Marketing Committees and Public Relations Committees

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    Marketing Committees

    © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

    Vast majority of content in this topic applies to for-profits and nonprofits. This book also covers this topic.

    Developing, Operating and Restoring Your Nonprofit Board - Book Cover

    Marketing Committees Committees

    The purpose of the Board Marketing Committee is to ensure ongoing, high-quality marketing. “Marketing” is the set of activities to cultivate useful relationships among key groups of stakeholders, including to provide sufficient value to – and get sufficient value from – each group. That requires getting information in from those stakeholders (doing inbound marketing) and providing information out (doing outbound marketing) to those stakeholders. Inbound marketing is often done in the form of market research. Typical annual recurring goals of this Committee would be to ensure:

    1. The most suitable and descriptive overall public brand desired by the organization. (This might be done by a Public Relations Committee that is focused on marketing, not a particular product or service, but the entire organization.)
    2. Development and implementation of a Communications Plan regarding all relevant groups of
      stakeholders. For each group, the Plan would specify activities, such as:

      • The desired image and/or influence that the organization wants to have with that group.
      • How that result will be accomplished with that group.
      • Who will work to accomplish it, how and by when.
    3. Development and implementation of a Promotions Plan for each product or service, with activities similar to the above three.
    4. All relevant forms of social media are used to full advantage in public relations and promotions. Progressive Committees are developing and implementing Social Media Plans.

    The Committee should have a work plan that itemizes these, or very similar, annual goals and also associated objectives with each goal such that when the objectives are achieved in total, they also will have achieved its respective goal. When committees do not have work plans, they often flounder in finding valuable and focused means to provide value to the Board. Unfortunately, in these situations, many Board mistakenly conclude that “committees do not work”, or they reduce the number of committees, thinking that inactive committees were because there were too many — rather than realizing that committees can be extremely useful when focused on the most important annual recurring goals.

    Additional Perspectives on Marketing Committees

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