Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs

Follow These Volunteer Management Practices Employing all, or even a few, of these strategies can help you run a successful volunteer program and retain volunteers:

Nearly 78 million Americans volunteered their time for an organization in 2019—that’s about 30% of the population—according to AmeriCorps. Nonprofit organizations and other companies that rely on volunteers should be developing and managing volunteer programs that benefit the organization and volunteers. It all starts with a well-designed plan.

Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs Statistics

This Library topic is called “Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs” to emphasize that, for the organization and its volunteers to benefit the most from each other, volunteers should

be managed as part of an overall, systematic program, somewhat similar to the systematic approach that should be used to managing employees. Certainly, there are differences between how employees and volunteers are managed, but the differences are probably much less than most people realize.

The following links are to sections in this overall topic and the sections are organized in the order in which they might be needed in an organization that is starting a volunteer management

program—the order of the links themselves suggest the systematic nature of a well-designed volunteer management program. Organizations that already have established programs can use this overall topic by going directly to the sections that are relevant to current priorities in their current program. The links below present a wide variety of perspectives and materials about volunteer management programs or systems.

Sections of This Topic Include

Planning Your Volunteer Program

Operating Your Volunteer Program

Additional Information

Also consider

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Volunteers and Volunteer Programs

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to Volunteers and Volunteer Programs. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also, see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

Planning Your Volunteer Program

Designing & Operating Your Volunteer Management System

Considerations in Establishing or Modifying Volunteer Management Systems

Any organization that develops a volunteer program should first identify the difference between a volunteer and an employee and then create appropriate boundaries. A company should also take into consideration what a volunteer wants or needs out of their experience. According to a study by Sterling Volunteers, 83% of volunteers want to make a positive impact on their community, but volunteers can get even more from their time and effort. 

Recruiting volunteers is also a crucial part of developing and managing a volunteer system. There are plenty of online resources that can help you find micro-volunteering individuals or long-term volunteers. In fact, 80% of volunteers plan to give their time again to an organization they believe in, according to an NCVO survey.

Note that the extent to which an organization develops and implements a volunteer management system depends on the nature of the activities to be conducted by the volunteers. For example, an organization that uses many volunteers, some of whom directly serve people, will probably use a very comprehensive system. In contrast, an organization that occasionally uses volunteers to stuff envelopes might do a brief solicitation to recruit any volunteers that the organization can get and then do a very brief training, afterward leaving the volunteers alone to perform their task.

Online Tutorial about Volunteer Management

Role of Volunteer Managers

The primary role of the volunteer manager is to establish and operate the volunteer management system. This leader is also responsible for mediating and advocating for volunteers when necessary. Susan Ellis was one of the strongest advocates for volunteer programs and, specifically, volunteer managers. Learn more about the role of volunteer managers in her content below.

Staffing Analysis (Deciding Whether Volunteers Are Needed)

Staffing analysis - deciding whether you need volunteers

Also consider the topic for employees: Workforce planning (including succession planning)

Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs legal risks and considerations

There are a variety of types of legal and risk considerations when using volunteers in an organization, e.g., what insurance is needed, what rights volunteers have in the workplace, what employment laws also apply to volunteers, and how can you ensure that volunteers act ethically, etc. The reader will get a more clear understanding of legal and risk considerations by reading the topics in the following section about management policies and procedures.


Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs Policies and Procedures for Volunteers

Policies are general guidelines that personnel can reference in order to make decisions and get guidance on how to act in certain situations, e.g., a policy about dress codes. Procedures are specific step-by-step directions regarding the completion of a specific task, e.g., powering up a computer. Policies help ensure that volunteers are supervised and that they act according to a legal, ethical and organizationally-preferred manner in the workplace. 

Policies are often in regard to, e.g., the definition of volunteer, rights and responsibilities, confidentiality, background checks, safety, record-keeping, conflict-of-interest, dress codes, orientation, training, supervision, evaluations, corrective actions, etc. 

The astute reader will recognize that the policies in regard to volunteers are very similar in nature to the policies for employees.

Volunteer Job/Task Descriptions

You should be clear about what you expect from each of your volunteers. Volunteers deserve to know what you expect from them, as well. To recruit volunteers for a specific role or job, you will need a clear job description from which to develop the advertisements and to show them to any potential candidates. Therefore, each volunteer should have a job, or task, description. 

How to create a volunteer job description

The description should specify at least whom the volunteer reports to, any general duties and responsibilities, and any specific tasks to perform. Job descriptions might include additional information, e.g., level of expertise and education needed for the job, minimum requirements of expertise, etc.

Also consider the topic for employees: Specifying Jobs and Roles (analysis, description, and competencies)

Also consider the topic for employees: Job Descriptions

Operating Your Volunteer Program

Volunteer Recruitment

Recruitment usually involves identifying the most likely sources of suitable candidates for volunteer positions, how to approach those sources, and then approaching each source. Sources might include, eg, advertisements in the newspaper, word-of-mouth of employees, recommendations from clients, online (or virtual) sources, professional placement advisors (“headhunters”), volunteer fairs (events in which many organizations that need volunteers attend to recruit volunteers), etc. 

Candidates who are interested in certain positions often complete an application form, including providing a resume.

Different ways to recruit employees

General Guidelines


Online Recruitment

Screening Volunteers

Each potential candidate for a volunteer position is usually screened. The extent of screening for each position depends on the nature of the tasks to be performed by the volunteer, e.g.,

whether the volunteer will be working directly with people in a health facility, etc. Screening often involves carefully examining each application, conducting background checks (e.g., to verify

information in the resume, identify any legal problems, etc.), and interviewing the most suitable candidates.

How to screen volunteers

General Guidelines

Also consider the topic for employees: Screening Applicants

Application forms

Background Checks


Also consider the topic for employees: Interviews

Selecting (“Hiring”) Volunteers

After candidates have been screened, ideally there is one candidate that seems to be the most suitable for each unfilled volunteer position. Each suitable candidate should be formally (or officially) approached with an offer letter that describes the terms that the organization is offering and the activities that the organization wants the volunteer to conduct. The offer might include any benefits, e.g., free training, use of facilities for private use, etc.

What to do when selecting volunteers

Also consider the topic for employees: Selecting (Hiring) New Employees

Orienting & Training Volunteers

Best ways to train volunteers

If the nature of the volunteer’s work is very basic and routine, then a volunteer might require only a very basic and general introduction to the organization and the task they are to complete. In contrast, if the nature of the volunteer’s work is rather complex, e.g., supervising patients in a particular setting in a health facility, then the volunteer will likely require a complex orientation to the organization and also training about, e.g., policies and procedures, how to respond to particular situations, when to ask for help, how to use certain facilities, etc.

If it’s a simple orientation, consider creating a volunteer training program online. Volunteers can complete the orientation in their own time at home, and then they’ll be prepared to get to work with your organization when they show up for their first day. 

Also consider the topic for employees: Employee Orientation Programs

Also consider the topic for employees: Training Basics for Supervisors and Learners

Supervising Volunteers (Retaining, Feedback and Motivation, Evaluating, Rewarding, and Firing Volunteers)

Supervision includes a variety of activities, e.g., establishing goals with the volunteer, observing the volunteer’s activities to achieve the goals, and providing guidance so the volunteer achieves

the goals effectively and efficiently (i.e., has strong “performance”), evaluate the volunteer’s performance, reward strong performance, address any performance issues, and fire the volunteer, if necessary. Some supervisors are also closely involved in staffing analysis, development of job descriptions, recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training, as well. 

How to supervise volunteers in your program

The activities to establish goals and provide guidance are usually considered to be the activities

of delegation. If the goals are specifically assigned to the volunteer, with little or no involvement from the volunteer, and the supervisor closely watches the volunteer (rather than generally guides them) and provides specific directions, then those activities might more aptly be described as work directing, rather than delegating.

Supervision and Delegation

Also consider the topic for employees: Delegating

Also, consider the topic for employees: Establishing Performance Goals

Retaining Volunteers

Also, consider the topic for employees: Retaining Employees

Giving Feedback and Motivating

Also consider the topic for employees: Observation and Feedback

Also consider the topic for employees: Coaching

Also consider the topic for employees: Morale (Boosting)

Also consider the topic for employees: Motivating

12 Great Ways to Thanks Volunteers


Also consider the topic for employees: Evaluating Performance


Also consider the topic for employees: Rewarding Performance

Addressing Performance Issues

Also consider the topic for employees: Performance Plans

Also consider the topic for employees: Recognizing Performance Problems (“Performance Gaps”)

Also consider the topic for employees: Performance Improvement / Development Plans


How to fire a volunteer

Also consider the topic for employees: Firing Employees

Volunteer and Staff Relations

Sometimes employees and volunteers can perceive themselves to be so different from each other that they spend little time together, don’t communicate with each other, and eventually experience conflict between each other.

Assessing Volunteer Management Programs

To ensure that the volunteer management system remains high-quality, including that the organization and its volunteers are benefiting a great deal from their relationship, it’s necessary to regularly assess the quality of each activity (eg, developing job descriptions, recruiting, training, supervising, etc.) to conclude if the activity is being conducted effectively and efficiently. Results of this overall evaluation should be used to adjust activities. Thus, the cycle of the volunteer management system starts over again.

Follow These Volunteer Management Practices Employing all, or even a few, of these strategies can help you run a successful volunteer program and retain volunteers:

Virtual Volunteering

Virtual volunteering is when the volunteer provides their donated services entirely over the internet or from a home computer. Information about virtual volunteering can be about the entire range of activities in a volunteer management system.

General Resources

For the Category of Human Resources:

To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources. Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business

and Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff.

Merchant Cash Advance: How It Works, How to Get One + Pros & Cons

Businessman receiving a merchant cash advance concept

Small businesses that receive payments via card terminals like credit and debit cards can opt for a merchant cash advance (MCA) instead of traditional bank loans. An MCA is an advance on credit card receipts where small business owners receive an upfront lump sum.

What Is a Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance is an alternative to traditional bank loans, only available to businesses that take credit card payments. It can benefit small businesses that mainly receive payment via credit card sales and do not qualify for traditional loans or require a quick cash advance to manage their cash flow.

The hallmark perk of an MCA is that the lender provides an upfront lump sum amount processed in one to three days. You don’t need to have collateral or excellent business credit, and there are no stipulations as to how you should use the advance. As long as you make credit card sales, you need to commit to repaying the advance plus the service fee with a predetermined percentage of your daily turnover.

Applying for an MCA is convenient, especially for businesses requiring a quick cash flow boost to streamline their operations. The catch is that the advance attracts a higher interest rate than traditional bank loans.

  • Fast funding typically approved in 24 to 72 hours
  • Easy to qualify (good credit or collateral are not a requirement)
  • Flexible repayment terms based on your sales
  • Freedom to use the advance as you deem fit
  • Expensive (APR could be triple digits)
  • Only businesses that accept credit cards qualify for MCAs
  • You must make daily payments which can affect your cash flow
  • MCAs are not subject to federal regulations (it’s easy to fall victim to predatory loans)

Who Is a Merchant Cash Advance Best For?

Merchant cash advances are ideal for small businesses that receive high volumes of credit card payments. Because of the extreme flexibility in the repayment plan and how you can use the money, an MCA can offer reliable short-term financing solutions if you need:

  • Quick working capital to boost a short-term cash flow crisis
  • Money for unexpected business expenses (like fixing broken equipment)
  • Money to fund a short-term opportunity and generate a higher ROI (like taking advantage of an inventory sale deal at discounted rates)
  • Settling pressing business debts where nonpayment attracts higher interests rates

Who Should Not Consider Taking a Merchant Cash Advance?

Generally, an MCA is not ideal for reviving the operations of a struggling business. Remember that you must make daily payments from your credit card sales, meaning the advance could throw you deeper into debt. If you are not borrowing to boost an ROI-generating project, an MCA can quickly become a toxic loan.

How Does a Merchant Cash Advance Work?

MCAs lack a stringent approval process. It’s easy to qualify for an advance even if you lack a business line of credit or valuable assets that attract deals from traditional lenders. The fast cash advance can allow you to manage any limitations in your cash flow and streamline your operations.

The MCA lender will provide an upfront sum of money for a percentage of your business’s credit card revenue. It is crucial to understand the three main components of a merchant cash advance for you to acquaint yourself with the strings attached to a deal. These include the following.

Cash Advance

The cash advance is the primary subject of interest that links small business owners and MCA lenders. The lender needs transparency into a business’s average monthly turnover before agreeing to the advance amount and the repayment plan. Also, the business owner must stipulate the required amount.

The lender can offer the requested amount or reduce it depending on the risks presented. Generally, MCAs are short-term loans, although the lender has the discretion of offering money that is less than, equivalent to, or greater than your monthly credit card turnover.

Repayment Amount

The MCA lender will need to recover the upfront advance and a profit typically known as a “factor.” Most lenders set the factor rate at 1.1 to 1.5. To figure out the estimated repayment amount, multiply it with the advanced money. Also, you should note that the transaction can attract a variety of fees that can further inflate the total repayment amount.

Because merchant cash advances are not typical loans, they have higher interest rates and lack a true APR (annual percentage rate). Depending on the advance given and the length of the repayment plan, the “APR” can fall anywhere between 80% and 200%. Often, the repayment period ranges between three and 18 months and depends on the amount of money you generate from sales.

Example of an MCA Repayment

If you apply for a $50,000 merchant cash advance, and the lender sets the factor rate at 1.4, the loan will attract a $20,000 fee. The total repayment amount will be $70,000. If the contract stipulates that the lender will deduct 10% from your credit card sales each month and your business generates $100,000 monthly, $10,000 will be deducted monthly or $333 daily.

In the above example, the APR is at 125%. However, it will reduce to 87.3% if your monthly turnover drops to $70,000, and you will start making payments of $233 daily. The majority of MCAs attract triple-digit APRs.

What Affects an MCA Factor Rate?

Lenders set their factor rates depending on a borrower’s industry, business financial stability, credit card sales history, and years of operation. The repayment fees can be higher depending on the level of risk posed and how quickly you are willing to repay the MCA.

For instance, if you apply for a merchant cash advance of $20,000, and the lender sets the factor rate at 1.5, you are obligated to repay $30,000. The lender will earn a profit of $10,000, meaning the MCA has a 50% fee.

