Smart Money Training

Smart training solutions - inexpensive and home grown.

Whenever there is talk about the lack of funding for training, there is talk of trimming the program or buying off-the shelf products. There are some smart solutions.

Michelle G. Rosenbloom, a colleague of mine on GovLoop and past guest writer, believes she has one or two smart money training solutions. Let’s see.

She presented her case on my training and development group page on GovLoop:

Ms. Rosenbloom generated some discussion about offering varying modalities/channels within the training world. The purpose being, to satisfy a multi-generational workforce. In order to effectively train employees, we need to offer the training session in a language they can understand. For some, that means hard copies and face to face training. For others, that means downloadable training modules on tablets, MP3 players, or computers.”

Here, she and I are on the same page to some extent.

Congratulations, you’re a multi-generational — multi-modality training machine. You’re willing to offer your employees a training solution that works for THEM.”

It is expensive to order from multiple vendors, but cheaper to do one-stop shopping.

But then she asks about money and asks if a company can invest in a “multi-platform training program.” I think she is implying: It is expensive to order from multiple vendors, but cheaper to do one-stop shopping. Most likely she is correct, but I don’t have any statistics either way. I think it depends on the company.

Believe it or not, I also agree there is a time and place for module training on issues that don’t change and on which you can monitor your employees actually using it, like government regulations or mandatory yearly training. Which reminds me I still have to take my yearly ethics training.

Do I need it? No, but every employee is every employee. No exceptions. I can have a CD for that or a website, which I do, and the program on the website reports back to management when I have completed and answered every answer completely. This one of those “multi-platform training programs” — except since my company is technologically-based for most of its training, although I’m not a hundred percent for technology either.

The big sell for Ms. Rosenbloom has to do with the multi-generational workforce and offering “varying modalities/channels.” I still think there are other ways, often in house, to reach that multi-generational workforce without breaking the bank.

Ms. Rosenbloom has her view:

Now let’s talk about the money: Is this even possible from a financial standpoint? Can a company invest in a multi-platform training solution; one that ranges from hard copies and CDs to downloadable materials and E-learning modules?”

CDs are good for one time.

Her answer, of course, is “ABSOLUTLEY.” What she means is, if there is a way, her company will find it through “pay-per use” and “enterprise pricing options.” Sounds kind of sound like a sales pitch. I could use some examples. I’m sure it works for the right companies that don’t have time to seek out the cheaper in-house communication they can develop more cheaply themselves.

Carol Davison, also a GovLoop colleague, said she agrees with Ms. Rosenbloom “to some extent.” She says.

For example, although I might have on-line training I can’t imagine why I would DEVELOP CDs for training. It seems that as soon as the training is altered, or after its first iteration, the CD would be obsolete. One organization I know did exactly that and had to re-contact everyone to whom they sent a CD to ensure they were discarded.”

In-house blogs that cover a variety of subjects to employees. One, they learn peripherally what others are doing in the company. Two, training updates can be included with contacts for more information or individual training.

In short, Ms. Rosenbloom is marketing. By all means, check out what she is doing; she may have something there. We all do it if we want to make a living selling training products and services, and we are not company trainers. Myself included.

My idea of selling my product is to demonstrate that I am a knowledgeable person through writing or speaking on a variety of training ideas, which is what Ms. Rosenbloom is doing. The key difference is that I don’t have off-shelf products to sell, and I don’t agree her method is smart money training without seeing the stats or other evidence. She is talking about leasing a system of training you pick out for a specific amount of time thereby you aren’t buying the modules but the company takes care of that for you. Sometimes companies do that to afford fancy copy machines.

I pride myself on customizing my training solutions. But then I’m low upkeep. My overhead is slight in comparison; there is just me. I only have me to sell. What I think based on my unique experience, none of which includes sales. And I can help in the simple idea compartment and train in-house trainers to give dynamic presentations. However, customizing as I do takes time–too much time for companies in a hurry. I’ve missed many a lucrative offer because I couldn’t prepare two days worth of training in a few hours.

Training involves people’s moods, attitudes and desires. Given a CD, for example a portable source of training, is easily lost or forgotten “accidentally on purpose.”

Employees want to interact with the trainer.

Interactive media like tablets or pads get more attention, and can be specialized to receive training updates. I developed what I called a “donut hole” video magazine for training that had built in places that could easily be replaced with newer updated information. Something like that could also work with a pad or tablet or computer program that provided just the updates, which I think people are more likely to put themselves through. Just a reminder. Employees are more attracted to a dynamic speaker or actors demonstrating a scenario than words on the computer.

This may be a more expensive way to go for some, but for others the portable mediums don’t work, depending on the workforce. Managers hate training as much as anyone.

Blogging and short videos are making a big splash now and are easy to produce. Applications for just about anything are available at a very reasonable price. Even having someone develop a specialized app for you may not be that expensive. If you check it (without your training manager) out make sure experience trainers are helping with your decisions.

Even self-published e-books can be published in house for free with technology available for free on the Internet. People who want to be successful, at the top of their game, are constantly searching for these sources. Having someone do that for the company and recommend links, etc. would point out the top performers and those who didn’t care. Not a bad thing to know.

Not quite the same as a company blog. Trolling for information in short bits (a blog) is a current business trend that employees are getting more used to every day. My blogs on training and development generally averages #2 on Google’s most viewed sites in the area of training, next to ASTD. I’ve had days when I have surpassed that so I know people want the advice, the how-tos, and commentary (I tend to write more commentary) on what is out there. How-tos are necessary, too, for new companies.

In fact, I wouldn’t mind a guest writer to talk about the basics (check the categories). I am fortunate to have had several international inquiries as well as national looking for how-tos, and some universities using my articles and guest writers’ articles for discussion points in their graduate classes.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

By the way, I started the Training and Development group on GovLoop, which has some 60,000 members. This Free Management Library’s training and development blog also feeds to it directly.

But let’s not forget the Free Management Library, in general, which I’m sure gets many more hits than GovLoop and reaches more people in a variety of businesses, many not affiliated or associated with the government. As always, you can guest write on this site. We feature all views as long as they aren’t promoting one products. Writers and their companies are given full credit via links. We only ask that you link back.

This is me marketing.

My best-selling short e-book, Cave Man Guide to Training and Development continues to sell well and I have plans for similar books based on this blog. The link takes you back to the publisher, but you can find on most famous e-book sellers.

