About Us

Business man holding an about us tab

Management Library, founded in 1995, has always aimed to provide free, easy-to-access, and high-quality online information to help businesses and professionals grow. We’ve always strived to provide articles that will help you develop yourself or improve the processes of your business. Now, over 25 years into our endeavor, we’ve compiled one of the world’s largest collections of professional articles and resources that you’ll find online or off. 

Over our time creating this content, we’ve seen millions of users land on the site to get the high-quality information that they need. We’re grateful and excited that we get to continue to deliver on our mission today in an organized and modern way as we strive to answer the business world’s greatest questions. We hope that you’ll find the resources you need to take the next step in your career, or to help your business achieve its goals this year. 

Management Library is currently owned and operated by Paradise Media, LLC, an online publishing company that creates and manages resource sites for specific users. 

Vast Amount of Information in the Library

There are currently thousands of articles in the Library, each topic has additionally recommended books and related Library topics. While we do not try to accumulate as many articles as possible in order to maximize the number of visitors we get, we do want to be as inclusive as possible with the vast amount of questions there are in both professional growth and in running a business. The Library isan informational and educational site that can be used both professionally and educationally. We hope you’re able to find everything you’re looking for, but if not you should let us know what you’d like to see next.

Focus and Type of Content in the Library

The Library focuses especially on free, online and practical information that visitors can quickly apply. Articles are typically about personal, professional and organizational development. Therefore, the Library does not focus on topics, such as lifestyle, entertainment, politics, philosophy and religion. Also, the Library does not
list specific companies, industry information, maps, investment information
and listings of schools.

We strive to help especially those organizations having limited resources, for example, start-up organizations or those trying to evolve to a mature stage of development. Thus, the nature of the content is basic to intermediary. However, the content would be very useful for those preparing to take advanced courses in college or into graduate school.

Library Topics Pertain to For-Profits and Nonprofits

For people who want to use the Library to develop their organizations, the Library applies to for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Many resources for nonprofits tend to be nonprofit-specific, that is, they are primarily about fundraising, volunteers, public policy and advocating. Actually, most of the activities conducted in nonprofits are the same as those in for-profits. The differences between organizations have more to do with their size than the nature of their services — small for-profits are more like small nonprofits than large for-profits. Similarly, large nonprofits are more like large for-profits than small nonprofits. We make the Library useful to both for-profits and nonprofits, recognizing the vast similarities, as well as differences, between both types of organizations. See Library Includes Materials for For-Profits and Nonprofit Organizations.

Numerous Ways to Learn in the Library

Visitors can learn a great deal in the Library. Visitors can very quickly learn a lot about a topic just by scanning the sections of topics and how those topics are arranged together. Visitors also can use various assessments to closely
examine themselves, their groups and their organizations. Results of those assessments can be use to select the best topics to focus on, in the Library. Visitors also can capture their learning in learning plans that are as informal as learning journals or as formal as systematic learning plans. See How to Use the Library.


Paradise Media, LLC, expresses deep appreciation for:

  • Authenticity Consulting, LLC, that initiated, developed and managed the Library from 1995 into October, 2021.
  • The Management Assistance Program (MAP) for Nonprofits of St. Paul, Minnesota, for its Web hosting of this Library from 1996 to 2005 and for its continued support during that time!
  • The Virginia McKnight Binger Fund, which contributed funds to Authenticity Consulting, LLC, for some of the  original development and administration of the Library.
  • United Centers for Spiritual Living (UCSL) for its contribution to enhance the usability of the Library. Although Authenticity has no direct affiliation with this organization, UCSL made a significant contribution, which, in part, funded the redesign of the Library in 2006.
  • NilesRiver.com (Kim Niles) whose extraordinary Web development and technical skills have
    continually developed and refined the functionality of the Library.
  • Wylde Hare Creative (Erin Scott) whose creative and gifted graphic skills have provided an attractive,
    yet easy-to-use, interface to the Library.
  • Andy Katzung has accurately and reliably been maintaining the vast number of links in the Library, to the extent that less than 1% of the links are ever broken.
  • Caitlin Cahill has extensive knowledge of coding and design of both the WordPress software used for our blogs and the html software use in the many of the topics. She has been immensely useful.
  • The many 1,000s of people and organizations that have contributed free resources to the Library.

Thank you to you all!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who provides the library?

Paradise Media, LLC, provides the Library as a free community resource. The Library has its own logo and
domain name, apart from Paradise Media, LLC.

How can I learn to use the Library to best meet my needs?

See How To Use the Library

Are the Library materials curated (evaluated) for inclusion in the Library?