Cash Advance

Factor Rate

Repayment Amount

Overall Fees




$10,000 (50%)

Note that the total repayment amount can be higher after including administrative and underwriting fees.

Holdback Rate

There are two main ways of repaying an MCA. They include:

  • Credit card sales percentage: This involves automatic deductions of a predetermined percentage of your daily debit and credit card sales
  • Fixed bank withdrawals: This option involves the lender withdrawing a fixed amount daily or weekly from your business bank account. Click here to learn how to open a bank account with EIN only.

The agreed-upon percentage that a lender will deduct from your daily or weekly debit and credit card sales is known as the holdback rate. It could range between 5% and 20% depending on the MCA repayment period you choose.

The holdback rate is responsible for MCAs lacking a true annual percentage rate. Lenders deduct varying amounts daily or weekly, depending on your sales volume. If your revenue increases, your effective APR increases. Fortunately, even if your lender deducts a higher amount of money during your heydays, the total repayment amount remains constant.

Steps for Applying for a Merchant Cash Advance

Most businesses are eligible for MCAs as long as they accept credit and debit card payments. A lack of good credit, years of operation, or high-value assets will often not exclude you from qualifying. It only takes a few minutes to apply for this alternative financing solution, and most providers offer relatively quick turnaround times. Here are five steps to applying for a merchant cash advance.

Step 1: Do Your Research

It is crucial to compare the fees and factor rates of different merchant cash advance providers. Some popular options include Lendio, Rapid Finance, CAN Capital, and Square Capital. Make sure you go through their eligibility requirements and ensure there is a reasonable likelihood of your application being approved.

Step 2: Set Up Credit Card Processing

Having your credit card processing approved is crucial to enhance your chances of receiving a merchant cash advance. Your lender will automatically deduct payments through your credit card processor.

If you are already working with a specific company, find out whether it has a working relationship with merchant cash advance lenders who interest you. It is also perfectly okay to jump straight to the next step and switch to a credit card processor accepted by your lender once your advance is approved.

Step 3: Apply for the Advance

MCA lenders typically operate online, and you can quickly obtain their application forms. You will be required to fill in basic information such as your Social Security Number, EIN (employer identification number), and type of business.

Step 4: Submit the Required Paperwork

The next step is to submit paperwork that supports your request for a cash advance. Apart from documents showing your business structure, you will also need to provide credit card processing statements and your bank account statements.

It’s relatively easy to obtain your financial statements if you have an online business checking account. Depending on the lender you choose, you also need documents that project your annual business income and the estimated income growth in the next 12 months. The idea is to be transparent about your sales and cash flow This allows a lender to evaluate the risk of lending to you.

Step 4: Get Your MCA Approved

MCA lenders differ in their style of operation. While some can have your advance approved in a few hours, others can take between 24 and 72 hours to deposit the money into your account. Often, businesses with online accounts can access their money faster. Click here to learn how to open a fee-free business banking account.

Step 5: Review the MCA Contract

Once a lender approves your merchant cash advance, you will receive a finalized financing contract. You must review all the details, including the penalties that apply if you default. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you find the contract confusing or need clarity on any information.

If everything checks out, it’s time to sign on the dotted line and receive an upfront lump sum. Your lender will deposit the advance into your small business bank account, where the agreed daily deductions will take place automatically.

What if You Want to Get Out of the MCA?

It is vital to make a calculated decision before applying for an MCA. In case you find yourself struggling to repay the debt, here are a few things you could do.

  • Consider credit unions for business banking accounts. Apply for a loan with more favorable repayment terms and pay off the merchant cash advance
  • If you don’t qualify for bad credit business loans from other lenders, negotiate with your MCA lender to settle the debt. Note: It may be imperative to work with a skilled attorney
  • As a last resort, you can file for bankruptcy. An MCA is an unsecured loan that could be erased through bankruptcy (consult with an attorney before attempting this approach)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Merchant cash Advance

It is imperative to be an informed consumer before applying for a merchant cash advance. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Final Thoughts on Merchant Cash Advance

A merchant cash advance offers an excellent short-term financing alternative ideal for small business owners. The lender provides a cash advance and sets repayment terms based on how much your business makes on average each day. The arrangement generally involves buying your future sales at discounted rates. If an MCA is your best bet, beware of the recurring fees to ensure you don’t fall into a devastating cycle of debts.

8×8 Review: Should You Consider This VoIP Service Provider?

In this 8×8 review, you’ll learn how it appeals to modern businesses by providing smart and efficient ways to connect with clients and employees. It is a Unified Communications platform, meaning you benefit from chat, voice, and video solutions from anywhere using any device.

Our Verdict

8×8 is a unified communications service. It provides all-rounded communication solutions with features such as softphone, call recording, instant messaging, web conferencing, internet faxing, visual voicemail, and video calling. Moreover, the platform is easy to configure and comes with a mobile and virtual desktop app designed for ease of use.

The company’s cloud-based VoIP phone system provides flexibility with a range of tier-based plans to adapt to your business’s changing needs. Depending on your communication needs and the features you desire, you could choose from the eight plans with pricing ranging from $15 to $172 per month.

Screenshot of 8x8 website homepage
Source: 8×8
  • Mobile and desktop apps available
  • Plenty of security features and FCCR compliant
  • Allows easy collaborations and connections with remote teams
  • The customer service can be better
  • Complicated refund policy
  • The Express plan lacks fax capability

8×8 at a Glance

8×8 is a VoIP service provider with over three decades of experience in the industry. It offers one of the most comprehensive platforms that include call handling tools, web conferencing software, and team messaging tools.

Also, users enjoy enhanced customization options to set up phone systems that match their business needs. Whether you need essential phone services or managed hosting with dedicated servers and private cloud infrastructure, you can cost-effectively streamline your business communications.

Who Is 8×8 Best For?

8×8 is a solid VoIP provider to consider if you need a unified communications platform that makes it easier to make business calls, texts, video calls, conference calls, and online faxing. Because it offers eight unique plans, you can find a package that suits you irrespective of the size of your business. 

8×8 Pricing

8×8 offers a range of plans to suit different businesses. The lowest tier is ideal for startups and small businesses with up to 10 users, while the top-tier plan is ideal for large companies with a number of contact centers.

Express Plan

The Express plan offers a reliable package for small companies and solo entrepreneurs with minimal communication needs. While the plan goes for an affordable $15 per user per month, it lacks critical features like web conferencing, internet faxing, and call recording. Also, users can only make unlimited calls to the U.S. and Canada.

8×8 X Series

The X Series tier-based plans have the essential features to create a robust communication hub for the employees and consumers of fast-growing businesses. These plans offer more features and combine voice, team messaging and video conferencing to provide comprehensive communications solutions in one reliable engagement system.

The main X Series plans are X2 and X4. However, 8×8 also provides the X3, X6, X7, and X8 mix and match plans whose prices they do not publicize on their site. Users get added features and a little more functionality as they rise through the tiers.

Screenshot of 8x8 pricing plans
Source: 8×8

8×8 Enterprise Plan (X8 cloud PBX Model)

The X8 is a cloud-based PBX (private branch exchange) and unified communications plan accessible through VoIP apps or hardware. It is the top-most package that offers a multichannel contact center associate plan.

Users enjoy a complete suite of integrations, analytics, and cutting-edge call center software with predictive dialing, co-browse, and quality management features. Your business is assured of moving with speed to match higher customer expectations. For $172/month, you can expect the following:

  • Call quality guarantee
  • Single cloud system of engagement
  • Guaranteed security and compliance
  • Unique insights from a central system of intelligence
Screenshot of 8x8 Enterprise Grade Cloud PBX Model features
Source: 8×8
8x8 logo



X Series X2

X Series X4





Price Under annual Commitment




Unlimited Calling Zones

US and Canada

14 Countries

48 Countries

Mobile and Desktop App

Toll-Free Minutes




UC Media Storage for Meetings




Call Recording

Music on Hold

Auto Attendant

Salesforce Analytics

Single-Sign on

Instant Messaging

Business Messaging

Unlimited Internet Faxing

Web Conferencing

Conference Bridge

Outbound Contact Center


The 8×8 platform comes with all the bells and whistles of a premium virtual phone system. It boasts a comprehensive set of features designed to streamline communications, irrespective of the size of your business. The platform is easy to set up, and the intuitive interface makes it easy for users to take advantage of all available features.

Here are some of the top features users enjoy:

All-in-One Communication

8×8 VoIP services are more than just regular phone services. Apart from voice, video, and texting capabilities, the platform also provides in-built web conferencing features. Just share your link with up to 100 people you want to join the meeting and use the platform for general engagement, including sharing of presentations.

There are numerous other features designed to make communications as smooth as possible. These include instant messaging tools, team messaging, unlimited online faxing, social media messaging, advanced call routing, and live chat.

Graphic representation of 8x8 all-in-one communications
Source: 8×8

Phone System Management

8×8 offers a comprehensive platform where you will find a wide array of phone system management tools. Fortunately, it has straightforward work and admin dashboards that make navigation easier, irrespective of how you wish to customize the service. 

Using the admin portal, you can choose the VoIP features you need, including extensions, business hours, auto-attendant, and more.

Phone Numbers

Once you subscribe to any 8×8 package, you get instant access to the platform’s inventory of toll-free, vanity, and local numbers. You can also choose an international virtual number to reach out to your client base abroad. If your company has an existing number, it is perfectly okay to stick to it.

8×8 supports international calls to over 170 countries. However, even the top-tier plans only allow free access to 48 countries. 

Mobile & Desktop Apps

8×8 users can make calls, texts, video conferencing, and voicemails from anywhere using any gadget! The desktop and mobile apps make investing in any special equipment unnecessary, and you never have to worry about missed opportunities when you’re on the go.

One downside is that the mobile app is not as detailed as the desktop application. However, it still allows most basic functions, including call forwarding and business hours.

Call Handling

8×8 offers call handling tools that allow extensive configuration. For instance, you can use the hot desking feature to enable multiple users to log into one phone and keep your business operations running round the clock through rotating shift schedules. You can also take advantage of phone paging, which allows you to send an audio announcement to multiple users.

Integrations to Third-Party Software

8×8 allows easy integrations with up to 50 third-party software. You could even explore over 4,000 third-party integrations by connecting to Zapier. If there is a program you can use to streamline your business calls, texts, or videos, there’s a good chance you can connect to it on the 8×8 platform.

Screenshot of 8x8 available integrations
Source: 8×8

Security Features

Most businesses handle some level of private information from their customers. Any security breaches can lead to lost business or even lawsuits. 8×8 has multiple security measures to ensure the protection of confidential customer and business data.

First, the platform ensures full encryption of communications using Transport Layer Security and Secure Real-time Transport Protocol. There are also plenty of fraud detection tools to ensure data safety from calls and messages. 8×8 is also HIPAA, FISMA, CPNI, and GDPR compliant.

Screenshot of 8x8 website
Source: 8×8

Customer Support

8×8 has a knowledge base where you can find plenty of information. Furthermore, the company has chatbot software that can help you navigate through text files to find the information you need. There are also plenty of relevant tutorials on YouTube to make it easier for users to take full advantage of all plans and features.

If you wish to reach out to the support team, they are available 24/7 via phone and chat. 8×8 is also pretty active on social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook. You can drop a direct message and expect a response within a reasonable timeline.

8×8 Alternatives

8×8 scores high for its wide range of advanced features, competitively priced tier-based plans, and ability to allow plenty of integrations. Even so, it may not be an ideal option for all businesses. Here are three top competitors and alternatives to the platform.

Ooma Office is a tech and communications service best known for its VoIP products. The platform also offers audio conferencing, video conferencing software, business texting, and MMS to help small businesses manage their communications with ease, professionalism, and efficiency. 

The platform’s standout features include multi-ring solutions, hold music, call blocking, virtual receptionist, and spam protection.

Who is Ooma Best For?

Ooma is best for small businesses looking for sophisticated communication solutions through a platform designed for ease of use. Ooma is by no means the cheapest VoIP provider, although users commend the platform for having one of the easiest setups and customization capabilities. This is an aspect that organizations without an I.T. specialist highly appreciate.

Ooma Pricing

Ooma offers 4 tier-based plans. The base plan provides essential communications features like voice, text, fax, and virtual receptionist, while the top-tier Enterprise plan includes analytics and smooth integrations with third-party software. The Ooma plans include:

  • Ooma Office base plan—$19.95/ user /month
  • Ooma Office Pro—$24.95/ user /month
  • Ooma Enterprise—$27.99/ user /month
  • Ooma Enterprise Call Center—$49.99/ user /month

How Ooma Compares to 8×8?

Ooma is a viable alternative to using 8×8. Its base plan contains 35 attractive features curated to streamline business communications. However, 8×8 is a step ahead because users don’t need to have any unique hardware to connect to the platform.

Unless you use Ooma’s mobile app on your smartphone, you have to invest in Ooma hardware. This makes switching from another VoIP provider an expensive affair. Unless you are a new business looking for an innovative and modern means to connect to your customers, it is best to stick to 8×8. Read our in-depth review on Ooma Office to learn more about its services.

  • Mobile and desktop apps available
  • Integrates with third-party software, including Salesforce and G suite
  • Call encryption for enhanced data protection
  • Obtaining a toll-free number attracts an extra fee
  • Businesses have to incur the expense of purchasing Ooma business phone systems
  • Integrations can be limited


Like most platforms in the VoIP and UCaaS space, GoToConnect promises software that works better to provide reliable communication solutions. This company lives up to its promise by providing an all-in-one platform designed for ease of use. It has a robust portfolio of tools to allow calls, video meetings, chat, and contact centers and guarantees 99.99% uptime!

Who is GoToConnect Best For?

GoToConnect is a dependable platform to consider if you need UCaaS solutions and access to all communication and collaboration tools on one platform. The service is ideal for small businesses that want to upgrade from landlines and reap the benefits of a cloud-based VoIP without overstretching their budget.

GoToConnect Pricing

GoToConnect has a three-tier-based plan. Like the competition, the platform offers a generous discount to users who commit to the service for at least one year. The available plans include:

  • Basic—$24 or $22 /user /month
  • Standard—$29 or $26 /user /month
  • Premium—$39 or $36 /user /month

How Does GoToConnect Compare to 8×8?

