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Carter McNamara

Carter McNamara’s posts

So What is Coaching?

The field of personal and professional coaching has grown rapidly in the past 15 years…

Leadership Skills

Benefits of Involving Boards in Change Projects – Part 1

Especially for boards in change projects for small- to medium-sized corporations, the Board can be…

Business Laws & Ethics

Consultant — What’s Your Natural Approach to Problem Solving?

As a consultant, you work with clients to solve problems. Or, perhaps your philosophy is…

Consulting & Freelancing

Quick Tips for Consulting to Small Organizations

There’s a lot of money available to help small businesses, and it seems like there’ll…

Consulting & Freelancing

As a Consultant, Know When You’re Giving Away Too Much

Free Advice Too Often Backfires On You During a recession when potential clients are more…

Consulting & Freelancing

In The Combined Federal Campaign, Little Things Mean a Lot

Relationships Are Key. Those three words summarize all practical and academic research about fundraising. It…

Financing & Loans

Company Culture: It Cannot Run and It Cannot Hide (from Social Media)

The following is a guest post from Anne Marie Smith. Let’s play a quick word…

Organization Development

The CFC is the Most Donor Friendly Means of Giving

In a CFC campaign, each Federal employee gets a pledge card with a long list…

Financing & Loans

What is the CFC and Where to Apply: The Nuts & Bolts

In workplace giving, workers solicit funds from their co-workers, and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)…

Financing & Loans

Summary Principles for Staying Sane When Leading Others

Staying Sane When Leading Others: Summary Principles Everyone in management has gone through the transition…

Leadership Skills

Some Unique Nonprofit Board Models (Part 2 of 2)

(See Part 1 of 2) Relationship Model Steven Block proposes a model that, instead of…

Business Laws & Ethics

Tell Us What You Want

This blog is for you, the reader. We take your feedback very seriously. Please take…

Improving Yourself

Tell Us What You Want

This blog is for you, the reader. We take your feedback very seriously. Please take…

Improving Yourself

5 Leadership Skills for Project Managers

Guest post from Claudia Vandermilt: As a project manager, your teams rely on your leadership…

PM Methodologies

Some Frameworks and Models of Project Management

The following list was graciously contributed by Marc Bonnemains, and is from a LinkedIn discussion…

PM Methodologies

7 Important Principles of Total Quality Management

7 Vital Total Quality Management Principles Guest post from Quin Harris Total Quality Management (TQM)…

Organization Development