products are priced lower to attract those who are more
value-focused. A related pricing strategy is called Complementary Pricing, or
Loss Leader Pricing, where you charge and promote a super low price for one
product to bring folks “in the door,” but then “upsell”
them for something else more expensive at the point of sale.

Price Bundling

This is a common strategy for getting customers to buy more of your products,
by offering a deal for buying a package. Purchase internet access along with
your phone service for a discounted price. This strategy can be very effective
in that the customer perceives value, while the provider increases sales and,
ideally, a long term customer who spends more for each purchase.

New Customer Pricing

Sometimes called experience pricing, this involves offering a low initial price
for new customers, occasionally below cost, to get customers to “try”
your product. It’s a one-time price, offered in hopes that while they’ll
come in for the low price, they’ll come back for the high quality. This
is sometimes done with special coupons, and, in today’s world, is often
facilitated by group purchasing services such as Groupon.

Additional Perspectives on What Price You Should

Products and Services Accurately

a Price Increase: 9 Things Not To Do

Price (Wikipedia)

Top 10 Pricing Mistakes
Case Study: How to Raise Prices

The ABCs of Pricing
Pricing Strategies (Part 1)
Pricing Strategies (Part 2)

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to This Topic

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see
the following blogs that have posts related to this topic. Scan
down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section
“Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click
on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The
blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Marketing Blog

Public and Media Relations Blog

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Positioning: Deciding and Conveying Your Unique Selling Position

A business man making a sales presentation

Clarifying Your Unique Selling Position — Your Best “Elevator”

Sections of This Topic Include

What is a Unique Value Proposition (and Unique Selling Proposition)?
Your Best Elevator Pitch
Various Perspectives on Unique Selling Propositions

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Unique Selling Position

In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which
have posts related to Unique Selling Position. Scan down the blog’s page to
see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the
sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in
the blog.

Library’s Marketing Blog
Library’s Public
and Media Relations Blog

What is a Unique Value Proposition (and Unique
Selling Proposition)?

Positioning includes identifying the unique market position, or “niche”,
for your organization. Positioning is accomplished through market analysis.
Market analysis includes finding out what groups of potential customers (or
markets) exist, what groups of customers you prefer to serve (target markets),
what their needs are, what products or services you might develop to meet their
needs, how the customers might prefer to use the products and services, what
your competitors are doing, what pricing you should use and how you should distribute
products and services to your target markets.

Various methods of market research are used to find out information about markets,
target markets and their needs, competitors, etc. It’s very useful to articulate
a “positioning statement” or “unique selling position,”
which articulates what is unique about your organization and why people should
buy from you, rather than from your competitors.

Some people differentiate between the unique selling proposition and the unique
value proposition. They assert that the former is focused on the value to the
seller (it’s to sell a product or service). They assert that the latter unique
is focused on the value to the customer — to the benefits or value that he
or she will gain from using the product or service. They assert that the latter
cultivates a more

Your Best Elevator Pitch

© Copyright Lisa

How do you cut through the sheer marketing clutter and make your mark on your
prospects’ minds? Create one distinct, memorable message that you use at every

Core Marketing Message

Every business needs to distill their message down to an effective core marketing
message that each employee can deliver comfortably at a cocktail party, and
becomes the foundational message in company literature, videos; essentially,
all advertising or promotion. It is also called your elevator pitch, and it
focuses on solving your customers’ pain or problem.

Info You Need to Prepare to Develop Your Elevator Pitch

You can spend days or even weeks in this process, but we’re going to make it
really easy for you. To get right down to the point, first answer these questions

  1. Profile your ideal target customer/customer. Include demographics and lifestyle
  2. What PROBLEM, PAIN, or challenge does this target customer face?
  3. What SOLUTION does your product or service deliver for this problem or pain?
  4. What PROOF do you have, such as a customer success story?
  5. What makes you different from your competition? (It MUST be a difference
    that matters to your customer.

How to Develop Your Elevator Pitch

REMEMBER THIS: DO NOT start talking about your product or service and what
you do. Read that sentence again. INSTEAD, start talking about your customers
and how you help solve their problem and ease their pain.

Imagine that you’re asked, “What do you do?” Here’s how to respond:

  1. Start with who you work with; “I work with small business owners and entrepreneurs…”
  2. Continue by telling about their pain or problem; “…who need help taking
    their business to the next level…”
  4. Tell them about a customer you’ve worked with and the results you achieved;
    “…For example, I’ve worked with a 5 year old family business that needed a
    business plan to raise money for expansion…”
  5. This could lead to more conversation about problems & solutions.
  6. Tell them your solution and what makes you different; “…we get very good
    results, and have been told by venture capital investors that our plans are
    among the best they’ve ever seen.”

Now you have opened the conversation to focus on problems, and even if they
can’t benefit, they may know someone who can!

This approach is a natural to develop the company’s core marketing message
for all advertising and promotion.

Various Perspectives on Unique Selling

Unique Selling

A Complete Guide to Product Positioning
Unique Selling Proposition

Small Business Marketing
Luxury Brand Effect: Should BMW Sell Ketchup?

Best Elevator Pitch

The key to your introductions is a Unique Value Proposition
Yourself Apart — Unique Selling Proposition


For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Marketing: Planning and Strategizing

Marketing strategy book on a desk

Marketing: Planning and Strategizing

Sections of This Topic Include

Rules of Marketing: Old Vs. New
Makin’ the Marketing Strategy Happen!
Additional Perspectives on Market Planning

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Market Planning

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Market Planning. Scan down the blog’s page to see
various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar
of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.
The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Library’s Marketing Blog
Library’s Public
and Media Relations Blog

Rules of Marketing: Old Vs. New

(The following article also addresses public relations — the opinions in the
article apply to both marketing and public relations. Note that many people
would assert that public relations is a form of outbound marketing.)

© Copyright Lisa

What is Marketing? What is PR?

You’ve likely heard it before – in the digital world, “The
lines have blurred between Marketing and PR.”

What does that mean? How have the lines blurred? In order to answer these questions,
let’s take a look at the OLD versus the NEW rules of Marketing, as proposed
by David Meerman Scott in his bestselling
book, The New Rules of Marketing and PR.