GoToConnet is an ideal low-budget option for small businesses that want to enjoy a VoIP service’s added functionalities and integrations. Unlike 8×8, the platform does not provide the caliber of robust features that larger enterprises require. Unless you are a startup or small business, it is better to settle for 8×8.

  • Unlimited extensions on all plans
  • Competitively priced plans
  • 14-day free trial
  • Webcams limited to 25 with the video conferencing tool
  • No international phone numbers
  • Basic plan can only serve one physical location

RingCentral, like 8×8, is a Unified Communications as a Service that provides VoIP, text, instant chat, video, and audio conferencing. RingCentral’s pricing plans package an attractive set of features like call forwarding, multiple extensions, and call recording to provide practical solutions when conversing with employees or customers.

Who is RingCentral Best For?

If the reputation of other VoIP providers is a make-or-break factor, RingCentral is one of the best platforms to consider. It has a brag-worthy reputation in the Unified Communications arena with features like real-time analytics, which is a nice bonus to the already stable and reliable platform.

RingCentral Pricing

RingCentral provides four tier-based plans where users enjoy a 33% discount for annual subscriptions. The plans include:

  • Essentials—$29.99 or $19.99 /user/ month
  • Standard—$37.99 or $27.99 /user/ month
  • Premium—$44.99 or $34.99 /user/ month
  • Ultimate—$59.99 or $49.99 /user/ month

How Does RingCentral Compare To 8×8?

RingCentral and 8×8 are known for providing effective cloud communications and collaboration solutions for global businesses. Generally, it’s hard to go wrong with either choice because they offer relatively similar features at comparable prices.

However, while RingCentral is a solid choice for both small and large businesses, 8×8 is best for small businesses looking for added functionalities to enhance their credibility and expand their client base. Read our ultimate RingCentral review to learn more.

  • High definition video conferencing
  • Plenty of integration capabilities with apps like Salesforce and Zendesk
  • Free trial available
  • The fax feature isn’t the easiest to navigate
  • No 24/7 customer support with the Essentials plan
  • Basic plan lacks video conferencing and most app integrations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for 8×8 Review

Here are answers to some questions frequently asked by prospective users.

Final Thoughts on 8×8 Review

8×8 is a Unified Communications as a Service provider that can integrate seamlessly with your existing business applications. It incorporates voice, text messaging, video conferencing, video meetings, and chats, making it more than a basic phone service provider.

The company provides robust features and service customization abilities. This ensures small, medium, and large-sized enterprises enjoy maximum communication efficiency across multiple channels while still sticking to their budgets. 

Customer behavior is crucial for businesses like 8×8 to attract and retain customers and improve their service offerings based on customer needs and feedback. The best part is that you can take advantage of the 30-day trial period to sample the service. So, is it the right choice for you? We hope our comprehensive 8×8 review helps you decide from an educated standpoint. 

The 8 Fastest Web Hosting Services in 2023

More than 50% of mobile visitors will ditch your website if it takes anything more than three seconds to load. Whether it’s an ecommerce website or not, a high bounce rate could affect your bottom line negatively. You may want to consider using one of the fastest web hosting providers for your site.

Best 8 Fastest Web Hosting

  1. Bluehost – Best Overall
  2. WP Engine – Best for WordPress integration
  3. Weebly – Best for beginner-friendly websites and blogs
  4. Ionos – Best for scalability and strategic growth
  5. NameCheap – Reliable shared hosting for startups
  6. HostGator – Security-focused web hosting for newbies and pros 
  7. Hostinger – Speedy shared and dedicated hosting options
  8. SiteGround – Best for new tech integration

Web Hosting


Free Plan Available

Storage Included at Price Listed

Support Included at Price Listed

Average Uptime

Average Page Load Speed

From $2.75/month/site



24/7 Customer Support


1.6 seconds

From $2.5/month/site



24/7 Customer Support


2.0 seconds

From $5/ month/site



Email Customer Support


2.2 seconds

From $0.05/month/site



Tailored Support-Personal Consultant


2.2 seconds

From $1.88/ month/site



24/7 Customer Support


2.3 seconds

From $2.75/month/site


Unmetered Storage

24/7 Customer Support


2.4 seconds




Chat and Email Customer Support


2.5 seconds

From $2.99/month



24/7 Customer Support


2.5 seconds

Bluehost logo

Bluehost: Best Overall Fastest Web Hosting Service

From $2.75/month/site


Bluehost provides comprehensive web hosting plans ideal for small to large enterprises. The service is renowned for its flexible pricing and complementary products such as ecommerce tools, a website builder, and other handy tools. 

The value-focused pricing comes with perks, including unmetered bandwidth, free data backups, SSL certificates, and a free global Content Delivery Network (CDN). Bluehost runs high-performance servers that optimize site performance across shared and dedicated plans. 

The enhanced web infrastructure supports optimal performance, with server response times peaking at an impressive 78ms in some US cities and maintaining an average of 153ms worldwide. Full-page load times average 1.6 seconds which is the fastest we recorded. 

Why we chose it: We picked Bluehost because of its excellent speeds, wide product range and service reliability. Apart from hosting services, Bluehost also offers digital marketing resources and training to help site owners increase traffic and manage their websites better. To learn more about its features, read our complete guide on Bluehost.

  • Has the best overall page load speeds 
  • Generous discounts for first-time users
  • Comprehensive anti-spam and security measures at no extra cost
  • Customer support waiting time could be lengthy
  • Migrating a site from another platform isn’t free
  • Lots of upselling for complementary web products

Pricing: Bluehost has three options for shared web hosting. The basic plan costs $2.75 and offers 50 GB data, 100 MB email storage capacity, and has a limit of one website.

The Plus plan and Choice Plus plans cost $4.95 and $5.54 per month, respectively, and feature several unlimited unmetered bandwidths, unlimited subdomains, and unrestricted email storage. The Plus plan comes with over $20 per year in extra features, while the Choice plus plan includes almost $100 per year in freebies.  

WP Engine logo

WP Engine: Best for WordPress Integration

Starting at $30/month


WP Engine is a WordPress-oriented hosting service that offers cloud flexibility for your web assets, including daily backups, automated security updates, and auto caching. Many notable brands like Sony Music, SoundCloud, TechCrunch, Disney Books, and Spotify Newsroom trust WP Engine to host their sites due to its quick loading time, advanced security tools, and prompt support.

WP Engine uses several approaches to optimize the speed of hosted websites, including regular server updates, the latest PHP integration,  a managed content delivery network, and custom caching technology. The result is blazing full page load times of about 2 seconds. The server response is equally impressive, with an average speed of 154ms. Checkout our WP Engine review for an in-depth look at the web host’s offerings.

Why we chose it: WP Engine is highly recommended since it scores highly in industry-standard assessments like loading speed, daily performance, server response time, and stress tests.

  • Optimized for WordPress, which guarantees faster website load times
  • Proprietary front-end system handles online traffic and maintain reliability
  • Support staff are all WordPress experts
  • Lots of backup and caching plugins create conflict
  • Costlier than most other services in the same category
  • No domain registration offered

Pricing: With $25, you’ll get the entry-level Startup Plan which gives 50 GB bandwidth and 10GB storage. The Professional Plan will set you back $49 per month, covering three sites for upto 75,000 visits.

The Growth plan costs $96 per month for 200 GB of bandwidth and 20 GB of storage. The Scale plan is $242 per month for 500 GB bandwidth and 50 GB storage.

Weebly logo

Weebly: Best for Beginner-Friendly Websites and Blogs

Includes free and pro plans


Weebly boasts a portfolio of over 50 million sites and gives entry-level site owners access to its higher-tier hosting service through a free plan. Product development may not be as robust as Bluehost, and WP Engine, but Weebly constantly spends more resources on tech improvements than marketing. 

Whole page downloads are decent, with speeds ranging from 1.8–2.3 seconds. This speed improves for less graphic-intensive web content. The average Total Blocking Time is 295ms which is comfortably below the standard threshold of 300ms.  

Why we chose it:  The simplicity of Weebly’s tools is one of its greatest selling points not to mention the flexible pricing. Also, it’s impressive that Weebly can handle multiple-page websites without compromising on loading time which is not the same for similar services like Squarespace or Wix. 

  • User-friendly tools
  • Team management allows site owners to give access to authorized individuals
  • Flexible pricing
  • Backup systems need some improvement
  • Limited access to plugins
  • Weebly watermark on free websites

Pricing: The entry-level offering is the free plan that restricts users to 500MB of storage and includes Weebly branding in the domain name. The first paid tier costs $5 per month and includes a custom domain, 500MB storage, and SSL security.

If yours is a larger organization that requires a custom domain and ecommerce tools, the Pro plan which costs $12 per month is an ideal web host for ecommerce. Weebly’s flagship offering is the Business plan that goes for $25 and includes additional ecommerce features, including coupon codes, gift cards, inventory management, a shipping calculator, and advanced site statistics.

Ionos logo

Ionos: Best for Scalability and Strategic Growth

Starting at $0.50/month


Ionos is one of the oldest web hosting sites and currently manages over 12 million domains. It is the preferred choice for budget-friendly hosting services while offering extras such as a website builder, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and WordPress integrations.

Ionos has a reliable page loading time of about 2.2 seconds. This is above the average loading speeds for top-tier hosting platforms. Server response times are also impressive, with tests recording 248ms and above.  

This hosting service features an innovative resources management system that allows users to scale up in real-time. Live Vertical Scaling is efficient and can be done with a few clicks. 

Why we chose it: Ionos is an ideal option for individuals or enterprises searching for a price-friendly, easy-to-use hosting provider.

The tailored customer support could be better but you’re assured of problem resolution in the shortest time possible. Ionos is perfect for website owners who prefer customized sites over template-based site-builders. To learn more about its features and pricing, read our Ionos review.

  • Windows and Linux based hosting resources
  • Price-friendly and bundles complementary offerings in its packages
  • Consistently fast loading times and minimal downtime
  • Has limited ecommerce tools
  • Limited customer support services
  • Website transfers are not free

Pricing: Ionos offers one of the lowest introductory prices for shared web hosting, starting at $3 per month within the first year. The essential tier goes up to $4 per month for the annual plan. Month-to-month plans are also available after using the service for one year. 

The Business plan offers WordPress-powered hosting for $0.50 within the first 12 months and then $8  for subsequent months. The business offing hosts 25,000 site visits per month and includes robust security and backup resources. 

The highest pricing tier is the unlimited plan for multiple WordPress-powered websites. The pricing starts at $8 per month for the first year and goes up to $16 for subsequent years. This package has unlimited SSD storage and managed automated updates, among other premium extras.

Namecheap logo

Namecheap: Reliable Shared Hosting for Businesses

Starting at $1.88/month


NameCheap makes it possible for enterprises to get a low-cost domain name and still host a website on a reliable and cost-effective platform. It manages over 10 million domains and offers complimentary services like privacy protection and SSL certificates.

The company uses Lightspeed technology in some of its server networks to speed up and optimize operations, making page loads faster. The page loading time is about 2.3 seconds, and even under a stress test, it still holds its own. Additionally, it maintains a 99.82% uptime.   

With NameCheap, it is easy to migrate from other hosting platforms because it doesn’t charge a dime for it. In the event of any issues, 24-hour customer support is on hand to offer assistance. 

Why we chose it: NameCheap manages to uphold a nearly perfect uptime record making it among the most reliable hosting services. In the same vein, it offers some of the most affordable plans on the market. If you’re interested in their services, check out our in-depth Namecheap review to learn more.

  • Has a solid reputation for providing dependable hosting at budget-friendly prices
  • Free, straightforward migration of sites from different hosting services
  • Daily comprehensive data backups are done twice a day
  • No phone customer support
  • Getting SSL certificates setup can be challenging on some occasions
  • Beginners may find the dashboard complicated at first

Pricing: Shared hosting features 3 categories for online beginners, small businesses, and large businesses. The online beginner plans include Stellar and Stellar plus. Stellar starts at $1.88 per month for up to 3 websites, while Stellar Plus costs $2.98 per month for an unlimited number of websites and unrestricted bandwidth.

One option for the small businesses category is Stellar Business which is $4.98 per month and offers cloud services, unrestricted bandwidth, and free automated backup. The other option, known as Nebula, is a reseller hosting plan and has a monthly rate of $17.88.

Large businesses have the option of VPS hosting under the Quasar plan with a monthly payment of $19.88. Quasar gives enterprises access to Linux server systems with full root access. 

The highest hosting tier for large businesses is Xeon E-2234, a dedicated hosting option with physical servers and customization preferences. The monthly rate for  Xeon E-2234 is $56.88 per month. 

HostGator logo

HostGator: Speed-Focused Web Hosting for Newbies and Pros 

Starting at $2.75/month


Like NameCheap, Hostgator has provided online services since the dot com boom. It remains one of the most recognizable hosting companies, handling over 2.5 million domains. 

Its excellent server infrastructure supports server response times of 220ms and above in the United States and Canada. Considering that Google’s recommended server response time is 200ms, HostGator guarantees faster web page loading with these impressive figures. 

HostGator has several offerings, including shared hosting, VPS reseller packages, and dedicated web hosting to suit entry-level and professional clients. The company’s server network is spread between several cities, including Utah, Houston, and Provo. Also, it has other data centers worldwide.

Why we chose it: HostGator consistently posts impressive site uptimes that remain above 99.99% and has an average page load speed of 2.4 seconds. Additionally, it ensures that the user experience for entry-level sites is the same for professional multi-page sites. Its lowest plan is ideal for beginners since there are no extra costs after making the first payment. To learn more about its features and pricing, read our HostGator review.  

  • Stable uptime and loading speeds
  • Offers unlimited bandwidth and storage for all plans
  • One-click WordPress installation
  • Additional payment required to restore data from backups   
  • Extra costs for SEO and security tools
  • Increased pricing after the first renewal

Pricing: HostGator offers various pricing segments. The entry-level package for shared hosting starts at $2.75 per month. This Hatchling plan is a beginner-friendly option covering one website and includes a free domain, one-click WordPress installation, and unmetered bandwidth.

The next tier is the Baby plan at $3.50 per month. The package covers unlimited websites and all the features of the Hatchling plan, making it ideal for small businesses and medium-sized blogs. 

The top tier offering is the Business plan with an introductory offer of $5.25 per month. The standout features of this package include unlimited website hosting, a free dedicated IP, and a free SSL upgrade. 