Yes. Each article also is evaluated for substance. For example, if an article is the short length of one computer screen and includes only vague, obvious generalities, then the article is not included in the Library. If readers notify us of an article in the Library that is verified to be inaccurate (that is other than merely a different opinion than the readers’), then we remove the article from the Library. 

What if I want to copy or distribute materials from the library? Who owns the materials?

See Copyright and Reprint Terms

Can I get Library materials provided to me on a CD-ROM or as printed-out documents?

The materials in the Library are owned by the authors and/or publishers of those materials — the Library does not own most of the materials referenced from the Library. Thus, the Library does not have the right to copy, publish and/or distribute those materials. The Library provides those materials primarily by providing links to them. For more information, see Copyright and Reprint Terms.

Where can I find additional sources of assistance to solve management problems or achieve goals?

There is a vast range of free resources available to you in the “General Resources” section on the right-hand sidebar. Also, see the “Related Library Topics” and “Recommended Books” referenced from the bottom of each topic’s page. 

Why doesn’t the Library annotate each of the links in the Library?

An annotation is a very short (usually 2- or 3-line) description of the highlights of a particular resource, for example, of an article. Different users often need different results from, and can have different perspectives on, the same resource. Brief annotations are often very generic and, thus, very often can’t be specific and useful enough to those having diverse needs from the same resource.

Also, we’ve found since 1995 that users very rarely ask for annotations — instead, they find it more useful to quickly click on the link to the article and then quickly scan it for themselves according to their own needs and perspectives.

Besides, the links we provide to articles are almost always on other websites — those websites often annotate the own articles. 

Why doesn’t the Library offer online discussion groups for each of its many topics?

Online discussion groups and blogs are popping up like popcorn. The vast majority of them do not achieve the high rate of participation and feedback needed to make them useful to participants. The vast majority fizzle out and die altogether.

However, there are already numerous groups about personal, professional and organizational development that have already achieved that very high level of participation. They have 1,000s of participants and are relevant to the vast majority of topics in regard to management. See Online Discussion Groups.

Our interests are ensuring that our users get prompt and useful feedback — they’re much more likely to get that kind of feedback from an already established online group, rather than our trying to start a bunch of new groups.

Why doesn’t the Library include users’ ratings of each article in the Library?

Our users report to us that ratings of articles are not really useful to them. They rarely look for ratings. It’s just as easy for them to quickly scan an article to see if it meets their own unique needs at that particular time. Besides, each person still should decide for themselves if an article is useful to him or her.

Why doesn’t the Library require visitors to register before using the Library?

We have no need or interest in obtaining your name or email address. Many of the authors, whose resources we link to, intended for their resources to be free to the world — they did not intend for others to have to give their name, email address, etc., to use those resources, so the Library shouldn’t either.


To Report Abuse of the Library

Woman surfing internet with mobile phone

To Report Abuse of the Library

We greatly appreciate your noticing occasions where users have not conformed to the Community Rules or are otherwise hampering others from effectively using the Library.

To report abuse, please complete the appropriate form in the section “Contact Us” referenced from the sidebar.

Thank you!

To Provide Feedback About the Library

Feedback written in a chalk blackboard

To Provide Feedback About the Library

We are very interested in your experiences from using the Library!

Please provide us any suggestions, compliments, complaints, etc., that you believe might help to improve the Library.

You can provide your information privately to the Library administrators by using the appropriate form in the section “Contact Us” referenced from the sidebar.

To Get Help Using the Library

Person Holding Smartphone While Sitting

To Get Help Using the Library

This section is about requests for help specifically in regard to using the Library system.
We are not staffed to provide consultation regarding the content of various articles and about issues and goals in your organization.

The Library is managed by a group of part-time volunteer administrators. Thus, response time to your requests for help might take up to a few days.

Therefore, if you need help in making the most of your use of the Library, we suggest the following, depending on the nature of your need:

  1. If your question is about using the Library, read How to Use It.
  2. If your question is about finding a certain topic in the Library, use the Diagnostics and “Search” in the sidebar. Also, scan the Broad Categories or the Specific Topics.
  3. If your question is about finding additional information about a certain topic, review the “Related Library Topics” and “Related Books” referenced on that topic’s page.
  4. If your question is about adding information to the Library, read Community Rules and How to Add to the Library.
  5. If your question is about using materials from the Library, read Copyright, Reprint.
  6. If your question is about how to apply certain topics in your life and work, consider the many sources of assistance in section “General Info” referenced from the sidebar.

For any other questions, send email directly to Library administrators by using the appropriate form in the section “Contact Us” referenced from the sidebar. Thank you!