The OLD Rules of Marketing

The message was delivered ONE-WAY, and CREATIVITY was the secret sauce that
commanded the audience’s attention. Among the fundamental concepts of
the OLD marketing paradigm:

  • Advertising was the core tool
  • The advertising message was generally crafted to appeal to the masses
  • Advertising INTERRUPTED the audience with a one-way message
  • Advertising engaged campaigns for a defined time period
  • Creators focused on creativity – and award-winning campaigns
  • Advertising and PR were different specialties, run by different people

The OLD Rules of PR

The ultimate goal: Spin a press release to capture reporters’ attention,
then get a clip of the story, to show that the message was viewed by the audience.

  • Media comprised the toolbox, in order to get the message out
  • A press release was the core tool
  • Only significant news commanded the attention of the media
  • It was all in “the spin” (or HYPE!)
  • Quotes from third parties were an important element of a press release
  • Press releases were meaningless unless a reporter decided that it was worthy
    of a story

The NEW Rules of Marketing and PR

Since the internet is now one huge publisher, ANYONE can learn how to create
compelling messages and publish them. Getting found online is the science and
art. A few of the new rules include:

  • People don’t want “spin” – they want authenticity
  • People don’t want to be interrupted anymore (it’s now called
  • People don’t want to be ‘told’ (push marketing), they
    want to be heard
  • People want VALUE (content), which develops relationship and trust
  • Marketing and PR can reach niche audiences online in a wider variety of
  • Content is KING, and stays online, with no end to the campaign

The New TOOLS of Marketing and PR

It’s no longer TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, etc. Meaningful,
valuable CONTENT is the vehicle that captures audiences’ attention. It
is now found on:

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Microblogs (Tweets)
  • Social Media platforms (,, etc)
  • Article Directories
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Etc, etc etc!

Makin’ the Marketing Strategy Happen!

© Copyright Tove Rasmussen

Implementing a marketing strategy is a multi-faceted activity. A good marketing
strategy is driven by a clear, simple positioning statement. This makes it clear
to your employees and market, where the company is superior to the competition.
The marketing strategy encompasses the product or service offering, pricing,
promotion and distribution – or delivery of the product or service to
your customers.

So, the marketing strategy is all-encompassing. It drives product features,
time from order to delivery, logistics, research and development, customer services
— in short, it drives what is key for all facets of the business.

Consequently, implementing a marketing strategy involves so much more than
marketing. It involves the whole company.

How you implement the marketing strategy depends who you are in the organization.
Are you the president or the marketing director? If the organization has developed
a marketing strategy, both need to be aligned with the strategy, on-board and

The implementation of the marketing strategy can begin with the development
of the marketing strategy. The organization can be involved or informed of the
status of the development of the strategy. The input of operations, regulatory
and sales can be part of the information that is used to develop the strategy.

Or the strategy can be developed by the management team, and rolled out to
the company once it is completed. The extent to which each approach works, depends
a lot on the issues involved with the strategy development, the culture of the
company, and the buy-in to the plan by the company as a whole.

If, for example, operations was asked for an opinion, it is very important
to close the loop, and let operations know what happened to the input. How it
was used in developing the plan and, if possible, how the input affected the
final strategy that was developed.

If the plan is being rolled out with no input, then it is critical for the
department heads to consider the expected response from their teams, and to
ensure the potential issues will be addressed. If unexpected issues are raised,
it is critical to research these issues and respond to them. However, the key
is to effectively demonstrate how the plan is in the interest of each department,
in particular, the growth of the company. Information that provides confidence
in this result is essential to provide, and an inclusive, enthusiastic, confident
tenor of the meeting is important.

However, it is much more than one roll out meeting, or several roll out meetings.
Implementation includes the informal discussions in the hall, during chance
encounters, in regular meetings. People will absorb the information, and come
up with excellent questions that need to be taken into account.

There is, of course, the formal implementation of the strategy as well. It
will translate into objectives for performance evaluations, possibly organization
shifts and changes.

As the company moves through the changes, focus on gaining some small wins
first. This increases confidence in the new strategy and increases momentum.
Keep it forefront in the company, stay positive and flexible.

Additional Perspectives on Market Planning

Definition of Strategic Market Planning
Planning Your Market Strategy
How to Write a Marketing Plan
Market Planning Worksheet
Sample Marketing Plan
and Market to Your Audience

the Marketing Strategy Happen!

your Buyers’ Behavior: The Key to Effective Promotion

Products and Market Planning
Revisiting and Revamping Your E-Marketing Plan
First Steps to Marketing a Small Business
Learning How to Make Market Segmentation Work Again
Gandhi taught us about business planning

Harrison: Publicity Power

Marketing Plan


Marketing Ideas

Inexpensive Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses
100 Awesome Marketing Ideas You Can Use Right Now
Why Nonprofits Need a Digital Marketing Plan (applies to for-profits, as well)

10 Best Digital Marketing Ideas And Strategies To Grow Your Business
Top 25 Digital Marketing Tips & Ideas From The Pros

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Additional Marketing Information for Nonprofits

Marketing written in colored letters.

Additional Marketing Information for Nonprofits

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Nonprofit Marketing

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Nonprofit Marketing. Scan down the blog’s page to
see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the
sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in
the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Library’s Marketing Blog
Library’s Public
and Media Relations Blog

NOTE: Marketing activities are very similar between for-profit and nonprofit
organizations. Therefore, nonprofit readers should also review the extensive
range of information in Marketing, as well. Also review the resources in Public and Media Relations, which also apply to nonprofits.

Various Perspectives on Nonprofit Marketing

The Learning Institute for Nonprofit Organizations (Marketing)
provides several articles about fundraising from the Nonprofit World.
Also see Program Design and Marketing (Nonprofit)
Online Marketing Guide for Nonprofits
Nonprofit Marketing Loose Ends Into a Powerful Plan

marketing strategies for non-profit organizations (Part 3 of 3) | Small

to Nonprofit Marketing than Social Media

Marketing Plan Template

Marketing – Where to Begin

Marketing | Getting Attention

Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template
10 Marketing Strategies For Non-Profit Organizations (Part 1 of

Online Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations (Part
2 of 3)

Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations (Part 3 of 3)

Design and Marketing (Nonprofit)

Conducting a Social Marketing Campaign

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

How to Conduct Market Research

Business lady researching the market

How to Conduct Market Research

Various methods of market research are used to find out information about markets, target markets and their needs, competitors, market trends, customer satisfaction with products and services, etc.

Businesses can learn a great deal about customers, their needs, how to meet those needs and how the business is doing to meet those needs. Businesses need not to be experts at methods of research either.

