I recently received an email from my mom saying a dear colleague of hers had a heart attack and was in failing health. I was truly saddened by this news. This woman had become an aunt of sorts; she was a long-time family friend, having worked with my mom for more than 30 years. It …
Professional Development/
Improving Yourself
Let’s admit it – most of us are on cruise control! Then suddenly we realize our career may be in jeopardy. All of a sudden we’re scrambling to do something fast! The Solution: Pay attention to these four situations that can put you in the “hot seat” and your career in a potential down spiral. …
I had a challenging conversation recently with a business woman. She was really upset about something I had done, and as I was trying to fix the problem, she screamed at me. It’s not fun to have someone scream at you, especially when you are trying to help them. Ever have one of those conversations? …
Friends, colleagues and family can be great resources for career planning and career advice. But we also need relationships with a variety of individuals and groups to help us succeed. For example, we need people who can offer information or expertise; who are influential or can provide political insights; who will give us candid feedback …
A speaker shared the analogy of “Panning for Gold” as a metaphor for finding God’s love. Just like when you are trying to pan for gold there is a lot of dirt or muck that needs to be sifted through first before you can even see the gold hidden within. This is like our lives, …
It’s that time of year again – Tax season. Funny how tax time is also the time of planting and tending to gardens. I am reminded of the quote of Jesus, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and give unto God what is God’s”. What are you planting or tending through your taxes and tithing? …
“There’s too much wrangling and maneuvering going on. Joe really knows how to get on his boss’s good side. I hate this politicking….I just want to do my job.” These are things I hear in my career management and development programs. Are these the types of comments you might make as well? Whether you hate …