Human Resources/

Training & Development

Many Types of Learning

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Sections of This Topic Include General Information Accelerated Learning Adaptive Learning Blended Learning Inquiry and Reflection Loops of Learning Social Learning and Networked Learning Virtual Learning (Distance Learning) (Online Learning) Organizational and Group Learning Also consider Related Library Topics Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related …
We talk about being the fly on the wall or the mouse in the wall that can hear every thing going on everywhere. This is more than water cooler buzz. Employees want to know what their bosses really think of them and bosses want to know what employees think about them, about the company, etc. …
I saw an interesting article, the Best Kept Secrets of Successful Business People, but found many of its ideas fit anyone who seeks training success. And there is a purely selfish reason they are kept secret. However, the question for trainers is: Can you train someone to be successful? I have to answer: Not really. …
Jackie Apodaca, an assistant professor at Southern Oregon University, writes in BACKSTAGE, “The Role of the Actor in Society Should Not Be Underestimated.” Theatre is a fine art and that is how she talks about it. I want to show how theatre (acting in particular) embodies some similar characteristics and applies as a practical art–and …
I never thought I’d admit to this, but I have discovered this, believe it or not, in the college English writing class that I teach. It is almost as if the students don’t have a real sense of the past. They cling to the here and now that technology is what makes life civilized and …
4 Essential Traits to Train Internally as a Best Practice The “four traits” are quite simple and probably unbelievable, but please hear me out. Here’s the rundown: Train your people to be kind. Train your people to be honorable. Train your people to be fair. Train your people to be honest and trustworthy.   These …
A while ago I wrote an article about “reading minds” for this blog site. Now, of course, you and I know, we can’t really read minds, but we can be observant and notice when someone needs assistance–that would especially be true of the hospitality or travel vacation businesses where customer service most definitely is its …
As a blogger, I get ideas for my blogs from pretty much anywhere. Even as a university professor, I am sometimes piqued by something said or a student assignment. In this case, it is a very basic assignment to get my English students to think about the question: Can computers grade essays? Why is this …