Check out Harry’s Reality, an e-novel of the near future.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for my next two e-books on theatre for an out-of-the-box experience. These books are really about creative and critical thinking using the acting, directing and criticism as the vehicle for expression. Harry Bolls for President!

Happy training!

Depends on “Whose Life It Is Anyway” and Trainers Can Help


“Whose Life Is It Anyway,” is the title of a play by Brian Clark along with more information from good old Wikipedia, complete with links to other respective sites. Wikipedia is a good place to start anyway.

I remember the movie made from the play most with Richard Dreyfuss, who plays an artist who lost the use of his body from the neck down and the debate about life begins from two very different perspectives.

Whose Life Is It Anyway may refer to:

I could have titled this Seven Ways For Cancer Patients to Cope, but the one at the top seems more fitting and there has to be more than seven. That’s all I could think of for the moment. For some patients, hearing they have cancer is Hell and they’d rather be dead, and I was one of them. Things change and I think training in an odd way can help everyone involved.

A funny thing happened to me after I was diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer. It was the timing that was funny.

Because of my reputation as a trainer and my emphasis on communication, I was called by a large Chicago hospital or its training representative and asked if I would be interested in training doctors and other medical staff on how to give patients bad news; the caller didn’t know my situation; he had seen my website.

Presumably, the caller assumed it would be some kind of acting training that I would perform. That is absolutely not the case, but it started me thinking that I would be a good candidate to train others how to deal with cancer patients–not only the doctors and medical staff, but patients and families, too. The downside is being too close to the subject, but that’s another article.

“We can cure it,” they say. But they mean delay the end. You will be cured for the moment and wait five years to see if it sticks–all the while coming back for test and re-test. It’s never out of your mind.

This article is about what is right and what is wrong about this health system, and we trainers can help everyone involved–not just the heroes who save lives, who definitely need more information–but also the patients. More than likely, it will be a long article–so probably two parts. Stay tuned.

Ironically, I had been diagnosed with a cancer usually attributed to smokers and drinkers and I am neither. And I had begun radiation and chemo treatment when I received the call.

By the way, I customize all my training to suit the organization. Nothing off the shelf unless it’s asked for. So, I’d be digging personally deep. I had another offer overseas to do two days of training for a fantastic sum of money, but I was afraid my energy-level could not maintain two days of training and, since I customize I would have been working from scratch. Big disappointment.

We reinvent ourselves and find another passion just to live to fight.

“We can cure it,” they say. But they mean delay the end. You will be cured for the moment and wait five years to see if it sticks–all the while coming back for test and re-test. Every little change in your body becomes reason for serious concern when it could be nothing. It’s never out of your mind.

Surgery for me would come later. Don’t worry, the cancer is gone for now, but I have five years to be checked out by doctors and machinery constantly before given an all clear or have it come back. I get to worry until November (almost a year) if I will continue to have no taste buds or be able to generate saliva. Eating anything solid tastes like rubber (if you can eat at all) and the healthy high-caloric shakes get old pretty quick. That’s enough about me personally.

I have been debating writing this article for eight months at least. As I tell my university students not to speak on something painfully personal, I am going to break my own rule. That’s the part about being too close to your subject.

I am like the athlete who breaks the bone critical to his success in the field and will never play again or the artist who goes blind. Believe it or not that’s the easy part.

We reinvent ourselves and find another passion.

For me it was hard. I was a tough guy who practically brought himself up and overcame many obstacles thrown at him–except this one. Left home at 15 and still graduated and earned three graduate degrees.

Remember, I am a professional speaker, actor, speaker and actor coach and wanted to do voice-overs, audio books, etc. Acting may not be much of an option: my voice volume has diminished as well as the quality of its sound. I don’t know if I can do a variety of characters or even have the strength to maintain a character on stage. Forget television or film. I have a slight scar on my neck (Physical therapy to deal with the swelling), but fortunately it’s hardly noticeable. Loss of beard is another matter.

I happen to live in a part of the country where we have an excellent cancer program and wonderful doctors and staff. (In fact, it was quite different when I had to go to the hospital for something not-related but treated not as a patient with cancer.) I was referred to several doctors, had several biopsies, and was given initial advice and information on how to cope generally, but, of course, everyone is different.

But coping can be Hell too, when your life has been so rudely interrupted and your dreams destroyed. Not the doctors or technicians part; the treatment was kind and caring.

Unfortunately when that is done, it seems you are on your own. It is not uncommon for clinical depression to set it; I was surprised there were few referrals or anyone you could just talk to. The staff give you a lot of paper about coping with the common after effects, but since you don’t know what will be specific to you, all of it is set aside until you do know. In truth, it is often forgotten. It seemed when I wasn’t on a cancer ward being radiated or chemo-ed, people were free with sympathy and tell you about a relative of theirs that died. That helped remind you of a non-future.

That is the beginning of the struggle, the blues, depression, lack of energy, lack of moving forward. But at least I was alive. That was questionable to me. Reading and television did nothing but depress me more.

They said, “It’s better than the alternative.” I wasn’t so sure.

Because patients often don’t want to eat tasteless food, feeding tubes are used for months to make sure you get the right nourishment. I used it most often two or three times a day when I got tired of the shakes. Later you can eat and make your own, but most of the ones you can taste at all are the same ones they put in your stomach in three flavors: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.

I trained myself to appreciate textures by adding egg (for froth), fruit and weight gainer to the shakes. Later, I added sodas to give the shake a float-like texture. But the changes keep coming as the radiation and chemo continue to work on good cells because they can’t tell the difference between the cancer and good cells. So, it is up to you to sleep, exercise slightly, rest again and find ways to give yourself the impetus to keep going.

Regular training might keep the patient from thinking it just isn’t worth it? I’ll be at this a year before I will feel relatively normal–minus who I was before.

Research the success stories. Some patients just can’t deal with the regimen that follows treatment. The depression for this “bad news” is the same Post Traumatic Syndrome or Stress disorder usually associated with veterans these days. Perhaps, the depression…which impacts not only the patient needs to be researched and trained. Not everyone should need a psyche eval. The cost. The reactions of other people. They look at you like you’ve already died.

Those that can find a reason to live. Survive. Somehow we trained ourselves and others–not that the doctors and med techs do their part to give us information in the beginning. I had to ask a lot of questions. Focus groups met every three months and were impossible to do; I found days I just needed someone to talk to, or a pillow to cry into.

