Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Should I take this job in China? That was a question from a US client. Her concern was not as much about the position as to whether she could fit in and be successful working in the culture. The most successful international businesses are those that take care to fit in well with local customs. …
In my last post, I discussed the positive effects of gratitude. During this time of Thanksgiving, it is easy for us to be thankful for the things in our life that we love and enjoy. However, how often do we show gratitude and give thanks for the things that were difficult for us or for things that were unpleasant? It reminds of the commonly used notion of Feedback as a gift. As much as it is, it can be hard to realize it when the gift you are receiving is negative or unflattering.
Has this happened to you? All along you thought you were doing fine. Then you get hit with this bomb by your boss: “Peter, we need to talk about your team. I’m concerned about” As you listen to the criticism and your adrenaline starts to flow, pause – take a deep breath – and heed …
We give thanks for Mother Earth and Father Sky For the gifts of Nature we can neither earn nor buy; For the grandfather stones, and grandmother moon, the trees, rivers and oceans who grace us with their presence; For the resplendent colors of fall, brilliant colors of spring, blinding white of winter, and cool shades …
This may seem an odd way to use visual aids, but you would be surprised at how effective it can be to brainstorm or even discover new ideas lurking in the audience. I discovered Ignite recently and was so impressed I put it up for my university speech students to see as an unusual way …
Bruce Wilkinson is one of those authors whose work has impacted and influenced me beyond belief. There are three books that I’ll share a big thought (the book’s main premise), an important verse or quote along with how I’ve grown spiritually because of his work. All of these books are international bestsellers. Check out his …
My dissertation was on corporate whistle-blowing. Only a small percent of employees will report wrong-doing above and beyond the normal channels of informing a supervisor. Whistle blowing generally won’t occur if people are uncertain regarding the severity of the wrong-doing, or when people don’t believe that corrective action will be taken. Neither of those conditions …