Sections of This Topic Include

Also consider

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Market Research

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Market and Research. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Critical Role of Market Research

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

It is extremely difficult to develop and provide a high-quality product or service without conducting at least some basic market research. Some people have a strong aversion to the word “research” because they believe that the word implies a highly sophisticated set of techniques that only highly trained people can use. Some people also believe that, too often, research generates lots of useless data that is in lots of written reports that rarely are ever read, much less used in the real world. This is a major misunderstanding.

Odds are that you have already conducted at least some basic forms of market research. For example, you have listened (a research technique) to others complain about not having enough of something — that should suggest providing what they need in the form of a product or service.

Market research has a variety of purposes and a variety of data collection methods might be used for each purpose. The particular data collection method that you use during your market research depends very much on the particular
information that you are seeking to understand.

Uses for Market Research

The following paragraphs mention some of the primary uses for market research. Useful data collection methods are associated with most of the items in the following list.

1. Identify opportunities to serve various groups of customers.

Verify and understand the unmet needs of a certain group (or market) of customers. What do they say that they want? What do they say that they need? Some useful data collection methods might be, for example, conducting focus groups, interviewing customers and investors, reading the newspaper and other key library publications, and listening to what clients say and observing what they do. Later on, you might even develop a preliminary version of your product that you pilot, or test market, to verify if the product would sell or not.

2. Examine the size of the market – how many people have the unmet need.

Identify various subgroups, or market segments, in that overall market along with each of their unique features and preferences. Useful data collection methods might be, for example, reading about demographic and societal trends in publications at the library. You might even observe each group for a while to notice what they do, where they go and what they discuss. Consider interviewing some members of each group. Finally, consider conducting a focus group or two among each group.

3. Determine the best methods to meet the unmet needs of the target markets.

How can you develop a product with the features and benefits to meet that unmet need? How can you ensure that you have the capacity to continue to meet the demand? Here’s where focus groups can really come in handy. Conduct some focus groups, including asking them about their preferences, unmet needs and how those needs might be met. Run your ideas past them. At the same time, ask them what they would need to use your services and what they would pay for them.

4. Investigate the competition.

Examine their products, services, marketing techniques, pricing, location, etc. One of the best ways to understand your competitors is to use their services. Go to their location, look around and look at some of their literature. Notice their ads in newsletters and the newspaper. Look at their web sites.

5. Clarify your unique value proposition.

Your proposition describes why others should use your organization and not the competition’s. A particularly useful data collection method in this area is the use of focus groups. Get some groups of potential clients together and tell them about your ideas. Tell them how your ideas are unique. Tell them how you would want your program to be seen (its positioning). Ask them what they think.

6. Conclude if the product is effectively meeting the needs of the customers.

One of the best ways to make this conclusion is to conduct an evaluation. An evaluation often includes the use of various data collection methods, usually several of them, for example, observing clients, interviewing them, administrating questionnaires with them, developing some case studies, and, ideally, conducting a product field test, or pilot.

7. Conclude if your advertising and promotions strategies are effective or not.

One of the best ways to make this conclusion is to evaluate the results of the advertising. This could include use of several data collection methods among your clients, such as observing clients, interviewing them, administrating questionnaires with them, developing some case studies.

To plan your market research, see Business Research.

Basic Methods to Get Information and Feedback from Customers

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Far too often, we think we know what our customers think and want because — well, we just know, that’s all. Wrong! Businesses can’t be successful if they don’t continue to meet the needs of their customers. Period. There should be
few activities as important as finding out what your customers want for products and services and finding out what they think of yours. Fortunately, there are a variety of practical methods that businesses can use to feedback from customers.

The methods you choose and how you use them depend on what the type of feedback that you want from customers, for example, to find out their needs in products and services, what they think about your products and services, etc.


Your employees are usually the people who interact the most with your customers. Ask them about products and services that customers are asking for. Ask employees about what the customers complain about.

Comment Cards

Provide brief, half-page comment cards on which they can answer basic questions such as: Were you satisfied with our services? How could we provide the perfect services? Are there any services you’d like to see that don’t exist yet?


What is your competition selling? Ask people who shop there. Many people don’t notice sales or major items in stores. mStart coaching those around you to notice what’s going on with your competition. (See Competitive


One of the best ways to find out what customers want is to ask them. Talk to them when they visit your facility or you visit theirs. (See Questioning and Listening.)

Documentation and Records

Notice what customers are buying and not buying from you. If you already know what customers are buying, etc., then is this written down somewhere? It should be so that you don’t forget, particularly during times of stress or when trying to train personnel to help you out.

Focus Groups

Focus groups are usually 8-10 people that you gather to get their impressions of a product or service or an idea. (See Focus Groups.)

Surveys by Mail

You might hate answering these things, but plenty of people don’t — and will fill our surveys especially if they get something in return. Promise them a discount if they return the completed form to your facility. (See Survey Design.)

Telephone Surveys

Hire summer students or part-time people for a few days every six months to do telephone surveys. (See Survey Design.)

Some Major Sources of Market Research Information

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Census Bureau

There is a vast amount of information available to you, and much of this is online.

Chamber of Commerce

Get to know the people in your local office. Offices usually have a wealth of information about localities, sources of networking, community resources to help your business, etc.

Department of Commerce

The Department has offices in various regions across the country and publishes a wide range of information about industries, products and services.

Ask Librarians

They love to help people. See the Directory of Associations, Sales and Marketing Management magazine, American Statistics Index (ASI), Encyclopedia Of Business Information Book, Standard & Poor’s Industry Survey’s and Consumer’s Index.

Trade and Professional Organizations

Organizations often produce highly useful newsletters for members, along with services for networking, answering questions, etc.

Trade and Professional Publications

These have become much more useful as various trades become more specialized and their expectations are increasing for timely and useful information

Additional Perspectives on Conducting Market Research

Once you’ve designed your research needs, the following research
resources may be helpful

Sources of Market Research Information

(Credit to the publication “A Guide to Starting a Business in Minnesota” for much of the following information.)