So, here’s where the training comes in:

  • Find what’s out there already and make sure you synthesize. One diagnosis or treatment or result does not fit all.
  • See if there ways to bring patients together with doctors to talk about things that doctors may not be thinking about; living is important, but what are the better answers to questions the patients have?
  • Keep training fees low. You can compensate with large groups–and they will come. One cancer treatment equals roughly $200,000 out of pocket. Be flexible and be ready for people who are emotional distressed and depressed.
  • Know your solutions when things get out of hand. Have volunteers or speakers, cancer survivors who know.
  • Mostly patients want to know their lives are not over. It’s hard to imagine if they are older. Find alternatives they might take up. remember, too, that entire families are affected in more ways than financially.
  • Be empathetic, not sympathetic. I found people looked at me as if I were dead already. I intend to get through this; that is what everyone should think.
  • Develop materials you can change easily as new ideas are added to coping with cancer treatment or after cancer treatment.
  • Finally, let them know this is a lifetime of changes, that some changes just come with old age, but some changes will be the result of the chemo or radiation or surgery.

Part two is coming and I’ll pull it all together training-wise. This has been a sampling of what trainers can do for patients. What trainers do for the doctors and medical staff comes next.

Keep in mind, the medical staff, especially the doctors see the cancer as biology and chemistry, and may find it hard to explain to a person what to expect. Don’t expect them to understand life is more than living to some people and that who they are defines life. Just being alive is not living for some people. Our job may be to develop ways to talk about different ways to talk to people.

To be totally fair the cancer staff I met were wonderful, but there are always exceptions, and trainers can help next time. Thanks for listening.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

By the way, I’m quite up to speed now so check out my website. I may not be doing audio books, but I’m writing more of them. My novel, Harry’s Reality, is out now as well as The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. My next two short books have to do with the real life application of theatre as an exploration of the human race and its sometimes odd, but understandable, behavior from an unusual perspective.

Tempting Cultural Training–It’s Good For You

An English -teacher-in-foreign-country

Remember seeing those ads while in college, “Teach English in a foreign country?” They sounded so tempting. However, they became less tempting as time went on. But you did notice that it seemed the neat thing to do at the time.

And it was. When you’re 25.

No amount of preparation is going to help unless you are 25 and have no fear of the world.When I was in my mid-thirties (and I consider myself pretty fearless), I was offered a job by a Japanese company that sold Western Culture to the big companies. For the younger employees you might say they taught English, but everyone was learning English in school then. So as a corporate employee went up the ladder so did I, his level of assistance was more appropriate owing to his station in life.What this company was offering was native speakers to help employees smooth out their dealings with native speakers of the same language.

Here was my bright idea. I’d do this for a time–all the while researching via dialogue doing business in Japan. I would write a book, or at least a long article. Instead, I found myself culture shocked and couldn’t wait to get to the comfort of my own culture.

This memory was sparked by seeing a critically acclaimed film, Lost in Translation. Of course the film’s morass was deeper than my own, but when it happens to you, it couldn’t be much worse. I had studied the culture for nine months, and when I got to the airport, I struggled to use the telephone to call my boss.

Think of this every time you have a foreign student or trainee. The older you get, the harder it hits you. Try to incorporate some of their culture if you can do so unobtrusively. Lost in Translation has special meaning to me now. Don’t get so angry at older people who don’t adapt so easily. That could be you some day. I never did write the book, but I did learn something valuable. We are more adventurous when we are young. You can call it reckless, but it’s really a form of courage.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

My book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development, has some interesting ideas you may totally disagree with today but not tomorrow. I’m told it is a different take on the world of training and development. For a piddling investment, you could have a few extra ideas.

My novel, IN MAKR’S SHADOW–another creative side of me speaks–will be available this year. You’ve heard of Steve Martin’s film, “The Man with Two Brains?” I may be the man with two right brains…if you agree with that theory. MAKR is all about what happens when people stop talking to each other and let their devices control what the world becomes based on facts, proven and tested. By the way, the world is doomed. At first a fantasy, then doomed? That’s a “visceral” question if I ever heard one. Better check it out, too, before it is too late.

The Value of How-To Versus Commentary in Training

I believe I tend more toward commentary.

I decided to mull this over this morning. If you’ve been to this site before you can certainly find both. I believe I tend more toward commentary.

“How-to” is easier to come by and you don’t have to really know anything about training just where to find a piece where someone else tells you how they do it. Essentially, we have gone from a testimonial (which may be best practice) and taken the real meaning out of it and made something someone thinks there is an easy way to do a job. This isn’t the proverbial rocket science; nor is it, “anything you can do I can do better.”

I have written articles containing the words “how-to” simply to draw in an audience I would like to change. I see nothing wrong with “how-to”s if they offer a certain amount of latitude, and offer options beyond the words on he page. Sometimes that’s the problem with the blog system: authors anxious to put something out don’t realize the importance.

I see nothing wrong with “how-to”s if they offer a certain amount of latitude, and offer options beyond the words on the page.

Don’t waste our time. I’m not a know-it-all when it comes to training, but I do know training from being in the trenches and being in the management pool. I am also a psychologist and devout people observer.

I never claim to have all the answers but offer considerations–even other ideas I may not agree with at the moment. It is a changing world, a changing workforce.

One thing I have noticed is that the marketplace seems focused on groups rather than the whole. Maybe it is the mark of getting older that I see a lot of pandering and assumptions made to a younger audience with toys and anxious to place the toys instead of trainer. Question is always: does it do the job better because the trainer is now out of the picture. Ouch!

Workers are getting older, those that still have jobs are suspicious by anything brought in by the young that doesn’t seem well thought out. So, how much is just disregarded. Hence: the “how-to,” but it’s start.

Every “how-to” should be balanced with “where do we go from here.” What next? So, mayby that’s the next step, but I have a feeling it’s going to be the gadgets–so much fun and “gee whiz.”

So, here’s my advice and commentary:

  • Use the “how-to” as a starting point, keeping in mind that your company may have distinctions, but think hard before you modify. You could have missed something.
  • Note the source of the “how-to” to give you some idea of credibility.
  • Again, don’t let this be the only the thing you read on the subject. Look at what other companies are doing; the subject matter doesn’t even have to be related to yours to have good ideas you can use, and lastly, while we are on the internet,
  • read the commentary for what it’s worth.
  • Make sure you can tell the difference from grousing and sharing of ideas.

