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485 results found

Designing Training for Creative Minds

We want to change people’s minds, influence their attitudes, and pass on some new ideas. Is it even possible to train someone to be more creative? Are we talking about minds in general. Or, vision? We are all creative in our own way. Generally if you look at programs that seek to train leaders, they …

Training and Development: Differences and Priorities

It’s definitely who we are on this site: trainers and developers–or should we say development managers or counselors, or guidance counselors, leadership directors? I admit we don’t hear those terms often in business (depending on our business, of course), but we could very easily hear them in another context or organization that has the same …

A Simple Training Plan: Five No Cost Solutions

In my organization it was decided we had depended on technology and already available computer training too long. The leadership and management had to admit that there were knowledge gaps in our workforce. People with valuable corporate knowledge were leaving or retiring who we couldn’t replace for budget reasons, but we still needed to get …

Defining Managers and Leaders — Training for All

Often combined, often confused, often misused is the best way to describe the relationship between Management and Leadership. Here is the problem for trainers: they aren’t the same thing. Training one is teaching nuts and bolts to a mechanic. One is more mechanic than engineer. Ask yourself if it is better to have one leader …

How to Succeed with Outcome-Based Training

We aren’t the only ones concerned with training outcomes. According to an Army Times article title, Soldier Training is in For a Big Overhaul, Lt. Gen. Benjamin C. Freakley, commander of Accessions Command, says “We sometimes get overly focused on goals — passing a PT test, qualifying with a weapon, learning Army values and being …

5 Leadership Skills for Project Managers

Guest post from Claudia Vandermilt: As a project manager, your teams rely on your leadership skills to guide and encourage productivity and project success. When provided with quality leadership, team members often respond positively; they build stronger relationships and rise to project challenges brought forth by their leader. Arm yourself with these five critical leadership …

Crisis Leadership in Japan

Quake leaves residents looking to Prime Minister After an initial response slowed by the sheer magnitude of the disaster, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has stepped up to his role as the head of crisis management for the beleaguered country. Following yet another explosion at the Fukushima power plant, Kan took the reins, as described …

Why Isn’t All Training Like Training for Your Black Belt?

We call it professional development training. Here’s a little different take. I call it, The Black Belt Art of Training. My middle school children have been taking the same kind of training for years. ract among most trainers, I think. But do tell me if I have hit on something we are doing later. We …

The Creative Leadership No-Brainer, Part II

You have heard it all before every time business goes through a rough patch. “It’s time our leaders got creative.” Actually, it’s time we all got creative. “Creative people just drive you crazy.” “They have no social skills–well limited ones.” However, you know creative people so you have to watch getting them angry. “They could …

The Creative Leadership No-Brainer, Part I

Even more creativity is going to be needed if we are to continue thriving in the business market. According to IBM’s Institute for Business Value, a survey of 1500 CEOs revealed that “creativity is the single most important attribute to lead a large corporation.” Training our creative corporate staff how to lead and our leaders …