Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
In today ’s business world many meetings take place virtually using a variety of media, including the Internet, videoconferencing, the telephone, and other technology vehicles that allow participants to be in different geographical areas. Although these virtual media can reduce the cost of meetings, they can also present significant challenges to the facilitator. For despite …
The following post was posted by Carter McNamara in the LinkedIn group, International Coach Federation. There are two responses following Carter’s post. What do you think are the differences between coaching and consulting? — Carter’s Original Post It seems that many coaches distinguish coaching from consulting by asserting that consultants “give advice” to clients and …
“I have over 100 staff nurses and one-third have been here longer than 10 years! This is a stressful environment with long hours and lots of overtime. I need something other than salary increases to hold them here and that they won’t think is stupid or useless.” Retention of specialized talent in a price-competitive market …
Crossing the River: My Favorite Team-Building Activity Every trainer and facilitator has his/her favorite team-building activity. Some facilitators like the more active interventions such as rope courses; others prefer the more “touchy-feely” ones like trust walks; still others like using blindfolded instruction, or simulations like Gold of the Desert Kings. Of course, the most appropriate …
I just returned from a conference at which Meg Wheatley spoke about her new book: So Far From Home. Some would say the picture she paints of our global situation is bleak, dark even. I feel that it is accurate, even if it is difficult to face. But her book is not really about what …
Asking questions prompts answers. Asking great questions can result in great information about a potential job seeker’s qualifications. Here are a list of questions to ask to find out more about the person and to determine how good a match there is between the individual and the job. Warm-Up Questions Tell me about yourself. What …
Facilitators often use breakout groups to increase involvement and get more done in a short amount of time. However, following breakout groups, there is typically a report-back process. During the report-back, each team presents its results to the other teams. Yet, one of the challenges with the standard report-back process is that people generally are …