Hostinger logo

Hostinger: Speedy Shared and Dedicated Hosting Options

Starting at $1.99/month


Hostinger is among the fastest and most accepted web hosting platforms due to its friendly price structure and reliable service. The page loading speeds are impressive, with figures that didn’t go above 2.5 seconds during our testing period. Server overloads are rare, meaning speeds remain constant during uptime. 

The available plans come with generous bandwidth, data storage, and extras like professional email addresses and automated updates. Like NameCheap, the Hostinger plans are affordable and come with free backups and SSL certificates making it an ideal option for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Why we chose it: Hostinger is a beginner-friendly web hosting platform with plenty of features that match other top-tier web hosting companies. Some of the features that make Hostinger’s product portfolio stand out include ample speeds, free site migration, regular backups, 99.9% uptime, and one-click WordPress installation.

  • Constant upload times over extended periods
  • Unrestricted bandwidth and storage space
  • Quick server response time due to LiteSpeed technology
  • No phone customer support and responses from email may delay
  • Dashboard may have instances of unresponsiveness or be sluggish
  • No cPanel integration

Pricing: Hostinger’s shared web hosting plans are categorized into Single, Premium, and Business packages. The single plan is the lowest tier and starts at $1.99 for one website with 30 GB SSD storage and 100GB bandwidth.

The premium plan hosts upto 100 websites and offers unlimited bandwidth and MySQL databases. Despite the unmetered bandwidth, the SSD storage in this tier is capped at 100GB. The Business plan rounds off the shared hosting packages with a monthly payment of $4.99 per month. This offering includes unlimited bandwidth and 200 GB SSD storage. A 30-day money-back guarantee covers all the shared hosting plans.  

SiteGround logo

SiteGround: Best Fast Web Hosting for New Tech Integration

Starting at $2.99/month


SiteGround’s investment tech means that users benefit from LiteSpeed servers and Google Cloud Infrastructure. These resources allow clients to scale their operations efficiently using the latest server management tools.

It also develops in-house tools, including ultra-fast PHP that helps websites to perform faster. With this service, you get an average page loading time of 2.5 seconds and uptime of 99.89% guaranteeing you reliability.

Why we chose it: Siteground has an excellent combination of user-friendly navigation,  security, performance, and decent customer support. It also offers attractive prices and a great user experience for beginners and seasoned users. Read the SiteGround review to learn more about this hosting service.

  • Uses plenty of innovative applications to enhance page load times
  • Daily backups at no extra cost
  • Solid security tools customized for in-house use
  • Plans do not include free domain name registration
  • Free migration is only valid for one site
  • Renewal prices are significantly higher than the promotional rates

Pricing: SiteGround offers three plans for shared web hosting. The lowest tier is the StartUp which features a $2.99 payment per month. The introductory rate is for only one site and offers 10 GB of storage, unrestricted web traffic, and daily site backups.

GrowBig costs $4.99 per month and users can host unlimited websites and access 20 GB of web storage for up to 10,000 monthly visits. The standout feature of this tier is 30% faster PHP staging. 

GoGeek is the highest shared hosting tier with a monthly fee of $7.99. This package offers unlimited website hosting, 40 GB storage for up to 400,000 monthly site visits, free private DNS, and priority support. All the categories have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Methodology for the Fastest Web Hosting Services

We focused on four main criteria when researching the fastest web hosting platforms. First was the load times for hosted websites and the average uptime recorded by independent reviewers. 

Apart from site loading time and uptime percentage, another critical aspect we focused on was storage capacity as data storage plays a significant role in the stability and integrity of web assets. Lastly, we focused on security tools. Let’s delve deeper into each specific factor.

Site Load Times

Website or webpage load time is the period it takes for a site to appear on screen. A full load includes all the relevant web content, including images, videos, and text. Ideally, a quality web hosting service should enable sites to load fast with minimal hitches. 

Average Uptime

The instant availability of web content to web users over a period is defined as uptime. There’s a whole complex calculation of ratios represented in the form of a percentage. You need to know that the goal of every web hosting service is to ensure that uptime is as close to 100% as possible. The fastest web hosting platforms record uptimes of around 99.99%.

Data Storage Capacity

Web hosting services allow a predetermined amount of data files for each site. For instance, you may be allocated 20 GB of storage for all your web files and database data. If your storage capacity is insufficient, it affects your web load time.

Many web hosting companies don’t cap data storage to optimize site speeds and avoid site vulnerability. An unmetered data plan is an ideal option for speedy web operations.

Security Tools

Web hosting services are mandated to ensure all hosted sites are secure and running efficiently. SSL security, data encryption, and SSH network protocol secure hosted sites from malicious applications. Ultimately, a web hosting platform that is secured and monitored is likely to have better loading speeds and consistent uptime.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Fastest Web Hosting

Here are some commonly asked questions regarding the best web hosting service providers.

Bottom Line on the Fastest Web Hosting

The hosting service you choose is crucial for your online visibility. If you settle on a reputable provider, you’re assured of fast site speeds and minimal downtime. Based on our extensive research, the fastest web hosting options are Bluehost and WP Engine. These two platforms offer great features, reliability, and extras while maintaining reasonable pricing structures.

Grasshopper Review: Is It Worth Your Time & Money?

Grasshopper blog banner

Grasshopper is a popular cloud-based phone service that offers voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) solutions. In this Grasshopper review, we’ll explain why the platform is ideal for small and mid-sized businesses that are cost-conscious. Among other things, users enjoy an easy and intuitive setup and plenty of team collaboration tools.

Our Verdict

Grasshopper VoIP services provide feature-packed plans to suit the needs of small and mid-sized businesses. Irrespective of your package, you can make unlimited business calls and texts. The service also allows you to use your existing business number or choose one from Grasshopper’s inventory of local, toll-free, and vanity numbers. 

There are numerous enticing features, including VoIP and Wi-Fi calling, custom greetings, multiple extensions, virtual fax, and voice mail, which are also available on mobile and desktop apps. 

Furthermore, you will receive detailed call reports and timely notifications of missed calls and voicemails. Grasshopper has a 7-day free trial period, and your number is activated after you choose a plan.

Screenshot of Grasshopper homepage - How to get the Grasshopper VoIP phone system
Source: Grasshopper
  • No need for special equipment or other phones
  • You can get a local, toll-free, or vanity phone number
  • Mobile and desktop app available (compatible with android and iOS)
  • No video conferencing feature (not a unified communications service)
  • No call recording
  • Lacks CRM integration capabilities

Grasshopper at a Glance

Grasshopper is a phone service that offers reliable VoIP solutions for small and mid-sized businesses. While it provides a whole array of calling features, including call transfers and extensions, it remains a far cry from a unified communications service that blends phone services with video conferencing and email. 

This Boston-based phone service offers a professional way to handle communications, especially for companies with few or moderate communication demands. Grasshopper has a great desktop and mobile app, allowing you to communicate anywhere using any gadget!

Moreover, the service separates your business calls from your personal calls. Even if you stick to using the mobile app, you don’t need to worry about embarrassing blunders where you lack professionalism by greeting a client casually.

Who is Grasshopper Best For?

Grasshopper offers a competitively priced tier-based VoIP service. Even though it has plenty of call management and collaboration features, it lacks CRM services and video conferencing software.

This makes it an ill-fit for larger companies with more significant communication needs. However, it is a solid option for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses with low or moderate communication needs.

Grasshopper Pricing

Grasshopper offers three unique plans ideal for startups and small businesses. These plans differ in price ranges, with the lower-tier package costing $29 monthly or $26 per month under an annual commitment. You can upgrade to the Partner or Small Business plans once your company grows and you need more phone numbers or extensions.

Something that stands out about Grasshopper’s pricing is that the tier packages have a flat monthly fee. The billing process is straightforward, so you don’t have to worry about hidden costs. Also, there are plenty of add-ons like professional voice studio and call blasting that you can include in your package to create a personalized VoIP service.

Screenshot of Grasshopper pricing plans
Source: Grasshopper
Grasshopper logo




Small Business

Cost Per Month




Cost with Annual Billing




Free 7-Day Trial

Phone Numbers








VoIP and WIFI Calling

Unlimited Calls and Texts

Call Transfer

Virtual Fax

Call Recording

Voicemail Transcription

24/7 Support

Grasshopper Features

Grasshopper offers a reliable range of features that complement your existing phone systems. Because some features are standard in all plans, most startups and solo enterprises can choose the lower tier package and upgrade as their businesses grow. Here are some of Grasshopper’s features.

Grasshopper Mobile and Desktop Apps

Grasshopper offers a desktop and mobile app that makes the phone service portable. You can make and receive business calls from anywhere as long as you can access your laptop, smartphone, tablet, or desktop. 

These applications are compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS gadgets.

One of the significant benefits presented by the apps is that they allow you to separate your business calls from your personal calls.

There is also the convenience of having access to your call history to make timely follow-ups on any missed calls. The apps provide an all-in-one dashboard to view all your communications. This includes calls, texts, emails, voicemails, and video calls.

Screenshot of Grasshopper homepage - Run your business from anywhere
Source: Grasshopper

Virtual Phone Numbers

You can choose a custom phone number for your business through the virtual phone numbers feature. This allows you to further enhance your professional image by separating your business from your personal affairs. The available numbers include:

  • Local phone numbers—These boost your brand’s presence within your area and make it easier for your business to attract a local client base.
  • Vanity phone numbers—Allow you to select a number based on a keyword’s spelling. For instance, you can create a custom number with your brand or product name as the keyword. This makes it easier for your clients to remember your business number.
  • Toll-free numbers—Give you a more established and credible image by letting your clients reach out for free.

VoIP Calling

All Grasshopper plans allow users to make unlimited calls to the US and Canada. You can also make international calls at an added fee. Using Grasshopper’s calling card feature, you can mask your personal number and instead display your business number. Other functionalities enabled by the calling features include:

  • Calls over Wi-Fi 
  • Call transfers
  • Call forwarding
  • Phone extensions
  • Hold music
  • Number blocking 
  • Voicemail Transcription 

This service allows you to have your voicemails transcribed and sent to your business email. You can also send them to a virtual assistant or your text inbox. Better still, this feature allows scanning of business voicemails using keywords. This can be a real-time server, allowing you to sieve out the most urgent voicemails.

Automated Greetings

A professional greeting can enhance your brand’s image and create a sense of being legitimate and more established. Grasshopper allows you to record your IVR audio greetings or pay a fee to access the professional voice studio service. 

Screenshot of Grasshopper automated greetings.
Source: Grasshopper

Instant Response

The instant response feature makes it easier to take advantage of all available business opportunities. The feature works by sending an automatic text each time you miss a call. This lets your caller know that:

  • They have reached the correct number
  • You are currently unavailable but will respond as soon as possible
Screenshot of Grasshopper Instant response
Source: Grasshopper

Add-On Features

Grasshopper offers the flexibility to scale up with add-on features. As your business expands, you can include the following services to ensure your company enjoys personalized VoIP solutions without changing your service plan.

  • Ruby Receptionists—Gives you a virtual receptionist to pick up incoming calls and give your callers a professional and personalized experience.
  • Video Studio—Allows you to hire a professional to create polished customized call greetings.
  • Call Blasting—Activates simultaneous calling to reduce call wait time and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • International Calls—Offers a personalized international calling plan and reach out to your clients beyond the US and Canada.
  • Extra Numbers and Extensions —Customizes your existing plan to include more business numbers or extensions without changing your service package.
Screenshot of Grasshopper add-ons
Source: Grasshopper

Grasshopper Alternatives

Grasshopper has competitively priced tier-based plans. While it is a solid option for startups and small businesses, there are better alternatives for solo entrepreneurs and larger businesses that require more robust software. Here are three of the top alternatives to using Grasshopper VoIP services.

RingCentral is one of the best alternatives to using Grasshopper. This VoIP service is well-known for its ease of use, reliable call quality, and range of pricing plans ideal for all business sizes.

RingCentral is a unified communications service, and its features provide more than just essential professional calling services. You can make phone calls, video calls, conference calls, and text messages using one platform!

RingCentral Pricing

RingCentral offers tier-based services and allows users to pay monthly or annually. An annual subscription makes you eligible for a 33% discounted rate. The platform’s plans include:

  • Essentials—$29.99 monthly or $19.99 when billed annually
  • Standard—$37.99 monthly or $27.99 when billed yearly
  • Premium—$44.99/ month or $34.99 under yearly billing
  • Ultimate—$59.99/month or $49.99 under annual billing

Who Is RingCentral Best For?

RingCentral is a solid alternative to consider if you want a phone service with plenty of VoIP and collaborative features. The platform stands out for being an all-in-one communications service ideal for all businesses, including those with greater communication demands.

How Does RingCentral Compare To Grasshopper?

RingCentral offers more features, allowing it to cater to more than just startups and small businesses. Unlike Grasshopper, it is a unified communications service that will enable you to make video conference calls. Also, it has a clean and good-looking interface, which is a definite plus point above Grasshopper.

  • Video conferencing (HD quality)
  • Enhanced scalability with a wide range of add-on features
  • User-friendly desktop and mobile app
  • Limited interactive voice response options
  • Hard to navigate fax feature
  • Conference call greeting can’t be customized

Google Voice is an excellent VoIP service to consider if you have a Google Workspace account and want to enjoy straightforward phone services. This cloud-based platform blends communication channels and provides comprehensive integrations and call functions. While it is quite popular among small and mid-sized businesses, it is rich in premium add-on features ideal for large enterprises.

Google Voice Pricing

Google Voice is one of the most budget-friendly VoIP services available. If you are a solo entrepreneur, you could even benefit from the platform’s free plan. The three tier-based plans include:

  • Starter—$10 monthly
  • Standard—$20 monthly
  • Premier—$30 monthly

Who Is Google Voice Best For?

If you are searching for the best VoIP provider to help your business enjoy an international presence without overstretching your budget, Google Voice is your best bet. The platform offers call rates as low as a cent/ minute, making it ideal for large-scale companies with a global customer base. Read our in-depth review on Google Voice to find out if it’s the best for you and your business.

How Does Google Voice Compare To Grasshopper?

Both Grasshopper and Google Voice are reliable VoIP services. However, Grasshopper offers customization with advanced features like instant response, simultaneous call handling, and custom greetings. Unless you desire a simplified phone service, it is better to stick to Grasshopper.

