Get Press! (Part Two of Two)

Ten Ways to Make Headlines

Although there’s no way that one simple formula could work for everyone, getting great PR is not out of reach, even with a tight budget and no training. We’re talking about basic ways to support a great story. There are ten things you should know, according to Entrepreneur Magazine. Last time we covered #1-5, and today’s post: 6-10.

6. “Follow up on Correspondence”

Once you’ve sent that press release or story pitch, be sure to follow up appropriately and timely. Look at it from their perspective. They have tight deadlines and a bazillion emails. It’s just a fact of life that they can’t read everything right away. So help them out and direct their attention to your submission. Call or email – and give them the boost they may need to pay attention to your great story.

7. “Don’t Carpet-Bomb Reporters”

In other words, the shotgun approach doesn’t work. Instead of sending your message to dozens of reporters (editors, bloggers), choose the 5-6 that are most influential and most likely to be interested in your niche. Chances are that you will be better able to follow up with these few – and make an impact.

8. “Keep Your Promises”

If you make claims, such as “revolutionary new…”, “breaking news …”, “exclusive story…” – it’s vitally important that you deliver as promised. If you’re capturing their interest with puffery, you’ll lose their trust (and likely never regain it). So be real. One time-tested motto: “Under-promise and over-deliver”.

9. “Stress Relationship-Building”

It’s important to establish the same type of healthy relationship with your press contacts as you establish with your coworkers. Think long term. If a story you pitch doesn’t make it, ask what they DO want. If a story they run about you has some inaccuracies, stay calm and don’t make it a ‘lose’ for them. Don’t burn bridges.

10. “Establish a Winning Track Record”

You are the representative of your company. If your press contacts like you, they will probably also like your company. Be considerate, and professional in all your dealings with them – always. They’re under pressure, so your kindness WILL make a difference.

Tell us about a great local story you read recently. Why was it so interesting?


For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman:

Ms. Chapman’s new book has a name change! The Net-Powered Entrepreneur – A Step-by-Step Guide will be available very soon. With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business and marketing coach, business planning consultant and social media consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media consulting firm, Lisa Chapman helps clients to establish and enhance their online brand, attract their target market, engage them in meaningful social media conversations, and convert online traffic into revenues. Email: Lisa @