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Basic Skills in Management and Leadership

Free Micro-eMBA Module #4: Building Basic Skills in Management and Leadership © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business and Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff. This learning module is in the organization development program. However, this module can also …

Training and Development — Recommended Books

Recommended Books – Training and Development Basics and General Information Orienting and Training Employees Basics and General Information Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Provides step-by-step, highly practical guidelines to recruit, utilize and evaluate the best employees for your business. Includes guidelines to effectively lead …

Execs Speak on Crisis Management and Crisis Leadership

Deloitte asked more than 2,000 C-suite executives, managers, analysts, and crisis pros from the US and abroad four questions: What type of crisis is your organization least prepared for? In a crisis, who in your organization would lead the response? During a crisis, what do you believe would be your organization’s biggest gap? When did …

Training Day – Professional Development

What is Professional Development? I began this article by looking again at the differences between training and education, or trainers and teachers. In A Look at the Education vs Experience Debate and in an earlier post, What’s the Difference Between Training and Teaching, I made a few comparisons. This time, I thought it might be …

Failure Résumés—A Training Guide for Success

Who says your failures can’t lead to success? Employers it seems. We are fond of saying, “Failure is not an option.” And “when it’s rough, the tough get going.” That may be a positive result of the United States unemployment situation and lagging economy. Today’s unemployed may have failed in nailing a specific job or …

Crisis Management Musts: Compassionate Leadership

Showing you care is critical to crisis communication success Our “Three C’s of Credibility,” the characteristics you must display if you wish to be heard by your target audience, are confidence, competence and compassion. Executives and CEOs we work with typically understand the first two, but many run into a roadblock when it comes to …

Your (Leadership) Role in Establishing Goals

As a leader in your organization, part of your role during strategic planning is to help establish goals that provide a foundation for the rest of the plan. It is important that you ensure the foundation is solid. Here are 4 responsibilities your role requires in ensuring the goals established are strategically developed and aligned with the plan.

What I Learned about Leadership from the Blue and Gold

My career started a long time ago. A combination of luck, timing, and a few connections helped get started in a career I didn’t even know I would like at the time. It turned out to be a career that I loved and stayed with for over a decade. Along the way, I had successes …

3 Keys to Organizational Development Training Strategies

“Where the hell have you men been,” asks the colonel in a 1981 Bill Murray comedy film, Stripes. (video) “Training, Sir,” he answers, drawing out the word “training” until it sounds ridiculous. And funny, of course. The troops, feeling responsible for their sergeant’s hospitalization and under the “emergent” leadership of Murray, had worked all night …

Training in a Truly Foreign Country, Part I

Training in another country is not like training in Cincinnati when you live in Florida. Even when that training is simple. There are some other considerations. In the Far East, or Middle East for that matter, there may not be many signs in English or anything close to English unless it is a picture of …