  • Unlimited domestic calls and texts 
  • Allows call routing to multiple devices simultaneously
  • Smooth integrations with Google Workspace
  • No vanity or toll-free numbers
  • Limited advanced features
  • Google might have access to your confidential information 

Vonage is an excellent alternative to Grasshopper because it is a unified communications provider. The VoIP service makes business communication and collaborations straightforward and cost-effective for startups and small businesses.

Vonage Pricing 

Vonage offers three tier-based services. They include:

  • Basic—$19 per month
  • Premium—$29/month
  • Advanced—$39/ month

Who Is Vonage Best For?

Vonage is an excellent option if you want a competitively priced VoIP service that offers all the essentials you need to work from anywhere and on any device. It is also attractive for businesses looking for more scalability. The platform has numerous add-on features, meaning businesses can choose only the features they need.

How Does Vonage Compare To Grasshopper?

Both Grasshopper and Vonage are ideal options for startups and small businesses. The main difference is that while Vonage is a platform built on robust technology, Grasshopper mainly depends on its features to create a package ideal for the communication needs of different businesses. 

  • Video conferencing feature
  • All plans allow unlimited calls and texts
  • Secure (FCC, HIPAA, PCI, and GDPR compliant)
  • The basic plan has limited features
  • Too many add-ons at an extra fee
  • No online faxing or toll-free numbers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Grasshopper Review

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions to help you further evaluate whether the service matches your business needs.

Final Thoughts on Grasshopper Review

Grasshopper is a VoIP provider with just enough features to suit the needs of small and mid-sized businesses. It also matches the expectations of solo entrepreneurs and small startups that want to set up a professional phone system cost-effectively. The 7-day free trial offers a risk-free means to sample the service and determine whether it suits your business needs.

So is it a good fit for your business? Hopefully, our Grasshopper review has helped you answer that question.

Hostinger Review: Is Cheap Web Hosting Worth it?

Hostinger logo

Hostinger, formally known as Hosting Media, is a popular web hosting service that offers cloud, VPS, and shared hosting. Since its rebranding in 2011, it has given brands like Bluehost a run for its money. Affordable pricing, user-friendly interface, and solid performance are just a few of the things we cover in this Hostinger review. 

Our Verdict

Hostinger is a reputable web hosting service known for its competitive pricing and fast loading time. The company accommodates both simple and complex, picture-heavy websites, and you don’t have to worry about a high bounce rate caused by a slow website loading pace. However, you will have to contend with low storage space especially in the basic plan. 

Screenshot Hostinger website landing page
Source: Hostinger
  • Low prices and a free web builder (Zyro)
  • Fast server speed and 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Effective cache manager for faster loading speeds
  • User-friendly and intuitive dashboard 
  • Unlimited bandwidth in top-tier plans and free domain name with higher priced plans
  • 30-day money-back guarantee and responsive WordPress support in over 20 languages
  • No free daily backup in single and premium plans
  • Money-back policy has exceptions not available for refund
  • Free domain name only for one website

Hostinger at a Glance

Hostinger, formally known as Hosting Media, was formed in 2004. In 2007, the company launched a free web hosting service and then rebranded in 2011, when it began offering paid hosting plans.

Today, it is one of the most popular brands that offers complete web hosting services. Through Hostinger, you can build, manage, and run a website quickly, affordably, and conveniently.

Who Should Use Hostinger?

In our Hostinger review, we found it’s an excellent option to consider if you are looking for well-balanced web hosting and want value for your money. The service provides the perfect blend of fast server speed, well-thought-out features, reliable customer support, and affordable plans. 

Hostinger Pricing & Features

For a first-timer building a website, choosing a service package can be confusing. The company offers four unique services to ensure you can get all your hosting needs catered for under one roof. You only need to choose a web hosting type and plan that suits your business needs.

The four primary Hostinger services include:

  • Shared Web Hosting
  • WordPress Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting
  • VPS Hosting

Hostinger Shared Web Hosting

Shared web hosting involves sharing the resources of a single server with multiple websites. This makes the service plans more pocket-friendly and ideal for small and medium-sized websites.

Depending on factors such as whether you have a picture-heavy website or a simple site that only requires limited bandwidth, or whether you need one or multiple professional email addresses, you can choose from the Single, Premium, or Business shared web hosting plans.

Hostinger offers a tier-based service where the introductory prices are pretty enticing. For example, the basic Single Shared Plan costs $1.99 per month for the first year and $3.99 once you renew the service. The Premium and Business plans offer nearly identical specifications and performances as other web hosting services but for roughly half the cost.

Who Is Shared Hosting Best For?

Hostinger’s shared hosting service is an affordable option ideal for beginners. The only catch is that you share server resources with other websites. If you run a small or medium-sized site, you are likely to find one of the three plans suitable for your business needs.

Hostinger logo


Single Shared Hosting

Premium Shared Hosting

Business Shared Hosting

Introductory Price




Renewal Fee




Number of Websites




Free SSL




SSD Storage












MySQL Database




WordPress Acceleration




Free Domain Name (1 year)




24/7/365 Support




FTP Account




Hostinger WordPress Hosting

The WordPress Hosting service is optimized for maximum WordPress website performance. The service offers machine-level plugins, adjustments, and memory enhancements to ensure your WordPress site works more flawlessly. 

WordPress hosting is ideal for bloggers, small and medium-sized stores, big ecommerce stores, and entrepreneurs with picture or video-heavy websites. You must first choose a plan that best suits your website needs. The main difference between the plans is their pre-configured settings that make top-tier packages ideal for sites with more significant demands.

Screenshot of Hostinger WordPress Hosting Plans
Source: Hostinger

Who Is WordPress Hosting Best For?

If you have a WordPress site, the WordPress Hosting option is likely to best align with your needs. The service has plans tailor-made to ensure your website’s running smooth and gets maximum performance.


WordPress Single

WordPress Starter

WordPress Business

WordPress Pro






Renewal Fee





Number of Websites





Monthly Visitors










Free SSL Certificate

Free Domain

Cloudflare Protection

SSD Storage










FTP Account











Free C Plug-in

Free Plug-in



Email Accounts





Free CDN

Hostinger Cloud Hosting

With the Cloud Hosting service, you enjoy dedicated server resources, which reduce the risk of downtime. Hostinger uses CloudLinux with LVE containers to make setting up the cloud hosting service, managing it, and account migration simple. 

Even first-time website owners with little or no training in web development don’t have to worry about bumping into unexpected technicalities. Hostinger’s admins manage the back end and significantly reduce your workload. 

Generally, the Cloud Hosting service is a worthwhile step up from Shared Hosting if your website demands have grown bigger, calling for more server resources. They are ideal for entrepreneurs who want enough resources to power multiple heavy ecommerce websites and still be assured of dependable speeds.

Screenshot of Hostinger cloud hosting page
Source: Hostinger

Who Is Cloud Hosting Best For?

An upgrade from the shared hosting option may be imperative if your website requires more resources. The Cloud Hosting service is powerful, user-friendly, and best for resource-intensive projects like large ecommerce stores.

Screenshot of Hostinger cloud hosting pricing plans
Source: Hostinger
Hostinger logo


Cloud Startup

Cloud Professional

Cloud Enterprise





Renewal Fee




Renewal With 1 Year Commitment




Number of Websites




Dedicated Server Resources

Free Dedicated IP

Free SSL Certificate

Free Domain Registration

SSD Storage








CPU Cores








Daily Backups

24/7/365 Support

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

If you are looking for speed and no downtime, Hostinger’s VPS Hosting is an option you should consider. Cloud and VPS Hosting are similar, only that the latter is not a fully managed service.

You can manage your back end for enhanced customization, which is a major plus point if your company relies heavily on your websites to generate profits or run other resource-intensive projects. Having access to your back end also means you must have some tech know-how or an in-house tech specialist to handle server updates and maintenance.

Who Is VPS Hosting Best For?

If you have ample technical knowledge, you will like the flexibility offered by VPS hosting. With access to your back end, you will have complete management freedom to take on larger, resource-intensive projects.

Alternatives to Hostinger

Hostinger is well-known for its low prices, fast servers, and reliable customer support. While these aspects make it a popular option for entrepreneurs with small and mid-sized websites, it might not be right for you. If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for after reading this Hostinger review, here are some alternatives you might want to consider.

InMotion is a top choice for first-timers using web hosting services. The platform offers a host of website tools to make it easy to get your personal or business site up and running. Each service package is reasonably priced, and users enjoy excellent uptime and customer service. 

InMotion Pricing

InMotion Hosting prices highly depend on the type of hosting you need. Shared Hosting will cost you $2.29 monthly, while Managed WordPress hosting costs $4.99 per month. The VPS hosting option, ideal for high-traffic sites like online stores, will cost you $17.99.

If you want more customization flexibility, you could opt for Reseller hosting for $15.39 monthly. The most advanced hosting option is the Dedicated server, which offers the highest customizability levels.

Also, you can choose a plan depending on the number of websites you want to host and the resource intensiveness of your projects. The Core plan costs $2.29 monthly, where you can host two websites and have up to 10 email accounts. The Launch and Power plans cost $4.99, while the more advanced Pro plan goes for $12.99.

Who Is Inmotion Best For?

InMotion is best for those looking for reliable enterprise solutions with dedicated and VPS hosting options. While the company does not offer the cheapest web hosting services, it is a top choice for entrepreneurs who want to enjoy the security and convenience of having a host with their own-operated data centers.

How InMotion Compares to Hostinger

Hostinger and InMotion may provide nearly similar services. However, there are differences in the performance and pricing of both companies. Hostinger offers more competitively priced services. In terms of performance, InMotion offers 99.98% uptime while Hostinger provides 99.99% uptime. This could be a make or break factor, especially for ecommerce sites.

  • Excellent uptime and fast page loading time
  • Dedicated and VPS hosting are available 
  • Shared and WordPress plans come with unlimited data transfers
  • Unlimited emails with all plans
  • 90-day refund guarantee and user-friendly website builder for WordPress (BoldGrid)
  • Prices are on the steeper end of the spectrum
  • No free automated backups
  • Some plans lack a monthly subscription option

Bluehost is a reputable web host best known for its solid plans that are ideal for beginners. With the basic plan, you get a free domain name registration, a free drag-and-drop page builder, automatic WordPress installation, and detailed guidance to get your WordPress up and running.

Bluehost Pricing

Bluehost is designed to give WordPress users an all-rounded experience. The company offers dedicated Hosting, shared hosting, WordPress hosting, and multi-tiered plans to suit the needs and budgets of diverse personal and business site owners.

The Shared Hosting plan ranges between $2.95 per month and $13.95 under a 36-month commitment or $4.95 and $18.95 under a 12-month commitment. Bluehost also offers an Online Store plan where the standard package costs $15.95 per month under the 12-month option or $12.95 on the 36-month commitment option. The premium package costs $32.95 or $24.95, depending on the terms you choose.

If you go for the Managed WordPress Plan, you can choose from the Build, Grow and Scale packages. These cost $9.95, $14.95 and $27.95 respectively. Dedicated Hosting plans range between $79.99 and $119.99, depending on the package you choose.

Who Is Bluehost Best For?

If the process of setting up a WordPress website feels daunting, you should give Bluehost a try. Even the basic plan comes with all the essentials to build, run and manage a website. If you are not a tech-nut, the slightly steeper price is just a small price to pay for a more simplified web hosting experience.

How Bluehost Compares to Hostinger

Although Bluehost isn’t a free web hosting service, it offers a broader range of free features with each hosting plan than Hostinger. For instance, even the basic plans provide a free website builder, automatic WordPress installations, free WordPress themes, free domain name registration, $200 Marketing credits, and free CDN. 

Also, Bluehost’s basic plans come with 50GB SSD storage, while Hostinger’s basic plans provide as low as 10GB SSD. As we pointed out in this Hostinger review, it offers relatively lower prices to compensate for the few shortcomings. Read the Bluehost review to learn more about its features and pricing.

  • Easy-to-use platform
  • Fast site load speeds and server response time
  • High-performance servers maintain 99.99% uptime and highly responsive support reps
  • Excellent security features like CodeGuard Basic, SiteLock and SpamExperts
  • No uptime guarantee
  • Site migration isn’t free

A2 Hosting is a web host best known for speed. While “Blazing Fast Hosting” is arguably nothing more than a marketing gimmick, real users claim that the brand offers pretty dependable and fast servers for all their plans. A2 Hosting has extra Turbo, and Turbo Boost servers that play a fundamental role in making the service rank as a speedster.

A2 Hosting Pricing

A2 Hosting has five types of web hosting services. The Shared Web Hosting service costs between $2.99 and $14.99 per month, depending on your plan. A2 Hosting’s WordPress Hosting service also offers a Tier-based plan, with the basic Startup costing $2.99 and the advanced Turbo Max plan going for $14.99.

Also, the company offers a VPS Hosting service for $5 to $50 monthly. The Reseller Hosting service costs between $13.19 and $40.91. If you want more freedom for customization, you could opt for the Dedicated Server Hosting, which costs between $99.59 and $290.49 monthly for the Mach plan.

Who is A2 Hosting Best For?

A2 Hosting is best for enterprises that emphasize page loading speed. If you want the best chance of maintaining a low bounce rate and giving your visitors a smoother user experience, A2 Hosting is a service you could consider.

How Does A2 Hosting Compare to Hostinger?

A2 Hosting and Hostinger are a close match in terms of performance. However, Hostinger plans go for nearly half the price. Even though A2 Hosting offers slightly more enhanced security and more storage space, these added benefits hardly justify the exorbitant cost of the top-tier plans.

  • Fast page load speed and 99.9% uptime commitment
  • Free daily backups
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Expensive top-tier plans
  • No unlimited SSD storage and free daily backups with the Starter Plan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Hostinger Review

The following are some common questions about Hostinger.

Final Thoughts on Hostinger Review

So, is “cheap” web hosting worth it? We can confidently conclude from our Hostinger review that the brand’s competitive pricing is a smart business strategy that genuinely sets it apart. Hostinger offers dependable web hosting solutions where you don’t have to worry about your site’s speed, performance, downtime, or hefty recurrent fees.

Novo Review 2023: Is This Business Checking Account Worth It?