To Be Regularly Notified of Additions to the Library

Notification bell on purple background

To Be Regularly Notified of Additions to the Library

New links to free resources about management are added regularly to the Library. Rather than your having to frequently go to the Library and search for any additions, you can conveniently be notified of additions of free resources by receiving email notifications of these additions.

You can subscribe to regular updates (at least once a month) by sending a blank email to


We will not share your email address with anyone else. See our Privacy Policy.

Get Updates About The Library and Its Blogs

Update Lettering Text on Black Background

To Get Updates About Library and Its Blogs

Follow Us on Twitter

You need your own Twitter account (it takes about 3 minutes to create an account at http://www.twitter.com.
You’ll end up on your own Twitter account page. Then go to the Library’s Twitter account and click on “Follow”.

Each new Library update will result in a message on your Twitter page. The message will have the name of the update, as well as its web address.

Join the Library’s Fan Page

Just go to the Library’s Fan Page. Click on the “Wall” tab. Read the announcements on that Wall page.

Sign Up for Library’s Newsletter

Just click on this logo.

Sign up for our newsletter

Subscribe to a Library Blog

Go to the home page of the blogs and notice the list of blogs to the right. Visit which blogs interest you. (Some of them are quite active and others are quite quiet.) To subscribe, notice the link to subscribe in each of the blogs.

Privacy Policy

Typewriter with privacy policy typed on paper

Free Management Library Data Privacy Policy


This policy covers the website “Free Management Library” at https://staging.management.org and associated services (collectively the “Services”) that may be made available through use of the Website. The Website and the Services are owned and operated by Paradise Media, LLC (“Paradise Media”). After reading this policy, should you have privacy questions or concerns, send an email to contact@paradisemedia.com.

This policy explains how we (as Paradise Media) collect, protect and use information about visitors and users of our Website, including 1) non-personally identifiable information and also 2) personally identifiable information if visitors and users choose to provide it. It also explains how they can have that personal information changed or deleted if they desire. We collect and manage all of this information to make the Website and associated Services work better for our visitors and users.

Your Implicit Agreement to This Policy

By visiting the Website or using the Services, you agree to the collection and use of information in the manner described in this policy. Paradise Media shall have right at any time and without prior notice, at its sole discretion, to revise this policy. If we makes material changes to this policy, we will notify you by email, by means of a notice the next time you log in to the Website, or when you next utilize the associated Services. Such revisions and additions shall be effective immediately upon notice. You are responsible for reviewing the Website’s Data Privacy Policy periodically for any modification. Any access or use of the Website or Services by you after notice of modifications to this Policy shall constitute and be deemed to be your agreement to such modifications.

Types of Information That We Collect

Personally Identifiable Information You Choose to Provide

We get this type of information only if you choose to provide it. You can also opt out from, change or delete the information at any time. For example, you might provide your name and email address when you subscribe to a newsletter, share feedback to us or subscribe to a blog. You might also provide your postal address, phone number and credit/debit card numbers if you purchase a publication from us. You are responsible for the accuracy of the personal information, including updates or additions.

Automatically Collected Non-Personally Identifiable Technical Information

Use of Cookies

In addition to the personal information you supply, we may automatically collect certain non-personally identifiable technical information. The technologies we may use to gather this information may include use of “cookies”.

Cookies are very small pieces of information a user’s browser stores on the user’s computer. We collect this information to (1) evaluate how visitors, guests, and customers use the Website and/or the Services; (2) evaluate the performance of our Website and Services, and (3) also provide you with personalized information if you opt in for that kind of information. You may modify your browser preferences to accept all cookies, be notified when a cookie is set, or reject all cookies. Please consult your browser instructions for information on how to modify your choices about cookies. If you modify your browser preferences, certain features of the Website may not be available to you.

Google Analytics Use of Cookies

The Website uses a tool called “Google Analytics” to improve the use of the Website. Google Analytics does not collect users’ names or personally identifiable information (information that could be used to personally identify or contact you); it collects only the IP address from which the user accessed the Website. Google analyzes the activity from that address to record the user’s time of the visit to the Website, time spent on its pages, the website where the user was referred from, and the user’s type of browser and operating system. To collect that information, Google places a cookie on the user’s computer. The cookies cannot be used by any organization other than Google. Description of how Google Analytics collects and processes this information is described at How Google uses data when you use our partner’s sites or apps. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this Website is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Information

For Improving Our Website and Services

IP addresses define the Internet location of computers and help us better understand the geographic distribution of our visitors and customers and manage the performance of the Website. Cookies are placed onto the hard drive of your computer when you visit the Website, so we can immediately recognize you when you return to the Website and deliver content specific to your interests.

