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    How to Self-Reflect: Guidelines and Resources

    Copyright Carter McNamara, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

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    What is Self-Reflection?

    Wikipedia defines self-reflection as “… the capacity of humans to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about their fundamental nature, purpose and essence.

    Researchers and educators are emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, especially as means to continually learn from our own experiences. It is important because the world is rapidly changing around us like never before. What we learn today can become obsolete tomorrow.

    Self-reflection is a term that many us believed was in the realm of psychology and therapy. Yet, many of us self-reflect on a regular basis, and don’t know that the term is applying very much to what we are doing.

    For example, when we think back on our lives, we might recall painful lessons that we learned and do not want to repeat. We also might recall times that when we were particularly courageous — times that we particularly proud of. That activity of thinking back is essentially the nature of self-reflection. Especially
    as we gain more experiences in our lives, as our lives are changing and as we encounter more complex situations and problems, the ability to self-reflect becomes even more important.

    Here are additional perspectives on reflecting and self-reflection.

    How to Improve Your Self-Reflection

    As with any skill, it takes practice. First, you get new information about how something could be done and then you practice applying that information.

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