Census Data

General Market Research Information

Various Databases for Business Information

Tools for Research Companies

  • Dun & Bradstreet – Global commercial database contains more than 265 million business records
  • Hoover – Information on about 40,000 companies
  • Kompass – Information about 2.3 million companies in 66 countries
  • Mergent Online – Information about public companies around the world
  • Manufacturer’s News Inc – Nation’s largest compiler and publisher of industrial directories and databases
  • ReferenceUSA –

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

All About Marketing

Marketing text stick on a board

All About Marketing

Sections of This Topic Include

Basics and Planning

Basics — and Misunderstanding — About Marketing (below
on this page)
Market Planning

Inbound Marketing



(including writing your positioning statement)

and Branding

Outbound Marketing

and Promotions

and Media Relations




Protecting Ownership of Your Products/Services


Evaluating Your Marketing Efforts

Evaluating Your Marketing
and Advertising Activities

Marketing On Telephone and/or Online

Email Marketing

Reputation Management

General Resources

Additional Perspectives on the Basics of Marketing
Additional Information
for Nonprofits

General Resources About Marketing

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Marketing

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Marketing. Scan down the blog’s page to see various
posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of
the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.
The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Marketing Blog

Public and Media Relations Blog

Basics — and Misunderstandings — About Marketing

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

What is Marketing?

Before you learn more about marketing in the many links later on below topic,
you should first understand what marketing is, because the topic is so often
misunderstood. Marketing is the wide range of activities involved in making
sure that you’re continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting
appropriate value in return.

How Marketing is So Misunderstood

Far too often, organizations try to develop a product to meet customers’
needs without ever really verifying what the customers wanted in the first place.
Instead, those organizations make a strenuous effort to “sell” the
product through rigorous, ongoing advertising, promotions and publicity — through
“outbound” marketing. These organizations may have built a beautiful
ladder – but it may be entirely on the wrong roof! Far too often, that
lesson comes from painful experience.

Experienced organizations have learned that it is not their opinion that matters
most regarding whether their product is needed or not. The opinion that matters
most is that of the customers. These organizations have learned that they might
not know what they don’t know about their customers. That precious knowledge
about the customers comes from “inbound” marketing — through market
research to clarify customers’ needs and what they are willing to do to get
those needs met. If the inbound marketing is done well, the outbound marketing
is particularly easy — and effective.

Inbound Marketing Includes Market Research to Find Out:

  1. What specific groups of potential customers/clients (markets) might have
    which specific needs (nonprofits often already have a very clear community
    need in mind when starting out with a new program — however, the emerging
    practice of nonprofit business development, or earned income development,
    often starts by researching a broad group of clients to identify new opportunities
    for programs)
  2. How those needs might be met for each group (or target market), which suggests
    how a product might be designed to meet the need (nonprofits might think in
    terms of outcomes, or changes, to accomplish among the groups of clients in
    order to meet the needs)
  3. How each of the target markets might choose to access the product, etc.
    (its “packaging”)
  4. How much the customers/clients might be willing pay and how (pricing analysis)
  5. Who the competitors are (competitor analysis)
  6. How to design and describe the product such that customers/clients will
    buy from the organization, rather than from its competitors (its unique value
  7. How the product should be identified — its personality — to be most identifiable
    (its naming and branding)

Outbound Marketing Includes:

  1. Advertising and promotions (focused on the product)
  2. Sales
  3. Public and media relations (focused on the entire organization)
  4. Customer service
  5. Customer satisfaction

(Return to Table of Contents above)

Additional Perspectives on the Basics of Marketing

“Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and

the Marketing Strategy Happen!

Numerous free
online resources

6 Marketing Consultants Share Their Secrets

Everyone on Your Marketing Team — 3 Steps

10 Marketing Musts
Marketing Basics for the Small Business
Small Business Marketing Strategy
of Marketing: Old vs. New

10 Things
They Don’t Teach You About Marketing in College

to Create a Powerful Marketing Message

What Are Some Marketing Mistakes That Companies Make?
of Marketing Executives’ Priorities

Marketing Can Do Better
the Engine of a Growing Company

Strategies for Marketing a Grand Opening

Not to Combine Fundraising and Marketing Committees

General Resources About Marketing

Good Marketing
Ideas: a collection of marketing ideas and articles aimed at a variety of marketing
forms and business types. Includes offline and internet marketing as well as
non-profit marketing ideas.

Marketing Resource

of useful articles

Industry Standard
Marketing Plan Do-It-Yourself Step by Step
Marketing Internet Library

Powerful Marketing Tips

Practices and Marketing Case Studies

Question Marketing

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Evaluating Your Marketing Activities

Group of people operating their devices with the word advertise spelt out

Evaluating Your Marketing and Advertising Activities

Sections of This Topic Include

General Resources About Evaluating Marketing and Advertising Activities

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Evaluating Advertising and Marketing

In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which have posts related to Advertising and Marketing. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.

General Resources About Evaluating Marketing and Advertising Activities

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Competitive Intelligence — Who Are Your Competitors?

Competitive pricing in a business document

Competitive Intelligence — Who Are Your Competitors?

Sections of This Topic Include

What is a Competitor Analysis? Competitive Intelligence?

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Competitor Analysis

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Competitor Analysis. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

What is a Competitor Analysis? Competitive Intelligence?

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

A competitor analysis answer the following questions for each of your products and services:

Who are your competitors?

  • What customer needs and preferences are you competing to meet?
  • What are the similarities and differences between their products/services and yours?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of their products and services?
  • How do their prices compare to yours?
  • How are they doing overall?

How do you plan to compete?

  • Offer better quality services?
  • Lower prices?
  • More support?
  • Easier access to services?
  • How are you uniquely suited to compete with them?

The answers to those questions usually comes from market research.

The results of the research is often referred to as competitive intelligence.

What’s a Direct Competitor? Indirect Competitor?

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

Most of us are used to thinking of direct competitors – organizations that have products and services similar to ours and provided to the same target markets. However, there are also indirect competitors and they can have a strong adverse affect on your marketing plans.

Indirect competitors are organizations that, while providing a somewhat different products and services, can affect your target market in such as way that it might not have a need for your products and services. For example, if you sell an educational product that aims to help high-school drop-outs obtain a high-school diploma, then an indirect competitor might be a nonprofit that provides services to reduce the overall high-school drop-out rate.

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

All About Business Proposals: Guidelines and Extensive Resources

Hands Holding Business Sign

All About Business Proposals: Guidelines and Extensive Resources

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Sections of This Topic Include


What is a Business Proposal?
Should I Just Use a Business Proposal Template?
Guidelines About Style of Writing to Use

First Learn About Prospect’s Organization

You Can Learn a Lot Just From Their Documentation
Meet With the Prospect Before Submitting Proposal?

