I was asked once to review some automated programming services a state was offering. Funny thing, there was a statement that said, “If someone is available to answer your call, they will–if not call call later.” Good customer service? Someone thought so. I was appalled. This has to do with both customer service and training. …
Professional Development/
Improving Yourself
Trust is built over time through caring, reliability, and genuine support. It’s torn down far quicker than it is built. Teams don’t succeed and organizational change efforts won’t succeed without trust. Yet how intentional are teams and most work environments in building trust? Lencioni’s popular book, Five Dysfunctions of a Team, has the foundation block …
People react very differently to the waves of change that suddenly flood the work and marketplace. Some, who feel confused or unsettled struggle to keep their heads above water gasping for air. By contrast, others, who may not even like or agree with the changes, nevertheless accept them, get on with their lives and swim …
Guest Blogger – Jacqueline Ryan Brodnitzki, President , Conscious Success LLC In my previous blog post we introduced the 4 keys to easily accomplish more and discussed the first two keys in detail. As a reminder, here are the 4 Keys to accomplishing more: Become aware of your attention Notice when your attention is strongest …
The person who is going to be successful is not going to succeed just because of good work. That is a given. It is expected. You get ahead of and stay ahead of the crowd by managing your competitive advantage. Here are three ways to do it. 1. Think of Your Career As A Business. …
Hello- I’m out of the country for the next few weeks so will have some guest bloggers covering for me. I met Jacqueline through a LinkedIn group where we shared a similar interest in spirituality and work. She is a former corporate sales manager turned yoga instructor and now offers corporate programs for wellness focusing …
Do you want to know how to jump-start or advance your professional career? There are three keys. Here’s the first one: Monitor your changing environment so you won’t be caught off guard. Visualize your career environment as one huge jigsaw puzzle. It consists of your present job, your company, your industry, your profession, your regional, …