Novo logo

Novo is a digital banking tech company ideal for entrepreneurs with small businesses or side hustles. The company allows you to separate your personal and business income and provides a reliable banking experience. Through a partnership with Middlesex Federal Savings F.A, the platform offers one of the best business checking accounts online.

About 61% of internet users bank online. If you are earning a passive income from your side hustle or small business and wish to open a small business checking account, Novo might be for you. But before you make the decision, read this detailed Novo review to know whether it’s right for you. 

Our Verdict

Novo logo



Novo is a fintech (financial tech) company that provides digital checking accounts for small businesses. The service allows you to open a business account easily, deposit income from your side hustle, and use banking data from your cash flow and expenses for bookkeeping and reporting.

Novo stands out for simplifying opening a small business checking account. You don’t need to stand in line for hours or handle massive paperwork to open your account. Moreover, Novo services are affordable with no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements.

Screenshot of Novo Homepage
Source: Novo
  • Unlimited fee-free business checking transactions
  • Unlimited ATM fee refunds
  • Smooth integrations with third-party software like Shopify and QuickBooks
  • No option of automating recurrent bill pay
  • No option to open a savings or interest-bearing account
  • No lines of credit or loans

Novo at a Glance

Novo is an independent fintech company that offers online financial services through its partnership with Middlesex Federal Savings F.A. Users enjoy safe digital banking packed with the security protections of a traditional bank and FDIC insurance.

Using the Novo platform gives you access to a robust suite of helpful digital tools designed to help entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners manage their routine banking tasks. Opening a Novo account is straightforward, and it will only take you ten minutes to unlock attractive fintech features, including fee-free banking, free ACH transfers and unlimited invoicing.

Eligibility Criteria

You do not need a perfect credit score to open a Novo business checking account. The company does not check the credit histories of users because it does not offer any credit line or money lending services. If you need fast and easy access to capital with a business line of credit you should consider credit unions for business banking accounts.

You are free to open a small business bank account for your LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Companies specializing in money services, gambling, cannabis, crowdfunding, or cryptocurrencies are the only exceptions. While opening a Novo account is relatively easy and fast, you must submit essential business documentation. Other eligibility requirements include:

  • Account owner must be a U.S. resident with legal status
  • You must be at least 18 years and with a Social Security Number – it is also possible to open a business account with an EIN
  • Account owner must have a valid U.S. mailing address

Who is Novo Best For?

Novo offers digital banking services where users enjoy a free checking account, invoicing tools, and smooth integrations with third-party business tools that can streamline financial processes. Because of the lack of essential features like cash deposits, a Novo account is only ideal for entrepreneurs with small businesses or side hustles who primarily operate digitally.

Screenshot of Novo Our-Users Page
Source: Novo

Novo Pricing

Novo offers relatively inexpensive digital business banking. Apart from providing fee-free business banking accounts with no monthly maintenance fees, there are no fees allied with ACH transactions or wire transfers. Novo offers full refunds for all ATM fees, whether you use a local or international ATM. Other perks include free:

  • Transfers, irrespective of their volume
  • Debit card replacement
  • Check deposits
  • Paper statements
  • Stop payments
  • Mailed payments by physical checks



Opening Deposit


Min Balance Requirement


Cash Deposit Fees


Monthly Fee




ATM Fees

Fully Refunded

Wire Transfer Fees


Foreign Transaction Fees


Returned Payment


Insufficient Funds




The only significant fees users incur are the $50 opening deposit for unlocking the platform’s features and $27 for insufficient funds or reversing uncollected funds. You also need to purchase money orders from approved vendors whenever you want to make a cash deposit through the platform’s mobile check deposit feature. It is also crucial to beware of the following transaction limits and expected processing time.

Transaction Type

Transaction Limit

Processing Time

ATM Withdrawals


Same Day

ACH Transfers

$1250 or $5,000/day

2-3 Business Days

POS Transfers

$5,000 or 20 Transactions/Day

Same Day

Mobile Check Deposits

$20,000/Day or $40,000/ Month or a Monthly Maximum of 20 Transactions

5 Business Days

Mailed Checks


10 Business Day



Novo Features

Novo offers a decent range of business checking account features and tools that benefit entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners. Apart from an easy and fast application process, here are other features users enjoy from the platform.

Fee-Free Banking

Novo offers fee-free banking, meaning freelancers, solo entrepreneurs, and small businesses don’t have to worry about recurrent account maintenance fees. The only cost you will incur is a $50 initial deposit.

Mobile App

A Novo online business checking account gives users the flexibility of managing their business finances from anywhere. You can download the mobile app to your iOS or Android phone to enjoy a range of online and mobile banking features in the palm of your hand.

Free ACH Transfers

The free ACH transfers from other bank accounts make it easier for users to fund their Novo accounts or spend their money. Novo does not accept cash deposits, although you can conveniently deposit a physical check by simply taking a picture. Also, you can fund your checking account by integrating it with Stripe and receiving credit and debit card payments from your clients.

Another option for funding your account is to purchase a money order and then deposit it into your account through the platform’s mobile check deposit feature. Some of Novo’s approved money order vendors include Grocery Stores, USPS and Walmart.

Novo provides a free debit card, and you can expect a full refund of any fees incurred during ATM withdrawals. Also, you can use the Novo Virtual Card feature to pay vendors through mailed checks, ACH transfers, or wire transfers. The free transfers also make it convenient to pay yourself from the side hustle by occasionally sending funds to your personal account.

Unlimited Invoicing

The Novo platform allows you to create unlimited invoices, send and manage them from your checking account. You can also accept invoices from customers via Stripe or ACH transfers.

Business Budgeting

You can create up to 5 reserves through the Novo reserves and set aside funds for predetermined expenses like payrolls or taxes. This allows you to plan ahead, create multiple budgets and business objectives and even transfer your statements to bookkeeping software like QuickBooks.

Screenshot of Novo Business Budgeting Features
Source: Novo


Novo offers plenty of flexibility by allowing smooth integrations with third-party software. Once you install your mobile app for Android or iOS, you can connect your account with other digital tools, including Zapier, which allow you to connect to thousands of business apps that automate various processes.

You can connect to about 15 popular apps through your Novo business checking account. If you need eCommerce options, the platform allows integrations with Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, and WooCommerce. It also integrates directly with accounting software like Zero and QuickBooks. Furthermore, you can link to the platform’s POS partners like Square and Stripe.

Also, having a Novo business checking account makes you eligible for discounts on software offered by the platform’s partners. For instance, you enjoy fee-free credit card processing worth $20,000 with Stripe. Other Novo partners that offer equally enticing discounts to users include Snapchat, HubSpot, QuickBooks, and Gusto.

Screenshot of Novo App Marketplace
Source: Novo

Novo Alternatives

Novo provides a platform where freelancers, solo entrepreneurs, and small businesses can create business checking accounts and make easy and free transactions via ACH transfers or integrations with TransferWise, Slack, and Stripe. 

Unfortunately, the platform may still not offer the best digital banking solutions for some ventures, personal consumers, or larger enterprises.

Here are a few good alternatives to consider if the Novo business checking account does not match your business needs or goals.

Kabbage logo



One of the best alternatives to Novo is Kabbage Business Checking. This is a fintech company that offers checking accounts at equally competitive rates. There are no monthly fees or transaction fees, not to mention that users can also benefit from other Kabbage products, including a business line of credit from $2,000 to $250,000.

Kabbage Pricing

Kabbage offers a fee-free business checking account just like Novo. It also provides the added benefit of making cash deposits at a fee. Here is the pricing to expect:

  • Minimum balance requirement—$0
  • Monthly fee—$0
  • Unlimited electronic transactions—$0
  • Teller cash withdrawals —$3
  • Foreign transactions—3% of the transaction amount
  • Domestic wire transfers—$25 per transaction
  • APY on balances up to $100,000—1.10%

Who is Kabbage Best For?

Kabbage is best for entrepreneurs and small businesses who desire the flexibility of having a business checking account and enjoying other financial products like a business line of credit. If you are an established company that has operated for at least a year, you can benefit from attractive loan terms like a repayment term of up to 18 months with an APR of 9% to 36% on average

How Does Kabbage Compare to Novo?

Both Kabbage and Novo offer reliable business checking accounts. However, they target a different audience. Novo is best banks for startups, freelancers, and small businesses who merely want to separate their personal and business accounts without taking out loans.

On the other hand, Kabbage is ideal for more established ventures and business borrowers who have already built a good FICO score and wish to benefit from a business line of credit. Read the Kabbage review to learn more about its features and pricing.

  • No minimum opening deposit, minimum balance requirement, or monthly fees
  • 1.10% APY interest on account balances up to $100,000
  • Integrates directly with Kabbage Loans
  • Lacks integrations with third-party software
  • Cash deposits are not free (vendors charge $4.95 per deposit)
  • Complex fee structure for outstanding balances
BlueVine logo

BlueVine Business Checking


BlueVine is a fintech company that provides financial solutions through a partnership with Coastal Community Bank. The company offers innovative digital banking solutions ideal for small businesses that want feature-packed checking and savings accounts.

 While the checking account is not entirely fee-free, BlueVine eliminates most fees and offers a competitive interest rate on balances up to $100,000.

BlueVine Pricing 

BlueVine offers a range of fee-free online banking features, coupled with the ability to make cash deposits through Green Dot at a $4.95 fee. Also, users enjoy an Annual Percentage Yield of 1.5% for balances up to $100,000.

  • Minimum balance requirement—$0
  • Monthly fee—$0
  • Unlimited in-network ATM transactions—$0
  • Out-of-network ATM transactions $2.5
  • Bill Pay with Credit Card transaction fee—2.9% of the transaction amount
  • ACH and incoming wire transfers—$0
  • Outgoing wire transfers— $15 per transaction

Who is BlueVine Business Checking Best For?

BlueVine offers a business checking account ideal for entrepreneurs and small businesses that primarily handle online transactions. If your operations do not need the traditional branch-based banking services, this platform is a solid option. Using a BlueVine checking account, you can dodge the pain points of high transaction and account maintenance fees while earning attractive interest on your unused funds.

How Does BlueVine Compare to Novo?

Both BlueVine and Novo offer comparable financial tools. However, BlueVine has an edge above Novo for providing attractive interest rates on balances up to $100,000, not to mention that there’s no opening deposit requirement. While Novo offers the best integrations with third-party software, a BlueVine checking account is the least expensive to maintain. Read the Bluevine review to learn more about its features and pricing. If you need more banks for a lesser expense to maintain, read this Lili Review and Oxygen Review.

  • No minimum opening deposit, minimum balance requirement, or monthly fees
  • High-yield APY—up to 1.5% (terms and conditions apply)
  • Unlimited fee-free transactions
  • No free cash deposits (vendor fees apply)
  • No customer service on the weekends
  • No savings account
Capital one logo

Capital One 360 Banking


Unlike Novo, Kabbage, and BlueVine, which are fintech companies, Capital One is an online bank. It offers full-service digital banking services at a reasonably low cost compared to the rates of traditional land-based banks. Apart from providing business and commercial solutions through360 Checking accounts, the company also offers credit cards and auto loans.

Capital One 360 Banking Pricing

Capital One 360 Banking does not offer the cheapest digital banking solutions. However, users commend the company for being straightforward with all fees and charges.

  • Minimum balance requirement—$0
  • Monthly fee—$0
  • In-network ATM transactions—$0
  • Overdraft fees—$0
  • Stop payment— $25 per item
  • Outgoing domestic wire transfer — $30
  • Outgoing foreign wire transfers—$0

Who is Capital One 360 Banking Best For?

Capital One 360 Banking is a solid alternative for entrepreneurs and small businesses that want all the perks of a digital fintech company while still enjoying the option of visiting local bank branches for in-person support. What sets Capital One apart is its hundreds of branches and Cafes across the U.S.

How Does Capital One 360 Compare To Novo?

Capital One is a better alternative to Novo if you need more than just a business checking account. It offers a range of financial and banking resources and a generous APY interest on all checking accounts. However, Novo is the more affordable option, ideal for not just small businesses but also freelancers and startups. Read the Capital One review to learn more about its features and pricing. Here’s also a detailed US Bank Review and Axos Review with a lot of information that you need when looking for a business checking account.

  • Plenty of mobile and online banking tools and features
  • Automatic savings account transfer option
  • 0.10% APY interest on the checking account with balances up to $1
  • No ATM fee refunds
  • Bank branches are limited to two Southern and seven Eastern states
  • CD rates aren’t competitive

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Novo Review

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions to further acquaint you with what this fintech company has to offer.

Final Thoughts on Novo Review

With digital banking users expected to exceed 65% of the US population, the markets are quickly getting swamped with platforms offering digital business checking accounts. We hope our comprehensive Novo review makes it easier to decide whether this relatively new fintech company offers the perks necessary to help you manage your business finances.

In a wrap, Novo is a solid option to consider for its affordability, integrations, and small business-friendly offerings. However, alternatives like Capital One and Kabbage are attractive options for larger enterprises that don’t mind added fees as long as they enjoy a business checking account with increased functionality.

If you are interested in opening a business account, here is a detailed Bank of America Review, NBKC Bank Account Review, and Chase Bank Review packed with information about the pros, cons, and alternatives.

Best Business Bank Accounts by State

Below you will find an interactive U.S map that can help you locate and compare different banks and financial institutions that offer business accounts in your area.


MyCompanyWorks LLC Service Review

MyCompanyWorks facebook cover image

The LLC formation process can be complicated and time-intensive, especially if you are unsure about the regulations and laws that apply. This MyCompanyWorks review shows how the LLC service simplifies and speeds up this process. It’s a good choice for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to dodge the hassle of dealing with tons of legal paperwork.

Our Verdict

MyCompanyWorks offers an interactive setup wizard that makes it simple and fast to form a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. The service offers a broader range of features compared to some of its competitors like ZenBusiness and Incfile although its services can be pricier. Owners of smaller businesses are likely to benefit more from it.

Screenshot of MyCompanyWorks home page
  • User-friendly platform and responsive customer service       
  • Fast services irrespective of your package
  • Free business tax consultation plus free business alerts
  • 1-year free domain and web hosting
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee on all pricing tiers plus outstanding customer reviews with an A+ BBB rating
  • Not the cheapest LLC services available
  • Lower tier pricing is not inclusive of registered agent service

MyCompanyWorks at a Glance

MyCompanyWorks is an LLC formation service established in 2001. It is a top choice for small business owners that need legal filing assistance when launching their startups. Users get the perfect combination of competitively priced packages, a wide array of helpful features, and top-notch customer support.