Write Your Business Proposal

Draft Each Section of Your Proposal
Review Your Drafted Proposal

Submit Your Proposal

Submit Your Proposal
Follow Up to Your Proposal

Samples and Templates

Business Proposal Samples
Business Proposal Templates

Also consider
Related Library Topics


What is a Business Proposal?

Definition of a Business Proposal

A business proposal is a documented, formal offer to provide a product and/or
service to a potential buyer (a prospect). The proposal can be in response to
a formal Request
for Proposal
(RFP) which is a solicitation issued by the prospect that is
seeking bids from providers. The business proposal documents the provider’s

It typically includes brief description of the prospect’s problem, why you
can solve it better than anyone else, your general approach to solving it and
the approximate cost to solve it. It also includes brief description of your
organization and the people who will be working on the problem.

To get more of an impression of what a business proposal is, it would help
to look at some samples of business proposal samples.
However, do not start selecting a preferred sample to use now until you have
reviewed the guidelines in the rest of this Library topic.

Business Proposals and Business Plans Are Not the Same

In contrast to a business proposal, a business plan “is a formal written
document containing business goals, the methods on how these goals can be attained,
and the time frame within which these goals need to be achieved. It also describes
the nature of the business, background information on the organization, the
organization’s financial projections, and the strategies it intends to implement
to achieve the stated targets. In its entirety, this document serves as a road
map that provides direction to the business.” (Wikipedia).
Also see
All About Business Planning

Other Names for Business Proposals

There are various different terms used to refer to a business proposal, depending
on any conventions used by those requesting and/or offering the proposal. For
example, a business proposal is sometimes referred to as a “bid”,
which, in this context, is an offer of a product or service for a price. When
proposals are written by sales personnel, they often refer to them as sales
proposals. Another phrase used for a business proposal is a contract proposal.
If a proposal is in response to an RFP, then notice the terms used in the RFP.

Should I Just Use a Business Proposal Template?

The more your proposal is customized to the prospect’s needs, and to the culture
and style of their organization, the more likely that your proposal will win
a project with them. Standardized templates are not as likely to match the unique
features of your prospect as would your own customized proposal.

Also, if your prospect regularly issues RFP’s, then it is likely they have
already seen many of the standardized templates, including the one that you
had used for your own proposal. They might expect something more original and
customized from you.

However, if you still are committed to using a template, then you still will
benefit a great deal from reading the rest of the guidelines in the Library’s
topic. If you prefer to review some samples of business proposals now, then
this article provides several, as well as critiques each.
10 Best
Proposal Examples [With Critical Critiques]

Here is a link to numerous other samples, as well.
Business Proposal Samples

Guidelines About Style of Writing to Use

General Guidelines

Unless your prospect requires you to complete an online form when writing and
submitting your proposal,, you can tailor your proposal as much as you would
like. Consider these guidelines:

  • Your proposal will appear more credible if it is written on your organization’s
    stationery, including its logo and coloring.
  • Standard business writing often uses Times Roman font, 12-point sizing and
    1-inch margins. In addition, consider the guidelines in Business
    Writing Tips for Professionals
  • Number all of the pages and mark them as “confidential”.
  • If you received an RFP, then write in the same style and format as the RFP.
    If you had met with the prospect before writing the proposal, then write in
    the style of the conversation that you had.
  • Avoid the use of jargon — words or acronyms specific to your industry,
    product or service. Otherwise, define them before you use them.
  • Avoid the use of humor. While it can invite a relaxed and casual atmosphere
    in communications, there are too many risks that it would be misunderstood
    or offensive.
  • In the case of an RFP, express your gratitude for the prospect’s providing
    the RFP to you.
  • Despite the importance of your proposal, you should still format it so that
    it can be skimmed. Use short paragraphs with titles. Do not repeat sentences
    or other information. Use graphics and tables to quickly depict numerical
  • If you submit your proposal online, be sure your prospect could read it
    on a small tablet or smart phone, that is, that your proposal can be shrunk
    to that size.
  • Unless you’re convinced that the prospect will not have many proposals to
    review, you should limit your proposal to the number of pages that the prospect
    could grasp in 5-6 minutes.
  • Write confidently, but avoid exaggerations. Too much of that will hurt your

Polish Your Writing Skills?

As far as your prospect is concerned, the quality of your writing shows the
quality of your products and services. So, if you do not have complete confidence
in your writing skills, then you would benefit from reviewing guidelines in
the following topics. After you have drafted your proposal, you should have
it reviewed
by at least one person will strong skills in proof reading documents.
| Spelling
| Grammar
| Writing
for Readability
| Reviewing
Your Writing


You Can Learn a Lot Just From Their Documentation

You can learn a great deal about your prospect’s organization, even without
having met the prospect in person. That learning can help you to match your
proposal and other communications to the culture and style of their organization.
That, in turn, can make your proposal even more persuasive and credible to your

For example, look at the prospect’s website, annual report, sales literature
and the Request for Proposal. Some things to look for are:

  • Completeness – Have they produced the typical documents
    that you would expect for their particular stage in organizational development?
    If so, then they probably value completeness and accuracy.
  • Currency – How up-to-date is the documentation? If
    it’s up-to-date, then they probably value timeliness.
  • Scope – Does the documentation include the typical
    contents of that particular type of document? If so, then they probably have
    good knowledge of standard management documents — and so should you.
  • Depth – How in-depth is the content of the document?
    If it is in-depth, then they probably value thoroughness.
  • Alignment – For example, does the content between
    the documents seem consistent and complementary? If so, then they probably
    are fairly clear in their thinking and management.
  • Authorship – Who has developed the various documents?
    If it is appropriate authors, for example, the CEO is not doing the Board’s
    documents, then they probably value having clear roles.

So what have you learned about:

  • How their culture values completeness, timeliness, understanding and accuracy,
    thoroughness, clear thinking and management?
  • How might you customize your proposal and other communications to match
    their culture and style?

Meet With Your Prospect Before Submitting Proposal?

