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Proving Reputation is Your Most Valuable Asset

Protecting your reputation is a prime crisis management concern We’ve said for years that reputation is an organization’s most valuable asset, an assertion backed up again and again by real-life experience. In his Managing Outcomes newsletter, our friend and colleague Tony Jaques recently shared two real-world examples which directly support this belief. Here’s a quote: …

Checklist: 8 Tips for Transforming Virtual Meetings

While Richard Smith and I wrote CLICK: The Virtual Meetings Book, we received many questions on quick and easy ways meeting leaders can prepare for and begin virtual meetings on the right track. Here are 8 practical tips to help you prepare for and start virtual meetings to completely (yet easily) transform your outcomes.

4 Methods for Reviewing Decisions

Throughout a facilitated session, you use three parking boards to track important information: The "decisions list" identified decisions or recommendations made by the group during the session. The “issues list” included topics that need to be discussed later in the session or entirely outside the session. The "actions list" documented actions to be performed sometime after the completion of the session. At the end of the meeting, review all three parking boards, starting with the decisions list.

Painting the Picture – A Sample Visioning Exercise

To help determine your organization’s goals, utilize a visualization exercise that guides the team through a scenario ten or more years into the future. The scenario should paint a picture in which the organization is achieving tremendous success. The visualization should help participants see what was accomplished, how it was accomplished, and how customers, employees, competitors, and any other significant stakeholders view the organization.

The 2013 Millennial Impact Research Report – Focus on Benchmarks

One of the best features of this report is its recommendation section – called Millennial Impact Benchmarks. The Millennial Impact Benchmarks provide a path that any organization can follow to develop its culture toward Millennial engagement. The system is three phases levels—Millennial Inviting, Millennial Immersion, and Millennial Impact each describing how you can work with Millennials to connect, involve, and give at each level.

How to Find the Right Coach, Part I

Website Demo Realistic expectations. Is it the same for finding the right business coach as it is for any other kind of coach? Only if you want one that will work. I just came from the world of a voice over (VO) coaching professional group on LinkedIn. The social network for professionals seem to give …

How to Protect Employees from the Anti-Leader

If only this were a fairy tale, it would begin “Once upon a time…” but it is not and has to begin and end differently. Hopefully, with some proactive training we can help employees to not get into this situation, and provide help if they do. Keep in mind that no matter how dreary this …

The 3 “Es” of High Energy

High energy does three important things: It energizes the topic. It engages the participants. It elevates the facilitator.

CFC Summer 2013 Action Planning – Part 3

CFC Special Events & Resources There are many/various types of CFC special events that are held before and during the solicitation period of a CFC campaign. The best known are the CFC charity fairs, but other special events and resources that a CFC charity should be aware of are: Speaker’s Bureaus Loaned Executives Open Houses …