Overview: Board Operations and Systems

Sections of this topic

    Overview: Board Operations and Systems

    © Copyright Carter
    McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

    Vast majority of content
    in this topic applies to for-profits and nonprofits. This book also covers this topic.

    Developing, Operating and Restoring Your Nonprofit Board - Book Cover

    Sections of This Topic Include

    Recurring, Annual Operations
    Overall “System” of Board

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    Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to This Topic

    In addition to the articles on this current page, also see
    the following blogs that have posts related to this topic. Scan
    down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also see the section
    “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click
    on “next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The
    blog also links to numerous free related resources.

    Boards of Directors Blog

    Nonprofit Capacity Building Blog

    Recurring, Annual Operations

    Boards meet their responsibilities usually by conducting certain
    major activities at certain times of the year. Often, the bylaws
    specify when certain activities will be conducted. Activities
    include, for example, conducting regular Board meetings (every
    month, two months, etc.), conducting the Board self-evaluation,
    evaluating the chief executive, reviewing and updating Board and
    personnel policies, conducting strategic planning, recruiting
    new members, holding an annual meeting, reviewing and authorizing
    the yearly budget, conducting fundraising (in the case of nonprofits),
    etc. The following sample Board Operations Calendar lists typical
    recurring activities of the Board and suggests the timing for
    these activities.
    Board Operations Calendar

    Overall “System” of Board

    Below, in the links about systems, are handy one-page depictions
    of the various inputs to the operations of a Board, the Board
    processes that influence those inputs, and the various outputs
    from Board operations. This information gives a concise “snapshot”
    of the recurring activities — the loop of activities — in a
    Board. The links about where Boards “fit” are to one-page
    depictions that indicate the role of the Board in the overall
    planning, development, operations and evaluations in the organization.

    For-Profit Boards

    of the system of a for-profit Board

    of where Board activities “fit” in for-profit organizations

    Nonprofit Boards

    of the system of a nonprofit Board

    of where Board activities “fit” in nonprofit organizations

    ›Return to All About Boards of Directors


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    Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

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