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Performance Management

Performance Measurement for any Application: Overview of Key Terms (generic to performance management)

Performance Management for any Application: Overview of Key Terms © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Adapted from Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development Suggested Pre-Reading Overview of Performance Management Process for any Application Key terms include Domain Results measures indicators organizational goals organizational preferred results aligning results weighting results standards performance …
According to a recent survey conducted by Kelton Research, The Cornerstone OnDemand “Employee Attitude Survey”, you may not be alone. The survey reveals a look at the perceptions employees currently have about their workplace. If we were to use the survey as a scorecard, then we would see that many organizations are failing in some very critical retention areas. Using the familiar grading scale of where a 70% get you a C, let’s take a look at the areas with a failing grade.
An article in The Wall Street Journal* suggested that while team building exercises may be fun (for some people), they really don’t do much to solve workplace issues. For example, sales executive Paul Garvey claimed that the most insightful team-building exercise he ever participated in involved paintball, which in no way helped to resolve the …
Most employees in companies today are all too familiar with the concept of the performance review. Just the mention of this often dreaded occurrence of discussion with one's supervisor where they get to critique every move you've made during the year while you sit ideally by is sure to send negative feelings throughout the mind's of employees everywhere. The performance review generally has a similar effect on managers and supervisors as well. So why is this performance review so dreaded and loathed by many?
When I went back to college to get my BS and MS degrees, I was looking for something I would fit into. I choose psychology with a concentration on behavioral analysis. Then I was looking into MS programs, and social work seemed to be calling my name then I remembered a course in I/O Psych …
In a recent article posted on the blog, author Tim Sackett discusses the workforce readiness of college grads (or should I say the lack of). He further provides insight on how the parenting of these graduates fails to prepare them for the skills needed to be successful in the workplace. His list is right on the mark and I encourage you to review it here
Take a peek around your office, who’s got bags under their eyes? A recent poll revealed that lack of sleep is the biggest health concern for 42% of the population, with another 34% experiencing low-level general fatigue. Our relationship to tiredness is paradoxical, a source of shame, indicating our inability to cope; but also a …
A recent survey, Mercer’s 2010 Attraction and Retention Survey (as cited on indicates that 27% of companies are planning to expand their workforce, which is up from 12% in 2009. As more and more companies begin hiring in higher numbers, the fear of losing high performing talent increases for many. If you have that fear, please see the below list of things that will drive your high performing employees to seek other opportunities.