3 Reasons You NEED To Know Crisis Management Best Practices

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    Are you ready to face a crisis head-on?

    While nobody wakes up in the morning eager to face a crisis, it only takes one look at the headlines today to see that crises can (and do!) come out of nowhere. They impact organizations of all shapes and sizes, from small local charities or “Mom and Pop” operations to global Fortune 500 companies and everything in between.

    The reality is that you’re bound face situations that could easily become crises constantly, and some of these situations will become a true threat to your reputation, and your bottom line. Understanding the risks and opportunities in these situations can make or break your organization, but to capitalize the right way – and with the necessary speed – you need to know what you’re doing in advance!

    Here are our Top 3 Reasons You NEED To Know Crisis Management Best Practices:

    1. Recognizing a crisis early on speeds response. Today’s audiences expect communications within minutes of learning about an issue, leaving no time to “learn as you go” when a true crisis situation appears.
    2. Plans are useless unless you know your best practices. You may have a crisis plan gathering dust somewhere, but plans are only worth the paper they’re printed on if nobody knows enough basics to actually execute.
    3. Being prepared saves money. Knowing how you will detect, prevent, and respond to crisis situations reduces reaction time, increases effectiveness of your response, and overall leads to less lost business due to negative issues of all kinds, from the “small but sticky” to full-blown crises that threaten to close your doors for good!

    One of the most common statements heard from clients we assist with breaking issues is, “I wish we would have gotten started on crisis management sooner.” The place to start is learning best practices, and the time to do it is now.

    If you’re interested in taking the next step, we’re now offering a free preview of our new e-Learning course on Crisis Management Best Practices.

    [Erik Bernstein is vice president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., an international crisis management consultancy.]

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    For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management