In some of his groundbreaking work in psychotherapy,Carl Jung coined the phrase ‘Shadow’ as those aspects of our self that we hide, deny, or avoid. Here’s a good short introduction to the Shadow- ShadowWork Seminar and Video What is Shadow? We spend mental, emotional, and spiritual energy stuffing traits and hiding behaviors we’d rather not …
Professional Development/
Improving Yourself
I came across an African proverb recently and it has some relevant lessons we can all apply to our day to day lives and managing our careers. Here it is! “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the fastest lion. …
I love the music and lyrics of Faith Rivera. She’s a fabulous singer and messenger. Her performances are energizing, inspiring, and touching. I want to share this video clip that I use in some of my programs to get energized. Listen to the music and let it fill you with positive energy. See which lines …
Even if your performance review is due at a later date, you should start getting ready now. Put your best foot forward with these four strategies. 1. Know the system. To get the most from the experience and present yourself in the best light, understand how your company handles reviews, beginning with the form (s) …
The words we use make a world of difference. If you look at the words “word” and “world”, there is only one letter difference and that’s a “l.” I believe the more we respect, honor and love the words in our lives, the more it will open up our world. Take my two-year-old son. Now …
Believe it or not, there is a positive side to this, but be careful what you wish for. As they should, all employees should receive supervisory, management, and leadership training–if only to know their functions. Often the training is job-related or of a more general nature. The training helped this young man know the differences …
In an earlier blog this year, I wrote about the influence of Martin Luther King Jr. on my life and his approach to social justice and peace. To create the Beloved Community we don’t need to have the gift of oration that King had, we don’t need to make tremendous sacrifices or put our life …