If your prospect regularly issues RFPs, then it is not likely that they are
willing to meet with the bidder’s to their RFPs. Instead, they opt to write
very specific RFPs and rely on those to help them to reliably select the best

Otherwise, it can be extremely useful to first meet with your prospect. The
sections below suggest what questions to ask in the meeting. In that meeting,
don’t forget to use strong people skills including the following:
| Listening
| Non-Verbal
| Questioning
| Building

Learn More About the Prospect’s Problem

In the meeting, useful questions to ask include:

  • Why do they want to address the situation now?
  • What did they see or hear that brought them to that conclusion?
  • What will happen if nothing is done?
  • What has been the effect of the problem on the rest of the organization?
  • What have they done so far about the situation?
  • What happened as a result of their efforts so far?
  • How did they conclude that they needed a consultant now?
  • Respectfully and tactfully ask, what might be their role in causing the
  • What do they consider to be success
    now? What would the situation look and feel like after the problem has been
  • What is the budget for doing the project?
  • What is the timing, especially any deadlines for completion?

Learn More About the Prospect’s Organization

For example, ask:

  • How do you like to make decisions and solve problems?
  • What is unique about the culture of your organization?
  • How can a consultant best work in that culture?
  • How do you prefer to communicate? In-person? In writing?
  • What is your approach to situations, for example, do you refer to “problems”
    or “opportunities”?
  • Do you talk most about the “business” side of the organization
    or the “people” side?
  • What do you know about change management? How would you like to learn?
  • What is the personality of your meetings?

For more guidelines for this meeting with your prospect, see
to Do the First Meeting With Your Client


Draft Each Section of Your Proposal

There is no standard format for a business proposal. If the prospect issued
an RFP, then notice if it suggests a certain format that you are to follow.
The following sections are typical across the different types of formats. When
writing each section, don’t forget the above Guidelines About
Style of Writing to Use.

Cover Letter

This should be a one-page letter with your company letterhead (logo and coloring).
It is not part of the proposal itself, but accompanies it. Be sure that the
cover letter:

  • Is addressed directly to the contact information that you were told to submit
    the proposal to. An RFP would specify that contact information.
  • Thanks them for the opportunity to submit a proposal.
  • Asserts your confidence that your organization can very effectively meet
    their needs in a timely manner.
  • Avoids duplicating information that is already in the proposal.
  • References the attached proposal by the exact title and date.
  • Includes your direct contact information.
  • Includes your original signature (not a copy).

Be reluctant to set a deadline for them to get back to you because that raises
the risk that it won’t match their timelines.

Cover Page

The phrases “cover page” and “title page” (below) are sometimes
used interchangeably because their contents are so similar. Because of duplication
with contents of the title page, it may not be necessary to include a cover
page in your proposal unless an RFP specifies to include it.

Some proposal writers prefer to have a cover sheet that encapsulates the proposal.
It includes the title of the proposal and perhaps the organization’s logo and
color scheme. If a cover sheet is included, then there also is a back cover
at the end of the proposal, and it duplicates info from the cover sheet.
of Cover Sheets

Title Page

As mentioned above, the phrases “cover page” and “title page”
are sometimes used interchangeably because their contents are so similar. The
title page typically includes:

  • Title of the proposal
  • Date of the completed proposal
  • Title of the author
  • Brief description of the purpose of the proposal (4-5 sentences)
  • Direct contact information of the key contact in the prospect’s organization
  • Direct contact information of the person in your organization who is knowledgeable
    about the proposal

Examples of Cover Pages

Table of Contents

A table of contents is very useful if your proposal will be more than four
pages long. Along with associating page numbers with topics, the listing of
the topics themselves can be used to quickly convey the nature and organization
of the content in the proposal.

It is very handy if the titles can be active Web links, so the reader can conveniently
click on a title and immediately be transferred to that section in the proposal.

Executive Summary

Because the Executive Summary is a summary of the highlights of the proposal,
it is usually best to write the Summary after having written the other sections
in the proposal. Highlights to be sure to include are clear, concise and persuasive
descriptions of:

  • Your excitement and confidence in submitting your proposal
  • The prospect’s problem, including its adverse impacts on their organization
  • Your proposed solution, and how it particularly suits the nature and needs
    of your prospect’s organization
  • Listing of the key benefits of your solution in their organization, including
    reference to relevant research and results regarding your solution
  • Your proposed methodology toward the solution, and how it is relevant, realistic
    and flexible to their needs
  • Your unique value proposition — how your company is the
    prospect’s best choice among your competitors

How to Write an
Executive Summary for Your Proposal
to Write a Business Proposal Executive Summary
to Write an Executive Summary for Your Proposal


Some RFPs specify an introduction that briefly describes your organization,
including its mission, strategic priorities, history, successes and why it is
an excellent choice for your prospect’s situation.

This section might not be needed if you plan to include more information, for
example, about your products and services and any personnel who will be involved
in the work with the prospect. In that case, you might instead include a section
later on, such as “Company Overview” (later on below).

Statement of the Problem

Here is where you show that you completely understand the current need that
your prospect has, whether they refer to it as a “problem”, “priority”
or “goal”.

In this section, focus on what you can provide. The next section explains
how you can provide it. Don’t forget to consider any learning that
you got from previously reviewing the prospect’s documentation, as well as if
you had met with the prospect in person, as explained above. In this section,
include brief descriptions of at least the following:

  • The prospect’s need in terms of the problem or the significant goal to be
  • What the adverse effects will likely be if the prospect’s problem is not
  • How your product or service will meet that need
  • What overall success will look like after the need was met
  • Individual outcomes, or benefits, to the organization that together will
    comprise that success

In the case of an RFP, your descriptions should closely match — but without
exactly copying — the wording that your prospect wrote in the RFP. Your tone
should convey a sense of urgency to meet the need, and yet strong confidence
in what you can provide.

It can be very powerful to include a testimonial or two now from a previous
client in whose organization you were successful in solving a problem similar
to the prospect’s.
to Write a Problem Statement for Business
How to Write
a Problem Statement

Methodology (Outcomes, Deliverables and Timelines)

List Outcomes and Methodologies to Achieve Each

Here is where you specify how you will achieve the what that
you had specified in the above information about the problem. The “how”
is best explained in terms of action plans that are associated with each outcome
that you itemized in the above Statement of the Problem. For each outcome, specify:

  • Tangible deliverables, for example, documented assessment plans, status
    reports, presentations and post-assessment reports.
  • Who will produce and provide each deliverable.
  • To whom it will be provided and by when (timetables).

The following article can be very useful when developing and associating action
plans with individual outcomes or goals:
and Resources for Action Planning Phase of Consulting

Organize Methods Into Various Project Phases?

