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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups (PCGs) We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still …
Protecting yourself from an increasingly sophisticated threat Your credit card information is probably already for sale on the black market, sad to say. But odds are you’ll be hacked in a more insidious way in 2016, sadder to say. Your identity has by now been logged into some vast spy database in a foreign country …
An enlightening infographic for the season The holidays are a massive season for retailers, but did you realize many other organizations face added reputation risk from their own customers in the season as well? Time is short, folks feel frenzied, and that means patience is at a low. That irritated individual who just walked out …
Regulators losing patience with auto industry deception When the massive auto industry airbag recalls were first announced we were critical of the airbags’ manufacturer Takata and the way it chose to handle crisis management. Now, months down the road, Takata’s failure to come clean is resulting in serious monetary loss. At $200 million, the fine …
A bit of PR can go a long way Everyone makes mistakes, and although the public is quick to punish they’re also quick to forgive if you truly show you understand your error and are working to correct it. An email we received from the spice purveyors at Penzeys showed a great understanding of this …
New additions to the Bernstein Crisis Management Resource Library We love to remember those who helped us learn by sharing our own knowledge with the community. Recently, we decided to start giving away the formerly $10 PDF version of Jonathan Bernstein’s media training manual, Keeping the Wolves at Bay. Now, from Bernstein Crisis Management’s Home …
Learning more about this common cause of crisis Unchecked conflict in the workplace has been proven to impact employee retention, new hires, productivity, and your bottom line. With studies like the one behind this Conflict Tango infographic showing as many as 85% of any given workforce has experienced conflict in the workplace, you can’t afford …
What does your online activity tell others about you? If you pay any mind to the news or happenings on social media you’ll see a constant stream of people landing themselves in serious trouble as a result of online activity. So many, in fact, that we created the Weiner Awards in their honor. Despite that, …