I’m keeping it brief and saying just enough I hope. Commentary versus how-to. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is the way we use the material. Sorry I’ve been away for awhile, and I’m sure you kept busy without me. I still managed to publish my futuristic novel, In Makr’s Shadow, this trip. You can purchase it rather inexpensively on Smashbooks as well as any other major e-book outlet a little later. It’s about a time when we don’t think we are smart enough to keep from destroying our own world, and leave it all up to artificial intelligence. Don’t forget my back-to-the-base, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development. You can find the books in the same place for a pittance. Meanwhile there is my own website to tell you what I do and links to all I write, including dramatic criticism.

Happy training.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

How to Design Action Learning to Enrich “One-Shot” Training

How to Design Action Learning to Enrich “One-Shot” Training

An article by guest blogger, Carter McNamara:

About Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD ~

Carter, of Authenticity Consulting, LLC, has helped organizations across the nation to design Action Learning programs.

Typically Mentioned Outcomes from Action Learning

The peer-based Action Learning process is known worldwide as a straightforward, yet powerful approach to personal, professional and organization development. Standard outcomes frequently mentioned from the process include skills in listening, consulting, facilitation, reflection, inquiry, problem solving and organization development. Particular outcomes from the process depend on the design of the Action Learning program and members’ selection of projects to work on in their sets.

I have learned over the years that trainers and employers also highly value Action Learning to enhance “one-shot” training sessions. Few other development are as effective in forming local learning communities to deepen and enrich training from these “one-shot” sessions. This article provides guidelines to design and facilitate these local learning communities to complement courses, workshops and seminars.

Increasing Use of Training and Development

Organizations invest in training like never before. There are numerous reasons for this increased priority on training. Recent advances in telecommunications have opened markets for businesses across the world. Key to success is effective recruiting and training of workers, particularly in the areas of marketing, sales and service. Technologies have become more important, yet more complex to understand and operate. One can hardly imagine a role in an organization where employees do not need to understand how to use a computer or have strong skills in customer service. Increased diversity and public consciousness have combined to cause an explosion of rules and regulations under which businesses must operate. Businesses must ensure that employees understand and work according to these rules and regulations.

Market research indicates that today’s adults strongly prefer lifelong learning in the form of workshops and seminars. There is an explosion of training centers geared to provide courses, seminars and workshops on topics ranging from basket-weaving to chaos theory.

Training Conducted as Ineffective “One-Shot” Sessions

Too often, employers, trainers and learners resort to “one-shot”, quick-fix training sessions. These are usually half- or full-day sessions in which an expert conveys information and materials needed to develop certain skills. While these sessions can be effective in conveying “programmed” information, they are not likely to actually develop skills in learners. Development of skills requires ongoing effective application of new information. One-shot training sessions hardly afford the time and ongoing guidance for effective skill development.

One-shot training sessions are difficult to evaluate as well. Trainers are constrained to hand out “reactionnaires” at the end of sessions. While this form of evaluation may be useful to gather learners’ reactions to the sessions, they are invalid means to assess and judge how well learners have mastered application of materials from the sessions.

Breakthroughs in Training Formats Are Slow to Come

Despite these problems with one-shot trainings, they remain the hallmark of development. Businesses leaders often prefer quick-fix workshops and seminars for busy employees. One-shot training sessions are far easier for trainers to schedule and carry out.

Businesses and trainers look in the wrong places to fix the problem with one-shot training sessions. They fine tune design of training materials. They provide more books and binders. They exhort learners to apply training materials after the sessions are over. They remind learners that there is no knowledge without practice. Still, learners books and binders collect dust on their shelves.

Breakthroughs are slow to come also because, too often, we assume developments are powerful only if they seem complex, novel or out of the mouths of our latest gurus. We believe the more expensive the model or training program, the more powerful it must be (this is the fallacy of “executive-level pricing”).

Perhaps the answer to increased effectiveness in training and development is not to be found in producing yet more models or holding more sessions? Perhaps the answer is much closer – and easier to apply – than we think.

Benefits of Action Learning to Enrich Training

There are many benefits to using the Action Learning process to form local learning communities to enrich “one-shot” trainings. For example:

  1. Communities are straightforward to integrate with training sessions and are easy to organize.
  2. In groups, members hold each other accountable to actually apply new materials from training sessions.
  3. Members share learning and other result from the sessions.
  4. Members support each other to take risks and learn.
  5. Communities are inexpensive to implement. Trainers can charge a nominal fee to members to recover costs of time and materials, or members can facilitate their own groups.
  6. Learners develop a network of peers who they can call for support and feedback.

Guidelines to Design Action Learning to Enrich “One-Shot” Trainings

Over the years, I’ve learned the following guidelines to optimize the Action Learning process in order to deepen and enrich learning from one-shot training sessions.

  1. All set members should be interested in learning the same topic or skill.
  2. Learners should value — or soon learn to value – self-directed learning and skills in reflection and inquiry. (I have my learners read the materials at )
  3. Consider providing the sets on a voluntary basis, that is, learners can join the sets if they choose. Obviously, this arrangement cannot be provided if membership is required to earn a course grade or other form of verification of learning. If the sets are not voluntary, be clear that they are mandatory.
  4. The number of meetings and location of meetings might be determined by the trainer. However, the sets should meet at least six times.
  5. Avoid having the sets scheduled at the end of a long day of lecturing, if possible. Consider starting the day with a short lecture, then a set meeting, then a lunch break, then a short lecture and then a set session.
  6. As means of verification of learning from the set (e.g., for grading purposes), consider naturalistic and unfolding means of verification, for example, learning journals, reflective essays and portfolios.
  7. I stay away from learning contracts. It’s not unusual to find that learners can gain a great deal from a set without ever having achieved the outcomes they promised in their contracts. Instead, I use Letters of Participation. These follow my belief that if members participate wholeheartedly in their set, then their necessary outcomes will follow.
  8. I have rarely found it worth the while to assess each learner’s learning style and design sets accordingly. If each member participates wholeheartedly in their set, they will certainly accomplish at least that 20% of effort that generates 80% of learning for the learner.
  9. Ensure that materials and information from the course, seminar, workshop, etc., are integrated with the set process, for example, have the seminar trainer mention the set and how members might use their time slots relative to the materials and information in the seminar. Ensure that the trainer knows about the sets and their use in the overall training program.
  10. Provide clear guidelines about what learners are to do in their sets as compared to what they are to do in their courses, seminars, workshops, etc. As to what members specifically do in their sets, read the next section.
  11. Conduct the standard opening and check-in for the set meeting. Have each member very briefly describe what they plan to work on in the meeting, how they are feeling today, etc. Then go into each member’s time slot.
    Design the meeting so each member gets at least 15 minutes for their time slot. (Although this time might seem small, learners often report that they learn the most while helping other members and during reflection between meetings.)
  12. During their time slots, each presenter should address the following questions:
    a) What were the top two to four learnings for them from the current training session?
    b) How they will apply this new learning before the next set meeting?
    c) What will that application look like? What would someone else see if they watched the learning applying the new learning?
    d) Do they need any help from fellow set members before the next set meeting, and if so, what kind of help?
  13. At the end of each session, each member:
    a) Verbally rates (out loud) the quality of the meeting from 1-5 with 1 representing a poor meeting,
    b) Explains why they gave the rating that they did, and
    c) What they could have done in the meeting to help the meeting get a higher rating.