Among the most enticing features is the 100% satisfaction guarantee. The company also maintains excellent customer ratings because of its ease of placing an order and fast turnaround time. In fact, it ranks as one of the best LLC services around.

Screenshot from MyCompanyWorks home page

Who Is MyCompanyWorks Best For?

MyCompanyWorks LLC service is best for entrepreneurs looking for assistance in forming and getting a business off the ground without paying a premium for it. While it can be pricier than some online business formation services, it is not nearly as expensive as hiring an in-house attorney.


MyCompanyWorks offers a tier-based service with a broad spectrum of features. The basic package costs $79 and offers plenty of features ideal for startups. The only catch is that you have to pay an extra $99 for a Registered Agent Service with both the Basic and Entrepreneur plans.

The Entrepreneur Plan costs $199, and the Complete Package goes for $279. The upper-tier plans offer a more comprehensive set of features with just about everything to fast-track the business formation process.

MyCompanyWorks logo


Tier 1 (Basic)

Tier 2 (Entrepreneur)

Tier 3 (Complete)





Company Name Search

Articles of Organization Filing Services

Personalized Operating Agreement

Order Tracking

Same Day Processing

Registered Agent Service



Free Company Alerts

LLC Handbook

Unlimited Access to Customer Support

Federal Tax ID


Lifetime Business Forms and Tax Forms


Free Business Tax Consultations

Free Domain Name and Web Hosting (1 year)

Business Kit, Seal and Members Certificates


Free Ebook “Startups Made Simple”

Business License Compliance Package






MyCompanyWorks Review of Features

You’ll see in this review of MyCompanyWorks that it provides a wide variety of features with each plan. You could also opt for add-ons for more convenience. Here is more information on the features you can expect with this service.

Business Name Availability Search

MyCompanyWorks provides unlimited name availability searches. This allows you to pick a unique name for your business and avoid already taken ones. If your desired business name is unavailable, you can make minor alterations using hyphens or abbreviations. The idea is to still find a unique name representing the business image you want to create.

Interactive Startup Wizard

Thanks to the interactive startup wizard, business formation processes on MyCompanyWorks are straightforward. The platform takes you a step at a time, allowing you to complete the filing process in minutes. Also, you will have access to the dashboard. This has an equally intuitive design, making it a breeze to check the status of your order.

Articles of Organization

Most first-time business owners have no idea which formation documents they need. MyCompanyWorks will aid in the preparation of the legal paperwork required when forming an LLC or corporation.

The documents are then audited to ensure there are no compliance or spelling mistakes. Within 90 days of your purchase, MyCompanyWorks will have submitted your business formation paperwork to your state government.

Registered Agent Service

When filing your business formation documents, you need to name a registered agent that will receive government correspondence and notices of lawsuits, among other documents, on your behalf. MyCompanyWorks provides a registered agent service for corporations and LLCs. This service is free if you go for the complete package but you’ll part with $99 if you choose to subscribe to the lower-tier packages. 

Business Operating Agreement

An Operating Agreement is one vital document you must have when forming an LLC. It outlines the company ownership structure and the duties of each member. Most importantly, the agreement stipulates the financial and working relationship between the members.

The most critical sections outlined in the document include capital contributions, organization, management and voting, membership changes, distributions, and dissolution. The specifics of the document can vary depending on the fashion of internal operations that best suits the business owners. MyCompanyWorks provides a customized business operating agreement to ensure your specific needs and preferences are met.

Company Notifications and Alerts

Missing deadlines, such as annual filing deadlines, can subject you to hefty IRS penalties and fines. MyCompanyWorks offers lifetime company alerts and notifications to ensure you never miss an important deadline.

Organizational Minutes

Organizational minutes will come in handy if you are forming a corporation. The business structure comes with rigid legal formalities, including the mandatory holding of annual meetings and maintaining clear records of board minutes.

The personalized meeting minutes feature provides a simple outline that can be useful for recording what transpires during official meetings. There’s also a section that offers extra space for any additional information you would want to include.

Customer Support

MyCompanyWorks provides quality customer support via phone and email. The representatives are pretty responsive, and helpful. Phone support is available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST Monday to Friday, while email support is from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Custom Bylaws

MyCompanyWorks also provides Custom corporate bylaws templates to set up the rules for your corporation that govern internal management. You’ll even find sections that allow you to outline company policies and the responsibilities of directors, officers, and shareholders.

Federal Tax ID Number (EIN)

Every company must have a Federal Tax ID Number before it hires employees. If you opt for the Entrepreneur or Complete package, MyCompanyWorks will obtain the Employer Identification Number from the IRS at no extra charge. However, you have to pay a $49 fee if you opt for the Basic plan.


This feature gives you access to over 200 sample forms of professionally prepared documents to help you maintain the operational compliance of your business.

Business License Compliance Package

How to get your business license online with MyCompanyWorks

The Business License Compliance Package is a third-party feature that will cost you $99, irrespective of your package. Entrepreneurs who are unsure about the licensing requirements of their newly formed companies will find this feature pretty helpful. It can save you hours of research.

Business Tax Consultation

The business tax consultation feature gives you access to a one-hour tax webinar that will not cost you a penny. The session will pack you with information about the IRS forms you should file depending on your business structure and even how you will be taxed. Also, you will learn how to handle payrolls and remain compliant with IRS regulations.

Domain Name and Hosting

The domain name registration and web hosting features are advantageous for those launching startups. MyCompanyWorks, in partnership with InMotion, will give you a new WordPress website with a custom domain for a whole year without charging a cent.

The site is professionally designed and mobile-optimized to swiftly get your company off the ground and enhance its online presence. After the first year, you can continue with the service for a $99 fee.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

MyCompanyWorks maintains a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Irrespective of the package you choose, the company agrees to address any concerns you raise or give you a refund!

MyCompanyWorks Alternatives

As you’ve read in this MyCompanyWorks review, the service provides a host of useful features and can help you get your business off the ground quickly and efficiently. However, it is not the best fit for every business owner. The following are some alternatives to consider.

Rocket lawyer provides a comprehensive set of services that focus on helping businesses owners to dodge the high price of hiring an attorney. The company has a solid reputation built from providing reliable business formation services.

Rocket Lawyer Pricing

Rocket lawyer does not have the traditional tier-based plans. Instead, users can opt for premium membership at $39 per month or remain non-members and incur the costs of the standalone services they want.

The premium membership offers free legal documents and a 25% discount for the Registered Agent Service ($149). Also, premium members get a 30-minute free consultation with an attorney and unlimited access to legal guidance from a lawyer.

The non-member plans allow you to spend only for the services you need. This can be expensive if you want access to many features. For instance, you have to pay $39.99 for each legal document, $59.99 for legal consultation, and $49.99 for each question you want to ask an attorney.

Who Is Rocket Lawyer For?

Rocket Lawyer is best for any entrepreneur who wants to form a company and have quick access to reliable legal help. The service connects businesses and individuals to skilled lawyers for a low fixed rate if you sign up for membership. You are likely to make massive savings and still have access to legal services without hiring an in-house lawyer.

How Rocket Lawyer Compares to MyCompanyWorks

Rocket Lawyer provides only business formation absolute necessities. MyCompanyWorks, on the other hand, offers a whole range of features to suit the needs of different entrepreneurs. If you primarily need business formation services, MyCompanyWorks is your best bet. However, Rocket Lawyer is the better alternative for entrepreneurs that need ongoing legal assistance. Looks like what your business needs? Then read our Rocket Lawyer review to know more.

  • User-friendly platform and a free 7-day trial offer
  • Quick turnaround time for legal services
  • Intuitive form builder simplifies creating legal documents
  • Pretty responsive customer service reps (the wait time is 10 minutes maximum)
  • Mobile app available for Android and iPhone users
  • The pricing for most standalone services is at the steeper end of the spectrum
  • You have to enter your credit card information before accessing the 7-day free trial

As the name suggests, Northwest Registered Agent specializes in providing registered agent services. The company also provides LLC formation services for small and mid-sized businesses at reasonable prices. For a base rate of $225, you will receive generous assistance forming your business and enjoy the registered agent service feature.

Northwest Registered Agent Pricing

Northwest Registered Agent doesn’t offer the usual tier-based services. Instead, you can choose between a customizable up-front payment option that costs $225 per year and the non-customizable VIP service that costs $420, although you can pay monthly installments of $35.

The customizable option includes LLC filing services and registered agent services. You can also choose from a range of add-ons to obtain other essentials like an Operating Agreement for $50, Federal Tax Number (EIN) for $50, and Phone Service for $9 monthly after the first two months. The non-customizable plan offers a more detailed package of features.

Who Is Northwest Registered Agent For?

If you put a high value on getting personalized customer support from your business formation company, you should undoubtedly give Northwest Registered Agent a try. Unlike the company’s top competitors, who mostly outsource their customer support, Northwest Registered Agent maintains an in-house team of reps trained to ensure you receive maximum help each time you reach out. Read the Northwest Registered Agent review to learn more.

How Northwest Registered Agent Compares to MyCompanyWorks

Both MyCompanyWorks and Northwest Registered Agent offer commendable turnaround times and excellent customer service. The main difference between the two is their pricing and range of features.

MyCompanyWorks offers a fuller package of features at a slightly more pocket-friendly price. Northwest Registered Agent compensates for the cost by providing strong privacy protection.

  • Reputable business formation company and registered agent plus transparent pricing with no unnecessary upsells
  • A user-friendly interface makes LLC formation easy and fast plus excellent customer service
  • Quick turnaround time with same-day filing
  • Above-average privacy protection for users
  • No refund policy for the VIP Service
  • Add-ons can over-inflate the cost of services

ZenBusiness is yet another excellent alternative to using the MyCompanyWorks LLC formation service. The company handles the business formation paperwork on your behalf and files them with your state. You will receive a personalized experience and step-by-step guidance to make the business formation process faster and smoother without breaking the bank.

ZenBusiness Pricing

ZenBusiness offers three unique tier-based plans—Starter, Pro, and Premium. The Starter plan costs $ 49 per year and includes basic LLC filing, Registered Agent Service, and an operating agreement. The Pro and Premium plans cost $199 and $299, respectively. They offer more features with the premium plan, including upgrades like worry-free annual tax filing.

Who Is ZenBusiness For?

ZenBusiness is ideal for anyone looking for time and money-saving benefits when launching a new business. The service offers plenty of guidance ideal for newbies in business ownership. If you are on a tight budget, ZenBusiness is an option you must consider. To learn more about its services and pricing, read our complete review on ZenBusiness.

How ZenBusiness Compares to MyCompanyWorks

ZenBusiness compares well to MyCompanyWorks and can help you streamline the process of launching a business. The company also provides a decent range of features and excellent customer support.

Like MyCompanyWorks, ZenBusiness is not a top choice if you need ongoing legal aid. However, it offers an equally good registered agent service. Its services are slightly cheaper, making it an excellent option to consider if you only need basic LLC formation features.

  • User-friendly platform ideal for first-timers in business ownership
  • Reputable company with an outstanding customer rating
  • All business formation essentials included in tier-based plans
  • Affordable pricing and no hidden charges plus 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Registered agent service is free for only the first year
  • Plenty of add-ons that can inflate the price

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for MyCompanyWorks Review

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about MyCompanyWorks. We hope they will provide more information to guide you in your final decision.

Final Thoughts on MyCompanyWorks Review

MyCompanyWorks is a company you can depend on for reliable business formation services. Each tier-based plan offers a wide array of features, a fast turnaround time, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This service is best for small business owners who want more than just the basic business formation services yet do not have the budget for an in-house attorney.

ZenBusiness Review – Is it the Best LLC Service For Your Business?

Zenbusiness logo

The process of forming a corporation or LLC (Limited Liability Company) can be complex and time-intensive. Fortunately, an online business formation service like ZenBusiness can make the process easier. In this ZenBusiness review, you’ll learn what else it offers beyond easy-to-use LLC services and competitive pricing.

Our Verdict

Screenshot from ZenBusiness website

ZenBusiness provides a comprehensive set of business formation services ideal for small business owners who want to quickly and affordably register their businesses without seeking the services of an attorney. While not all of their services are cheap, you get to choose between a-la-carte options and tier-based plans. Compared to its top competitors, it offers the best value for money.

  • Reputable online LLC service with a commendable customer rating
  • User-friendly platform plus affordable tier-based plans
  • All essential services offered in all plans, including the starter plan
  • Top-quality customer support plus 60-day money-back service guarantee
  • Registered agent service auto-renews at $99 per year
  • Some services like web hosting and domain name registration are cheaper elsewhere

ZenBusiness at a Glance

ZenBusiness has a transparent pricing model. You don’t have to worry about any hidden costs, irrespective of the package you choose from the company’s tier-based plans. 

The basic $49 starter plan provides the four primary essentials to form a business: entity filing assistance, a registered agent service, an operating agreement, and annual report services. ZenBusiness compares well with other well-established online business formation services like LegalZoom, Swyft Filings, and Incfile, which have been around for longer. 

Who Should Use ZenBusiness?

ZenBusiness is ideal for any entrepreneur looking for an easy way to register a company. You will find the platform ideal if you need guidance during the legal filing process but don’t have the budget to hire a business attorney.


ZenBusiness is a subscription-based service with three pricing tiers. You’ll find three unique plans, each with a distinct set of features. The basic ZenBusiness plan caters to the essentials of business formation and function, while the premium plan comes with extras like a worry-free annual tax filing and compliance guarantee.

Multiple add-on services allow you to personalize your plan to suit your business needs. ZenBusiness has no free plan, although it offers one of the most transparent pricing structures with no hidden charges. You don’t need to pay a dime more than the figure presented at checkout.

Tier 1-Starter

Tier 2-Pro

Tier 3-Premium





Basic LLC filing

Registered Agent Service

Operating Agreement

Annual Report Service

Speedy Filing


Rush Filing



Web Hosting



Domain Name Registration



Worry-Free Compliance


Employer Identification Number (EIN)


Note: Users must pay for state filing fees separately.