We may detect the type of web browser you are using to optimize the performance of the Website and to understand the mix of browsers used by our visitors, guests, and customers. To learn about how people use our site, we examine various logs of IP usage information, which show the paths people take through the Website and how long they spend in certain areas.

When you use the Services, the Services may collect, in very general terms, your current physical location, your mobile device model number, your mobile device operating system version, and the time when you observed the images or other information provided by the Application. We use that information to ensure the Website and Services conform to the most commonly used devices and operating systems and the timing of their uses.

For Marketing Purposes Only if You Opt-In

You can register (opt-in) on the Website or when using the Services to receive promotions and updates, or to be contacted for market research purposes. You can control your privacy preferences regarding such marketing communications (see the section below entitled “Your Privacy Preferences”).

From time to time, you may be invited to participate in optional customer surveys or promotions, and Paradise Media may request that you provide some or all of the above listed personal information in those surveys or promotions. We use information collected from surveys and promotions to learn about our customers in order to improve our services and develop new products and services of interest to our customers.

Potential Provision to Third-Parties Only If Not Personal Marketing to You

You agree that we are authorized to use, reproduce and generally make such information available to third parties in the aggregate, provided that your information shall not include personally identifiable information about you or be attributable to you.

Paradise Media may contract with unaffiliated third parties (e.g. Google) to provide services such as data hosting, advertising, analytics and other services. When we do this, we may provide your personally identifiable information to third parties only to provide those services, and they are explicitly not  authorized to use your personally identifiable information for any other purpose.

You agree that we are authorized to use, reproduce and generally make such information available to third parties in the aggregate, provided that your information shall not include personally identifiable information about you or be attributable to you.

Use of the Website and Services by Children


California Privacy Notice

We do not share personal information with third parties for their own direct marketing purposes without your consent. California residents under 18 years old may request and obtain removal of personal information or content about you and posted on our site. Please be mindful that this would not ensure complete removal of the content posted on our site by you. To make any request pursuant to California privacy law, please contact us.

How to Access, Correct or Delete Your Information

Send Paradise Media an email at contact@paradisemedia.com if you want to access, review, correct or delete your personally identifiable information collected by Paradise Media. To protect your privacy and security, Paradise Media will request certain personally identifiable information to verify your identity before granting you the right to access, review, make corrections or deletions to your personally identifiable information.

Disclosure of Information

We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process.

It is also possible that Paradise Media may sell one or more of its businesses. If so, then customer information, including your information, may be among the assets that are transferred. If we decide to so transfer your personal information, then you will be notified by an email sent to the last known email address in our files.

Privacy of Other Websites and Services

The Website and/or the Services may contain links to other websites or other services Paradise Media is not responsible for the privacy practices of those other sites or services. This policy only applies to information directly collected by Paradise Media.


Paradise Media reserves the right to make amendments to the above information at any time, and such amendments will be in effect immediately.

Last Updated: October 1, 2021

European Union (“EU”) Users

If you are located in an EU country or jurisdiction, you might have additional rights as specified in the EU
General Data Protection Regulations

Legal Address

Paradise Media, LLC
954 Ave Ponce de Leon
San Juan, PR 00907 USA

News About the Library

News in keyboard buttons

News About the Library

This space is used to relate news about the Library, for example, about announcements of recent enhancements and modifications to the Library, etc.

Information in this space is inserted by the Library administrators.

You might stay current about this information by subscribing to “Email Subscription” referenced from the sidebar.

Many New Features in Fall 2006

The Library added numerous new services for our users, including the ability for them to:

  1. Quickly search the contents of the Library.
  2. Promptly add their own content.
  3. Subscribe to be notified via email of changes to any topic.
  4. “Diagnose” their organizations and themselves in order to identify what might be the most useful topics to use in the Library and in which order.
  5. Conveniently reference a wide variety of general resources, including
    – organizations that assist businesses (for-profit and nonprofit)
    – peer groups to form/join
    – online discussion groups
    – free training programs
    – free periodicals
    – indices (organizations that maintain lists) of blogs
    – job banks
    – supersites (websites with vast free resources)
    – reference materials (dictionaries, encyclopedias, business glossaries, etc.) and
    – books about specific topics
  6. Conveniently report broken links and ask for help in using the Library.
  7. Track your path through the Library by using the “breadcrumbs” feature, which lists the Library pages you have visited in your current session. Find the “breadcrumbs” just under the header image.

We hope that you enjoy and benefit from the many new features. We would appreciate your feedback. Use this form.
Thank you!

List of Recommended Books

Hand pointing to a phone screen

List of Recommended Books

We have reviewed the following books to ensure their relevance and practicality in each of their major categories.