I have used Action Learning to enrich one-shot trainings for well over a decade now. This application of Action Learning has fast become one of my major consulting services. I firmly believe that the biggest obstacle to the use of local learning communities around one-shot training is the limited mindset of the trainer. I encourage readers to experiment with their own designs and share their learnings with us, as well.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

The Free Management Library is at on the Web. Carter can be reached at [email protected] and his business is described at on the Web.

Can You Fix My Employees With Training?


“Continual learning is essential for survival in the workplace-instruction in the form of training is not. For workers who are already able to do what is expected of them, but are not performing to expectations, training is not the answer.” Robert F Mager as quoted in the ASTD Handbook for Workplace Learning Professionals p. 173

How often we suppose that the lack of performance is related to training. It is this very assumption that continues to breed frustration in many organizations and certainly fails to result in improved performance despite the fact that is exactly what most parties involved want. Instead what happens looks something like this:

Manager– “My employees just don’t get it. They need to be trained on how to…..”

HR Pro– “I can set up the training, but if manager doesn’t support it back on the job, it will be a waste of time.”

Employee- “Training on this again. Don’t they know I already know this. I could teach this stuff.”

Trainer/Facilitator-“I don’t know why I am up here wasting my time. This people clearly don’t want to be here.”

So how do you prevent this in your organization? According to the quoted author above, a proper analysis is required to ensure the performance intervention will be successful. That is a simple enough step. So where is the breakdown in the above scenario?

Simple, responsibility. Who’s responsibility is it to conduct the analysis? The manager blames the trainer, the trainer blames the trainees and/the manager, HR blames the manager, and the employee blames everyone! Blame gets you in this scenario.

If this is common in your organization, you can change it. Take responsibility to start the analysis and involve the others in the process.

For more resources, See the Human Resources library.

Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit Follow me on twitter @Sherimaz.

First: How to Train People to Communicate Well, Not to Act

The doctors were straightforward and honest to answer fully whatever question I asked.

I was approached recently to train medical staff how to give patients and family members bad news. I asked why this consortium of trainers thought I was a good choice for this. The answer: because I was an actor. I knew how to be someone else. Did I leave my body and my feelings behind? I probably would have accepted the training job under other circumstances, but I was under several doctors’ care for a serious matter myself coincidentally at the same time, and how those doctors related to me mattered.

In these types of cases, it’s not a matter of action or inaction. It’s not a matter of saying the right words, nor is it a matter of say words a certain way–like acting… Uh-oh. When training acting takes the place of empathy and more…saying something important or serious the politically correct way isn’t always best. There are serious times when it is imperative to understand the definition of acting is not pretending, not being someone else. It’s more than that.

Acting is about truth, honor, trust and integrity. What it is not about is “faking it” or “pretending;” that does no one any good. From an actor’s perspective, doing those things rarely end up in acting accolades; those that make acting about reality and true feelings do get the accolades, and they get them for honesty of portrayal.

So what has this to do with “empathy?” Empathy is truth–the way we like to hear it. Hear any bad news lately. I have, and I know some others who have. The doctors were straightforward and honest to answer fully whatever question I asked. But what about those questions, I was afraid to ask? You see I appreciate honesty; it get’s it over, but then I am left with burning questions that I’m afraid to ask, which may do more harm than good, and cause more pain in the long run.

The doctors need to see the questions I’m concerned about but not asking. Don’t worry, it’s not a mind reading trick, but a matter of perspective. Knowing your audience. Reading your audience. Look up from the clipboard. Another thing to learn besides acting.

I’m not sure if what I thought was right for me at the time was the right way to go; these doctors have the experience of other patients who may have wanted the same “truth” I did, but they would have to dig a little to find the alternative that was right for me. It’s not always what I want, nor is it what your patient wants. It’s what they need for treatment to be best affected.

A genuinely concerned and passionate doctor and an trainer to help achieve those aims, it is possible to achieve miracles.

We know treatment depends on mental state and the ability to tell our bodies to help even more. What if we can. A genuinely concerned and passionate doctor and an trainer to help achieve those aims, it is possible to achieve miracles.

But we have to be careful: trainers and clients alike.

Training is all the rage these days as the economy inches forward. I have always been a bit unusual in that I strike from a different place with the Cave Man. In an odd way, he is my muse. Inasmuch as I love theatre for various reasons to numerous to go through now, I still think it is essential in a job that conveys, not only information, but other traits that come from ourselves.

I am the guy who thinks “acting” is one way to help people get through to others, and believe it or not, in a most genuine fashion. There are different ways to teach “acting” and different definitions in the layman world, which I have argued. Also, acting has been, for the first time in its history, a sort of buzz word for helping others say the right things at the right time. Imagine, actors being politically correct.

Out of work actors can teach acting to non-actors. Be careful you don’t just get an actor, but someone who knows about real life and psychology. Perhaps there should be a certificate out there at least. I still think acting can be the trainer’s tool. It has it’s places, but it can’t be just about teaching acting or teaching others to act. Although it can be entertaining.

I say it myself and I mean it that it is a great way to find you. I still believe in know your audience, know your subject and know yourself.

This may be such a good thing if you can envision a bunch of insincere people giving you bad news. Think of the worst situation that may occur and a doctor is able to deliver that information with aplomb; he or she makes you feel good despite the bad. I came upon a class of Teaching Lawyers to Act and decided with the help of a colleague who actually sold the idea to to some lawyers and was able to give themselves help in talking with a jury, delivering depositions, negotiating contracts. Her methods are different than some of mine; I still think as a team we’d be terrific, but we’ve had trouble coordinating schedules, etc.