ZenBusiness A-La-Carte

Apart from the tier-based services, ZenBusiness also offers the A-La-Carte package. The plan provides more flexibility, allowing users to build a personalized service package that meets their specific needs. Once you register your account and key in your personal information, ZenBusiness will provide a customized quote based on the level of assistance needed. 

The stand-alone registered agent service is available at $99 per year. You could also get a registered agent and compliance service combo at $149. It’s also worth mentioning that there are no penalties or fees for canceling your subscription after forming your business.

ZenBusiness Features

ZenBusiness offers a platform rich with features to make business formation fast and straightforward. Apart from receiving real-time virtual guidance throughout launching your startup, you will also have access to helpful tools within your service package. Moreover, ZenBusiness offers add-ons to ensure the service is in tune with your unique needs. 

Here are some of their most notable services:

Entity Filing Services

Entity filing assistance is a standard service offered in all ZenBusiness plans. The company provides fast business entity formation assistance in all 50 states. After setting up your account and providing the needed information, ZenBusiness will handle the complex filing formalities based on the type of business you want and your state laws.

Screenshot of ZenBusiness dashboard home page
Source: ZenBusiness

Registered Agent Service

A standard requirement that all companies must meet is that they must have a registered agent. ZenBusiness is a registered agent service and serves as the agent of businesses formed through the platform.
The legal definition of a registered agent is an entity or individual authorized to receive legal documents, notice of lawsuit, tax forms, and official government correspondence on behalf of a business.

Screenshot from Zenbusiness website home page
Source: ZenBusiness

Legal Document Templates

Forming a company typically involves creating numerous legal documents. Some of the most common document templates you can obtain from ZenBusiness include an Operating Agreement, a banking resolution, and corporate bylaws template. 

Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting 

The premium package includes domain name registration and web hosting services.  Businesses that opt for the Starter or Pro package can use the website service feature for only $100. ZenBusiness conveniently allows you to register a domain name and set up your business website under one roof.

Registering your domain name will enable you to set up a professional email address. This can be beneficial if you want to use your email address as part of your branding. A professional email address makes it effortless to connect your company’s face with your website and the official communication channel with your partners or clients.

Employer Identification Number (EIN)

The Employee Identification Number is also known as the tax ID number. It is a 9-digit number issued by the IRS that allows you to keep your personal assets and finances separate from your business. Irrespective of the business entity you form, the law requires you to obtain an EIN before hiring employees. ZenBusiness will receive the tax number from the IRS on your behalf.

Worry-Free Compliance

The worry-free compliance feature guarantees professional CPA assessments for your business finances. It is an excellent option for entrepreneurs who want to keep track of their cash flow and tax filing to remain organized and avoid unnecessary penalties or fines.

The worry-free compliance feature comes with the Pro and Premium package. However, you have to pay $119 to obtain it if you choose the Starter plan. The most significant perk it offers is the coverage of all costs necessary to retain good standing with the IRS in case of missed state requirements or filing deadlines.

Screenshot from Zenbusiness home page
Source: ZenBusiness

Customer Service 

ZenBusiness offers top-notch customer service. The company maintains a team of highly knowledgeable and warm staff who are always happy to provide quick and clear guidance whenever you feel stuck. Whether you reach out to customer support via email, chat, or phone, you can expect to be met by highly responsive and helpful representatives.

ZenBusiness Alternatives

We ranked ZenBusiness as the best LLC service for its affordable pricing, top-notch customer support, and excellent ratings. However, it may not be the best option for all entrepreneurs. Here are the top three ZenBusiness alternatives to consider.

Hiring a lawyer to handle the business formation process is expensive. LegalZoom is a platform that fills the gap by providing affordable legal services through the business formation process. 

It is one of ZenBusiness’s top competitors and has pretty similar features. It is a long-standing company with a solid reputation and is the only online legal service that offers a 60-day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

LegalZoom Pricing

LegalZoom has a three-tier pricing structure that includes the Economy, Standard, and Express Gold packages. The Economy plan goes for $79, the Standard package for $329, and the Express Gold plan for $349.

However, you might have to incur additional costs. For instance, you have to pay $159 annually for registered agent services. Also, the packages do not include an operating agreement, which will cost you an additional $99. This, however, doesn’t negate that LegalZoom is the least expensive service for entrepreneurs that need regular access to a skilled attorney.

Who Is LegalZoom For?

LegalZoom is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to work with a platform with a solid track record. It offers affordable legal services, including a fair, fixed-rate for business advisory. LegalZoom is your best bet if you require ongoing legal assistance yet don’t have an in-house attorney.

How LegalZoom Compares to ZenBusiness

LegalZoom services are pretty expensive compared to ZenBusiness packages. Unless you need plenty of ongoing legal help, ZenBusiness offers a better deal.  Again, LegalZoom’s basic plan lacks all features essential for starting a business, making this a significant downside.

  • LegalZoom is time tested with a solid reputation
  • Affordable if you need regular legal help plus tax advice included in plans
  • 60-day money-back satisfaction guarantee
  • Expensive, especially if you don’t require ongoing legal help
  • Customer support services can be better

The platform makes starting a business fast, simple, and affordable. While Swyft Filings is not nearly as popular as LegalZoom, it is a well-established company offering its services in all 50 states and abroad.

Swyft Filings Pricing

Swyft Filings, like ZenBusiness, offers tier-based services. The available plans include the Basic plan for $49, the Standard package for $149, and the Premium plan for $299. It is worth mentioning that the Basic plan comes with a free 30-minute tax consultation, ComplianceGuard Company Alerts, and a free domain name.

On the downside, you need to pay an additional $149 as the Registered Agent Fee, or $596 per year. Also, the packages merely include essential formation services. If you need full business formation assistance, you need to part with $680.

Who Is Swyft Filings For?

Swyft Filings specializes in “swift” or fast business formation services. It is a perfect option for entrepreneurs who are well-acquainted with the business formation process and simply want to have their paperwork filed within the least time possible.

How Swyft Filings Compares to ZenBusiness

Swyft Filings targets an entirely different client base from ZenBusiness. While the latter is best for first-timers forming business entities, the former is best for entrepreneurs who already understand the complex processes of launching a startup.

Moreover, Swyft Filings services are expensive. Unless you badly want to cut the business formation turnaround time in half, it’s best to stick to ZenBusiness.

  • Swyft Filings has a good reputation with an excellent customer rating
  • Excellent turnaround times plus reliable customer service
  • Flexible pricing models where you can add what is essential (like basic plan + expedited filing)
  • Users have the option of making an upfront or two-installment payment
  • Registered agent service is overly costly
  • Too much reliance on third-party service providers

Incfile is a well-established LLC formation service that has been around since 2004. The company offers online legal services, making it quick, affordable, and straightforward to undergo the business formation process without involving an attorney. You only need to pay a fraction of the cost of enlisting industry giants like LegalZoom.

Incfile Pricing

Incfile offers three plans. The Silver plan goes for $0 for the first year, and users enjoy registered agent services, lifetime compliance alerts, and tax consultation. The Gold plan costs $149, while the Incfile Platinum package costs $249.

Irrespective of the package you choose, Incfile offers a decent LLC business formation kit that is not bloated with unnecessary features that can inflate costs. The company maintains pricing transparency, so you don’t have to worry about hidden costs.

Who Is Incfile For?

Incfile is one of the best business formation services to consider if you have a tight budget. The Silver Package is free, yet it offers essential features like a registered agent service and compliance reminders. You only need to pay the state fees and $40 for an Operating Agreement (if you need one).

How Incfile Compares to ZenBusiness

Incfile provides a tough-to-beat deal with a first-year free offer for the basic Silver package. However, ZenBusiness provides significantly better services, turnaround times, and customer care. Moreover, ZenBusiness has a higher customer satisfaction level than Incfile, and client complaints that are few and far between.

  • Affordable service
  • Fast checkout process plus one-day filing of LLC documents
  • Transparent pricing with no automatic service renewals
  • Limited legal services
  • Customer support reps are not always available

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for ZenBusiness Review

The following are some common questions people ask about ZenBusiness and its services.

Final Thoughts on ZenBusiness Review

ZenBusiness is an online business formation service designed to simplify the process of forming a company. It is best suited for small business owners who cannot afford to have an in-house attorney to handle their legal filings. Whether you opt for the ZenBusiness LLC service or seek to form a corporation, you will receive detailed, step-by-step guidance through the entire process.

In this ZenBusiness review, we have equipped you with the service’s pros, cons, pricing, and alternatives. We hope that this makes it a tad easier to get started on the exciting journey to forming the company of your dreams!

What Is the Difference Between an LLC and a Corporation?

Group of businesspeople standing in front of an office building

When starting a new business, choosing an entity type is one of the most important decisions you must make. Many entrepreneurs are torn between a limited liability company (LLC) vs corporation. While these entities are similar in many ways, they have profound differences that should inform what you choose.

What Is a Limited Liability Company?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business entity that protects its owners from personal liability. It is a hybrid business structure that blends the features of a partnership and corporation.

The owners enjoy limited liability just like corporation owners and receive taxable dividends just like in a partnership. Some of the most notable limited liability companies include Johnson & Johnson, Nike, and PepsiCo inc.

  • No restriction in the number of owners and owners enjoy limited liability
  • Pass-through taxation and flexibility in taxation
  • Easy to operate plus flexible management options
  • Compared to other forms of business ownership such as a partnership or sole proprietorship, it’s costlier to form and maintain an LLC
  • Obtaining ownership interest might not be easy

What Is a Corporation?

A corporation is a business entity formed by one or more people with a shared goal. The most common types of corporations include S corporations, B corporations, C corporations, non-profit corporations, and closed corporations.

Generally, corporations are legal entities distinct and separate from their owners. The entity can borrow money, enter contracts, hire employees, pay taxes, and even own assets with zero attachment to the stakeholders. The majority of large businesses, such as Toyota Motors and CocaCola Co., are corporations.

  • Stakeholders are not liable for corporate debts and legal obligations
  • Buying, selling, or transfer of ownership is straightforward
  • Easier access to capital through stock trading
  • Established power structure–Shareholders, chief executive officers, and directors have well-established responsibilities
  • S corporations are not subject to double taxation
  • Complex application process
  • Excessive bureaucracy, and rigid formalities
  • C-corps are subject to double taxation
  • It can be costly to form, run, and maintain a corporation

LLC vs. Corporation: The Differences

LLCs and corporations are alike in many ways. At the same time, they have major differences, especially in terms of formation, governance, ownership, and taxation. This comparison chart summarizes the key differences which we will discuss in detail.


S Corporation

C Corporation

Limited liability




Flexible Management Style




Eligibility Restrictions




Limitless Shareholders




Capital Structure Restrictions




Single Taxation




Double taxation




Entity can go Public




Annual Reports

Not Required



Annual Shareholder Meeting

Not Required



Can Raise Funds From Investors




Directors are Public Record





There are strict formal requirements that must be fulfilled when forming both LLCs and corporations. Both entities must fulfill state maintenance and reporting requirements to ensure limited liability protection. However, corporations have more annual obligations. For example, they must hold annual shareholder meetings.

Moreover, corporations must file annual reports to keep the secretary of state updated about any changes or actions enacted through votes by the board of directors. LLCs don’t have strict record-keeping requirements, and some states, such as Ohio, don’t make it mandatory for such entities to file yearly reports with the secretary of state.   


To own a corporation, you have to buy a share or a percentage of the business stock. Shareholders are entitled to dividends and are not actively required to take part in running the business. Also, they can sell and buy shares as they wish.

On the other hand, LLCs are owned by members who set the rules pertaining to the requirements for membership and transfer of ownership interest. Depending on the set operating agreement, all members could receive equal profits and losses regardless of their financial contribution to the business. Again, all members own the business and participate in its everyday operations.

Transfer of Ownership

With corporations, ownership is wholly based on the shares owned. If a shareholder wants a stake in the company, they simply need to sell or transfer their stock to a willing buyer. 

LLCs do not enjoy the same freedom. A member must draft a sales agreement with a new buyer and might have to record the sale with the state’s Business Registrations Agency. While there are no significant restrictions, a transfer process can be laborious and time-consuming.

Governance and Management Structure

All members in an LLC own the business and participate in its everyday operations. There’s no power hierarchy, and members can play specific management roles or appoint others to run the business. Generally, LLCs are member-managed, and the management structure is less formal.

On the other hand, corporations have a rigid governance structure with the board of directors at the top of the power hierarchy. Shareholders are at the bottom of the power chain. While they have a right to vote for the board of directors and officers, they do not make any business decisions unless they are pre-approved.

Tax Implications

LLCs and corporations are poles apart regarding their tax obligations. LLCs are usually taxed as pass-through entities unless the members choose to have them treated as C corporations. Pass-through entities or S corporations allow owners to pay personal income tax once they receive profits without subjecting them to corporate tax.

C corporations are not immune to double taxation. This means that the business pays taxes as an entity, and owners pay personal income tax after receiving income.

LLC vs. Corporation: What Are the Similarities?

Both of these entities provide personal assets protection for owners and require registration through a state-accredited business filing agency. Also, both entities enjoy perpetual existence even if a shareholder or owner passes on or resigns.

Perpetual Existence

LLCs with two or more members and corporate entities are not at threat of extinction if a member or stakeholder can no longer hold their position. As long as the business owners do not file Articles of Dissolution or set a dissolution date in the formation documents, the entity will continue to run indefinitely.

Business Registration

As expected, you must file formation paperwork with a state-accredited filing agency. It is also mandatory to obtain licenses and permits before kickstarting business operations. Read about the steps involved in registering a business here.

Limited Liability Protection

Both LLCs and Corporations provide asset protection for owners. This means that they are not personally liable for liabilities and debts incurred by the business. However, in some cases, limited liability protection may not prevail, for instance, when an owner personally guarantees a debt or commits a crime.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for LLC vs Corporation

Are you still torn between forming an LLC and Corporation? Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions. Hopefully, they will shed more light on the topic and help you make an informed decision.

Bottom Line on LLC vs Corporation

So, what should you go for between an LLC and a corporation? The right answer will depend on the financial, operational, and legal implications you are ready to bear. Think of the business entity as the foundation of your venture that will set the rules you must follow. Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, it is perfectly rational to consult a business lawyer before making your final choice.