This information is most concisely and clearly depicted in the form of a table.
For complex or long projects, it might be most understandable if you organize
the outcomes and associated methodologies into various phases, for example:

  • Phase 1 – Diagnostic and Pre-Assessment
  • Phase 2 – Implementation
  • Phase 3 – Post-Assessment and Follow-Up

Be Careful About Finalizing Methodologies

It might be that, if your prospect hires you, then further exploration (or
discovery) into the problem
might reveal that what the prospect thought was the problem was actually just
its symptoms.

Thus, there might be a different problem and methodology required than what
was originally described in your proposal. So be sure to specify that your proposed
methodology is in accordance with the current problem reported by the prospect.

Pricing and Payment Terms

Use Detailed or Overall Pricing?

There are different viewpoints about how to derive the pricing in business
proposals. Some experts advise not including detailed pricing, for example,
per-hour pricing. They suggest that your pricing should be based on the overall
value of the outcomes that your products and services will achieve for the prospect.

Others advise that detailed, for example, per-hour pricing, is the most understandable
and, thus, the most credible way to present that information to prospects.

If you have an RFP, be sure to reference how the prospect wants the pricing
information to be described. These articles provide very useful guidelines to
selecting which approach to use.
Consulting Fees and
Rates: How Much Should I Charge?
How to Determine
Consulting Fees
Guide to
Value-Based Pricing for Consultants: 10 Experts Share Their Fee Strategies

Payment Terms

In this section, specify your proposed payment schedule, including:

  • When you will invoice the client
  • Which prices are to be paid and when, including any initial and final payment
  • How prices are to be paid, for example, in US dollars
  • Interest and penalties for late payments

Mention any additional payment options, for example, early payments or lump-sum
payments. Mention that your proposed schedule can be adjusted to suit any standard
payment terms used by your prospect.

Terms and Conditions

The decision now is to decide what should be included here in the business
proposal compared to what should be specified later on in a contract if your
prospect selects your proposal. Be sure to reference an RFP if available to
discern what should be included in your proposal. It might require that you
specify terms regarding:

  • Proposed roles and responsibilities of the prospect’s and your organizations
  • Terms of confidentiality
  • Ownership of intellectual property
  • Licensing and bonding

Different experts would assert that certain information should always be included
in a business proposal and others would assert that the contract is the most
appropriate place to specify terms other than payment terms.
Core Elements to
Include in a Consulting Contract
to Do Consulting Proposals and Contracts
Your Business with Proposal Terms & Conditions

Company Overview

Here is where you impress the prospect with the appropriateness and credibility
of your company’s expertise and resources. Include:

  • Mission of your organization
  • Legal structure
  • Key personnel and resumes
  • Professional code of ethics
  • Key awards, presentations and publications
  • Testimonials relevant to the prospect’s problem
  • Case studies that more fully depict similar projects, including their problem,
    methods and solutions

Signature Pages

Here is where you include the original signature of those who composed the
proposal. Be sure to sign in blue ink, which more readily indicates that the
signatures were not merely copies of original signatures.

Similar to the Terms and Conditions section, if your proposal is including
terms and conditions that typically would be in a contract, then specify the:

  • Positions
  • Dates
  • Agreement that is assumed by the signature, for example “By signing
    this document, you agree to the terms and conditions specified herein”


In this section, include information and materials that further explain the
information in the body of the proposal, for example:

  • Resumes
  • Graphics and charts
  • Testimonials

In order to accommodate the likely tight schedules of prospects who will be
reviewing numerous proposals, title the Appendices as “Supplemental Information
and Materials” to indicate that it is optional for the prospect to read.

Review Your Drafted Proposal

Have someone else review your proposal, ideally someone who is somewhat familiar
with your product or service. Have them follow this checklist:

  • If you are following an RFP, does your proposal exactly match the requirements
    specified in the RFP?
  • Are there any spelling and grammatical mistakes? Avoid common
    mistakes in vocabulary and grammar
    , for example, use of “affect”
    for “effect”.
  • Check apostrophes and quotation marks to be sure they are used correctly.
  • Do your numbers total correctly, for example, in your pricing?
  • Do the deliverables seem reasonable? Are the timelines reasonable with each
  • Read the document aloud to someone, and ask them to interrupt where the
    document does not make sense or seems repetitive.
  • Focus especially on condensing the wording. Avoid
    These Filler Words in Your Writing


Submit Your Proposal

Electronic Submission

If your prospect prefers that you submit your proposal electronically, then
attempt to include a read receipt, that is, verification that the proposal was
indeed received by the prospect. Also, print out any response from the electronic
system that indicates that your proposal was received.

If you are concerned about the electronic submission changing any of your formatting
or preferred writing style, then you might also email your proposal. However,
if the prospect is likely to receive many proposals, then they are very likely
to screen out any proposals that do not closely match the requirements specified
in the RFP.

Make Changes to Your Submitted Proposal?

If you prefer to make any changes to a proposal that was already submitted,
then be sure to change the date of the proposal, especially on the title page.
Be sure to notice if an RFP specifies any deadlines for changes to submitted

Similarly, if your prospect suggests changes to the proposal, then be sure
to change the date of the proposal. If you expect several changes, then it might
be useful to include a Revision Page in the proposal that specifies the dates
and nature of each change.

Follow Up to Your Proposal

Contact Prospect About Your Submitted Proposal?

If an RFP specifies dates in which the proposals would be reviewed and a candidate
selected, then be reluctant to contact the prospect beforehand. If you do, then
do it only once, so as to not irritate those processing the proposals, especially
if the prospect is likely to be reviewing numerous proposals.

Preparation for Interviews by Your Prospect

If your prospect selects you for a follow-up interview, then you should carefully
prepare. Guidelines to consider for the interview include:

  • Study the RFP one more time to be sure you understand the prospect’s problem.
  • Review your proposal one more time to be sure you can concisely answer any
    questions they might pose about its contents.
  • If you had not met with the client before, then during the interview, consider
    posing the questions listed above in the section Meet With
    the Prospect?
    It can be very impressive to the prospect that you had thought
    of such useful questions.