Helping people communicate better, however we do, is a good thing, and these groups that can do it are helping those who can’t for the most part. Nothing is better than saying the truth and saying it with caring. Actors are generally pretty good at portraying that, and believing it. Of sometimes they put on what is expected of them, but if they are good at their trade they are able to reach the actor within–the one that counts.

Theatre can be about games that loosen up the inner you–finding the client’s real you; however, there are different ways to do that. And that depends on the client and personalities of others involved. When I say, audience comes first, I mean it. The people who come into contact with you, who depend on you, are not there to be sold by you. They want the real you.

My way of working with non-actors is different. I don’t want them to change who they are and pretend to be someone else–even for a minute. I don’t want them to act. I work with them in such a way as the best of who they are to come out. We let them be who they are with honesty thrown in, and it works pretty well. Remember, the true cowboy never takes off his hat. Who really cares if he’s wearing the politically correct business suit if he makes you believe in him, in his company and his mission, which is you.

Along with empathy, let’s consider character, personality and we can help professionals achieve more than they dreamed, saying to a patient or a client, not only what they need to hear, but hear it in a way that sets them on the right track.

Knowing your subject is always best. Don’t try to fake it either, and remember, honesty in checking facts and getting more of the right information goes a long way toward credibility. As for yourself, discover what makes you passionate. You wouldn’t be where you are if you weren’t that person–and if you are, think about another approach. Convey that passion to others and they will see you for what you are: a caring and compassionate individual.

All that reality is there, along with the positive character traits. You will share your reality with them, and by doing so, will be genuine and real, and their personality with come through as well. They will deal with you as a person, and you will appreciate the honesty and care that is given. It still is all about communication done well. Let’s get it done right as well.

A short blog burning inside. I received a phone call that made me think about training doctors to act or training acting to doctors. As always that sets me to writing. Along with empathy, let’s consider character, personality and we can help professionals achieve more than they dreamed, saying to a patient or a client, not only what they need to hear, but hear it in a way that sets them on the right mental track that cures them or helps them accept the news they didn’t want to hear at all.

Well, that’s my post to help put trainers who wish to do this sort of training on the right track or consider again if it isn’t you. It’s too important to screw up. People’s lives may be at stake.

Unusual also for me to write a blog on a Saturday, but I like to catch ’em while their hot on my mind. Just my usual disclaimer that these ideas are my own, seldom half baked but always in need of your comments and additions either on my website or here. The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development is out, and I am planning a couple more in the series. My novel, Harry’s Reality, is out and available wherever digital books are sold and is also available all downloads through Smashwords. It’s about what happens when we stop talking to each other on our own and let the machines tell us who we should talk to and what’s best for us. Not a totally cheery idea, although the novel is full of action and thought-provoking ideas.

One last thought just in case you wondering. I’m still happy to train actors, but I have become fascinated with the fact that others who don’t act need us, too. Happy Training.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

Finding the Way Out of a Coffin That’s Nailed Shut


Tom in The Glass Menagerie wants to know how the magician or anyone can “find a way out of coffin that is nailed shut without removing one nail,” or you could say how to find “a way up the slippery slope.” Work and work relationships can do more harm than good. This is one such tale.

My friend, Phil, is an intelligent, creative and passionate worker as well as an excellent communicator–only problem is: he doesn’t fit his job description. According to his supervisor, he was, to put it kindly, miss-classified when he was with higher headquarters and just doesn’t fit in in the Regional office model.

Some might call it a personality conflict with the boss. Some might say Phil was just incompetent, and did nothing but make everyone else work harder. Either way, no one was happy with the situation, and the system it seemed left everyone paralyzed to do anything about it. Except Phil who was trapped.

Here it is: the story I’ve wanted to tell for a long time. The story of a worker, moved by higher headquarters to a regional office with a different mission, left high and dry after a reorganization with a boss who didn’t think he was qualified. He was a star at headquarters, but the Regional office wanted to show how it was important, too. He went from being a star to being a nobody, a nothing, a loser. Sadly, it wasn’t his fault, but no one will ever claim otherwise.

Unfortunately for Phil, it meant staying on in a position where his talents were unappreciated, professionally ruined and alienated in his own office and the one he left behind in central office. He was completely isolated by those he used to call friends who were not willing to support the once-king creator, now loser. No doubt ego played a huge role, but we don’t even have to go there. The system failed him–plain and simple.

While there may be many options in the system to deal with situations like this, most deal in a negative way for the employee, and work for the supervisor by putting an uncooperative employee “in their place” or making them quit altogether. Safe management, not leadership. The options made for Phil were the ones where he had to initiate and there was, of course, his own admission that he was unable to do the job assigned. Hence, he admits to incompetence when that is not the issue.

There was one attempt intended to make him feel the system was trying to help him, but it left him virtually demoted under the guise of “no way to create a job at the same level,” which he accepted, and with a real loss of self esteem, which left him depressed. With the depression was a trail of times misspent worrying about surviving the job. Lost time and lost opportunities. Fortunately, no loss of life (his own) in these desperate times, although his health was profoundly affected. The body reacts to stress.

There seemed a willingness only to let him fall on his own sword, a willingness to use the system to pressure career decisions he didn’t want to make because he needed the job, an unwillingness to move him to another position, create a position or just change supervisors. Falling on his sword or any of the “forced” decisions on his part would help any supervisor stay unblemished by the association, and the higher-ups not having to make a “leadership” decision that they’d have to live with that involved a breathing human being and not a spread sheet.

There’s always more to it, but I’ll try to stay focused on how to remove oneself from such a position gracefully, and win back in the end the most important loss–self esteem.

What to do? Apply for jobs, but in this economy–not a good option. Many resumes and letters later, Phil begins to wonder if the supervisor who encouraged this move was also not supporting him when the calls for recommendations came in, or if word had already spread among Phil’s professional world he had been black balled–all for the sake of ego.

Sad but true, despite all the conversations that said, “don’t worry about your job, I’ll do all I can,” until such time and every creative decision is derailed because the supervisor wants any efforts made to change the situation made by Phil himself, on behalf of himself. Phil’s reputation prior to the move had been founded on his ability to find creative solutions, but here he was stuck.

