Do you feel that you’ve gone as far as you can with your current employer? Are there signs that you’ve hit what’s known as the “glass ceiling?” This is the point at which you can clearly see the next level of promotion yet, despite your best effort, something is stopping your career advancement. If you …
Professional Development/
Improving Yourself
I’m starting to see and hear things that make you wonder. Am I about to be let go? Should I start looking for another job fast? Or should I hold on and hope it won’t happen? That was a call from Jack who had attended my presentation “Career Power: How to Build !t Keep It!” …
I wrote my first book, Path for Greatness: Work as Spiritual Service, to support people who want to integrate their spiritual life with their work life. On my book tours, I heard wonderful and amazing stories of people who were able to work spiritually. They were authentically present at work- mind, body and spirit. Others …
I thank my favorite Western University psychology professor, Dr. Willis McCann. Mental Health, I think the name of the course was, for helping me with this seemingly huge problem they have to try to save the world. While we would like to, we can’t but we are already equipped with the “computer” that can do …
Happy Valentine’s Day! According to a recent email from The World Grace Project, Scientists now believe 70% of the Universe is comprised of Dark Energy.” Maybe that Dark Energy manifests itself as FEAR in people, in all its forms!” When I read this I was shocked and saddened. I also believe that today, Valentine’s Day, …
Imagine that you’ve been offered two different positions and you have to decide which one you want. Or perhaps you’re already in a good job, but something that seems to be a better opportunity comes up in another company. To make a wise decision you must operate on two levels: The rational with our head …
Too many people today spend their waking hours doing work they hate, or at least barely tolerate. What a waste of human potential. At a time when we need more people to contribute solutions to our pressing problems, to bring energy to help businesses succeed, to find new paths for a better world, we can …