These articles in the Library will also be useful:
How to
Interview for a Job

is for Poise and Persuasion

On Presenting A Proposal


Business Proposal Samples

Business Proposal
Proposal Sample
Business Proposal Samples

Business Proposal Templates

Proposal Templates
Free Business
Business Proposal Form
Business Proposal Template
Free Proposal Templates

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Marketing

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Marketing. Scan down the blog’s page to see various
posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of
the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog.
The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Marketing Blog

Public and Media Relations Blog

For the Category of Marketing:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may
want to review some related topics, available from the link below.
Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been
selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Related Library Topics

Recommended Books

Marketing: How to Name and Brand Your Products

Marketing and branding text on a white background

Marketing: How to Name and Brand Your Products

Sections of This Topic Include

Basic Guidelines for Naming and Branding
How to Create a Powerful Marketing Message
Additional Perspectives on Naming and Branding

Also consider
Related Library Topics

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Naming and Branding

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs
that have posts related to Naming and Branding. Scan down the blog’s page to
see various posts. Also see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the
sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in
the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Library’s Marketing Blog
Library’s Public
and Media Relations Blog

Basic Guidelines for Naming and Branding

© Copyright Carter McNamara,

Naming Your Organization or Product

To effectively promote your product, you must have a concise, yet meaningful
description of the product. This can be much more complicated than merely picking
a name. There are consultancies built around helping organizations to name or
brand their products and services. You have to be sure that you’re not using
a name that is already trademarked or servicemarked. You should not have a name
that closely resembles an already established name in your area, or customers
will confuse your services with those referred to by the other name — or, the
organization with the other name may choose to sue you. You need a name that
makes sense locally, but if you grow, the name will still be understood elsewhere.
The name you choose for your product will be around for a long time and can
have substantial impact on how your products are perceived. Therefore, seriously
consider some basic forms of market research to glean impressions of different
names. For example, convene several focus groups to glean their reactions to
various names. Have survey cards that clients can complete to suggest names.

Branding Your Organization or Product

To effectively promote your organization or product, you need to continue to
establish its strong reputation and personality, or brand, for it. To understand
what a brand is, think of some very common company names, the logos they use,
the slogans it uses, the standard colors of the logos and the types of values
that it tries to convey in its advertising. All of those together accomplish
the company’s brand — so the name is really part of the overall brand. There
can be a brand for an organization and for each of its products. Similar to
naming an organization or product, the brand should be unique.

That’s why it’s useful to develop the name and brand during the same activity
— an activity that should include researching what other companies are using,
what stakeholders (or distinct types of groups) you want to influence, and what
you want each group to think about you. As with other aspects of the marketing
analysis, the choice of the research methods you choose to use depends on your
skill level, the resources that you have available, what you can afford and
how much time you have.

1. You need a name that conveys the nature of the service and, ideally, your
unique value proposition — your unique value proposition is a concise description
of your product or service, how it is unique, and why people should buy from
you, rather than from your competitors.

2. You need a name and brand that makes sense locally, but will still be understood
if the program extends elsewhere. The name you choose will be around for a long
time and can have substantial impact on how your services are perceived.

3. You have to be sure that you are not using a name that is already trademarked
or service marked. You might verify this by:
a) Looking in the Yellow Pages of your local telephone directory.
b) Calling the appropriate governmental office (for example, contact the Secretary

of State’s office in the USA or contact the appropriate provincial office
Canada) to see if similar names are registered.
c) Looking in any on-line databases of registered and applied-for names (for

example, see the web site of the federal Patents and Trademark Offices at in the USA)

4. You should not have a name that closely resembles an already established
name in your geographic area or service field because clients will confuse your
services with those referred to by the other name. The organization with the
other name may even choose to sue you.

5. Should you use a different name for each target market? Note that you can
likely benefit a great deal from hiring a marketing consultant to help you design
and build your marketing materials so they effectively convey the personality,
or brand, of your program and the overall organization. The consultant can help
you with selection and design of:

  • Name
  • Colors
  • Logo (text and image)
  • Business cards
  • Labels
  • Envelopes
  • Web pages

How to Create a Powerful Marketing Message

© Copyright Lisa

We are all over-messaged in this harried world – absolutely bombarded
with thousands of messages every single day. So how can your business stand

To be successful, your company’s marketing must be creatively distinctive.
That’s what it takes to:

  • Capture the attention of your target audience, and
  • Deliver a clear and memorable message.

Your marketing must be laser-focused. It cannot be everything to everybody.
What should your marketing message achieve?

  • Image & Branding
  • Recognition, Credibility & Trust
  • Call to Action

Business Branding Basics

Your company is only as powerful as your BRAND. A company’s brand, like
an individual’s personality, is unique – and should clearly convey
the culture of your organization.

In a nutshell, effective branding takes:

  • Strategizing about who your company is,
  • Aligning your brand with the your company’s core values,
  • Creating an image and advertising that is distinctive, &
  • Integrating all media into an effective and memorable brand message.

These are the basics of business branding. The most successful brands maintain
a consistent voice – in the media, on the web, and in person.

What is a Brand Strategy?

Brand strategy is the who, what, why, where, and how of branding. A well-crafted
brand strategy:

  • Captures your company’s personality
  • Creates messaging that resonates with prospects
  • Establishes your company’s competitive advantage
  • Converts prospects’ interest into revenue

A good marketing firm with experience in your competitive niche can listen
to key employees (and even customers) to craft a message that clearly and succinctly
speaks to your target audience. It’s an important investment in your entire
marketing effort – and will make your future advertising expenditures

For a great example of a rebranding campaign that achieved these objectives,
consider Financial Marketing Solutions’ creative work for FirstBank. These
concepts can be applied to any business in any industry.

Additional Perspectives on Naming and Branding

Behind Business Name Jargon

a (Nearly) Million-Dollar Brand on a Startup Budget

Ways to Block Brand Competition

the Idea of the Brand

Night of the Living Dead Brands
Case Study — Social Media Rebranding

How to Trademark a Brand Name
Naming a New Business
How Changes in Perception Impact Your Brand
Branding: How Crisis Impacts Your Brand
for Easy Promotion

How to Create the Perfect Elevator Pitch
How to Maintain Brand Consistency Across Product

The Importance of a Good Success Story
The One Thing You Must Get Right When Building
a Brand

How to Take a Local Brand National
Rebranding on the Internet
More Business Name Help
How to Name a Business
What Is Your Brand Against?
a Brand Advocacy Program

Understanding Brand Loyalty
To Brand or Not to Brand…A Silly Question

Also consider

Methods to Get Customer Feedback

Major Sources of Market Research Information

Also consider
“Naming Your Website”

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