Fortunately possibilities for retirement were near–just not a Phil’s timetable. It was still years down the road. He had made the original move for family; his wife had been offered a great job near her not-so-well parents. The commissioner in headquarters, impressed with Phil’s abilities, made the call the Region felt obliged to honor–his request to hire Phil. But commissioners change, and some aren’t always the leaders their predecessors were. Thus, follow-on support was influenced by present conditions…and the viewpoints of others affected–except Phil’s. His story didn’t matter no matter how professional he made it, with no accusations–just a simple request the system couldn’t handle. At some point, one has to think it was the people who didn’t want to be connected to Phil in any way so not doing anything to help ensured their anonymity, although their intervention would have made more sense.

So, Phil stayed, determined to see it through and do whatever he had to do to make it work. He played nice with all his colleagues, maintained everything he did at a professional level, and kept asking how to make things work. The work piled on as the goal it appeared was to never let Phil succeed. He had seen a memo where his supervisor had expressed her doubts that Phil would be able to succeed (in fact she was sure of it) and by not doing so would bring the unit down, the agency down, etc. And, the supervisor was determined not to be wrong in this assessment. It appears the mark of her leadership was always calling it right. It appeared she saw chances and trust laced with risk despite that it would have shown strength of character on her part. The depression and sleeping pills helped Phil gain nominal normalcy of life. At least, he found a way not to obsess about his failure at work, to his family to himself for a time

The way out. Retirement. No burned bridges. Relief. Phil was more busy in retired life, but he smiled everyday. He was not at all proud of his last eight years on the job–a job he once thought important to others, one he once seemed dedicating his life to. It was now the one topic that made him feel dead inside–no feelings whatsoever. No, that was just what he told himself. In reality he even took a few calls and talked with clients about their problems and not his; he listened and gave advice with the caveat he was retired now with no real authority. He couldn’t help himself; he was just that kind of guy.

No time now to be bitter–only time to live and try to do what he loved. It was a little late. Eight years spent with passion would have been better than the stress spent to survive the job. Now that passion was spent writing and doing those things he didn’t have time for. He had incorporated some while still on the job, taking time away from the family, but it save his sanity.

Suddenly, Phil is something of a hit in retirement now being able to say what he thought. His creativity and view of the world are appreciated and even revered by some–something that began as a “mistake” was made whole again. He feels validated for the first time in years. Vindicated, maybe never. However, he blogged and he spoke on things not related to his old job. His view on the world was different, appealing in its difference to an audience who had been there, too. They connected.

And then, it was over. The stress had taken its toll. He died. We all know many people who die six months after retirement. Could this be a reason? A possibility?

There are so many other ways this story could have gone. There were simple solutions that would have left Phil happy or at least relieved–and productive, willing to give back tenfold what took him away from the hellish situation. The moral of the story is to see the tree, not just the forest. The worth of a man is beyond his classification. Instead of looking for weaknesses, look for strengths, train and use those strengths, and the company will gain even more.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

The Cave Man trainer has again tried to put a new face on a training topic. This one, I admit, was a little different. It came from the heart. You can still find more of my writings on my website, and leave comments here or there. You don’t have to agree with me to find favor. I am happy to post opposing views, and even offer guest bloggers a chance to voice their opinion in some detail. Check out my book The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development on sale now with a coupon code to make it irresistible. Thanks for listening.

Happy training.

What Will Training Look Like in 2050?

Person reaching out to robot

Here’s your question–just for the fun of it. What will training be like in the future? Have you thought that far out? What will companies look like that far in the future? We know what they were like in the past. We know who they bankrupt and “ages of misery” they spawned. We know how they affected laws, immigration and the world’s economy. How they left us scratching our heads, desperately seeking solutions. We’ve seen corporations and faceless conglomerates turn Third-World countries into booming economies we fear will rival ours–all for the sake of greed–ours.

Since training isn’t perceived to be very important in big business, let’s think small. Training doesn’t need to be a big cog in wheel of business, economy and society…or does it? What do you think.

We’ve seen what small and big thinkers can think. Stick to the topic. Are any of us thinking that far ahead? What if we don’t? Could what’s wrong with our economy today have anything to do with our lack of foresight or just plain greed? You tell me. Does a company or corporation, or especially the non-profit corporation, or any other organization have a responsibility to society besides making money? I’m sure courses are taught on it every day.

And, don’t get me started on ethical business practices…

Now, I leave it in your hands to think about, comment on, and ask other questions. A good place to start the week, wouldn’t you say?

I look forward to your comments and playing along with you. Who knows? We may just save the world.

This post is different, I admit, but what do you expect from the “Cave Man of Training”–a man who looks to the beginning and the future at the same time. I’m not a mentalist, a futurist, prophet–just a person who cares. I hope my ideas prompt other ideas. I wrote a book about the Cave Man. I wrote it deliberately that way “Cave Man” instead of “caveman” because I’m not just talking about the prehistoric man, but a primitive man, a basic man. A man who thinks about his needs with his brains and his heart. He builds his society based on those needs. Shouldn’t we? Maybe corporations and business shouldn’t be about profit (different prophet) but about the “growth of a nation.” I’ve heard that said once or twice. Have you?

I challenge you to give us your best ideas. I’m no genius. Maybe I’m just an idea man–a creative man. Still, I expect to lose if this were a competition (It’s not), but let’s hear from you and the others who know what it takes to run a company, build a vision, build a workforce capable of building a nation. Let’s not spend our time looking for the easy way. Let’s banter some ideas. Let’s argue and stir some visceral responses, and with that some ideas that have merit for a possibly uncertain future. Let’s change some rules and see if they do it for us.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

My book, The Cave Man Guide to Training and Development, has some interesting ideas you may totally disagree with today but not tomorrow. I’m told it is a different take on the world of training and development. For a piddling investment, you could have a few extra ideas.

My novel, Harry’s Reality–another creative side of me speaks–is available now though Amazon books. You’ve heard of Steve Martin’s film, “The Man with Two Brains?” I may be the man with two right brains…if you agree with that theory. Harry’s Reality is all about what happens when people stop talking to each other and let their devices control what the world becomes based on facts, proven and tested. By the way, the world is doomed. At first a fantasy, then doomed? That’s a “visceral” question if I ever heard one. Better check it out, too, before it is too late.

“Lean, Mean, Learning Machines” – The New Age of Training

a white robot that can be used for training

Michelle Rosenbloom with the 3Leaf Group is a marketing professional. Now, what she is marketing is the Netflix(TM) of training. The wave of the future. She has been involved in creating a “lean, mean, learning machine.” But there is more to it than marketing when it comes to a savvy training professional or manager who can peruse the options and provide them to the right audience. I decided to let Michelle make her case here because this is where we will see a lot of training in the near future. I believe in the strong context between the trainer who knows most about learning and how to apply it and the products that might be sold where the seller has a sells pitch, not necessarily a training pitch. It becomes a matter of price.

Having said that, I have no intention of diminishing what Michelle says in the blog below, but as trainers, it is up to us to be aware of what is out there and the trends; it is also up to managers to make up their minds based on their bottom line. What she says about the multi-generational learners may very well be true. Check out the statistics for yourself.

Multiple Modalities for a Multi-Generational Workforce

by Michelle Rosenbloom

Question: What do current and past generations have in common in the workplace?

Answer: Not a whole lot.

Who makes up today’s multi-generational workforce?

The term “generation gap” seems to be buzzing in the workplace – especially when it comes to technology. If you are struggling to engage, train, or simply manage a cross-generational workforce, you’re not alone. As trainers, we need to hear our audience’s needs and put forth genuine effort to orchestrate training materials that speak to their learning preferences.

Who makes up today’s multi-generational workforce? Let’s take a look:

  • Millenials (Generation Y): Generally refers to individuals born between 1977-1998. This group is relatively new to the workplace, highly technical, and team oriented.
  • Generation X: Generally refers to individuals born between 1965-1976. This group is highly independent, tolerant of technology, and resilient and adaptable to change.
  • Baby Boomers: Generally refers to individuals born between 1946-1964. These individuals are motivated, hardworking, but skeptic of utilizing modern-day technology in the workplace.

How do we meet these generational needs?

On one hand, if it’s technical – it works. At least that’s the case of the Millenials, our current generation of 20-somethings who have substituted oxygen for electronic devices and personal interaction with 4-G internet speed. On the positive side, these young professionals crave engagement. And we all know engaged employees ensure productive outcomes. According to a meta-analysis study conducted by Gallup Management Journal, engaged employees generate 12% higher customer advocacy, 18% higher productivity, and 12% higher profitability. I vote for engaged employees and I’m sure you would as well.

How would you most effectively train this group in an engaging manner? Put them in front of a screen and utilize the most effective mode of training possible for these tech-savvy individuals: E-Learning. Why?Because it speaks to them; it’s engaging; it’s their language. Not to mention the number of benefits E-learning offers a young workforce including real-time collaboration, personalized learning, and around the clock access to training materials.

If you have the time and space, incorporate the training module with a face to face follow up discussion.

Note: This method is not intended as “taking the easy way out.” Just because some employees choose a technical modality for learning, doesn’t mean they are completely off the “communication” hook. If you don’t feel comfortable letting the machine do all the work, supply hard copies of the training materials. If you have the time and space, incorporate the training module with a face to face follow up discussion. At the very least, mandate a real-time collaboration discussion to make sure the session was well received.

….But what about the other half? The 40, 50, 60 year olds who still make up a majority of our country’s workforce? Are they as eager to download a 52 MB training module or video chat with the Director of Training and Development? Most likely not. In fact, according to a 2009 LexisNexis® Technology Gap Survey, a staggering 75% of Baby Boomers believe that Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs, BlackBerries, Palm Treos) mobile phones, and laptops contribute to a decline in proper workplace etiquette. For a generation that values face time (one-on-one interaction, not the Apple feature) and hard-copy materials, traditional training methods are probably most effective.

Invest in a multi-platform training solution.

So, where’s the happy medium? Looking to neutralize a multi-generational war-zone? Here’s your weapon of choice: Offer multiple modalities that cater to your employees’ preferences. Invest in a multi-platform training solution; one that ranges from books and CDs to downloadable materials and E-learning modules. Cover the gamut. Print up hard copies, assign readings, offer audio solutions. OR – join the workforce of 2012 and utilize a robust training database that offers customized downloadable materials that speak to both the trainer and trainee’s needs.

I can already hear the skeptics chirping in my ear….

What’s that?

You’re concerned about the MONEY. You’re thinking, “Congratulations, we’re a multi-generational –multi-modality lean, mean, training machine. We’re willing to offer our employees a training solution that works for THEM. But how much is going to COST ME??”


You can ABSOLUTELY invest in a multi-platform training solution that won’t break your bank. Finding a training system that offers an array of materials is KEY. Order hard copies – order CDs, order access to an online training database — all within one training system. If you are currently using multiple modalities but paying different vendors to do so, you’re not getting the most for your money. You can get a better deal by bulking a multi-media package to include books, CDs, hardcopy materials, AND online training database materials. There are economical solutions in taking this route such as paying-per-use or enterprise pricing options, depending on your company’s size and training requirements.

And by the way, if you’re not using multiple modalities you should be. You’re missing important training opportunities or possibly utilizing obsolete training methods that are not generating effective results. That’s what I call poor ROI (return on investment) if you ask me. If you’re willing to listen to your employees’ training needs and genuinely wish to engage them (which you should be) – using multiple modalities in the only way to do so. Click Here to hear about what others are saying regarding employee engagement, specifically in the E-Learning arena.

Want your employees engaged? Speak to their (technical) needs. That’s one way to make a multi-generational workforce happy – especially when it comes to training.

For more resources about training, see the Training library.

Thanks, Michelle, for offering your point-of-view and providing us information we are not all aware of. This certainly sounds like a great resource. I have a bit of an issue with the word “engage” as you use it here because I think word takes in a more than what a person “prefers” or learns best through a particular modality. Not all find same engagement tool for the same subject, and preferences change so this in my mind would not be universal. Just a thought.

So much for me. This a forum for differences and similarities, a forum to look at the fine points and generalities. I hope we’ve covered useful territory here. Disagree or want to put a whole different slant to things, you can do so here on comments or write to me directly. My website is available for other topics as well including theatre and communication topics. Layers as we say. Guest bloggers are welcome anytime. My new eBook is totally different from the many of the topics we deal with here because I am looking to the past or at least the practical to see where we may go wrong. It’s available from major retail eBook sellers as well as from Smashwords. It’s called The Cave Man Guide To Training and Development for those who wish to re-think a bit of what we do. Topics should be training related, but if you are interested in other business-related topics, check out the link at the top of the page. Happy training.